Get into mah belleh!

Passing through the portal in the skeletal remain of the prehistoric eel-thingy, the group steps into a vast expanse of sand under a sunless sky – though it is bright and well lit nonetheless. After some wandering, the sound of surf is heard. Eventually, the group reaches an encampment of sorts, where the tattered remains of a tent and the mangled remains of a guard are found. Scraps of paper indicate that others were here and have sailed on the sea. The gem of seeing reveals an emerald mist stretched across the water, \far away.
The group deploys the boats and is off into the surf. After several hours of rowing and paddling, they reach the mist and pass through to reveal a large island jutting out of the sea. Exploration of island leads to a discussion with a witchy figure who points out a path up the side of the mountain, Assorted jungle vines try to strangle the party, but they win through and arrive at a tomb of an ancient warrior. While most of the party is transfixed by the tragic tale of the warrior that guards the Vessel of Souls, the spectral form of the warrior rises through the coffin lid and tries to drain the life out of them,. Luckily, Goldpiece is standing by with the Mace of Disruption and blasts it out of existence with a single blow. With this, the statue of the insanely beautiful woman at the rear of the tomb crumbles and reveals an opening that stinks of corruption.
Entering the tombwomb, the group descends and twists and turns and eventually lands upon a landing that stretches out over a vast vista of tortured souls, tormented by flying demonythings. A floating bridge that shifts in the wails of the damned is their only path forward, so forward they go. Eventually, the path angles upwards and climbs along a giant pile of coffins – filled with trapped souls, it would seem.
At the top of the hill, a ceremony is taking place. Ungern, priests, guards, wizards and a beautiful – stunning – enthralling woman stand atop the coffin mountain. The group charges and a short but pitched battle seems them win through the ranks of the guards, in time to see the beautiful woman remove a mask from here face that covered her mouth and jaw. She and a wizardly sort step through a portal from which pours a yellow mist.
As they prepare to give chase,a slew of tentacles push through to portal and the fight is one again!

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