Monthly Archives May 2013

Gnome and Clature

Emerging from the waygate, the group eavesdrops for a bit then goes to offer their services to the Baron of the Bloodstone province. There is a history of foreign involvement in the region, so the offer is gratefully accepted. The first set of tasks are to investigate the outlying communities of the centaurs, halflings and dwarves that surround the barony, The group agrees and makes preparations to depart at first light.

The morning slumber is interrupted by a commotion that ends up being a wolf-pack attack on the church. The grisly scene is put to rights by Dalliance and Co. with fire and fletching. The grisly scene inside the church is investigated and anomalies are detected...

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We came, we saw, we left, we went back – but it was gone.

The opening doors herald the arrival of a Kua-Toa monk and a ring-wearing troll. The monk deals some wicked blows before being KO’d and the troll – although battering Bud Feaster near to death – swiftly follows suit. The party begins exploring – uncovering a storeroom, a bunch of bedchambers and a bathing pool. One remaining door leads to a room with a double locked door on the other side. The magics of Dalliance are brought to bear and the door is opened. Nil presses into the room and is assassinated. While his body slumps to the floor, the rest of the party dispatches the elf that slew him and is startled by the illusion of a mind flayer observing them. The rod of resurrection is used to restore the fallen one – welcome to death Mr. Nils – and the group presses on.
They search and desce...

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She never mentioned the L-word to me…

In Shadowdale, the party shops and dithers, recruiting a new fighter to help the party with the muscle to spellcaster ratio. Various political intrigues are discussed and the researching of magic items if investigated further. Barada bargains with the church of Lathander to get his wand recharged…hehhehe…and Dalliance investigates the dragon orb/claw/stand combination item looted long ago. The oldest party members discuss their ‘life-after-death’ options since there is a dark and vengeful god that has laid claim to their souls many years ago. Dalliance opts for litchdom as the lesser of two evils and offers to have Barada infected with vampirism so he need not die either – so they could continue to ‘hang out’. What a pal!

When the fighter has filled out he requisite paperwork to join the g...

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