Monthly Archives January 2007

Mazes of tunnels with orcs, drow and other nasty creatures…

The group camps near the river while Greenleaf scouts the vast cavern as a crow. Just down the river there is an island inhabited by the dark elves (drow) and other nasty evil creatures. The group decides to follow the underground river upstream. Raineer polymorphs into a giant sea turtle and allows Thud to ride on his back. Max turns into an eagle and Orthan rides his carpet with Greenleaf in his pocket as a snake.
The party travels upstream for about an hour before entering a small tunnel of the main river. The passage leads to a maze of narrow underground tunnels. Making there way through the dark the group is surprised by creatures that have three legs and camouflage themselves like the cavern walls. They are very strong and agile. Orthan is killed with one blow...

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Skullport to Waterdeep, The Journey Begins…

Upon arrival in Skullport the party finds their way to Orthan’s apartment. The apartment is mostly a small cave along the rock-face of the vast cavern. Raineer and Max lend their druidical hands by using stone shape to make the interior more accommodating, while Raineer and Skilver use material spells to flesh out the rooms with furniture. Dragon slayers to interior decorators…
Orthan begins to wander the city trying to find a passage up to the tunnels above the city. After a long search he discovers nothing other than, his purse has been stolen by someone in the crowd. Skilver casts an augury spell seeking guidance from his deity Belial. He discovers that the Shadow Pass would be the best course of action to take...

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