On the road again…

The group does one final round of head-scratching and decides that it might be time to finally come to grips with the threat rising in the east. With the Vessel of Souls in tow, they board a ship – fight off a swarm of sahuagin – and land near Botkinburg. After a brief visit they journey to see Miles in Ludensheim, pausing to revel in the glory of their restoring him to power. From there, the journey along the Giant’s Causeway proves to be largely uneventful and as the group draws near the swamps, they depart the road and travel overland through the fields of the dead. There, they are beset by a small army of zombies, but the combined efforts of cleric, paladin and helm-toting elf reduces them to so much dust.

From there it is a peaceful journey through rolling fields, skirting far north of the armed camp of Grafika until the cross a river and find themselves near one end of an elevated causeway that runs into the heart of the swamps and towards the walls of Aufstrag.

Over the course of the next three days they journey along the causeway, passing three great gatehouses, two of which are in ruins. As they journey, they battle with a flock of griffons and a small army of ocrs and ungern backed by giants and trolls. Between the elf’s gem powered mayhem and the spells, staves and sundry wielded by the mage the party is never in serious danger. Following the last assault, the group pauses to rest and prepare themselves for what must lie ahead.

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