No diving in the hallow end of the lava pool!

After plundering the transmuter’s lair and stripping his shelves of books and journals, the group returns to the temple of evil. After three days of trying they manage to dispel the trap that guards the door and enter the room. Along the way, they discover that one of the mice is a transmuted monk, who – upon rescue – offers his services to the party. One of the other mice is a cockatrice – scary! They also use the rust shield to eat through the portcullis that bars their progress deeper into the complex and find a stair that leads down to a ‘T’ intersection that radiates traps and magic in both directions.

The group finally enters the temple and the priest begins the ceremony. As he chants, the rest of the party spreads out around the perimeter and stands guard. The elf detects a previously undetected secret door and moves closer to take a look. It is tehn that the mage-specter attacks, but a swift blow from the mace of disruption sends it screaming off to the abyss.

Once the ceremony is completed, the group enters the secret door and battles the specters of several paladins of Tyr and Torm. The restless dead are dispatched and the room is plundered.

As is the case after a successful operation, the incessant question of ‘now what’ rears its ugly head.

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