Monthly Archives April 2013

This is the ballad of Ti’Karu: His life was short and now ’tis through.

Returning to the maze of the mad wizard seems like a good idea, especially in light of the coins which they plundered last time. They hazard a guess as to the location of the rest of the stash and make their way back into the maze – into the teleportation stairs (protected from fire this time, thanks) and emerge in front of the door – now no longer protected by an illusion, but protected by a tripwire trap involving a falling potion of explosions – that nearly slays Ron’j!. This leads to rapid deployment of much healing, then a decision to try and circle around and approach the room from the entertainment district direction – and by the way – maybe we can stop and plunder some magic from the depths of the specter pit.

A quick flyover reveals only specters and no magic...

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We’re on a road to a door to nowhere…but at least it isn’t here.

Rested and refreshed, the group re-emerges from behind (another) wall of stone and plans the assault upon the giant stronghold. Ti’Karu creates an illusionary army of kobolds and the group trails behind them invisibly, relying on his ability to detect illusions to prevent their swift descent into the pit. WHen the group is close, Demming releases a bombardment of boulders to smash into the tower and the rest of the group ‘charges’. Ti’Karu and Bud and Ron’j! form one trio while Dalliance and Barada trail a bit further behind.
Group one plunges through a pit and would die an untimely death but for Dalliance’s swift Feather Fall spell – which saves them from the ground, but plants them amidst the spectres...

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