Monthly Archives December 2012

Plunder amidst the chaos

Maintaining the advantage created by their blitzkrieg assault, the party moves onward, examining an abandoned barracks (probably the home of the now deceased bodyguards) and moving to open a set of double doors. The doors reveal a hallway, the end of which has been retrofitted to accommodate a party of hill giants and their pet bears. Dalliance softens them up with a lightning bolt and Demming hurls a missile from a necklace of missiles and burns the rest. The monks scale the barricades, and a few moments later the fight is over. The bears do some gnawing upon Feaster and Ron’j! is struck unconscious – but the party quickly recovers and moves to another door off the long hall. Locked and barred – knocked and opened,

Inside the party faces off against the matriarch of the fire giant clan...

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Yeah, but it is a dry heat….

Deciding that the wintery northlands are getting too hot to be enjoyed fully, the group takes a vacation to the jungles far to the south. Luckily for them, Dalliance remembers the village where they stayed and so the group skips over a long overland journey and a longer sea voyage in favor of a teleport to the final destination. When they arrive they pump the villagers for information. As it turns out, things this close to ‘civilization’ are pretty settled – poisonous snakes and flesh-eating monkeys notwithstanding.
The group sets out on an overland journey with a guide hired from the village. The guide guides them to the next village where the questions and guide-hiring are repeated. Eventually they arrive at a village in the deep jungles near the slopes of a trio of active volcanos...

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