Monthly Archives May 2007

The Lady Gasping…

After spending a week nursing the fallen cleric back to health and generally recuperating from the tussle with the milk demons, our group ponders their situation. The cleric reports that during his coma, he was visited by a minion of Belial and berated for his actions. As a result he is denied spells above 4th level until the situation is remedied and a temple is constructed. The newly found fighter comrade lies a-moldering near the edge of the demon pool and there is still no idea about how to enter the tomb.

Some scouting reveals an entrance even further up the side of the mountain – trapped – of a vampire-fanged woman of cruel mien. Further below is a tomb entrance with a inscription dedicating it to the Lady Gasping...

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On to the tomb of the gasping lady

Fleeing the ‘unprovoked’ slaying of one of the group, out party finds themselves near Mirabar, in the Spine of the World. The tough descendant of some of the original mining families that helped settle the frozen northern reaches populates this hash region sparely. The group arrives in one such small village and meets with a half-orc fighter. This tongue less individual bears a scrap of parchment identifying himself as Korghn Yellaw. The cleric Belial immediately casts a charm person upon him and presses him into service, which the dim-witted fighter gleefully accepts.

Inquiries about town lead the characters to the home of a wizened individual with apparent knowledge of the location of the tomb of lady gasping...

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Ambush in Krusty’s Tavern

Upon the return to the CotIO, the group meets with K.Rus-T’s silent disapproval for the mission failure. The merchant group is more vocal in their dismay, though they do concede that the information was dated. The minimum is paid and the group reconvenes to address the pesky golem damage. Tis an odd time in the city. Catastrophic fires swept through much of the city – but only in areas where the inhabitants were either a) poor, b) not politically in favor or c) on particularly strategic parcels of real estate. The sudden drop in housing, storage, goods and services has set off a round of inflation that sees prices increasing by as much as 50% in as little as a tenday. The group’s funds are under pressure…

Skilver sets off to try and enlist the support of the Church of B...

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