Monthly Archives October 2006

Green dragon on the road, Orlbar for the winter…

Traveling south from Waterdeep the efk randomly encounters a green dragon. Presumably preying on the roadway the worm makes it’s first flyby. Raineer releases a spell of electricity upon the flying menace. As the creature passes it unleashes its gaseous breath upon the road. Then orthan and his horse are lifted from the road and thrown across the plain. In his flight, orthan is able to drink a potion of gaseous form and save him-self from certain death. His horse, upon smashing accross the land, is returned to its previous owner. (The mount spell is truly demented)
On the second pass the dragon is struck again with electrical magic and finally brought down by a precisely slung20! thudmeister bullet. Orthan rushes to pronounce victory!

The group travels south to Orlbar to seek magical train...

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Evil barred in Waterdeep, new city in the desert lands

The group returns to waterdeep to find the temple of Tharzidun burning and hears rumors of a new desert city…

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