We’re on a road to nowhere…

After buying some goods, the party mounts up and starts to travel southward along the Easting Reach. Within a tenday they arrive at Uthmere. There, the cleric and paladin visit the local church of Torm, while Malchor, Kreus and Thunderbear journey to the seedier side of town to seek items magical. Arriving at the Bloody Hook in the morning allows them time to survey the place. Some bribery and a willingness to consume stolen wine earns a visit to the fence, Haggling commences and the wizard departs a bit lighter in gold, but with a fine cloak and a set of silverware. The group spends one last night in luxury and then departs in the morn.
The journey southward is largely uneventful, aside from a chance encounter with some red-hatted goblins stealing cattle, The group charges, the goblins disperse and the cattle are repurposed as pack animals and food.
Eventually the group turns into the forests in search of the Barony of Botkinburg. The path is treacherous and narrow and the group is ambushed a few times by goblins wearing red hats, but a show of force disperses them quickly and eventually the group makes its way into the town.
Introductions are made and the problems facing the duke are outlined: red-hatted goblin raiders disrupting trade and wreaking havoc, a frenemy dukedom to the north, and a roguish scalawag of a brigand between here and there. Questions?

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