Monthly Archives July 2012

Hooray for the Golemsword!

The morning brings with it a blizzard of epic proportions, but by the afternoon, the temperature has spiked well into the 90s. The group takes the time to analyze, propose, repropose, reanalyze and finally abandon all manner of plan. Eventually they cobble together a workable solution and set off on a 18 mile row to the next island. This one is ringed with mountains and statuary appears everywhere. Fearing basilisks or medusae the group proceeds with caution to the main structure on the island, the ruins of the merchant prince’s mansion.
There, they spend hours searching through the ruins.

As a category 5 hurricane starts to make landfall and some of the statuary becomes airborne, they discover a trapdoor that leads below ground...

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Off with their heads!

After purchasing passage on a vessel, the party is given a longboat and a map of the vicinity. When the ship draws within three miles of the easternmost island (The Isle of Lonely Shoulders), they disembark and begin rowing. Birds of various sorts (Barada, Bud and the
globefalcon) are sent to investigate the island. They report back…standard jungle island, plus a 30 foot tall statue of a jackal headed man, and a cave entrance into one of the volcano peaks. There is a beach on the far side of the island, and so the group rows on.
While the rest row, Bud in bird form goes to get a closer look at the cave. He is nearly zapped out of the sky by some sort of ray.
Alarmed, the group frets while they row...

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Who called for an exterminator?

Deciding that the least plausible course of action for the Lords of Waterdeep is to go help out a bunch of scruffy pipeweed farmers living in some backwoods hollow, that is exactly what they decide to do. Who would expect it? Even if they were discovered…who would believe it?
So, wrapped in a shroud of implausibility they venture to the Laughing Hollow. There they encounter a trio of hobbit families who are singularly unimpressed by their titles and finery, and infinitely more concerned with whether or not they can assist in unraveling the mysterious disappearance of Boffo Cosgrove.

They gain entrance to the hobbit hole and spend a lengthy period of time investigating the disheveled interior...

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