Master Spell List

Absorb Mind•* 35

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd 35

Absorb Strength•* 36

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 4th 36

Acid Arrow* 36

Wizard– 2nd 36

Acid Storm* 36

Wizard– 6th 36

Addiction•* 36

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 2nd 36

Affect Normal Fires* 37

Wizard– 1st 37

Aid* 37

Cleric – 2nd 37

Air or Water Walk* 37

Cleric – 4th 37

Airy Water* 37

Wizard– 5th 37

Alarm* 37

Druid, Wizard– 1st 37

Alter Self* 38

Illusionist – 2nd 38

Alter Size* 38

Wizard– 1st 38

Amanuensis* 38

Cleric – 5th, Wizard– 3rd 38

Angelic Image* 38

Illusionist – 2nd 38

Angry Ache•* 39

Cleric – 1st 39

Animal Friendship* 39

Druid – 1st 39

Animal Growth* 39

Druid – 5th 39

Animal Messenger* 39

Druid – 2nd 39

Animal Shapes* 40

Druid – 8th 40

Animate Dead / Preserve Dead* 40

Cleric – 3rd, Wizard – 5th 40

Animate Rock* 40

Druid – 7th 40

Anti-Illusion Shield* 41

Illusionist – 6th 41

Anti-Life Shell* 41

Druid – 6th 41

Anti-Magic Shell* 41

Wizard – 6th 41

Antipathy* / Sympathy* 41

Cleric, Druid – 9th, Wizard, Illusionist – 8th 41

Anti-Plant Shell* 42

Druid – 4th 42

Apocalypse from the Sky•* 42

Cleric, Wizard – 9th 42

Arcane Eye* 42

Wizard – 4th 42

Arcane Mark* 43

Wizard, Illusionist - 0 43

Armor* 43

Wizard – 1st 43

Astral Projection* 43

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 9th 43

Atonement* 44

Cleric – 5th 44

Augury* 44

Cleric – 2nd 44

Aura Against Flame* 45

Cleric – 2nd, Druid – 1st 45

Aura of Glory* 45

Cleric – 2nd 45

Aura of Vitality* 45

Druid – 7th 45

Awaken* 45

Druid – 5th 45

Awe* 46

Illusionist – 7th 46

Azuth’s Exalted Triad* 46

Cleric – 6th 46

Balagarn’s Iron Horn* 46

Wizard, Illusionist – 2nd 46

Ball Lightning* 46

Wizard – 5th, Illusionist – 6th 46

Banishment* 47

Cleric – 6th 47

Barkskin* 47

Druid – 2nd 47

Battering Ram* 47

Wizard– 2nd 47

Battletide* 48

Cleric – 5th 48

Befoul•* 48

Cleric, Wizard – 8th 48

Bestow Greater Curse•* 48

Cleric – 7th, Wizard, Illusionist – 8th 48

Bestow Wound•* 49

Wizard, Illusionist – 1st 49

Bigby’s Clenched Fist* 49

Wizard – 8th 49

Bigby’s Crushing Hand* 49

Wizard – 9th 49

Bigby’s Forceful Hand* 50

Wizard – 6th 50

Bigby’s Grasping Hand* 50

Wizard – 7th 50

Bigby’s Interposing Hand* 50

Wizard – 5th 50

Bind* 51

Wizard – 2nd 51

Bind Elemental* 51

Wizard – 5th 51

Binding* 51

Wizard – 8th, Illusionist – 9th 51

Binding Winds* 52

Druid – 5th 52

Black Bag•* 53

Wizard – 1st 53

Blackstaff* 53

Wizard, Illusionist – 8th 53

Blade Barrier* 53

Cleric – 6th 53

Blade of Disaster* 53

Wizard – 9th 53

Bladethirst* 54

Wizard – 1st, Illusionist – 2nd 54

Bless / Bane* 54

Cleric – 1st 54

Bless Water* / Curse Water* 54

Cleric – 1st 54

Blindsight* 54

Cleric – 4th, Druid, Wizard – 3rd 54

Blink* 54

Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd 54

Blur* 55

Illusionist – 2nd 55

Bodak Birth•* 55

Cleric – 8th 55

Body Blades* 55

Cleric – 2nd 55

Boneblade•* 56

Cleric – 3rd 56

Bombardment* 56

Druid – 7th 56

Burning Hands* 56

Wizard – 1st 56

Cacodemon* 56

Wizard – 7th 56

Cacophonic Shield* 57

Wizard – 6th 57

Call Dretch Horde•* 57

Wizard – 5th 57

Call Lemure Horde•* 58

Wizard – 5th 58

Call Lightning* 58

Druid – 3rd 58

Call Nightmare•* 58

Wizard – 5th 58

Calm Animals* 58

Druid – 1st 58

Camouflage* 59

Druid – 1st 59

Cast in Stone* 59

Druid – 9th 59

Chain Lightning* 59

Wizard – 6th 59

Change Self* 60

Wizard, Illusionist – 1st 60

Changestaff* 60

Druid – 7th 60

Chant* 60

Cleric – 2nd 60

Chaos* 60

Illusionist – 5th 60

Charm Monster* 61

Wizard, Illusionist – 4th 61

Charm Person* 61

Wizard, Illusionist – 1st 61

Charm Person or Animal* 61

Druid – 2nd 61

Charnel Fire•* 62

Cleric – 5th 62

Cheat•* 62

Wizard - 1st 62

Chromatic Orb* 62

Illusionist – 1st 62

Circle Dance* 63

Cleric, Druid – 3rd 63

Circle of Nausea•* 63

Cleric – 3rd 63

Clairaudience* / Clairvoyance* 63

Wizard – 3rd 63

Claws of the Beast* 64

Druid – 1st 64

Claws of the Bebelith•* 64

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 5th 64

Cloak of Dark Chaos* 64

Illusionist – 6th 64

Cloak of Fear* / Cloak of Bravery* 65

Cleric – 4th 65

Clone* 65

Wizard – 8th, Illusionist – 9th 65

Cloud of Bewilderment* 65

Wizard – 2nd 65

Cloudburst* 66

Cleric – 3rd, Druid – 2nd, Wizard – 3rd 66

Cloudkill* 66

Wizard – 5th 66

Clutch of Orcus•* 66

Cleric – 3rd 66

Color Spray* 67

Illusionist – 1st 67

Combust* 67

Druid – 3rd, Wizard – 2nd 67

Command* 67

Cleric – 1st 67

Command Plants* 67

Druid – 8th 67

Commune* 68

Cleric – 5th 68

Commune with Nature* 68

Druid – 5th 68

Comprehend Languages* 68

Wizard – 1st 68

Cone of Cold* 69

Wizard – 5th 69

Confusion* 69

Druid –7th, Wizard, Illusionist – 4th 69

Conjure Animals* 69

Cleric, Illusionist – 6th 69

Consecrate* / Desecrate* 69

Cleric – 2nd 69

Consume Likeness•* 70

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 6th 70

Contact other Plane* 70

Cleric – 5th 70

Contingency* 71

Wizard – 6th 71

Continual Flame* 71

Cleric – 3rd, Wizard – 2nd, Illusionist – 3rd 71

Control Plants* 71

Druid – 4th 71

Control Water* 72

Druid – 4th 72

Control Weather* 72

Cleric, Druid – 7th, Wizard – 6th 72

Control Winds* 72

Druid – 5th 72

Corrosive Grasp* 72

Wizard – 1st 72

Crawling Darkness* 73

Cleric – 5th 73

Create Food and Water* / Spoil Food and Water* 73

Cleric – 3rd 73

Create Greater Undead•* 73

Cleric – 8th 73

Create Undead•* 73

Cleric – 6th 73

Create Water* 74

Cleric, Druid - 0 74

Creeping Doom* 74

Druid – 7th 74

Cruel Disappointment•* 74

Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd 74

Crumble* 74

Druid – 6th 74

Crystalbrittle* 75

Wizard – 9th 75

Cure Critical Wounds* / Cause Critical Wounds* 75

Cleric, Druid – 5th, Illusionist – 6th 75

Cure Light Wounds* / Cause Light Wounds* 75

Cleric – 1st, Druid, Illusionist - 2nd 75

Cure Serious Wounds* / Cause Serious Wounds* 75

Cleric – 3rd, Druid, Illusionist – 4th 75

Curse of Ill Fortune* 76

Cleric – 2nd 76

Curse of the Putrid Husk•* 76

Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd 76

Damning Darkness•* 76

Cleric, Wizard – 4th 76

Dance of Ruin•* 76

Cleric – 2nd 76

Dancing Chains•* 77

Wizard – 4th 77

Dancing Lights* 77

Wizard, Illusionist – 0th 77

Dark Chaos* 77

Illusionist – 2nd 77

Darkbolt•* 77

Cleric, Wizard – 2nd 77

Darkfire•* 78

Cleric – 3rd 78

Darklight•* 78

Wizard – 1st 78

Darkness* / Daylight* 78

Cleric, Wizard – 2nd, Illusionist – 1st 78

Dark Way* 78

Cleric – 3rd 78

Daze* 79

Illusionist – 1st 79

Death Armor* 79

Wizard – 2nd 79

Death by Thorns•* 79

Wizard, Illusionist – 7th 79

Death Dragon•* 79

Cleric – 7th, Illusionist - 8th 79

Death Fog* 80

Illusionist – 6th 80

Death Spell* 80

Wizard – 6th 80

Death Ward* 80

Cleric, Druid – 5th 80

Death’s Door* 81

Cleric – 3rd 81

Delay Poison* 81

Cleric, Druid – 2nd 81

Delayed Blast Fireball* 81

Wizard – 7th 81

Delude* 81

Illusionist – 3rd 81

Demon Wings•* 82

Cleric, Wizard – 3rd 82

Demoncall•* 82

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 2nd 82

Demonflesh•* 82

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 1st 82

Despoil•* 82

Cleric – 9th 82

Detect Chaos*/ Law*/ Evil*/ Good* 82

Cleric – 0th 82

Detect Illusion* 83

Illusionist – 0th 83

Detect Magic* 83

Cleric, Wizard – 0th, Illusionist – 2nd 83

Detect Neutrality* 83

Druid – 0th 83

Detect Poison* 83

Cleric, Druid, Wizard – 0th 83

Detect Scrying* 84

Wizard – 4th 84

Detect Secret Doors* 84

Cleric – 1st 84

Detect Snares and Pits* 84

Druid – 1st 84

Detect Thoughts* / Obscure Thoughts* 84

Wizard, Illusionist – 2nd 84

Detect Traps* 85

Cleric – 2nd 85

Detect Undead* 85

Cleric – 1st 85

Devil’s Ego•* 85

Cleric, Wizard – 3rd 85

Devil’s Eye•* 85

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd 85

Devil’s Tongue•* 85

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 2nd 85

Dhulark’s Glasstrike* 86

Wizard – 6th 86

Dig* 86

Wizard – 4th 86

Dimension Door* 86

Wizard – 4th 86

Dimensional Lock* 86

Cleric – 9th, Wizard – 8th 86

Discern Lies* / Undetectable Lies* 87

Cleric – 4th 87

Discern Location* 87

Cleric – 8th 87

Disintegrate* 87

Wizard – 6th 87

Disjunction* 87

Wizard – 9th 87

Dismissal* 88

Cleric – 4th, Wizard – 5th 88

Dispel Good*/ Evil*/ Law*/ Chaos* 88

Cleric – 5th 88

Dispel Illusion* 88

Illusionist – 3rd 88

Dispel Magic* 88

Cleric, Wizard –3rd, Druid, Illusionist – 4th 88

Displaced Image* 89

Illusionist – 3rd 89

Distort Reality* 89

Illusionist – 8th 89

Divination* 89

Cleric – 4th 89

Doubled Treasure* 89

Illusionist – 3rd 89

Dragon Armor* 90

Illusionist – 1st 90

Dragon Bite* 90

Illusionist – 2nd 90

Dragon Breath* 90

Illusionist – 5th 90

Dragon Image* 90

Illusionist – 1st 90

Dragon Mount* 90

Illusionist – 3rd 90

Dragon Scales* 91

Illusionist – 4th 91

Dragon Shadow* 91

Illusionist – 5th 91

Dread Word•* 91

Cleric, Wizard – 3rd 91

Dream* 91

Illusionist – 5th 91

Dreaming* 92

Illusionist – 9th 92

Drown* 92

Druid – 6th 92

Drug Resistance* 92

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 1st 92

Earthquake* 93

Cleric – 8th, Druid – 9th 93

Ectoplasmic Enhancement•* 93

Cleric – 7th, Wizard – 6th 93

Emotion* 93

Illusionist – 4th 93

Enchant an Item* 94

Cleric – 9th, Wizard – 6th 94

Endure Elements* 94

Cleric – 1st, Druid – 0th, Wizard – 1st 94

Energy Drain* 94

Cleric – 9th 94

Enhance Attribute* / Reduce Attribute* 95

Wizard – 2nd 95

Entangle* 95

Druid – 1st 95

Entice Gift•* 95

Wizard – 2nd 95

Erase* 95

Wizard, Illusionist – 1st 95

Eternity of Torture•* 96

Cleric – 9th 96

Ethereal Jaunt* 96

Cleric – 5th 96

Evard’s Black Tentacles* 96

Wizard – 4th 96

Evil Eye•* 97

Wizard – 3rd 97

Exaction* 97

Cleric – 7th 97

Exorcise* 97

Cleric – 4th 97

Explosive Runes* 98

Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd 98

Extension I* 98

Wizard – 4th 98

Extension II* 98

Wizard – 5th 98

Extension III* 98

Wizard – 6th 98

Eye of the Beholder•* 98

Wizard, Illusionist – 7th 98

Eyebite* 99

Wizard, Illusionist – 6th 99

Eyes of Fire* 99

Illusionist – 2nd 99

Fabricate* 100

Wizard – 5th 100

Faerie Fire* 100

Druid – 1st 100

Faerie’s Glamour* 100

Illusionist – 1st 100

Faith Healing* 100

Cleric – 2nd 100

Faithful Hound* 101

Wizard, Illusionist – 5th 101

False Trap* 101

Illusionist – 2nd 101

False Vision* 101

Illusionist – 5th 101

Fangs of the Vampire King* 102

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 2nd 102

Fascinate* 102

Illusionist – 2nd 102

Favor of the Deity* 102

Cleric – 4th 102

Fear* 103

Wizard, Illusionist – 4th 103

Feather Fall* 103

Wizard – 1st 103

Feeblemind* 103

Druid – 6th, Wizard – 5th, Illusionist – 8th 103

Fiendform•* 103

Wizard – 6th 103

Fiendish Clarity•* 104

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 7th 104

Find the Path* / Obscure the Path* 104

Cleric – 6th, Illusionist – 8th 104

Finger of Death* 104

Druid – 8th, Wizard –7th 104

Fire Seeds* 104

Druid – 6th 104

Fire Shield* 105

Wizard – 4th 105

Fire Spiders* 105

Wizard – 6th 105

Fire Storm* 106

Cleric – 8th, Druid – 7th 106

Fire Trap* 106

Druid – 2nd, Wizard – 4th 106

Fireball* 106

Wizard – 3rd 106

Firebrand* 106

Wizard – 5th 106

First Aid* 107

Cleric, Druid, Illusionist – 0th 107

Flame Blade* 107

Druid – 2nd 107

Flame Dagger* 107

Wizard – 2nd 107

Flame Strike* 107

Cleric – 5th 107

Flaming Sphere* 108

Wizard – 2nd 108

Floating Disc* 108

Wizard – 1st 108

Fly* 108

Wizard – 3rd 108

Fog Cloud* 108

Wizard, Illusionist – 2nd 108

Forbiddance* 109

Cleric – 6th 109

Forbidden Speech•* 109

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 5th 109

Force Ladder* 109

Wizard – 2nd 109

Forcecage* 110

Wizard – 7th 110

Forceward* 110

Cleric – 3rd 110

Forcewave* 110

Wizard – 1st 110

Forget* 110

Wizard – 2nd 110

Fortunate Fate* 111

Cleric – 7th 111

Freedom of Movement* 111

Cleric, Druid – 4th 111

Friends* 111

Wizard, Illusionist – 1st 111

Fumble* 111

Wizard – 4th 111

Gaseous Form* 112

Wizard – 3rd 112

Gate* 112

Cleric, Wizard – 9th 112

Gaze Reflection* 112

Illusionist – 1st 112

Geas* 112

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 6th 112

Gedlee’s Electric Loop* 113

Wizard – 2nd 113

Gemjump* 113

Wizard – 7th 113

General of Undeath•* 114

Cleric – 8th 114

Ghorus’ Metal Melt* 114

Druid – 6th, Wizard – 4th 114

Ghost Sound* 114

Wizard, Illusionist – 0th 114

Glassee* 114

Wizard – 6th 114

Glassteel* 115

Wizard – 8th 115

Glimpse of Truth•* 115

Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd 115

Globe of Invulnerability* 115

Wizard – 6th 115

Glyph of Warding* 115

Cleric – 3rd 115

Golem* 116

Cleric – 5th 116

Goodberry* 116

Druid – 1st 116

Grazzt’s Long Grasp•* 117

Wizard – 2nd 117

Grease* 117

Wizard – 1st 117

Great Thunderclap* 117

Wizard – 7th 117

Greater Ironguard* 118

Druid – 9th, Wizard – 7th 118

Greater Mage Hand* 118

Wizard – 3rd 118

Greater Restoration* 118

Cleric –7th 118

Greater Scrying* 118

Cleric, Wizard – 7th 118

Greater Shadow Conjuration* 119

Illusionist – 5th 119

Greater Shadow Evocation* 119

Illusionist – 6th 119

Grim Revenge•* 119

Wizard – 5th 119

Guards and Wards* 120

Wizard – 6th, Illusionist – 5th 120

Gust of Wind* 120

Wizard – 3rd 120

Gutsnake* 121

Wizard – 4th 121

Gutwrench•* 121

Wizard – 8th 121

Hallow* / Unhallow* 121

Cleric – 4th 121

Hallucinatory Terrain* 122

Druid – 4th, Wizard – 4th, Illusionist – 3rd 122

Hand of the Deity* 122

Cleric – 4th 122

Handfire* 122

Cleric – 2nd 122

Haste* / Slow* 123

Wizard – 3rd 123

Head Fog* 123

Illusionist – 1st 123

Heal* / Harm* 123

Cleric – 6th, Druid, Illusionist – 9th 123

Healing Circle* / Harming Circle* 123

Cleric – 4th 123

Healing Sting* 124

Druid – 3rd 124

Healing Touch* 124

Wizard – 3rd 124

Heartache•* 124

Cleric – 1st 124

Heartclutch•* 124

Cleric – 5th 124

Heat Metal* / Chill Metal* 124

Druid – 2nd 124

Hero’s Feast* 125

Cleric – 6th 125

Hold Animal* 125

Druid – 2nd 125

Hold Monster* 125

Wizard, Illusionist – 5th 125

Hold Person* 126

Cleric – 2nd, Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd 126

Hold Plant* 126

Druid – 4th 126

Hold Portal* 126

Wizard - 1st 126

Holy Aura* 126

Cleric – 8th 126

Holy Star* 127

Cleric – 7th 127

Holy Symbol* 127

Cleric – 2nd 127

Holy Word* 127

Cleric – 7th 127

Humanoid Finding* 127

Illusionist – 5th 127

Hypnotic Pattern* 128

Illusionist – 2nd 128

Hypnotism* 128

Illusionist – 1st 128

Ice Dagger* 128

Wizard – 1st, Illusionist – 2nd 128

Ice Storm* 129

Druid – 5th, Wizard – 4th 129

Identify* 129

Wizard – 1st 129

Identify Transgressor•* 129

Cleric – 4th 129

Idol of Death* 129

Illusionist – 4th 129

Igedrazaar’s Miasma* 130

Wizard – 2nd 130

Illusionary Help* 130

Illusionist – 3rd 130

Illusionary Hounds* 130

Illusionist – 1st 130

Illusionary Lions* 130

Illusionist – 6th 130

Illusionary Script* 131

Illusionist – 3rd 131

Illusionary Wolves* 131

Illusionist – 3rd 131

Illusory Wall* 131

Illusionist – 4th 131

Impotent Possessor•* 131

Wizard – 6th 131

Imprison Possessor•* 132

Wizard – 5th 132

Imprison Soul•* 132

Cleric – 7th 132

Imprisonment* / Freedom* 132

Wizard – 9th 132

Improved Invisibility* 132

Illusionist – 4th 132

Incendiary Cloud* 133

Wizard – 8th 133

Inferno* 133

Druid – 5th 133

Infestation of Maggots* 133

Druid – 3rd 133

Influence* 133

Illusionist – 0th 133

Insanity* 134

Illusionist – 7th 134

Insect Plague* 134

Cleric, Druid – 5th 134

Instant Summons* 134

Wizard – 7th 134

Invisibility* 134

Wizard, Illusionist – 2nd 134

Invisibility Sphere* 135

Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd 135

Invisibility to Animals* 135

Druid – 1st 135

Invisibility to Undead* 135

Cleric – 1st 135

Iron Guts* 135

Wizard – 1st 135

Ironwood* 136

Druid – 6th 136

Item* 136

Wizard – 3rd 136

Jaws of the Wolf* 136

Druid – 4th 136

Jump* 136

Wizard – 1st 136

Knock* / Lock* 137

Wizard – 2nd 137

Know Direction* 137

Druid – 0th 137

Know Protections* 137

Wizard – 1st 137

Know Vulnerabilities* 137

Cleric – 4th 137

Laerl’s Cutting Hand* 138

Wizard – 1st 138

Laerl’s Finger Darts•* 138

Wizard, Illusionist – 2nd 138

Land Womb* 138

Druid – 4th 138

Launch Item* 138

Wizard – 1st 138

Legend Lore* 139

Wizard – 6th 139

Lesser Restoration* 139

Cleric – 2nd 139

Levitate* 139

Wizard – 2nd 139

Life Bolt* 139

Wizard – 2nd 139

Light* 140

Cleric, Druid, Wizard, Illusionist – 0th 140

Lightning Bolt* 140

Wizard – 3rd 140

Limited Wish* 140

Wizard – 7th 140

Liquid Pain•* 140

Wizard, Illusionist – 4th 140

Liveoak* 141

Druid – 6th 141

Locate Animals* 141

Druid – 1st 141

Locate Creature* 141

Wizard – 4th 141

Locate Object* / Obscure Object* 141

Cleric – 3rd, Wizard – 2nd 141

Locate Plants* 142

Druid – 2nd 142

Love’s Pain•* 142

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd 142

Low-Light Vision* 142

Wizard – 1st 142

Mace of Odo* 142

Cleric – 3rd 142

Magic Aura* 143

Illusionist – 0th 143

Magic Circle*vs. Good/Evil/Law/Chaos 143

Cleric, Wizard – 3rd 143

Magic Jar* 143

Wizard – 5th 143

Magic Missile* 144

Wizard – 1st 144

Magic Mouth* 144

Wizard, Illusionist – 2nd 144

Magic Stones* 144

Druid – 1st 144

Major Creation* 145

Illusionist – 5th 145

Major Dark Chaos* 145

Illusionist – 4th 145

Major Image* 145

Illusionist – 3rd 145

Masochism•* 145

Cleric – 3rd, Wizard – 2nd 145

Mass Camouflage* 146

Druid – 4th 146

Mass Charm* 146

Wizard, Illusionist – 8th 146

Mass Heal* / Mass Harm* 146

Cleric – 8th 146

Mass Invisibility* 146

Wizard, Illusionist – 7th 146

Mass Suggestion* 147

Wizard – 6th, Illusionist – 5th 147

Mass Teleport* 147

Wizard – 7th 147

Massmorph* 148

Wizard, Illusionist – 4th 148

Master Air* 148

Druid – 2nd 148

Master Earth* 148

Druid – 7th 148

Material* 149

Wizard – 3rd 149

Maw of Chaos* 149

Wizard – 9th, Illusionist – 8th 149

Maze* 149

Wizard – 8th, Illusionist – 5th 149

Meld Into Stone* 150

Druid – 3rd 150

Memory Rot* 150

Druid – 5th 150

Mending* 150

Wizard, Illusionist – 0th 150

Message* 150

Wizard, Illusionist – 0th 150

Mestil’s Acid Breath* 151

Wizard – 3rd 151

Mestil’s Acid Sheath* 151

Wizard – 5th 151

Meteor Swarm* 151

Wizard – 9th 151

Mind Blank* 152

Cleric – 9th, Wizard – 8th, Illusionist – 9th 152

Mindrape•* 152

Wizard, Illusionist – 9th 152

Minor Creation* 152

Illusionist – 4th 152

Minor Dark Chaos* 152

Illusionist – 1st 152

Minor Globe of Invulnerability* 153

Wizard – 4th 153

Minor Image* 153

Illusionist – 2nd 153

Minute Meteors* 153

Wizard – 3rd 153

Mirage Arcana* 154

Illusionist – 4th 154

Mirror Image* 154

Wizard, Illusionist – 2nd 154

Mirror Wall* 154

Illusionist – 5th 154

Misdirection* 154

Illusionist – 2nd 154

Mislead* 155

Illusionist – 6th 155

Mnemonic Enhancer* 155

Wizard – 4th 155

Monstrous Regeneration* 155

Cleric – 5th 155

Moonbeam* 155

Druid – 5th 155

Morality Undone•* 156

Cleric – 5th 156

Mordekainen’s Mansion* 156

Wizard – 7th 156

Mordekainen’s Sword* 156

Wizard – 7th 156

Mount* 157

Wizard – 1st 157

Move Earth* 157

Wizard – 6th 157

Murderous Mist* 157

Druid – 4th 157

Mystic Lash* 158

Cleric – 3rd 158

Negative Plane Protection* 158

Cleric – 3rd 158

Neutralize Poison* 158

Cleric – 4th, Druid – 3rd, Illusionist – 5th 158

Nightmare* 159

Illusionist – 5th 159

Nondetection* 159

Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd 159

Nybor’s Gentle Reminder* 159

Wizard – 1st 159

Nybor’s Mild Admonishment* 159

Wizard – 3rd 159

Nybor’s Stern Reproof* 160

Wizard – 7th 160

Nybor’s Wrathful Castigation* 160

Wizard – 8th 160

Obscuring Mist* 160

Druid, Illusionist – 1st 160

Open*or Close* 160

Wizard – 0th 160

Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere* 161

Wizard – 6th 161

Otiluke’s Telekinetic Sphere* 161

Wizard – 8th 161

Otto’s Dance* 161

Wizard – 8th 161

Owl’s Insight* 162

Druid – 7th 162

Paralyzation* 162

Illusionist – 3rd 162

Pass Plant* 162

Druid – 5th 162

Pass Without Trace* 163

Druid – 1st 163

Passwall* 163

Wizard – 5th 163

Permanency* 163

Wizard – 5th 163

Permanent Image* 163

Illusionist – 6th 163

Persistent Image* 164

Illusionist – 5th 164

Pestilence•* 164

Cleric – 8th 164

Phantasmal Killer* 164

Illusionist – 4th 164

Phantasmal Thief•* 165

Wizard – 8th 165

Phantom Steed* 165

Illusionist – 3rd 165

Phase Door* 165

Wizard – 7th 165

Plague of Nightmares•* 166

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 8th 166

Plane Shift* 166

Cleric – 5th 166

Plant Door* 166

Druid – 4th 166

Plant Growth* 167

Druid – 3rd 167

Poison Vines* 167

Druid – 7th 167

Polymorph* 167

Wizard – 4th, Illusionist – 8th 167

Polymorph Any Object* 168

Wizard – 8th, Illusionist – 9th 168

Power Leech•* 169

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 5th 169

Power Word, Blind* 169

Wizard, Illusionist – 8th 169

Power Word, Kill* 169

Wizard, Illusionist – 9th 169

Power Word, Stun* 169

Wizard, Illusionist – 7th 169

Pox•* 169

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 6th 169

Prayer* 170

Cleric – 3rd 170

Preserve* 170

Wizard – 2nd 170

Preserve Organ•* 170

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 0th 170

Prestidigitation* 170

Wizard, Illusionist – 0th 170

Prismatic Eye* 170

Wizard, Illusionist – 6th 170

Prismatic Sphere* 171

Wizard, Illusionist – 9th 171

Prismatic Spray* 172

Illusionist – 7th 172

Prismatic Wall* 172

Druid – 9th, Illusionist – 8th 172

Produce Fire* / Quench Fire* 173

Druid – 4th 173

Produce Flame* 173

Druid – 2nd 173

Programmed Image* 173

Illusionist – 6th 173

Project Image* 173

Wizard – 6th, Illusionist – 5th 173

Protection from Arrows* 174

Wizard – 2nd 174

Protection from Good/Evil/Law/Chaos* 174

Cleric, Wizard – 1st 174

Protection from Elements* 174

Druid – 3rd 174

Purify Food and Drink* 174

Cleric, Druid – 0th 174

Pyrotechnics* 175

Druid – 3rd, Wizard, Illusionist – 2nd 175

Quillfire* 175

Druid – 3rd 175

Rainbow* 175

Cleric – 5th 175

Rainbow Pattern* 176

Illusionist – 4th 176

Raise Dead* 177

Cleric – 5th 177

Rapture of Rupture•* 177

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 7th 177

Ray of Enfeeblement* 177

Wizard – 2nd 177

Read Magic* 178

Wizard, Illusionist – 1st 178

Reality Blind•* 178

Illusionist – 3rd 178

Red Fester•* 178

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd 178

Refuge* 178

Cleric – 7th, Wizard – 9th 178

Regenerate* 179

Cleric – 7th, Druid – 8th 179

Reincarnate* 179

Druid – 4th 179

Remedy Moderate Wounds* 179

Druid – 2nd 179

Remove Blindness/Deafness* / Cause Blindness/Deafness* 180

Cleric – 3rd, Illusionist – 2nd 180

Remove Curse* / Bestow Curse* 180

Cleric – 3rd, Wizard – 4th 180

Remove Disease* / Bestow Disease* 180

Cleric, Druid – 3rd 180

Remove Fear* / Cause Fear* 180

Cleric – 1st 180

Remove Paralysis* 181

Cleric – 2nd 181

Repel Metal or Stone* 181

Druid – 8th 181

Repel Vermin* 181

Druid – 4th 181

Repel Wood* 181

Druid – 6th 181

Repulsion* 182

Cleric – 7th 182

Restoration* / Life Drain* 182

Cleric – 4th, Illusionist – 7th 182

Resurrection* 182

Cleric – 7th 182

Reverse Arrows* 182

Wizard – 3rd 182

Reverse Gravity* 183

Wizard – 7th 183

Rope Trick* 183

Wizard – 2nd, Illusionist – 3rd 183

Rotting Curse of Urfestra•* 183

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd 183

Sacrificial Skill•* 184

Cleric, Wizard – 1st 184

Sadism•* 184

Cleric – 3rd, Wizard – 2nd 184

Sanctuary* 184

Cleric – 1st 184

Sap Strength•* 184

Cleric, Wizard – 2nd 184

Scare* 185

Wizard – 2nd, Illusionist – 3rd 185

Scintillating Sphere* 185

Wizard – 3rd 185

Screen* 185

Illusionist – 8th 185

Scrying* 185

Cleric – 5th, Druid, Wizard – 4th 185

Secret Chest* 186

Wizard, Illusionist – 5th 186

Secret Page* 186

Illusionist – 3rd 186

Secure Shelter* 187

Illusionist – 4th 187

See Invisibility* 187

Wizard – 2nd, Illusionist – 1st 187

Seeming* 187

Illusionist – 4th 187

Seething Eyebane•* 187

Cleric, Wizard – 1st 187

Sending* 188

Cleric – 4th 188

Sepia Snake Sigil* 188

Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd 188

Sequester* 188

Wizard, Illusionist – 7th 188

Serpents of Theggeron•* 188

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd 188

Shades* 189

Illusionist – 6th 189

Shadow Conjuration* 189

Illusionist – 4th 189

Shadow Door* 189

Illusionist – 5th 189

Shadow Evocation* 190

Illusionist – 5th 190

Shadow Hand* 190

Illusionist – 5th 190

Shadow Walk* 190

Illusionist – 7th 190

Shadow Well* 190

Illusionist – 4th 190

Shape Stone or Wood* 191

Druid – 3rd 191

Shapechange* 191

Druid, Wizard – 9th 191

Shatter* 191

Wizard – 2nd 191

Shield* 192

Wizard – 1st 192

Shield of Faith* 192

Cleric – 1st 192

Shillelagh* 192

Druid – 1st 192

Shocking Grasp* 192

Wizard – 1st 192

Shout* 192

Wizard – 4th 192

Silence* 193

Cleric – 2nd 193

Silent Image* 193

Illusionist – 1st 193

Simulacrum* 193

Illusionist – 7th 193

Skeletal Deliquescence* 193

Wizard – 8th 193

Skeletal Guard* 194

Wizard – 8th 194

Skull of Secrets* 194

Cleric – 4th 194

Sleep* 194

Wizard – 1st 194

Sleet Storm* 194

Druid – 4th 194

Slow Consumption•* 195

Cleric – 1st, Wizard – 2nd 195

Snakebite* 195

Druid – 3rd 195

Snare* 195

Druid – 3rd 195

Snare Astral Traveler•* 195

Cleric, Wizard – 6th 195

Solid Fog* 196

Illusionist – 4th 196

Sorrow•* 196

Cleric – 1st 196

Soul Bind* 196

Cleric – 9th 196

Sound Burst* 196

Cleric – 1st 196

Speak with Animals* 196

Druid – 2nd 196

Speak with Dead* 197

Cleric – 2nd 197

Speak with Plants* 197

Druid – 3rd 197

Spectral Stag* 197

Cleric, Druid – 2nd 197

Spell Matrix* 197

Wizard - 5th 197

Spell Sequencer* 198

Wizard - 7th 198

Spell Trigger* 198

Wizard - 9th 198

Spell Mantle* 198

Cleric - 6th 198

Spider Climb* 199

Wizard – 1st 199

Spider Hand•* 199

Cleric – 1st 199

Spider Legs•* 199

Cleric – 2nd 199

Spike Stones* 199

Druid – 4th 199

Spirit Worm* 200

Wizard – 1st 200

Spiritual Weapon* 200

Cleric – 2nd 200

Spiritwrack* 200

Wizard – 6th 200

Spores of the Vrock•* 201

Cleric – 2nd 201

Spread of Savagery•* 201

Cleric – 9th 201

Starshine* 201

Druid – 3rd 201

Steeldance* 201

Wizard – 3rd 201

Sticks to Snakes* 202

Druid – 4th 202

Stinking Cloud* 202

Wizard – 3rd 202

Stone Bones* 202

Cleric, Wizard – 2nd 202

Stone Tell* 202

Druid – 6th 202

Stone Walk* 203

Cleric – 6th 203

Stonehold* 203

Druid – 6th 203

Stoneskin* 203

Wizard – 4th 203

Stop Heart•* 203

Cleric – 4th, Wizard – 5th 203

Storm of Vengeance* 204

Druid – 9th 204

Storm Tower* 204

Druid – 7th 204

Stormrage* 204

Cleric – 8th 204

Strength* 205

Wizard – 2nd 205

Stupor•* 205

Cleric, Wizard – 1st 205

Suggestion* 205

Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd 205

Summon Animals* 205

Druid – 4th 205

Summon Beasts or Plants* 206

Druid – 5th 206

Summon Elemental* 206

Druid – 6th 206

Summon Elemental Swarm* 206

Druid – 9th 206

Summon Familiar* 206

Wizard – 1st 206

Summon Greater Monster* 208

Wizard – 7th 208

Summon Lesser Monster* 208

Wizard – 3rd 208

Summon Magical Beasts or Fey* 208

Druid – 7th 208

Summon Monster* 209

Wizard – 5th 209

Summon Planar Ally* 209

Cleric – 8th 209

Summon Shadow* 209

Illusionist – 5th 209

Summon Swarm* 209

Druid – 2nd 209

Summon Undead I* 210

Wizard – 1st 210

Summon Undead II* 210

Wizard – 2nd 210

Summon Undead III* 210

Wizard – 3rd 210

Summon Undead IV* 211

Wizard – 4th 211

Summon Undead V* 211

Wizard – 5th 211

Sunburst* 212

Druid, Illusionist – 8th 212

Suppress Glyph* 212

Cleric – 6th 212

Suspend Disease* 212

Cleric, Wizard – 1st 212

Symbol* 213

Cleric, Wizard – 8th, Illusionist – 9th 213

Synostodweomer* 214

Wizard, Illusionist – 7th 214

Telekinesis* 214

Wizard – 5th 214

Telepathic Bond* 215

Wizard – 5th, Illusionist –7th 215

Teleport* 215

Wizard – 5th 215

Teleport Without Error* 215

Wizard – 7th 215

Teleportation Circle* 216

Wizard – 8th 216

Temporal Stasis* 216

Wizard – 9th 216

Tempus Fugit* 216

Illusionist – 5th 216

Tenser’s Transformation* 216

Wizard – 6th 216

Thousand Needles•* 217

Cleric – 6th 217

Time Stop* 217

Wizard – 9th 217

Tiny Hut* 217

Wizard – 3rd 217

Tongue Serpents•* 218

Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd 218

Tongue Tendrils•* 218

Wizard – 1st 218

Tongues* / Cipher* 218

Cleric – 4th, Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd 218

Touch of Ooze•* 218

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd 218

Translocation Trick* 218

Illusionist – 6th 218

Transmute Flesh and Stone* 219

Wizard – 6th 219

Transmute Metal to Wood* 219

Druid – 7th 219

Transmute Rock and Mud* 219

Druid, Wizard – 5th 219

Transport Via Plants* 219

Druid – 6th 219

Trap the Soul* 220

Cleric – 9th, Wizard, Illusionist – 8th 220

Treasure Hoard* 220

Illusionist – 4th 220

True Resurrection* 220

Cleric – 9th 220

True Seeing* 221

Cleric, Illusionist – 5th 221

Undead Torch•* 221

Wizard – 3rd 221

Undeath to Death* 221

Cleric, Wizard – 6th 221

Undeath’s Eternal Foe* 222

Cleric – 9th 222

Undetectable Aura* 222

Illusionist – 1st 222

Unliving Weapon•* 222

Cleric – 3rd 222

Unnerving Gaze•* 222

Illusionist – 1st 222

Unseen Servant* 222

Wizard – 1st 222

Veil* 223

Illusionist – 6th 223

Ventriloquism* 223

Illusionist – 1st 223

Vile Lance•* 223

Cleric, Wizard – 3rd 223

Vision* 223

Illusionist – 7th 223

Vocalize* 224

Wizard – 2nd 224

Wall of Chains•* 224

Wizard – 3rd 224

Wall of Deadly Chains•* 224

Wizard – 4th 224

Wall of Eyes•* 225

Wizard – 7th 225

Wall of Fire* 225

Druid – 5th, Wizard – 4th 225

Wall of Force* 226

Wizard – 5th 226

Wall of Good/Evil/Law/Chaos* 226

Cleric – 4th 226

Wall of Ice* 226

Wizard – 4th 226

Wall of Iron* 227

Wizard – 5th 227

Wall of Ooze•* 227

Cleric, Wizard – 5th 227

Wall of Stone* 227

Druid – 6th, Wizard – 5th 227

Wall of Thorns* 228

Druid – 5th 228

Wall of Wind* 228

Druid – 3rd 228

Ward’s Extended Invisibility* 228

Illusionist – 5th 228

Ward’s Illusionary Portal* 228

Illusionist – 4th 228

Ward’s Temporary Invisibility* 229

Illusionist – 2nd 229

Ward’s Temporary Strength* 229

Illusionist – 1st 229

Warp Wood* / Straighten Wood* 229

Druid – 2nd 229

Water Breathing* 229

Druid, Wizard – 3rd 229

Wave of Grief•* 229

Cleric, Illusionist – 2nd 229

Weapon of Impact* 230

Cleric, Wizard – 3rd 230

Web* 230

Wizard – 2nd 230

Weird* 230

Illusionist – 9th 230

Were-Doom•* 230

Cleric – 9th 230

Whirlwind* 231

Druid – 8th 231

Whirlwind of Teeth•* 231

Wizard – 7th 231

Wind at Back* 231

Druid – 4th 231

Wind Tunnel* 232

Druid – 5th 232

Wind Walk* 232

Cleric – 6th, Druid – 7th, Illusionist – 8th 232

Wish* 232

Wizard – 9th 232

Wither Limb•* 233

Cleric, Wizard – 2nd 233

Wrack•* 233

Cleric – 3rd, Wizard – 4th 233

Wraithform* 233

Illusionist – 3rd 233

Wretched Blight•* 233

Cleric – 7th 233

Zajimarn’s Avalanche* 234

Druid – 8th, Wizard – 9th 234

Zajimarn’s Ice Claw* 234

Druid – 6th, Wizard – 7th 234

Zajimarn’s Icy Razors* 234

Druid – 7th, Wizard – 8th 234


CT: Casting Time, typically in seconds, starting from the caster’s initiative.

R: Range of spell.

D: Duration of spell effect.

SV: Saving throw against the spell effect. A creature may opt not to resist a spell effect.

None; no save is typically possible.

Negates; a successful save causes the spell to have no effect. n/a; not applicable, typically because the target is inanimate.

Partial; a successful save causes some reduced spell effect to take place. SR: Whether or not spell resistance applies.

C: Components required to cast spell.

V Verbal – uttering the spell, designating a range, identifying the target, etc. Silence, gags or other forms of verbal impairment prevent the use of spells.

S Somatic – gestures made to focus the magical energies and indicate targets, directions, etc.

Restraints, confinement or physical disability prevents the use of spells.

M Material – the substances used are consumed in the casting of the spell. If a quantity is not mentioned, assume an amount equivalent to a tablespoon of the material is required. Insufficient quantities prevent the casting of spells. For certain spells, the caster may lose attribute points as a result of casting the spell. Attribute points are recovered at a rate of one point per day of complete rest or via magical means.

F Focus – an object that aids concentration. This item is not consumed in the spell’s casting and may be reused.

DF Divine Focus – typically the holy symbol of the spell caster’s deity. This is not consumed in the spell’s casting and may be reused.


Absorb Mind•

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 1 minuteR• personal D• 1 min/level

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, F, Wis

Caster eats portion of another creature’s brain. Gains knowledge and memories of creature such that has 25% of recalling some important fact about creature. This includes life history, family, important plans, passwords, command words, secret places, etc. If a particular fact is not discovered, no further attempts to recall it can be made. Once spell expires, no new facts can be recalled though all that was learned is still known.

Components: 1oz fresh, bloody brain, 2d6 Wisdom damage.

Absorb Strength•

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 4th

CT• 15 R• personal D• 10 min/level SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M, Wis

Caster eats 1oz portion of another creature’s corpse. Gains 25% of the creature’s strength and 25% of creature’s constitution as personal bonuses.

Components: 1oz fresh, bloody flesh, 2d6 Wisdom damage.

Acid Arrow

Wizard– 2nd

CT• 5

R• 450 ft

D• special

SV• none

SR• yes

C• V, S, M

Magical arrow made of acid leaves caster’s hand and flies towards target. Caster must make ranged attack to hit. Arrow deals 2d4HP damage. For every two caster levels, arrow persists another 10 seconds and deals 2d4HP damage.

Components: Drop of strong acid.

Acid Storm

Wizard– 6th

CT• 5

R• 450 ft

D• instantaneous

SV• partial

SR• yes

C• V, S, F

20-foot radius and 20 foot tall cylinder of acid mist forms. Acid mist deals d6HP per caster level (maximum 15d6). After dealing damage, mist dissipates.

Save: Dexterity save for half-damage.

Focus: Flask of strong acid, 6 ounces minimum.


Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 2nd

CT• 5

R• touch

D• instantaneous

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, S, Drug

Causes subject to become addicted to a drug.

Caster Level Drug Type

< 6th low addiction drug

6th to 10th medium addiction drug 11th to 15th high addiction drug

> 16 extreme addiction drug

Save: Constitution save negates effects. Components: Appropriate drug type.

Affect Normal Fires

Wizard– 1st

CT• 3 R• 50 ft D• 1 min/lvl.

SV• none SR• no C• V, S

Spell affects fires up to 3 feet in diameter. Fire’s light output and fuel consumption can be doubled or halved. Heat output remains consistent with original fire size for the duration.


Cleric – 2nd

CT• 3 R• touch D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, DF

Cleric inspires creature, giving +1 on hit rolls and saves against fear effects. Adds d8 temporary hit points. Damage is applied to temporary points first.

Air or Water Walk

Cleric – 4th

CT• 3 R• touch D• 10 min/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, DF

Allows single creature to walk on air or water-like liquid as if solid ground. Choice of medium made at the time of casting.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Airy Water

Wizard– 5th

CT• 5

R• personal

D• 10 min/lvl

SV• none

SR• no

C• V, S, M

Converts water/water-based solutions to a less dense, breathable substance. Spell creates mobile 20 foot diameter globe or 40 foot diameter hemisphere centered on the caster. Inside, breathing is possible and movement is unhindered. Water breathing creatures will not enter the area of effect.

Components: Handful of alkaline salts.


Druid, Wizard– 1st

CT• 5

R• 50 ft.

D• 2 hrs/lvl

SV• none

SR• n/a

C• V, S, M or DF

Spell guards area no larger than 20 foot cube. Druids summon small creature to watch over the area. When a medium or larger creature enters the area a mental or audible alarm is triggered – choice made at the time of casting. Wizards cast only the audible version of the spell, producing the sound of a bell and no creature is involved. Alarm duration is 10 seconds. Mental alarms alert caster if within 1 mile and awaken the caster from normal sleep. Audible alarms are clearly heard up to 60 ft from the warded area.

Components: Druids: Holy symbol, Wizards: Small silver bell.

Alter Self

Illusionist – 2nd

CT• 3 R• personal D• 10 min/lvl

SV• none SR• none C• V, S

Allows caster to transform into another form. Height and weight cannot differ by more than 25% of the caster’s own. Caster gains abilities of the new form, including vision, attacks, movement, immunities and the like - but excluding supernatural/magical qualities.

Alter Size

Wizard– 1st

CT• 3 R• 50 ft D• 10 min/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

Caster enlarges/reduces the size of a creature or object by 10% per level (maximum of 50%). All equipment changes accordingly. If growth is not possible due to space constraints, the spell fails. For every 20% enlargement, creatures gain +1 strength. Weight changes proportional to the cube of size change.

Save: Constitution save negates effects.


Cleric – 5th, Wizard– 3rd

CT• 30 R• 50 ft D• 10 min/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

Spell allows caster to copy writing from one source onto a book, parchment or paper of the caster’s choice. The spell copies 250 words per minute, creating exact duplicate of the original text. Only non- magical text is so copied. Magical scripts, illustrations and the like are omitted, leaving a blank space in the copy where it was located in the original. Use of the spell triggers any magical writing based traps or effects. Spell will copy writing until text is completed, the supply of paper is exhausted, or the spell ends.

Caster may pause the copying process to change source material, or to prepare additional paper, or to provide additional ink at any point during the process. Spell can copy spells from a spell book. Spell writing materials must be provided or the spell will fail.

Components: Suitable paper and ink.

Angelic Image

Illusionist – 2nd

CT• 3

R• Sight

D• 1 min/lvl

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, S

Angelic image appears. Undead that fail save are enraged and attack it. After making a single attack, they realize that it is illusory and ignore it.

Save: Charisma save negates effects.

Angry Ache•

Cleric – 1st

CT• 3 R• 50 ft D• 1 min/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

Caster causes muscles to spasm when creature attacks, giving –2 to attack rolls for every 4 caster levels (maximum penalty –10).

Save: Constitution save negates effects.

Animal Friendship

Druid – 1st

CT• 1 minute R• 50 ft D• permanent

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

Caster uses food to win loyalty of an animal. Caster can teach the animal 3-6 simple yet specific ‘tricks’. Each trick takes 1 to 2 weeks to teach. Tricks may be initiated by gesture or by word. Teaching both triggers doubles teaching time. Casters are limited to one or more animals with total hit dice no more than twice the caster level. Caster may dismiss animals to gain new ones. Animals are not bound to caster and may leave if conditions are poor.

Typical tricks: Attack normal creature; Stop attack; Come to caster; Defend caster; Fetch object; Guard area; Follow caster closely; Perform trick; Protect other person; Investigate area; Stay in area; Track by scent.

Save: Charisma save negates effects. Components: Small quantity of appealing food. Animal Growth

Druid – 5th

CT• 3 R• 150 ft D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

Caster causes up to eight animals within a 25 foot by 25 foot area to double in size. Weight increases eightfold. Animal HD double and physical damage dealt increases by a third. All damage received while enlarged is reduced by half when spell ends.

Does not give communication or command ability.

Animal Messenger

Druid – 2nd

CT• 5 R• 50 ft D• 1 day/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, M

Caster compels a small animal and can mentally impress directions to a known place or major landmark into the mind of the creature. The caster can attach a note or token to the animal. The animal will journey to the location and wait until the spell expires. While waiting, any creature may approach and remove any object carried by the animal. The spell can’t affect an animal under the training or influence of another.

Components: Food pleasing to the messenger animal.

Animal Shapes

Druid – 8th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft D• 1 hr/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, DF

Caster affects up to one willing creature per level within a cube with a 25 foot side. Spell transforms creatures into identical small or medium animals of the caster’s choice. Affected creatures remain in animal form until the spell expires or the caster decides to end it. Equipment and possessions are subsumed into the animal form. All natural abilities of the animal form are gained and original mental abilities are maintained. Upon changing into animal form, the recipients gain lost hit points as though they had rested for a full day.

Animate Dead / Preserve Dead

Cleric – 3rd, Wizard – 5th

CT• 5 R• 50 ft D• n/a

SV• none SR• none C• C, S, M/DF

Spell turns dead humanoids into undead skeletons or zombies that follow the caster’s spoken commands. Zombies require a mostly intact corpse. Skeletons can be created from bones or corpses and all flesh will fall off the bones at the time of reanimation.

The caster can control a maximum of 2HD of undead per caster level. Caster can release existing undead to control new undead. If the caster is a cleric, this spell does not affect any class ability to command or rebuke undead. Created undead can follow the caster, or remain in an area and attack any creature or any specific type of creature. Undead remain animated until destroyed. Once destroyed, they cannot be animated again.

Clerics may cast the spell’s reverse – Preserve Dead. This has two effects. The spell preserves target corpses or body parts from decay for one day per caster level. This extends the time period for raising a creature from the dead. This also permanently prevents the use of Animate Dead on those remains. This protection vanishes upon the successful raising or resurrection of the creature.

Components: Wizards – A piece of flesh and shard of bone of the creature type to be animated. Clerics – Holy Symbol.

Animate Rock

Druid – 7th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S, DF

By means of the spell, druid can animate 2 cubic feet of lithic material and cause to follow simple spoken instructions. The rock will move, attack, interpose, etc, as directed. It is not possible to animate only a portion of a rock whose total volume exceeds the caster’s limits.

Anti-Illusion Shield

Illusionist – 6th

CT• 3 R• personal D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none SR• see text C• V, S

The spell creates an invisible, mobile, 20 foot diameter sphere of energy centered on the caster that suppresses (but does not dispel) illusions within the sphere. This includes all but godlike illusionary abilities. Time spent in the sphere counts against the spell’s duration. Illusory creatures or effects cannot penetrate the sphere.

Anti-Life Shell

Druid – 6th

CT• 3 R• personal D• 1 min/lvl SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, DF

The spell creates a transparent but visible, mobile, 20 foot diameter sphere of energy centered on the caster that prevents the entrance of living things, but not extra-planar beings, undead, golems or constructs. Any attempt to force the shell against a creature affected by it causes the shell to collapse.

Anti-Magic Shell

Wizard – 6th

CT• 3

R• personal

D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none

SR• see text

C• V, S

The spell creates a transparent, mobile, 20-foot diameter sphere centered on the caster. It is impervious to most magic and magical effects, including summoned creatures. Artifacts, relics and beings of godlike power are unaffected by the spell. Undead and constructs may enter the area, but any magical effects are suppressed. The globe suppresses all magical effects within it but does not dispel them. Time spent within is counted against the duration of a spell or effect. Dispel Magic and other Anti-Magic Shells have no effect upon the globe.

Antipathy / Sympathy

Cleric, Druid – 9th, Wizard, Illusionist – 8th

CT• 1 hour

R• 50 ft

D• 2 hrs/lvl

SV• partial

SR• yes

C• V, S, M/DF

Caster causes a location or object to emanate magical vibrations that repel a specific, intelligent creature type. If the spell is cast upon a location, an area of 10 square feet per caster level is affected and if cast upon an object only one object is affected. The affected creature type must be named specifically and defined by the caster. For example – undead is too broad, but zombie is specific enough. Evil is too broad, but Neutral Evil is specific enough.

Creatures must save vs. Charisma or be affected by the spell. Affected creatures will abandon an area or item and will not return while the spell is in effect. Creatures that save can stay in the area or handle the object but feel uncomfortable when doing so, suffering a –4 to Charisma scores as long as the spell is in effect.

The reverse of the spell – Sympathy – generates an overpowering urge to remain in the area or possess the object. Creatures that save can leave the area or dispose of the object. Remaining within 10 feet per caster level of the affected area or object requires hourly saving throws or creatures will return to the spell’s focus.

Save: Charisma save partially negates effects.

Components: Gems or jewelry(1500gp), divine casters also require holy symbol.

Anti-Plant Shell

Druid – 4th

CT• 3 R• personal D• 1 min/lvl SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, DF

The spell creates a transparent but visible, mobile, 20 foot diameter sphere of energy centered on the caster that prevents the entrance of plant creatures or animated plants. Any attempt to force the shell against a creature affected by it causes the shell to collapse.

Apocalypse from the Sky•

Cleric, Wizard – 9th

CT• 1 day R• 10 miles D• instantaneous SV• none SR• yes C• special

Evil forces are unleashed upon the land in a radius of 10 miles per caster level, Everything within the area of effect – including the caster – takes 10d6 of fire, acid and sonic damage combined. This levels forests, topples small mountains and blasts the landscape, typically wiping out most living creatures.

Components: A good aligned artifact, 3d6 Constitution Damage, 4d6 Wisdom Damage. Preparing the spell deals d3 Wisdom Damage. Each day it remains as a prepared spell it deals an additional d3 Wisdom Damage.

Arcane Eye

Wizard – 4th

CT• 1 minuteR• unlimited D• 1 min/lvl SV• none SR• none C• V, S, M

Caster creates invisible – but not intangible – eye that relays visual information. Solid barriers impede the eye, but it can pass through openings larger than 1 inch in diameter. The eye will move as long as the caster concentrates, and remain inert if concentration lapses. The eye travels at 30 ft per round, and sees whatever the caster could see. To enhance the visual capabilities of the eye, enhance the caster’s vision. If used to carefully examine areas, movement rate is decreased to 10 ft per round.

The caster is subject to any gaze effects that affect the eye. A successful Dispel Magic on either the caster or the eye ends the spell. Creatures with intelligence 12 or greater can sense the eye with a successful Intelligence check. Spells such as Detect Scrying will also detect the eye.

Components: An eye – roughly the same size as the caster’s though not necessarily from the same species – consumed at the time of casting.

Arcane Mark

Wizard, Illusionist - 0

CT• 3 R• touch D• permanent

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

Spell allows caster to inscribe a mark no more than 6 inches in height, consisting of no more than 6 characters. The writing can be visible or invisible. The mark can be ‘etched’ upon any object, creature or substance without harming it.

If an invisible mark is made, Detect Magic will cause it to glow and be visible to all within sight. See Invisibility and True Seeing allow an invisible mark to be located, though it will not become visible. Read Magic allows the mark to be understood. The mark cannot be dispelled but it can be removed by an Erase spell. Creatures and items with Charisma can save to prevent the mark being made in the first place.

Marks made upon creatures fade after a month in any case. Save: Charisma save negates effects.


Wizard – 1st

CT• 5 R• touch D• special

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, M

The caster surrounds an unarmored target with a magical field. It provides a +2 AC bonus to the target. The armor will absorb the first 8HP+1HP per caster level of damage dealt to the target. Upon absorbing the final point of damage, the armor vanishes. This ‘armor’ will function in conjunction with devices (rings, cloaks, bracers, etc) of protection. It has no weight and does not hinder movement in any way. Only one armor spell may be in effect at a time.

Components: Piece of fine leather, blessed by a cleric.

Astral Projection

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 9th

CT• 30 minutesR• touch D• special SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

Spell separates spirit from body, allowing access to the Astral Plane. The spell lasts until terminated by the caster, or if a successful Dispel Magic is cast upon the caster’s spirit or physical body. The spirit is an identical copy (including equipment currently carried) of the creature.

For every two levels of experience the caster can take one additional creature into the Astral Plane, provided they are linked into a circle, touching the caster during the spellcasting. Their bodies remain in a state of suspended animation for as long as the caster roams the planes. Any companions must follow the spell caster or risk being stranded in another plane.

While on other planes the traveler’s spirit body remains linked to its physical form by a thin, silvery cord. If the cord is broken, spiritual and physical death is immediate. When leaving the Astral Plane and entering another plane, the spirit body manifests flesh and blood and all equipment of the ‘original’ body, but still remains connected to the ‘original’ body via the silver cord. If a planar manifestation is slain, the silver cord will return the spirit to its body and immediately revive it from suspended animation.


Cleric – 5th

CT• 1 hour minimum R• touch D• special SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, F, DF

The spell removes the burden of evil acts from the recipient, provided the recipient is truly repentant or if the acts were unwitting performed, or if they were committed while under some form of compulsion.

Only in extreme circumstances will a caster offer atonement to a non-believer.

Atonement may also be provided to a creature that willfully and knowingly committed misdeeds. In such a case the caster’s deity must be directly involved, and this has a debilitating influence on the caster. Upon completion of the spell, the caster loses all spellcasting ability for the period of a week, and must rest for one full day before resuming any sort of activity. Atonement may be cast for several purposes:

Reverse Magical Alignment Change: This reverses the effect of cursed items and the like.

Restore Class or Abilities: This will restore Paladin, Cleric or Druid status if some unwilling or unwitting behavior caused its loss. Deliberate acts that result in loss of class are irrevocable.

Redemption or Temptation: The caster can cast this version on a creature of an opposite alignment to give it the opportunity to voluntarily change its alignment to that of the spell caster. There can be no compulsion, nor bribery used in an attempt to coerce the creature into making a change.

The casting time for the preparatory steps is 2 hours. One additional hour is added to the ceremony for each level of the recipient.

Components: 500gp + 1000gp per level of the recipient for ceremonial objects.


Cleric – 2nd

CT• 1 minuteR• personal D• special SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, F, DF

The spell reveals whether good or bad will result from the caster’s actions in about the next 30 minutes. Due to the short time span, long-term consequences are not addressed. The chance for a meaningful reply is 70%+1% per caster level. The roll is made secretly by the DM. Replies will belong to one of four categories:

Weal – good will result Woe – bad will result Both – mix of outcomes

Neither – Neutral event or failed augury roll

Subsequent augury spells by the same caster on the same topic will not reveal new information.

Aura Against Flame

Cleric – 2nd, Druid – 1st

CT• 3 R• personal D• 10 sec/lvl SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

Aura of transparent blue mist surrounds the caster and absorbs the first 12 points of fire damage that would be dealt. The aura will snuff out any fire that does less than 12 HP of damage in a round. The aura may be used to dispel a wall of fire by making a touch attack with the same chance for success as if Dispel Magic had been cast.

Aura of Glory

Cleric – 2nd

CT• 1 R• personal D• 1 min/lvl SV• none SR• yes C• V, DF

Caster channels a portion of god’s divinity, enhancing presence and augmenting abilities. While the spell is in effect, the cleric gains a +2 on Charisma checks, and the cleric and all allies within sight gain a +2 on saves against fear effects.

Aura of Vitality

Druid – 7th

CT• 3

R• 50 ft

D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, S

Targets of the spell gain a +4 on Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores. Caster can designate one target for every three caster levels. The targets cannot be more than 20 feet apart from each other.

Save: Constitution save negates spell effects.


Druid – 5th

CT• 1 day R• touch D• permanent

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, DF

Caster awakens tree or animal to human-like sentience. Caster must make a successful Wisdom check, with the target’s HD as the challenge level. If successful, the awakened being is friendly towards the druid and will aid in specific tasks or endeavors if these can be clearly communicated.

If the check is failed the caster cannot awaken that particular being. Awakened trees can move about, and utilize branches and roots for grasping, etc. They possess senses equal to those of a human. Awakened animals have 3d6 Intelligence; gain a +1 Charisma bonus and +2 HD.


Illusionist – 7th

CT• 3 R• Sight D• special

SV• special SR• yes C• V, S

Spell generates aura of power and light that surrounds the caster. All who can see the caster and wish them harm immediately suffer nausea, pain and a temporary loss of 1 point in each attribute score. If a save is made, the spell lasts 30 seconds, otherwise it lasts as long as harm is wished to the caster. In addition, no attributes are considered prime when making any skill checks or saving throws against magic used by the caster.

Save: Intelligence save limits effects.

Azuth’s Exalted Triad

Cleric – 6th

CT• 1 minuteR• personal D• instantaneous SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

By means of this spell, the caster alters one of his previously prepared spells so it can be cast multiple times. The prepared spell must be 3rd level or lower. After casting the Exalted Triad, the altered spell can be cast a total of three times before it is ‘used up’. All relevant costs must be paid for each casting of the altered spell. It is not possible to have more than one Exalted Triad of spells active at any time and a second casting will fail until the first Triad is completely used.


Balagarn’s Iron Horn

Wizard, Illusionist – 2nd

CT• 3 R• 50 ft D• instantaneous

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

Caster creates resonant vibration in the ground. Creatures that fail a DC20 Strength check fall prone upon the ground and lose any remaining actions.

Save: Strength save negates spell effects.

Ball Lightning

Wizard – 5th, Illusionist – 6th

CT• 5 R• 150 ft D• 1 min/lvl

SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S, M

Caster creates one or more balls of electrical energy that shed light as a candle and move under the mental control of the caster at a rate of 10 feet per second. The caster can create a single small ball per caster level that can strike a creature within range for d6HP. Any number of smaller balls can be combined into a larger ball with a corresponding increase in damage dealt. Each ball affects a single

target and is destroyed in the attack. A ball will dissipate harmlessly if it is used to attack a creature that lies beyond the spell’s range.

Save: Dexterity save for half damage.

Components: One dozen iron and one dozen copper pellets. Each pellet is the size of a pencil eraser.


Cleric – 6th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft D• permanent

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, F

Caster can force extraplanar beings within a 25 foot cube back to their home plane. Up to 2HD per caster level can be affected.

Components: Object or substance that is hated, feared or opposed by the target. For each additional object or substance, creature(s) suffer a –2 on saving throws against the spell, and caster gains +1 to overcome any spell resistance.

Save: Charisma save negates effects.


Druid – 2nd

CT• 5 R• touch D• 10 min/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, M, DF

There are two versions of the spell, chosen at the time the spell is cast. The first version toughens the caster’s skin, giving a +3 AC bonus. The bonus increases to +4 at 6th level and +5 at 12th level or above. The second version of the spell allows the caster to take the form of a small living tree or shrub, or a large

dead trunk with several protrusions. All the caster’s goods and possessions are merged with the new

shape. Detect Magic will reveal a faint magic upon the plant form. The caster can see and hear all that he or she normally could, gaining a +10 AC bonus, but losing all Dexterity based bonuses.

Components: A piece of tree bark.

Battering Ram

Wizard– 2nd

CT• 3 R• 50 ft D• instantaneous

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, F

Spell creates force that strikes with considerable impact. Spell can target a creature or an object. The force deals d6HP damage to the target, and if the target is a creature it must make a DC 25 Strength check or be knocked prone, losing all actions for the round. If the target is a movable object such as a door, it must save or be smashed into several pieces.

Save: Strength save negates effects. Focus: Carved tip of ram’s horn.


Cleric – 5th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, DF

Caster and one additional creature per two caster levels steal energy from all other living creatures within the 50-foot area of effect at the time the spell is cast. Affected creatures suffer a –2 penalty on all rolls. The spell lasts until it expires, or if all the creatures in the original area die, or receive a successful Dispel Magic.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.


Cleric, Wizard – 8th

CT• 1 min R• touch D• permanent

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M,

The caster makes water (or a water-based liquid) foul and mildly poisonous. The caster can affect a volume of liquid given by a surface area of 10,000 square feet/level and a depth of 10 feet/level. All creatures under 1HD within the water at the time of casting are immediately slain. Anyone drinking or immersed in the water must make a Constitution save or take d4 Constitution damage.

If the befouled liquid mixes with untainted liquid, the effects vary. If the befouled area is 25% or more of the total, all of the liquid is befouled by the time 24 hours have passed, but the effects of drinking or immersion are halved. If the befouled portion is greater than 5%, but less than 25%, the entire amount tastes foul, but has no other effect. If the befouled amount is less than 5%, the effects are unnoticeable after 24 hours have passed.

Components: A dead fish and a drop of poison.

Bestow Greater Curse•

Cleric – 7th, Wizard, Illusionist – 8th

CT• 3 R• touch D• permanent

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The caster places a curse upon the subject, choosing from the following effects at the time of casting: Ability Score Reduction: Reduce an ability score to 1, or two abilities are reduced by 6 (minimum of 1) Roll Reduction: Attacks, saving throws, ability and skill checks suffer –8.

Inertia: Each round, the subject is 75% likely to do nothing, no matter the situation. Otherwise, they may act normally.

A Greater Curse cannot be dispelled, nor can it be affected by Limited Wish or Remove Curse. Alter Reality, Miracle or Wish spells are required. The curse can be removed by fulfilling a deed that the caster designates. The deed must be specific, and able to be accomplished within one year if the curse victim starts the process immediately.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Bestow Wound•

Wizard, Illusionist – 1st

CT• 5 R• touch D• instantaneous

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell transfers 1HP of sustained damage per caster level to the target. The caster gains 1HP for each point of damage transferred. The creature cannot transfer more HP than it has when the spell takes effect. Save: Constitution save negates effects.

Components: 10gp agate.

Bigby’s Clenched Fist

Wizard – 8th

CT• 5 R• 50 ft D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell creates a huge disembodied fist. It is under the mental control of the caster, who can direct it to attack, to the exclusion of all other magical activity. The fist never misses but the effects vary:

d20 Punch Damage 1-12 Glancing Blow d6

13-16 Solid Punch 2d6

17-19 Hard punch 3d6 + stun 10 sec

  1. Crushing Blow 4d6 + stun 30 sec

    A stunned opponent gives +4 to the next effect roll. The fist has AC 15 and takes damage equal to the caster’s current hit points before being dispelled.

    Components: A fine leather glove with ‘brass knuckles’ costing 25gp.

    Bigby’s Crushing Hand

    Wizard – 9th

    CT• 5 R• 50 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

    SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

    The spell creates a huge, disembodied hand. The hand is under the mental control of the caster, to the exclusion of all other magical activity. The hand will automatically hit any opponent, grasping and crushing it. Each round, the target suffers damage as follows:

    10 sec. increment Effect

    1st d10 2nd & 3rd 2d10

    4th & subsequent 4d10

    The hand has AC 18 and takes damage equal to the caster’s current hit points before being dispelled. Components: A glove of snakeskin and an eggshell.

    Bigby’s Forceful Hand

    Wizard – 6th

    CT• 5 R• 100 ft D• 1 min/lvl

    SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

    The spell generates a huge, disembodied hand. The hand is under the mental control of the caster and will interpose between the caster and another being as directed. One the hand is directed at an opponent the caster can engage in other activities then change the hand’s target later.

    The hand will generate a force sufficient to cause a weight of less than 500 pounds to be forced away. A being between 500 and 2000 pounds can advance against the hand at a rate of 10 feet per minute. Beings with weight greater than 2000 pounds but less than 8000 pounds are slowed to half-speed.

    The hand has AC 12 and is dispelled after taking damage equal to the caster’s hit points when it was cast. Component: A leather glove.

    Bigby’s Grasping Hand

    Wizard – 7th

    CT• 5 R• 100 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

    SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

    The spell generates a huge, disembodied hand. The hand is under the mental control of the caster and will interpose itself between the caster and another being as directed. One the hand is directed to an opponent the caster can engage in other activities then change the hand’s target later.

    The hand will generate a force sufficient to cause a weight of less than 1000 pounds to be forced away. A being between 1000 and 4000 pounds can advance against the hand at a rate of 10 feet per minute.

    Beings with weight greater than 4000 pounds but less than 16000 pounds are slowed to half-speed. The hand has AC 14 and is dispelled after taking damage equal to the caster’s hit points when it was cast.

    Component: A leather glove.

    Bigby’s Interposing Hand

    Wizard – 5th

    CT• 5 R• 100 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

    SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

    The spell generates a huge, disembodied hand. The hand is under the mental control of the caster and will interpose itself between the caster and another being as directed. One the hand is directed to an opponent the caster can engage in other activities then change the hand’s target later.

    Beings with weight less than 2000 pounds are slowed to half-speed. The hand has AC 10 and is dispelled after taking damage equal to the caster’s hit points when it was cast.

    Component: A leather glove.


    Wizard – 2nd

    CT• 5 R• 50 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

    SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S, M

    Spell causes rope-like material to obey the caster’s mental commands. 50 feet of material plus 5 feet per caster level can be affected. Commands that can be given are ‘Coil’, ‘Knot’, ‘Loop’, ‘Tie’ and their reverse. The rope has very limited mobility and can only move about 6 inches before looping or knotting. This spell in no way emulates a Rope of Climbing, but the rope can be used as the spell Entangle affecting only a single creature.

    Components: Rope, twine, string. thread, etc.

    Bind Elemental

    Wizard – 5th

    CT• 10 minutesR• 50 ft. D• 10 min/lvl SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, M

    The caster transports a 12 HD elemental from one of the elemental planes and brings it to their current plane. The type of elemental to be summoned is decided at the beginning of the spell casting and large quantities of the element are required for it to manifest.

    The elemental does not come willingly, and it will not obey the caster without a struggle. The caster can maintain dominance over the elemental being by concentrating to the exclusion of all else. No motion, speech, etc. is possible without loss of control. If that happens, the elemental attacks the caster exclusively. It will not cease attacking until destroyed, or the spell ends and the elemental is returned to its plane. The caster can terminate the spell at will.

    Component: Large quantities of applicable element.


    Wizard – 8th, Illusionist – 9th

    CT• 1 minute minimum R• 50 ft D• special

    SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

    The spell creates a magical restraint to hold a creature. The creature receives a saving throw only if it has HD or levels greater than one half of the caster’s levels. The caster can be aided in this task by up to six assistants. For each assistant casting a suggestion the caster’s effective level is increased by 1, and each casting an appropriate dominate spell increases the caster’s effective level by 2. All assistants then join in chanting the particular version of the spell to be used.

    There are six distinct versions of the spell, and the type must be chosen at the start of the process. For each version, the caster may specify a set of conditions that result in the release of the creature. nce the spell is cast, the triggering mechanism cannot be changed. Setting these conditions results in a –2 penalty to the target’s saving throw (if any). They can be simple or elaborate, but there must exist some chance of fulfillment or the spell will automatically fail to take effect. The conditions can be based on a creature’s name, identity or alignment but must otherwise be based on observable actions or qualities. Intangibles

    such as level, hit points or ability scores do not directly qualify. A creature can only be under the effect of a single binding spell at any time and any other binding spells will fail until the original binding is fulfilled. Chaining: Subject confined by restraints that generate Antipathy effect for all creatures except the caster.

    The subject is confined to where it was when the spell was cast. Duration is one year per caster level.

    Slumber: Imposes a comatose sleep. Subject does not age, nor require nourishment while sleeping. Sleep lasts for one year per caster level. Saves against this version are made at a +1.

    Bound Slumber: A combination of Chaining and Slumber that lasts up to one month per caster level. Saves against this version are made at a +3.

    Hedged Prison: The subject is transported to a confined area from which it cannot escape unless by external by any means. The spell is permanent. Saves against this version are made at a +4. The confined area must be prepared prior to casting the spell.

    Metamorphosis: The body of the subject, except its head or face, becomes gaseous. It is held in a jar or other container (which may be transparent). The creature remains aware of its surroundings and can speak, but cannot use any powers or abilities. The subject does not age, nor does it require any nourishment. The spell is permanent. Saves against this version are made at a +5.

    Minimus Containment: The subject is shrunk to a height of 1 inch and contained inside a large gem, jar or similar object. The subject does not age, nor does it require any nourishment. The spell is permanent.

    Saves against this version are made at a +4.

    Bindings cannot be removed via Dispel Magic, though an Anti-Magic Shell has normal effects. Bound extraplanar creatures cannot be dismissed. Bindings of limited duration may be overlapped, but the subject receives an automatic saving throw for each binding beyond the first and if successful, all bindings are removed.

    Save: Charisma save negates effects.

    Components: Container as applicable (flawless gem, finest crystal bell jar, etc) and additional props such as miniature chains of fine metals, rare soporific herbs and the like (1000 gp minimum). In addition, a single 500 gp opal per hit die of the target is required, along with an illuminated vellum parchment describing the target or a carved representation, each of which is worth at least 500 gp.

    Binding Winds

    Druid – 5th

    CT• 3 R• 50 ft D• concentration

    SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

    Spell creates a motionless flurry of air to bind the spell’s target as long as concentration is maintained. The caster can move but no other actions may be undertaken. The winds form a physical barrier surrounding the target. A flying target remains immobilized in midair and an earthbound target is trapped on the ground. The target is otherwise free to act normally.

    The target may speak but the roar of the winds prevents any oral communication across the barrier. Missile weapons attacks made across the barrier suffer a –2 penalty.

    Save: Dexterity save negates effects.

    Black Bag•

    Wizard – 1st

    CT• 5 R• touch D• 24 hours

    SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

    Spell creates a bag full of knives, scalpels and other small torture implements. The caster can extract and replace any object but if any other being removes an implement, it disintegrates after one round.

    The bag and its magically created implements weigh only one pound. Evil items, including items that deal unholy damage can be placed in the bag as though it had 10 cubic feet of space. These items add no weight. Non-evil items will fall through the bag as though it were not there.

    Components: Six-inch strip of black leather soaked in blood of willing masochist.


    Wizard, Illusionist – 8th

    CT• 3 R• touch D• 1 min/lvl

    SV• special SR• yes C• V, S, F

    The spell magically enhances a staff. It gains a +4 to attack and damage. Any creature struck by the staff suffers the effects of a Dispel Magic, only affecting that creature. If the staff is used to successfully attack another spell caster, that spell caster loses the highest level spell currently memorized unless they make a Wisdom save.

    Save: Wisdom save negates spell loss effects. Focus: A staff.

    Blade Barrier

    Cleric – 6th

    CT• 3 R• 150 ft D• 30 sec/lvl

    SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

    Creates wall of whirling blades. The wall is up to 30 feet tall, up to 60 feet wide and 5 feet thick. It is immobile. Any creature passing through the barrier takes 12d6 damage. Creatures in the barrier when it is created can save to avoid damage if they leave as soon as possible, by the shortest path possible.

    Save: Dexterity save negates effects.

    Blade of Disaster

    Wizard – 9th

    CT• 3 R• 50 ft D• special

    SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

    Spell creates blade-shaped rift. Starting immediately the blade attacks attacks anywhere along the line of sight of the caster. It persists for as long as the caster maintains concentration, up to 10 sec/level or until it encounters a Gate, Dimensional Anchor, Dispel Magic, Sphere of Annihilation or Rod of Cancellation.

    The blade can pass through any sort of magical impediment except an Anti Magic Shell.

    The blade strikes as the caster but with the caster’s Intelligence modifier used as a to hit bonus. The blade is considered +5 for purposes of what it can attack, and deals 2d12HP. The blade deals a critical hit on a roll of 18-20, and the target is then affected as if by a Disintegrate spell.


    Wizard – 1st, Illusionist – 2nd

    CT• 3

    R• touch

    D• 1 min/lvl

    SV• none

    SR• yes

    C• V, S

    The spell can only be cast upon an edged weapon. The weapon sheds a cold, blue light as a torch and gains a +3 bonus to attacks and damage.

    Bless / Bane

    Cleric – 1st

    CT• 3

    R• 50 ft

    D• 1 min/lvl

    SV• none

    SR• yes

    C• V, S, DF

    The caster’s allies within a 50-foot radius circle at the time of casting receive a +1 to hit and +1 on saving throws against fear effects. The reverse of the spell - Bane - gives enemies in the area of effect a -1 to hit and -1 on saving throws against fear effects.

    Bless Water / Curse Water

    Cleric – 1st

    CT• 1 min R• touch D• permanent

    SV• n/a SR• yes C• V, S, DF

    The spell turns a pint of clean water into holy water. The reverse of the spell – Curse Water – creates unholy water out of a polluted source.


    Cleric – 4th, Druid, Wizard – 3rd

    CT• 3 R• touch D• 1 hour/lvl

    SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

    The spell effect renders the recipient sensitive to vibrations and sound such that it can fight in complete darkness (or if blinded) as well as if under normal conditions. Any material creature approaching within 30 feet is automatically detected, even if shrouded by invisibility, silence, etc.

    Save: Wisdom save negates effects.


    Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd

    CT• 3 R• personal D• 10 sec/lvl SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S

    The spell rapidly cycles the caster through the ethereal plane. Attacks against caster are made at –10 unless the attacker can see ethereal/invisible/incorporeal creatures in which case attacks are made at –2. If the attacker can both see and strike such creatures then there is no penalty.

    Spells targeting the caster have 50% chance of failure, unless that caster can both see and strike ethereal/invisible/incorporeal creatures, in which case the spells function as normal. Instantaneous area of effect spells function normally against the caster of the blink spell 50% of the time, but persistent effects function as normal when the caster is not ethereal.

    The caster’s attacks are made at –2. Any spells have a 50% to be cast into the ethereal plane. It is possible to attack ethereal creatures using this spell. The caster interacts with the ethereal plane in the same way as with the material plane.

    While ‘blinking’, the caster can step through – but not see though – solid objects no more than five feet thick. If the caster attempts to pass through a solid object thicker than five feet, the spell immediately ends, depositing the caster in the nearest open space. The caster suffers d6 points of damage for each five feet traveled in this manner.


    Illusionist – 2nd

    CT• 1 R• touch D• 10 sec/lvl

    SV• negates SR• yes C• V

    Subject’s outline becomes distorted and indistinct – giving + 2 AC bonus. True Seeing counteracts this effect. Creatures who cannot see are unaffected.

    Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

    Bodak Birth•

    Cleric – 8th

    CT• 1 minuteR• touch D• instantaneous

    SV• none SR• no C• V, S, F, Drug

    Subject transforms into a Bodak. All previous characteristics are overwritten. Before the spell can be cast, a miniature representation of the subject must be bathed in the fresh blood of an animal larger than a rabbit for three consecutive days. This serves as the focus when casting the spell.

    Thereafter, anyone who holds the figurine can attempt to mentally communicate with and control the Bodak. The creature can resist the control by making a successful Wisdom check. If it fails it must obey the bearer of the figurine, but it gains a new save every 24 hours. If the figurine is destroyed the Bodak disintegrates.

    Components: Blood soaked figurine of subject, drug (Agony).

    Body Blades

    Cleric – 2nd

    CT• 3 R• personal D• 1 min/lvl SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S

    The spell causes dagger sized blades of force to sprout from the caster and their equipment. A successful grapple deals d6HP damage as does a hand attack. If an opponent attempts to grapple with the caster they take 2HP damage for each attempt regardless of success or failure.

    During the spell, any attempt to entangle or restrain the caster with ropes, nets, vines, etc. has a 20% chance of destroying the entangling cords.


    Cleric – 3rd

    CT• 3 R• touch D• 10 min/lvl

    SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, F

    Caster transforms an undead bone into a sword of whichever type the caster prefers. The weapon has a

    +1 on attacks and damage for every 5 caster levels (maximum +4). This blade deals an additional d6HP to living targets, and another d6HP to good-aligned targets. The caster does not need to wield the blade.

    Components: 6-inch undead bone fragment. Focus: 1 inch silver sword.


    Druid – 7th

    CT• 3

    R• 450 ft

    D• instantaneous

    SV• partial

    SR• yes

    C• V, S, F

    Rocks rain out of the sky in a 15-foot radius around the designated spot. The spell deals d8HP per caster level (maximum 10d8) and buries any target that fails its save. Buried targets begin to suffocate and cannot attempt any actions other than escape, which takes a minimum of 30 seconds. While buried, creatures are 90% concealed and gain 90% cover.

    Save: Dexterity save for half damage Focus: Quartz crystal embedded in rock. Burning Hands

    Wizard – 1st

    CT• 3

    R• 5 ft

    D• instantaneous

    SV• none

    SR• yes

    C• V, S

    Thin sheet of flame shoots from outstretched fingertips of caster in semi-circular arc (5 feet away from caster, five feet on either side of caster) and deals d2HP+1HP per caster level. Flammable materials such as cloth, parchment and thin wood will ignite and continue to burn.



    Wizard – 7th

    CT• special R• 10 ft D• special

    SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

    The caster can summon an exceptionally strong demon whose name is known to the caster. The caster must be within a magic circle of protection or a thaumaturgic triangle within a Protection from Evil spell.

    The demon will be angry and ill disposed at this summons. The demon must be summoned to appear within a pentagram or the caster will be attacked by the demon. If successful, the caster can bargain with the demon in one of three ways:

    The caster can fore a desired course of action to be performed by pain of spells and physical torture, allowing for freedom at the end of the servitude and forcing the demon to accept the bargain.

    By tribute of fresh human blood and the offering of one or more human sacrifices and the promise of more – the wizard can bargain with the demon for a course of action and thereby obtain a pledge.

    The summoned demon can be the object of a Trap the Soul spell, and it will be imprisoned within the focus of the spell. The creature can be freed by breaking the focus. Upon release, the demon will ask what is required of it. The demon must do its best to perform a service for its liberator, and then return to the Abyss. If not immediately asked for a particular service, the demon is free to do as it wishes.

    If required service is impossible, self-contradictory, or would violate Geas or Quest spell language the demon is freed from the agreement and can remain on the summoner’s plane for as long as desired.

    The casting time of the spell is four to six hours. If there is any interruption, the spell is ruined. Each demon is permitted a saving throw to resist the effects of the summoning.

    Save: Wisdom save negates spell effects.

    Components: 5 lit black candles, brazier of hot coals upon which is burned: sulfur, bat hair, lard, soot, quicksilver, mandrake root, brandy and a parchment with the demon’s true name in pentacle encircled runes (minimum 500gp), and a dish of fresh human blood placed where the demon is to appear.

    Cacophonic Shield

    Wizard – 6th

    CT• 3 R• 15 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

    SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S

    Spell creates immobile barrier of sonic energy located 15 feet from the caster. Creatures on either side hear a loud buzzing when they approach within 15 feet. Non-magical sound cannot penetrate the barrier and any magical sonic effects will dissipate harmlessly if the caster of the sonic effect is of equal or lesser level than the caster of the barrier. Any creature crossing the barrier takes d6+1HP per caster level and must save or be deafened for 1 minute. Missiles that pass through the barrier in either direction are 20% likely to be harmlessly deflected.

    Save: Constitution save negates deafening.

    Call Dretch Horde•

    Wizard – 5th

    CT• 1 min R• 50 ft D• 1 year

    SV• none SR• no C• V, S, Soul

    Caster summons 2d4 minor demons (dretches) from the Abyss to serve him for a year in return for a prepared soul. They will serve unquestioningly but are unintelligent. Instructions must be given in 10 words or less. The caster can never control more than 2HD per caster level. Caster may choose to release one or more dretches from service at which time they will immediately return to the Abyss.

    Component: Soul of a human or demi-human, stored in a suitable magic item.

    Call Lemure Horde•

    Wizard – 5th

    CT• 1 minute R• 50 ft D• 1 year

    SV• none SR• no C• V, S, Soul

    Caster summons 3d4 minor demons (lemures) from the Abyss to serve him for a year in return for a prepared soul. They will serve unquestioningly but are profoundly stupid. Instructions must be given in 5 or fewer words. The caster can never control more than 2HD per caster level. Caster may choose to release one or more lemures from service at which time they will immediately return to the Abyss.

    Component: Soul of a human or demi-human, stored in a suitable magic item.

    Call Lightning

    Druid – 3rd

    CT• 10 min R• 450 ft D• 10 min/lvl

    SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S, Weather

    In the proper outdoor conditions the caster can call a bolt of lightning to strike a target. One bolt may be called down every ten minutes but doing so takes 10 seconds of complete concentration. When not calling a bolt the caster is free to move about, cast additional spells, etc.

    The bolts summoned will travel the shortest path from cloud to ground in order to strike the target. The victim of the stroke suffers d10HP per caster level of electrical damage. A successful save results in half damage. All within a ten-foot radius of the strike must also save or suffer half damage. A successful save results in one-quarter damage. Creatures beyond the 10 foot radius do not take any damage.

    Save: Dexterity save reduces damage.

    Components: Weather that permits electrical storms.

    Call Nightmare•

    Wizard – 5th

    CT• 1 min R• 150 ft D• 1 week

    SV• none SR• no C• V, S, Soul

    Caster summons Nightmare to serve for a week in return for a prepared soul. The Nightmare will serve unquestioningly but must remain within 150 feet of the caster at all times or immediately return to Hell. The caster can never control more than one Nightmare at any time and summoning a second causes both to return to Hell.

    Component: Soul of a human or demi-human, stored in a suitable magic item.

    Calm Animals

    Druid – 1st

    CT• 3 R• 50 ft D• 1 min/lvl

    SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

    Spell renders natural and magical beasts and/or animals within a 25-foot cube docile and harmless. Creatures must be of low intelligence and must all be of the same species in order to be affected. The caster can affect 2d4HD +1HD per caster level worth of creatures. Affected animals remain where they are

    and do not attack or flee. They are not helpless, and will defend if attacked. Any threat breaks the spell. Normal creatures receive no saving throw against the spell. Trained animals, beasts and magical beasts do receive a save.

    Save: Charisma save negates effects.


    Druid – 1st

    CT• 3 R• personal D• 10 min/lvl SV• none SR• no C• V, S

    Spell allows caster to change colors of hair, skin, eyes and personal equipment to blend into the surrounding area provided it is mostly natural. This grants an additional -10 to checks made to detect caster.

    Cast in Stone

    Druid – 9th

    CT• 3

    R• 50 ft

    D• 10 sec/lvl

    SV• negates

    SR• yes

    C• V, S

    Caster is able to turn to stone any creature that meets their gaze, just as if a Flesh to Stone spell had been cast upon them. The caster may cause a creature to revert to flesh by speaking a special word. The caster can attempt to meet the gaze of one creature per round and can continue to attack or move about as desired. Creatures may avert their eyes (50% of meeting gaze) or close them or turn away entirely (0% of meeting gaze). The first case provides the caster with a +5 to AC, the second gives a +10AC bonus and a +4 to hit bonus to the caster.

    Save: Constitution save negates effects.

    Chain Lightning

    Wizard – 6th

    CT• 3 R• 450 ft D• instantaneous

    SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S, F

    A bolt of lightning flashes from the caster’s fingertips and strikes a single target, dealing d6 damage per caster level. If a suitable secondary target is within 50 feet of the bolt’s initial strike, it will arc to that secondary target, dealing one d6 less than the primary stroke. This process will continue, subject to the following conditions: No target is more than 50 feet distant from the previous one and no large bodies of water or metal objects lie between targets. The arcing process will cease if the conditions are not met and the bolt fades away. Otherwise, there are as many arcs as the caster has levels.

    The primary target of the bolt may attempt a save. If successful, only half damage ensues but the arcing process continues. It is possible for an object to be struck multiple times. Each instance will require a separate saving throw, though when a secondary target makes a successful save it will take no damage at all. This indicates that the bolt struck a nearby object instead.

    Save: Dexterity save reduces damage to half or zero (primary or secondary targets, as applicable)

    Components: Focus: Chain of iron that has been struck by lightning and forged into a loop, with one link per arc.

    Change Self

    Wizard, Illusionist – 1st

    CT• 3 R• touch D• 10 min/lvl

    SV• negates SR• no C• V, S

    Spell changes caster’s appearance including physical features and personal equipment. The caster may change height by one foot, and alter apparent weight by as much as 50%, though caster cannot change racial characteristics. Creatures that interact with the caster will notice the illusion if they make a saving throw.

    Save: Intelligence save negates effects.


    Druid – 7th

    CT• 1 min R• touch D• 1 hr/lvl

    SV• none SR• no C• V, S, F

    Using a specially prepared staff the caster transforms it into a treant-like creature about 24 feet tall. The resulting creature looks and fights like a treant and obeys the druid’s spoken commands. If the staff- treant is reduced to zero hit points, it is destroyed and the staff crumbles into dust. Otherwise the staff may be used as the focus of the spell indefinitely. The staff-treant always has full hit points each time it appears. The staff must be initially be prepared over a period of 28 days to the exclusion of all other activities other than basic personal care such as eating or sleeping.

    Focus: Specially prepared staff.


    Cleric – 2nd

    CT• variable R• none D• special

    SV• none SR• no C• V, S

    As long as the cleric remains stationary and chants the incantation, allies within a 30-foot radius gain a +1 to hit, damage and saving throws. Enemies within the area get a –1 penalty to the same rolls. A successful attack on the cleric or a silence/noise canceling effect ends the spell.


    Illusionist – 5th

    CT• 5 R• 50 feet D• 10 sec/lvl

    SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

    The illusionist causes confusion in creatures within a 40-foot cube. Only illusionists and ‘vanilla’ fighters are permitted a saving throw. Creatures with Intelligence 4 or less are unaffected by the spell.

    d% Behavior

    01-10 Wander away for 10 min

    11-60 Stand confused for 10 sec 61-80 Attack closest target for 10 sec 81-00 Attack caster’s party for 10 sec

    Save: Intelligence save negates spell effects. Components: 2 inch bronze disc, 1-inch iron rod. Charm Monster

    Wizard, Illusionist – 4th

    CT• 3 R• 50 feet D• 1 day/lvl

    SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

    The spell makes the affected monster regard the caster as a trusted friend and ally. The spell does not enable communication. If threatened by the caster or their allies before the spell is cast, the monster gains

    +5 to resist the spell’s effects. If threatened by the caster or allies after the spell is cast, the spell immediately ends.

    The suggestions of the caster will be regarded in a most favorable way. A caster attempting to coerce the monster into performing an action contrary to its nature must succeed in a Charisma check.

    Save: Charisma save negates effects.

    Charm Person

    Wizard, Illusionist – 1st

    CT• 3 R• 50 feet D• 1 hr/lvl

    SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

    This spell makes a medium-sized or smaller humanoid from the elvish, dwarvish, gnome, halfling and human races regard the caster as a trusted friend and ally. The spell does not enable communication.

    If threatened by the caster or their allies before the spell is cast, the creature gains +5 to resist the spell’s effects. If threatened by the caster or allies after the spell is cast, the spell immediately ends.

    The suggestions of the caster will be regarded in a most favorable way. A caster attempting to coerce the creature into performing an action contrary to its nature, must succeed in a Charisma check.

    Save: Charisma save negates effects.

    Charm Person or Animal

    Druid – 2nd

    CT• 3 R• 50 feet D• 1 hr/lvl

    SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

    The spell causes a medium-sized or smaller humanoid (as per charm person), or an animal, beast or magical beast to regard the caster as a trusted friend and ally. The spell does not enable communication. If threatened by the caster or their allies before the spell is cast, the creature gains +5 to resist the spell’s

    effects. If threatened by the caster or allies after the spell is cast, the spell immediately ends.

    The suggestions of the caster will be regarded in a most favorable way. A caster attempting to coerce the creature into performing an action contrary to its nature, must succeed in a Charisma check.

    Save: Charisma save negates effects.

    Charnel Fire•

    Cleric – 5th

    CT• 3 R• touch D• instantaneous

    SV• none* SR• no* C• V, S

    By touching a corpse the caster causes it to be consumed by fire and brimstone leaving absolutely no remains. If cast upon undead they gain a saving throw and spell resistance applies.

    Save: Constitution save negates effects on undead.


    Wizard - 1st

    CT• 3 R• personal D• special

    SV• none SR• no C• V, S, F

    The spell lasts for one minute per caster level, or until its effect is used. The spell can be used to alter the outcome of a game of chance. Whenever a roll is made, the caster may force a re-roll of the outcome and take the better of the two rolls. Since the spell alters probability, there is no subterfuge to detect. It cannot affect a magical game, or a game using magical items, nor magical items of chance.

    Focus: Pair of dice made from human bones.

    Chromatic Orb

    Illusionist – 1st

    CT• 5 R• 30 feet D• special

    SV• special SR• yes C• V, S, M

    Spell allows caster to create small globe of a particular color that can be thrown at a target. It can strike targets that are struck only by +5 weapons. At 10 feet or closer, the orb is + 3 to hit. At 10 to 20 feet, it is

    +2 to hit, and it is +1 to hit at ranges from 20 to 30 feet.

    The caster is limited to particular colors by level, though a caster can opt for any lesser color. Effect duration and intensity are dependent on the caster’s level.
























    stinking cloud

















    Light: As the spell, lasts for 10 sec per caster level and blinds the target if it fails a Dexterity save.

    Heat: Sufficient to melt 1 cubic yard of ice and target loses 1 point of Strength and Dexterity for 1 minute. Fire: Ignites all combustibles within 1 foot of the target. This deals another 2 points of fire damage.

    Blindness: Lasts for d4+1 minutes unless Intelligence save is made.

    Stinking Cloud: 5-foot radius cloud surrounds target. All within must make a Constitution save or be helpless, otherwise this acts as the spell.

    Magnetism: Result of electrical discharge affecting a target wearing metallic armor. This lasts for 3d4 rounds and will cause all metallic objects within a 5-foot radius to be attracted together.

    Paralysis: Lasts for 5d4 rounds unless Strength check is made.

    Petrification: Creature turns to stone unless Wisdom save is made. If save succeeds, target is slowed for 2d4 rounds.

    Death: Charisma save negates death. If save succeds target is paralyzed for d4+1 rounds. Components: A 50gp gem of the appropriate color.

    Circle Dance

    Cleric, Druid – 3rd

    CT• 1 minuteR• personal D• instantaneous SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S

    The caster is able to determine the relative location and condition of another individual. The caster must have firsthand knowledge of the subject for the spell to function. The individual is concentrated upon as the caster performs a spinning dance.

    If the target is alive and on the same plane as the caster, the caster will point in the direction of the target. The caster has a general impression of the target’s physical and emotional condition. If the target is dead or on another plane, nothing is felt.

    Circle of Nausea•

    Cleric – 3rd

    CT• 3 R• personal D• 10 sec/lvl SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, F

    Evil energies burst from the caster filling a 20-foot radius sphere with sensations of intense pain and waves of nausea. Any creatures who fail a Constitution save suffer a –2 to all rolls. All who remain in the area must make a new save every round. The effects persist as long as the spell does.

    The caster spends one hour inscribing a circle on the ground and places a black stone at each of the cardinal directions. Once created this circle can be reused any number of times. If any creature exits the circle the spell ends, but a second Constitution save is required or they will fall to the ground helpless with nausea, losing all actions and unable to attempt any new ones until the spell ends.

    Save: Constitution save negates effects.

    Clairaudience / Clairvoyance

    Wizard – 3rd

    CT• 3 R• special D• 1 min/lvl

    SV• none SR• no C• V, S, F

    The spell enables the caster to either see or hear what happens in a locale. The choice is made when the spell is cast. If the locale is well known to the caster, distance is no impediment, but if the location is not

    well known it must lie within sight of the caster. The spell only allows information the caster could gather normally – without any magical enhancement. If the area is magically darkened, nothing can be seen. If the area is shielded by magical protection or impediments to scrying such as lead, the caster is aware of this. This spell will only function on the same plane as the caster.

    Focus: 1 inch silver ear horn and telescope.

    Claws of the Beast

    Druid – 1st

    CT• 3

    R• personal

    D• 10 sec/lvl

    SV• n/a

    SR• n/a

    C• V, S

    Caster’s fingers sprout claws and hands become weapons that deal d6HP. Caster is considered armed.

    Claws of the Bebelith•

    Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 5th

    CT• 3 R• personal D• 10 min/lvl SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, Dexterity

    Caster gains claws that deal damage based on size. Claws can catch and ruin opponent’s armor or shield. If opponent has both armor and shield then roll d6: 1-4 indicates armor is affected, 5-6 means the shield is affected. Whenever caster hit with a claw attack, caster makes grapple check. Any ‘pluses’ from the shield or armor are subtracted from the caster’s roll. If the caster prevails, the shield or armor is torn away and ruined. In any event normal claw damage is dealt.

    Caster Size












    Components: d6 points Dexterity damage.

    Cloak of Dark Chaos

    Illusionist – 6th

    CT• 3 R• personal D• 50 sec SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

    A smoky but intangible ‘cloak’ envelops and moves about the body of the illusionist. Those who contact the cloak with flesh, armor, weapons or equipment must make a saving throw or suffer 15HP damage. This save must be repeated for each contact. The cloak in no way hinders the illusionist.

    Save: Intelligence negates effects.

    Cloak of Fear / Cloak of Bravery

    Cleric – 4th

    CT• 5 R• special D• 10 min/lvl

    SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

    The spell surrounds the caster with an aura of fear to a 3-foot radius. Any living creature that enters the area must save or flee in fear for 60 seconds. The spell is dissipated as soon as a creature fails to save or when the spell expires.

    The reverse – Cloak of Bravery – may be cast upon the caster or a willing recipient. It grants a +3 saving throw bonus to any form of magical fear encountered. The cloak vanishes after giving the saving throw bonus or when the spell expires.

    Save: Charisma save negates effects.

    Components: Chicken feather, drop of alcohol and brain of newt for the reversed spell.


    Wizard – 8th, Illusionist – 9th

    CT• 10 minutesR• touch D• permanent SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S, M, F

    Spell creates a duplicate of a humanoid. The clone is identical in all aspects including intangibles such as experience points, memories, etc. If an original and a duplicate are alive at the same time, each will be aware of the other and attempt to destroy the other.

    If unable to destroy the other, there is a 95% that one will go insane (clone 75% of the time) and kill itself. There is 5% chance both will commit suicide. Effects begin within 1 week of the clone coming to maturity.

    Growing a clone to maturity requires 2d4 months and a special tank and special herbs. The clone is a copy of the person at the time that the sample of flesh was obtained. The clone will not ‘update’.

    Components: 1 ounce sample of flesh, herbs(8500gp) Focus: Tank(1500gp).

    Cloud of Bewilderment

    Wizard – 2nd

    CT• 3 R• 10 ft D• 10 sec/lvl

    SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

    Caster exhales cloud of noxious gas. All in the area are blinded and stunned for d6 rounds. The cloud can be dispersed in one round by a strong (~21mph) wind, 4 rounds by a moderate (~11 mph) wind.

    Save: Constitution save negates effects.


    Cleric – 3rd, Druid – 2nd, Wizard – 3rd

    CT• 5 R• 150 ft D• 1 min

    SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

    Spell condenses water vapor from the air. This pulls in surrounding air, reinforcing the rainfall and creating a strong downdraft, drenching everything within a 30 by 30 foot area. Water falls from a 60 foot height at a rate sufficient to deposit one inch of water. Normal fires are snuffed out instantly. Medium blazes in 10 to 15 seconds, and large ones may take up to a minute. Magical fires are also affected: Permanent magical fires (flame blades, for example) are extinguished during the cloudburst but immediately reignite when it has ended.

    Magical fires such as Burning Hands are negated. Large area of effect spells (Fireball, Wall of Fire) produce a cloud of steam that has an area of effect three times as large. The steam deals d3HP damage to creatures within. The cloud will persist for d3+1 minutes, 1 minute in the presence of a moderate (~11 mph) breeze. In arid climates, the effect will be greatly reduced, while in humid climates the spell duration will be extended. Local temperature is not affected so in cold areas, sleet, hail or snow may form.

    Components: Half ounce powdered silver and iodine crystals(35gp).


    Wizard – 5th

    CT• 3 R• 50 ft D• 1 min/lvl

    SV• special SR• no C• V, S

    Spell creates cloud of billowing vapors. The cloud initially measures 40 by 20 feet wide and 20 feet tall. The cloud moves away from the caster at the rate of 10 feet per round. The vapors are heavier then air, and rapidly sink, causing the cloud to expand equally in width. Creatures within the cloud are affected each round as follows:

    Hit Dice Effect

    < 4+1 Death

    4+1 < HD < 5+1 Save –4 or die 5+1 < HD < 6+1 Save or die

    > 6+1 Save or d10 damage

    A moderate (~11mph) wind will disperse the cloud in 2 rounds. It cannot be turned back upon the caster. A strong (~21mph) wind prevents casting the spell at all.

    Save: Constitution save negates death effects.

    Clutch of Orcus•

    Cleric – 3rd

    CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• special

    SV• negates SR• no C• V, S

    Caster creates magical force that grips subject’s heart and crushes it. The victim is paralyzed – as if having heart attack – and takes d3 damage per round. The caster must maintain concentration each round to

    maintain the spell. Each round the victim gains another saving throw to resist the spell. If victim dies from the spell, their chest ruptures and the smoking heart appears in the caster’s hand.

    Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

    Color Spray

    Illusionist – 1st

    CT• 5

    R• 25 ft.

    D• instantaneous

    SV• special

    SR• yes

    C• V, S, M

    Spell creates vivid fan of clashing colors to spring from the caster’s hand, affecting d4+caster level creatures. 2 HD or fewer creatures are struck unconscious for 2d4 rounds. Creatures of 3-4 HD are blinded for d4 rounds and creatures with 5 or more HD are stunned for 1 round.

    Creatures with more HD than the caster, and/or creatures with 5 or more HD can resist the spell. Save: Intelligence save negates effects.

    Components: 1 tbsp. each red, blue, yellow sand.


    Druid – 3rd, Wizard – 2nd

    CT• 3

    R• touch

    D• instantaneous

    SV• partial

    SR• yes

    C• V, S

    Spell causes touched combustible object to explode into flame – even if damp. If the target is a creature, it suffers 2d6 HP+1HP per caster level (max +10) fire damage (no save) and must save or catch fire.

    Objects will continue to burn until consumed or extinguished. Anyone holding an object that is ‘combusted’ may save to suffer half damage. A second save is required to avoid catching fire.

    Save: Dexterity save reduces effects.


    Cleric – 1st

    CT• 1 R• 25 ft D• 10 sec

    SV• negates SR• yes C• V

    Caster utters one word directive, affecting up to one creature for every 2 caster levels. The creatures obey to the best of their ability, but the command must be clear and understood. A command of ‘die’ causes the subjects to collapse for 10 seconds. ‘Awake’ will counter magically induced unconsciousness and sleep.

    Save: Charisma save negates effects.

    Command Plants

    Druid – 8th

    CT• 1 R• 150 ft. D• special

    SV• special SR• yes C• V, DF

    Caster controls plants, fungi and plant creatures within a 50-foot diameter circle. Possible effects: Animation: The spell imbues trees or like vegetation with mobility and human-like senses. The plants will

    attack what the caster designates. Roughly 2 trees, 4 shrubs or 8 vines will be so animated. This version lasts for 1 hour per caster level.

    Charming: Against plant and fungoid creatures, this version of the spell acts like a Mass Charm spell. The creatures get a Charisma save to resist the effects. This version lasts 1 day per caster level.

    Enhanced Entanglement: The plants in the area of effect entwine creatures moving through the area. Creatures that make Dexterity save are not affected for 1 round. Those that fail have a –4 to Dexterity, -2 to attacks, and cannot move – negating somatic spell components. Breaking free requires a successful Strength check. Each round the plants will attempt to entangle any who are free. The plants can also be used to free other entangled individuals. This version of the spell lasts for 1 hours per level.

    Save: Charisma and Dexterity save negate effects.


    Cleric – 5th

    CT• 10 minutesR• special D• special SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, M, F, DF

    The caster contacts their deity to ask questions that can be answered with ‘yes’ or ‘no’. The caster is granted one question per caster level. Questions that cannot be answered receive no reply and count against the total. The answers are correct within the limits of the deity’s knowledge. As soon as the caster focuses on something else the spell ends. This spell should be used sparingly to avoid disfavor.

    Components: Minimum 500gp of incense

    Focus: Religious vestments, ornamental bowl of (un)holy water.

    Commune with Nature

    Druid – 5th

    CT• 10 min R• special D• special

    SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, DF

    Through elemental forces, the caster gains knowledge of the surrounding territory. The spell will not function in heavily developed and/or settled areas.

    The caster gains knowledge of up to three areas from the following subjects: Terrain, plants, minerals, bodies of water, humanoids, fey, beasts, monstrosities, dragons, oozes, elementals, unnatural creatures (including fiends, celestials, undead and aberrations) or the general state of the natural setting.

    The spell functions outdoors to a range of 1 mile per level, indoors/underground it is 100 feet per level.

    Comprehend Languages

    Wizard – 1st

    CT• 3 R• n/a D• 10 min/lvl

    SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S

    Caster understands the spoken words of creatures and can read written messages. Messages can be read at ~250 words per minute. Magical writing cannot be read, but it will be clear that it is magical writing. The spell does not decipher codes or reveal hidden or implied content. Only literal meaning is conveyed

    as the spell does not give language fluency. The spell does not permit writing or speaking the languages understood.

    Cone of Cold

    Wizard – 5th

    CT• 5 R• 50 ft. D• instantaneous

    SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S, M

    A cone of extreme cold shoots from the caster’s hand, affecting an area 5 feet wide and 50 feet long. This cold deals d6HP per caster level.

    Save: Dexterity save for half-damage. Components: 1 ounce of water.


    Druid –7th, Wizard, Illusionist – 4th

    CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

    SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

    The spell affects an area 50 by 50 feet. Each round, creatures within must save or roll on the table:

    d10 Action Taken

    1 Wander away for 1 minute

    2-3 Attempt mundane task for 10 seconds 4-6 Do nothing for 10 seconds

      1. Look for ‘lost’ items for 10 seconds

        1. Attack nearest creature for 10 seconds

        2. Act normally for 10 seconds

    Any confused creature that is attacked will automatically attack its attackers. Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

    Conjure Animals

    Cleric, Illusionist – 6th

    CT• 3

    R• 25 ft.

    D• 20 sec/level

    SV• none

    SR• no

    C• V, S

    The spell summons animals to fight for the caster. A total HD of creatures equal to the caster’s level can be divided between one or more creatures. The creatures attack in response to mental commands. The animals do not need to check morale and remain until the spell expires or they are slain.

    Consecrate / Desecrate

    Cleric – 2nd

    CT• 5 R• 50 ft. D• 2 hrs/lvl

    SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, M, F, DF

    The spell imbues a 50 by 50 foot area with divine energy. If positive energy, attempts to turn undead gain a +3 modifier, and any undead entering the area suffer a –1 on all rolls. Undead cannot be created, nor

    summoned within the area. If the area has a permanent fixture devoted to the caster’s deity or pantheon, all modifiers are doubled.

    The reversed spell – Desecrate – imbues negative divine energy. Attempts to turn undead have a –3 modifier and undead gain a +1 on all rolls. Undead summoned into or created within have +1 HP per HD, If a permanent fixture of the deity or pantheon is present, all modifiers are doubled.

    The spells may be used to negate one another, but if a permanent fixture is present that divine energy cannot be dispelled as long as the fixture remains.

    Components: 25gp of incense, (un)holy water. Focus: Ceremonial vestments.

    Consume Likeness•

    Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 6th

    CT• 10 min R• personal D• permanent SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, M, Wisdom

    By eating the flesh of a freshly slain humanoid of approximately the same size as the caster, the caster is able to assume the form, clothing and equipment of the consumed creature. The caster is an exact duplicate of the creature as it was when it lived.

    Once the spell is completed, the caster can transform from one likeness to the other at will. Each transformation requires 5 seconds. The new form can add or subtract up to two limbs, and can involve a weight change of plus or minus 50%. If one form has wings – flight is possible, though slow and with poor maneuverability. If the new form has gills, it is possible to breath underwater, etc.

    The caster maintains all personal statistics during the transformation. The spell does not convey any special attacks, ability scores, defenses or mannerism of the other shapes.

    If the caster is dealt any damage or dies while transformed he immediately reverts to his original form. Components: 1-ounce portion of bloody flesh, 2d6 of permanent Wisdom loss.

    Contact other Plane

    Cleric – 5th

    CT• 10 min R• special D• 5 sec/lvl

    SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V

    The caster projects their mind to another plane to seek answers on some topic of interest from powers that reside there. These powers generally resent such intrusions and give brief answers: Yes, No, Maybe, Never, Unclear or Irrelevant are typical.

    The contact carries an element of risk and the caster must make an Intelligence check upon casting the spell. Failure ends the spell immediately. If successful, the caster may begin asking questions. The caster maintains complete focus to continue the spell, asking one question each round and receiving an immediate answer. Any interruption ends the spell immediately.

    The further removed the plane that is contacted, the greater the likelihood of success and the more severe the consequences of failure. Failure causes attribute loss for one week and insanity if the Intelligence check fails by 5 or more. A roll of 1 always indicates insanity. Insanity persists longer for planes further

    removed. Astral Plane: +1; Demigods: +d4; Lesser Gods: +d8 ; Greater Gods: +d12 weeks of insanity beyond the first. Possible outcomes are listed in the table:



    Save Mod

    Int/Cha Loss

    True Reply

    Don’t Know


    Random Reply






















    Lesser God







    Greater God








    Wizard – 6th

    CT• 10 min R• personal D• 1 day/lvl

    SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M, F

    This spell allows the caster to cast a ‘companion’ spell and have it stay dormant until certain conditions are met. The companion spell can affect only the caster, be of a level no higher then one third of the caster’s levels, and no higher than 6th level in any case.

    Only one contingency spell can be in effect at any time, and the trigger conditions must be unambiguously stated at the time of casting, or the companion spell cannot take effect.

    Components: 100gp of mercury, eyelash of spell using monster such as Ogre-Mage, Kirin, etc. Focus: 3-inch tall ivory statuette of wizard.

    Continual Flame

    Cleric – 3rd, Wizard – 2nd, Illusionist – 3rd

    CT• 3 R• 5 ft. D• permanent

    SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

    A flame – equivalent in brightness to a torch – springs forth from whatever object the caster touches. It radiates no heat, and uses no oxygen. It cannot be smothered, but it can be concealed under a covering.

    Control Plants

    Druid – 4th

    CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

    SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

    Spell allows caster to control all plant and plant-like creatures in a 25-foot square area. The spell also allows for rudimentary conversation. Plans do not gain motion, but become animated enough to entangle creatures if so directed, or to free entangled creatures. Plantlike creatures gain a saving throw to resist the spell’s effects.

    Save: Charisma save negates effects.

    Control Water

    Druid – 4th

    CT• 3 R• 450 ft. D• 10 min/lvl

    SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, DF Spell has two effects, chosen at the time of casting.

    Lower Water: Water or a similar liquid can be lowered by 2 feet per caster level, to a minimum depth of 1 inch. The water is lowered in a squarish area measuring 10 feet per caster level on a side. If cast upon a water elemental, it acts as a Slow spell. It has no effect on any other creatures.

    Raise Water: As the Lower Water effect, but the surface of the liquid is raised by 2 feet per caster level. If cast adjacent to land, this may cause flooding.

    Control Weather

    Cleric, Druid – 7th, Wizard – 6th

    CT• 10 min R• 2 miles D• 4d12 hours

    SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, F/ DF

    Caster changes weather in area 2 miles on a side, centered on the caster. The weather effects start to manifest 10 to 20 minutes after the spell is complete. Only weather appropriate to the climate and season may be called forth, but at minimum the caster can affect wind direction and strength. The caster can make subsequent changes to the weather, each change manifesting in 10 to 20 minutes. Druids double both the area of effect and the duration of the spell.

    Focus: A 2-inch weather vane made of brass.

    Control Winds

    Druid – 5th

    CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 10 min/lvl

    SV• none SR• none C• V, S

    Caster alters wind speed and direction inside a sphere of up to 50 feet radius. The wind conditions persist until altered or the spell ends. Winds can be made to swirl, updraft, downdraft or a combination thereof. Wind speed can be increased or decreased one step for every three caster levels. Calm ~1mph, Moderate

    ~11mph, Strong ~21mph, Severe ~31mph, Windstorm ~51mph, Hurricane ~76mph, Tornado ~176mph. Strong winds make sailing difficult; severe winds cause minor ship and building damage; windstorms ground most flying creatures, uproot small trees, tear off roofs, destroy light wooden structures,

    endangers ships; hurricanes founder most ships, destroy wooden buildings and uproot most trees;

    tornadoes destroy all non-fortified buildings and uproot even large trees.

    Corrosive Grasp

    Wizard – 1st

    CT• 3 R• touch D• instantaneous

    SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

    The caster’s hand oozes a thick corrosive layer of acid that does not damage the caster or equipment. The caster can make up to one successful touch attack per level before the layer is dissipated. Each successful touch attack deals d6+1 points of damage.

    Crawling Darkness

    Cleric – 5th

    CT• 3

    R• personal

    D• 1 min/lvl

    SV• n/a

    SR• n/a

    C• V, S, DF

    A shroud of dark, writhing tentacles surrounds caster. The tentacles do not hinder movement or stop spellcasting, but afford a +2 AC bonus, a +4 grappling bonus and completely obscure facial features. The spell protects the caster with a feather fall spell if the caster falls more than 3 feet and allows the caster to Water Walk at will.

    Create Food and Water / Spoil Food and Water

    Cleric – 3rd

    CT• 10 min R• 50 ft. D• permanent

    SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, DF

    The spell creates enough food and water to sustain 3 humans or 1 horse per caster level. The food is normal in all respects and must be preserved or it will decay.

    The spell can be reversed – Spoil Food and Water – and used to spoil an equivalent amount.

    Create Greater Undead•

    Cleric – 8th

    CT• 1 hour R• 50 ft. D• permanent

    SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, M, DF

    Allows the caster to create powerful undead based on caster level: Mummy (13), Spectre (15), Vampire

    (17) or Ghost (19). The caster has the option of creating lesser undead. Created undead are not automatically under the creator’s control, but a successful ‘turn’ check establishes control. This spell may only be cast at night and requires a minimum of 250gp to prepare a corpse.

    Components: Freshly dead human corpse, oils and unguents worth 250gp.

    Create Undead•

    Cleric – 6th

    CT• 1 hour R• 50 ft. D• permanent

    SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, M, DF

    Allows the caster to undead if the caster based on caster level: Ghouls (11), Shadow (12), Ghasts (13), Wights (14) or Wraiths (18). The caster has the option of creating lesser undead. Created undead are not automatically under the creator’s control, but a successful ‘turn’ check establishes control. This spell may only be cast at night.

    Components: Freshly dead human corpse.

    Create Water

    Cleric, Druid - 0

    CT• 3

    R• 50 ft.

    D• permanent

    SV• n/a

    SR• n/a

    C• V, S

    The caster creates 2 gallons of water per caster level of clean, potable water. The water can be created inside a container, or in an area of about 4 square feet – creating a small downpour.

    Creeping Doom

    Druid – 7th

    CT• 3

    R• 150 ft.

    D• 1 min/lvl

    SV• none

    SR• no

    C• V, S

    Caster calls forth a square ‘carpet’ of biting and stinging insects and arachnids that measure 25 feet on a side. The swarm moves at a rate of 10 feet per round to attack anything the caster indicates. Each of the 1000 insects deals 1 point of damage then dies. If the swarm is used to attack multiple creatures it will divide itself equally among the targets. Anything that would harm or deter normal insects is effective against the swarm. For every 10 feet more than 100 feet that separates insects and caster, 50 insects die.

    Cruel Disappointment•

    Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd

    CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• instantaneous

    SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

    If the subject fails a saving throw, the next action attempted that depends on a die roll will fail. However, the subject believes that it succeeded and behaves accordingly for 10 seconds. Then the subject realizes the deception and must make a second save. If the second save fails, the subject suffers a –4 to all rolls for d6+1 rounds.

    Save: Wisdom save negates effects.


    Druid – 6th

    CT• 3 R• 250 ft. D• instantaneous

    SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S

    The forces of nature are brought to bear on a non-living object such as a building or a construct such as a golem. Any item not formed by nature can be affected. The spell deals d6 of structural damage per caster level to a maximum of 15d6. The spell has a maximum size, and if the item to be affected is larger then the spell fails.

    Druid Level Item Size

    16 < Huge items

    16 – 18 Gargantuan items

    >18 Colossal items

    Save: Constitution save for half-damage.


    Wizard – 9th

    CT• 3

    R• touch

    D• permanent

    SV• special

    SR• no

    C• V, S

    Spell causes metals to transform into fragile crystalline state. Up to two cubic feet of material per caster level can be affected. It is possible to transform a portion of a larger item by means of this spell. A blow sufficient to break most glassware will cause it to shatter. The change is unalterable short of a Wish spell.

    Magic items have a percentage chance equal to 5% per ‘plus’ to be unaffected. Artifacts are 90% likely to be unaffected. Relics are 95% likely to be unaffected.

    Cure Critical Wounds / Cause Critical Wounds

    Cleric, Druid – 5th, Illusionist – 6th

    CT• 3 R• touch D• permanent

    SV• special SR• yes C• V, S, DF

    The caster must make flesh-to-flesh contact for this spell to take effect. The spell heals 5d8 HP of damage taken, or deals 5d8 damage to undead. The illusionist spell does not affect undead and does not affect living creatures unless they fail an Intelligence save.

    The reversed version – Cause Critical Wounds – deals 5d8 damage on a successful touch attack. Save: Wisdom save for half damage (clerics/druids), no damage (illusionists).

    Cure Light Wounds / Cause Light Wounds

    Cleric – 1st, Druid, Illusionist - 2nd

    CT• 3

    R• touch

    D• permanent

    SV• special

    SR• yes

    C• V, S, DF

    The caster must make flesh-to-flesh contact. The spell heals 1d8HP of damage taken, or deals 1d8 damage to undead. The illusionist spell does not affect undead and does not affect living creatures unless they fail an Intelligence save.

    The reverse – Cause Light Wounds – deals 1d8 damage on a successful touch attack. Save: Wisdom save for half damage (clerics/druids), no damage (illusionists).

    Cure Serious Wounds / Cause Serious Wounds

    Cleric – 3rd, Druid, Illusionist – 4th

    CT• 3 R• touch D• permanent

    SV• special SR• yes C• V, S, DF

    The caster must make flesh-to-flesh contact. The spell heals 3d8HP of damage taken, or deals 3d8 damage to undead. The illusionist spell does not affect undead and does not affect living creatures unless they fail an Intelligence check.

    The reverse – Cause Serious Wounds –deals 3d8 damage on a successful touch. Save: Wisdom save for half damage (clerics/druids), no damage (illusionists). Curse of Ill Fortune

    Cleric – 2nd

    CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

    SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, DF

    Target living creature is cursed, suffering a –2 on all die rolls for the duration of the spell. The spell can be removed by Remove Curse.

    Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

    Curse of the Putrid Husk•

    Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd

    CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• special

    SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

    If the subject fails a save they believe their internal organs start to spill out through their rotting flesh. This leaves them stunned with horror for 1 round. Immediately thereafter they falls unconscious for d10 minutes. The victim cannot be roused normally during this time.

    Save: Wisdom save negates effects.


    Damning Darkness•

    Cleric, Wizard – 4th

    CT• 3 R• touch D• 10 min/lvl

    SV• none SR• no C• V, M/DF

    This spell generates a 20-foot radius sphere of darkness centered on the object. In addition to blocking light as a Darkness spell, good creatures in the area suffer 2d6 HP per round, and neutral creatures suffer 1d6HP per round. The spell’s focus can be shrouded, stopping the darkness and damage effect.

    Components: Wizard: Silver sewing needle embedded in ball of pitch.

    Dance of Ruin•

    Cleric – 2nd

    CT• 1 min R• 50 ft. D• instantaneous

    SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S

    By chanting loudly and dancing wildly in a circle, the caster builds up negative energy that flashes outwards as a wave of crackling light at the conclusion of the spell dealing 2d20 HP to all within range. Save: Dexterity save for half damage.

    Dancing Chains•

    Wizard – 4th

    CT• 3

    R• 50 ft.

    D• 1 min/lvl

    SV• none

    SR• no

    C• V, S

    The caster can control one chain per level, causing it to animate, increase in length up to 15 feet and sprout spiked barbs if desired. The caster can mentally command the action of these chains – attacking or grappling with creatures as if they were the caster. The caster can safely climb a chain so controlled with no chance of falling off.

    Components: Iron chains at least 1 foot in length.

    Dancing Lights

    Wizard, Illusionist – 0th

    CT• 3 R• 150 ft D• 1 min

    SV• special SR• no C• V, S

    The caster may select from one of three options at the time of casting and create lights that are under their mental control. The lights can move at up to 10 feet per round, but remain within 20 feet of each other. The lights disappear if the distance between the caster and lights exceeds the spell range. The lights created can resemble either a group of up to 4 torches or lanterns (and shed light accordingly), or up to 4 glowing spheres that resemble Will-O-Wisps, or one faintly glowing humanoid shape.

    Save: Wisdom save to realize lights are illusions.

    Dark Chaos

    Illusionist – 2nd

    CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 20 sec

    SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

    A pair of dark, smoky tendrils emerge from the illusionist’s hands. They can be used as whips, making 2 attacks each round. They hit automatically and deal 6HP per strike unless a save is made for each strike. Once a save is made, the target is immune to further strikes.

    Save: Intelligence save negates effects.


    Cleric, Wizard – 2nd

    CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• instantaneous

    SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S

    Caster launches bolt of icy darkness from his hand as though using a ranged weapon. On a successful hit the bolt deals d8HP per 2 caster levels (max 5d8). Half of the damage is cold and the rest is non-specific and cannot be reduced or prevented. A struck target must save or be stunned for 10 seconds.

    Save: Constitution save negates Stun effect.


    Cleric – 3rd

    CT• 3 R• personal D• 10 sec/lvl SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

    Black flames appear in caster’s hands. They do not shed light, but emit heat equivalent to a torch. They do not harm the caster or worn equipment. Flames can be hurled up to 120 feet as a ranged attack or used to strike opponents with a touch attack. A successful strike deals d4HP+1HP per 2 caster levels (max +10).

    As quickly as flames are thrown, a new set appears. The spell does not function underwater.


    Wizard – 1st

    CT• 3

    R• touch

    D• 1 min/lvl

    SV• none

    SR• no

    C• V, S

    By means of the spell one creature or object radiates a 5-foot radius sphere. Within the sphere creatures that require light are able to see as normal. Only creatures and objects within the sphere can be seen by others within the sphere. Nothing can be seen from outside the sphere unless the observer can see in magical darkness. The sphere is transparent in normal light so it requires a dark or very dimly lit area to be effective, but the spell does not function in magical darkness.

    Darkness / Daylight

    Cleric, Wizard – 2nd, Illusionist – 1st

    CT• 5 R• 50 ft. D• 10 min/lvl

    SV• none SR• none C• V, M/DF

    Spell causes object or creature to radiate darkness out to a 20-foot radius. Magical darkness prevents all normal sight, and normal light sources and Light spells of a lower caster level are suppressed. The object can be shrouded or hidden, in which case the darkness is blocked.

    The reverse – Daylight – causes an object to shed light equivalent to full daylight in a 60-foot radius. Darkness and Daylight spells of equal strength offset each other, leaving normal lighting conditions in place. If the spell effect is cast upon a small object, it can be shrouded, just as with the Darkness spell and this blocks the spell effect.

    Components: Bat Fur and a drop of pitch for the arcane version.

    Dark Way

    Cleric – 3rd

    CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

    SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, DF

    Spell creates a weightless, ribbon-like bridge of force. The bridge is 2 ft wide, 1 inch thick and up to 20 feet long per caster level. It must be anchored at both ends to a solid object, but may be placed at any angle. It is no more slippery than the average dry stone floor, and can support a maximum weight of 200 pounds per caster level. Any creature (including the caster) that exceeds this weight limit passes through the bridge as if it were not there.


    Illusionist – 1st

    CT• 5 R• 25 ft. D• 10 sec

    SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

    The spell clouds the mind of a humanoid creature with 4 or fewer HD, so that it takes no action. It is not stunned, just a bit befuddled and it does not act. It will still defend itself if attacked.

    Save: Intelligence save negates effects. Components: A tuft of wool 1 inch in length. Death Armor

    Wizard – 2nd

    CT• 5 R• personal D• 10 sec/lvl SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

    The caster is surrounded by a crackling black aura that injures creatures that contact it. Any creatures striking the caster with body parts or short hand held weapons takes d4+1HP per 2 caster levels (max

    +5). Long weapons such as spears do not endanger the attacker. Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

    Components: A paste of herbs, ground bones, and powdered onyx (50gp per application).

    Death by Thorns•

    Wizard, Illusionist – 7th

    CT• 3 R• touch D• instantaneous

    SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S, Wisdom

    Caster causes thorns to sprout from the inside of the target creature, which writhes in pain for d4 rounds – incapacitated – before dying. Only a Wish or Miracle spell will eliminate or remove the thorns and prevent death. A successful save results in d4 rounds of incapacitation, but instead of death, targets suffer d6HP damage per round. At the end of the spell, the thorns disappear.

    Save: Constitution save prevents death. Components: d3 Wisdom damage.

    Death Dragon•

    Cleric – 7th, Illusionist - 8th

    CT• 1 min R• personal D• 10 sec/lvl

    SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, M/DF

    Spell girds caster in dragon-shaped cocoon of bones and negative energy. This provides a +4AC and an additional +4 bonus vs. missile weapons. The caster gains +1HP per level (max+20) while the spell is active. The caster’s limbs are equivalent to short swords. The spell prevents further spell casting, but does not otherwise hinder movement or actions.

    Each round, the caster may project a cone of fear to 60 feet distance, or make a touch attack to Cause Critical Wounds on a creature.

    Components: Illusionist: paste of herbs, powdered dragon bones and ghoul flesh(250gp).

    Death Fog

    Illusionist – 6th

    CT• 5 R• 25 ft. D• special

    SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

    Spell creates area of highly acidic ‘solid’ fog. Movement through the area is slowed by half. The vapors quickly affect small plants and creatures within the cloud. Plants wither and die and creatures suffer damage if they remain within the cloud according to the time they spend within:

    Time Damage 0-10 sec 1 HP

    11- 20 sec 2 HP

  2. - 30 sec 4 HP

31-40 sec 8 HP

Creatures keep taking 8HP per round thereafter. The cloud lasts d4 rounds+1 round per caster level. Components: 1 teaspoon each: dried and powdered peas, crystallized urea, goat hoof.

Death Spell

Wizard – 6th

CT• 5 R• 150 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell snuffs out all life within a 25-foot cube. The number of creatures affected depends on HD:

HD Number

< 2HD 4d20

2 – 4HD 3d10

4+1 – 6HD 2d4

6+1 – 8+3HD d4

Creatures with more than 8+3HD are unaffected. Weaker creatures are slain first. Components: Crushed black pearl(1000gp).

Death Ward

Cleric, Druid – 5th

CT• 3 R• touch D• 10 min/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, DF

The caster gives one creature immunity to death spells and magical ‘instant death’ effects. Damage, poisoning or other threats are not affected, even if they lead to death.

Death’s Door

Cleric – 3rd

CT• 5 R• touch D• instantaneous

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

This spell takes the recipient from a HP total of –1 to –9 to 0. All internal damage – to bones, ligaments, etc – is repaired and any bleeding is stopped. Poisons and diseases are unaffected by this spell. The recipient is unconscious but will awaken on their own in d10 minutes. Magical healing will speed this process.

Components: A six-inch strip of white linen, a dollop of paste made from aromatic herbs, pig fat and powdered bullhorn.

Delay Poison

Cleric, Druid – 2nd

CT• 3 R• touch D• 1 hr/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, DF

This spell provides an effect that suspends the effects of poisons that enter the recipient’s system. It does not cure or prevent damage by the poison, just delays its onset.

Delayed Blast Fireball

Wizard – 7th

CT• 5

R• 450 ft.

D• 50 sec max

SV• partial

SR• yes

C• V, S, M

The spell creates a glowing grape-sized globe that will blossom into a fireball with a 40-foot radius, but with a time delay of up to 50 seconds, stated at the time of casting. The fire is intense and will melt soft metals and ignite all combustibles within the area of effect as well as deal d6+1HP per caster level to all creatures within the area. The globe can be hurled like a ranged weapon by any creature and unlike the Fireball spell, if the globe contacts a surface it does not detonate prematurely but drops to the ground until the predetermined time has passed.

Save: Dexterity save for half damage. Components: 2-ounce lump of anthracite coal.


Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 3 R• personal D• 10 min/lvl SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

This spell allows the caster to duplicate the alignment aura of a target creature within a 30-foot radius of the caster. The creature must have higher than animal intelligence in order to be a candidate. The spell copies the target creature’s alignment aura and transfers it to the caster. The copied aura will appear to be the caster’s true alignment. The creature whose alignment has been copied will radiate magic, but the caster will not. If used in conjunction with Alter Self or Change Self spells the original class and alignment of the caster can be completely obscured.

Save: Wisdom save negates aura copying.

Demon Wings•

Cleric, Wizard – 3rd

CT• 1 R• personal D• 10 min/lvl SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S

Massive bat-like wings with a 20 foot wingspan sprout from the caster’s back. These allow flight at normal land speed with average maneuverability. If weight or encumbrance would affect land speed it will affect flight speed as well.


Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 2nd

CT• 1 minuteR• personal D• instantaneous SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, M

This spell allows the caster to tap into the mind of a demon to gain a +10 bonus on a single roll involving arcane (magic), hidden (planar) or forbidden (religious) knowledge.

Components: A 1-ounce portion of a human fetus removed from the still-living mother.


Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 1st

CT• 3 R• personal D• 1 min/lvl SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S

The caster’s skin becomes the thick, leathery flesh of a demon. This improves the caster’s armor class by

+1 for each 5 caster levels (max +4).


Cleric – 9th

CT• 1 minuteR• touch D• instantaneous

SV• special SR• yes C• V, S, M

The caster blights and corrupts an area of land in a radius of up to 100-feet per caster level. Plants of 1HD or less shrivel and die. The ground becomes unable to support such plant life ever again. Plants with more than 1HD must save or die. Even if successful, they take 5d6 damage. All living creatures in the area other

than the caster must save or suffer 2d4 Strength damage. Structures and unattended objects take d6 structural damage.

Save: Constitution save partially (plants) or completely (creatures) negates spell effects. Components: Freshly slain human corpse.

Detect Chaos / Law / Evil / Good

Cleric – 0th

CT• 3 R• personal D• 10 min/lvl

SV• none SR• none C• V, S, DF

The caster can sense the presence of a specific characteristic along a path 150 feet long and 10 feet wide in their line of sight. It requires 10 seconds of concentration to focus on a specific aspect. The strength of the aspect will be registered as faint, strong or overwhelming. These emanations can be blocked by a thin sheet of lead, 1 inch of metal, 1 foot of stone and 3 feet of wood or earth.

Detect Illusion

Illusionist – 0th

CT• 3 R• touch D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none SR• none C• V, S

The spell reveals the presence of illusions along a 50-foot long path, 10 feet wide along the line of sight. It requires 10 seconds of concentration to focus on a specific area or item. The strength of the illusion will be registered as faint, strong or overwhelming. These emanations can be blocked by a thin sheet of lead, 1 inch of metal, 1 foot of stone and 3 feet of wood or earth.

Detect Magic

Cleric, Wizard – 0th, Illusionist – 2nd

CT• 3 R• personal D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none SR• none C• V, S

The spell reveals the presence of magical auras along a 50-foot long path, 10 feet wide along the line of sight. It requires 10 seconds of concentration to focus on a specific area or item. The strength of the magic will be registered as faint, strong or overwhelming. These emanations can be blocked by a thin sheet of lead, 1 inch of metal, 1 foot of stone and 3 feet of wood or earth.

Detect Neutrality

Druid – 0th

CT• 3 R• personal D• 10 min/lvl

SV• none SR• none C• V, S, DF

The caster senses the presence of neutrality along a path 150 feet long and 10 feet wide in the direction he is looking. It requires 10 seconds of concentration to focus on a specific aspect of neutrality (lawful, chaotic, etc). The strength of the aspect is registered as faint, strong or overwhelming. These emanations can be blocked by a thin sheet of lead, 1 inch of metal, 1 foot of stone and 3 feet of wood or earth.

Detect Poison

Cleric, Druid, Wizard – 0th

CT• 3 R• personal D• 10 min/lvl SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S

The caster determines whether a creature, object or 25 foot square area within 50 feet of the caster has been poisoned or is poisonous. The character can determine what type of poison is present with a successful Wisdom check. These emanations can be blocked by a thin sheet of lead, 1 inch of metal, 1 foot of stone and 3 feet of wood or earth.

Detect Scrying

Wizard – 4th

CT• 3 R• special D• 1 day

SV• none SR• none C• V, S

The caster becomes aware of any attempt to observe them by means of Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, crystal balls, ESP or any other type of magical scrying. If the source of the scrying lies within 150 feet of the caster, they immediately gain knowledge of the direction and approximate distance to the source.

Detect Secret Doors

Cleric – 1st

CT• 3

R• 60 ft.

D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none

SR• none

C• V, S

This spell can be used to locate all manner of hidden and concealed compartments, openings, and other areas designed to avoid detection. After 1 round of concentration the presence of such areas are revealed. After 2 rounds, the number and location of such areas are revealed to the caster so long as they are within sight. If out of sight, the direction is indicated, but not the location. In subsequent rounds, triggers and unlocking mechanisms are revealed. These emanations can be blocked by a thin sheet of lead, 1 inch of metal, 1 foot of stone and 3 feet of wood or earth.

Detect Snares and Pits

Druid – 1st

CT• 3

R• 50 ft.

D• 10 min/lvl

SV• none

SR• none

C• V, S

The spell reveals the presence of snares, pits, deadfalls and all manner of primitive traps constructed out of natural materials, along a path 50 feet long and 10 feet wide in the direction of sight. It also registers natural hazards such as sinkholes, quicksand, etc. These emanations will be blocked by a thin sheet of lead, 1 inch of metal, 1 foot of stone and 3 feet of wood or earth.

Detect Thoughts / Obscure Thoughts

Wizard, Illusionist – 2nd

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 10 min/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, F

The spell allows the caster to detect surface thoughts and receive a general impression of the level of intelligence involved. The thoughts are detected along a path 50 feet long and 10 feet wide in the direction of sight. 1 minute of concentration is required to detect surface thoughts. Once thoughts are detected, additional 1 minute increments are required to sense the general level of intelligence possessed by the creature. The emanations can be blocked by a thin sheet of lead, 1 inch of metal, 1 foot of stone and 3 feet of wood or earth.

The reverse: Obscure Thoughts – completely hides the thoughts of a single creature. Components: A copper piece.

Detect Traps

Cleric – 2nd

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none SR• none C• V, S

All traps both magical and mundane are revealed along a path 50 feet long and 10 feet wide in the direction of sight. 10 seconds of concentration are required to detect the presence of traps, though natural hazards are not detected. The location of traps is revealed to the caster. The emanations can be blocked by a thin sheet of lead, 1 inch of metal, 1 foot of stone and 3 feet of wood or earth.

Detect Undead

Cleric – 1st

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none SR• none C• V, S, DF

Reveals undead along a path 150 feet long and 10 feet wide in the direction of sight. 10 seconds of concentration is required to detect the presence of undead. An additional 10 seconds of concentration will reveal the relative strength of the undead – from weak to overwhelming. The emanations can be blocked by a thin sheet of lead, 1 inch of metal, 1 foot of stone and 3 feet of wood or earth.

Devil’s Ego•

Cleric, Wizard – 3rd

CT• 3 R• personal D• 1 min/lvl SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S

The caster gains a d4+1 bonus to Charisma and is treated as an extra planar being for determining how spells affect it.

Devil’s Eye•

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 3 R• personal D• 1 min/lvl SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S

The caster gains the visual acuity of a devil: Able to see in complete darkness – including magical darkness – to a 30 foot range.

Devil’s Tongue•

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 2nd

CT• 1 R• personal D• 1 min/lvl

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• S, Wisdom

The caster’s tongue lengthens and strengthens, allowing the opportunity to grapple with or disarm opponents within 15 feet.

Components: d6 Wisdom damage

Dhulark’s Glasstrike

Wizard – 6th

CT• 3

R• 50 ft.

D• 1 hr/lvl

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, S, F

The spell transforms the target into glass. In the case of a creature the effect is as a Flesh to Stone spell – but glass instead of stone. In the case of an object, a 4 cubic foot portion of the object may be turned to glass. Neither version will affect magic items – individually or as part of a creature. When the spell expires, objects and creatures return to normal, but any damage suffered while in glass form is still present.

Save: Constitution save negates effects.

Focus: A 2-inch square of glass from a shattered mirror.


Wizard – 4th

CT• 3 R• 25 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, F

By means of this spell, a 5 foot cube of earth, sand or mud is instantaneously removed and scattered about, leaving a hole behind. The spell caster can continue to make one such depression each minute, or to deepen or lengthen an existing one. Unsupported walls increase the chances for a collapse, depending on the soil conditions. The spell can be used to create pits where creatures or objects are currently located. All creatures within 3 feet of the edge must save against Dexterity or fall in. If at the center of such an excavation, creatures always fall in.

Focus: A brightly painted bucket 3 inches tall and a miniature silver shovel

Dimension Door

Wizard – 4th

CT• 1 R• 450 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V

The caster and up to 500 pounds of equipment or possessions are teleported from the current location to any spot within range. The caster must visualize the area or state direction to accomplish the transport if the area is not within sight. Upon arrival, the caster may take no other actions until 10 seconds have passed. If the desired location is occupied by a solid object the caster is diverted to the Astral Plane and left there.

Dimensional Lock

Cleric – 9th, Wizard – 8th

CT• 10 min R• 450 ft. D• 1 day/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

The spell block all forms of extra-dimensional movement into or out of an area. It does not prevent the ability to see into other planes, nor to contact other planes. Summoned objects or creatures already present will still be limited by the duration of the particular summoning spell.

Discern Lies / Undetectable Lies

Cleric – 4th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, DF

While concentrating on a subject within range, the cleric will know if they deliberately speak a lie they know to be untrue. The reverse: Undetectable Lies – may be used to conceal the lies spoken by a single creature.

Discern Location

Cleric – 8th

CT• 10 min R• special D• instantaneous

SV• none SR• none C• V, S, DF

The caster can determine the exact location of a person or object. This spell foils normal attempts (false names, hidden locales, etc) to conceal such information. The spell reveals the subject’s location by indicating the place/business/building name, community/town, county/state, country and continent. To find a creature with this spell, the caster must have seen the creature or possess an object that belonged to it. To find an object, the caster must have seen or touched the object at least once.


Wizard – 6th

CT• 5 R• 150 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S, M

A thin green ray springs from the caster’s outstretched finger to strike a target creature or object. The creature or object struck glows and vanishes, leaving behind a very small amount of fine dust. A single

creature or up to 10 cubic feet of matter are so affected. The only items unaffected are a Globe of Invulnerability or an Antimagic Field. If the creature or object makes a save, only 5d6HP damage is dealt instead.

Save: Charisma save for 5d6HP Components: 1 ounce of granite dust. Disjunction

Wizard – 9th

CT• 1 R• 50 ft. D• special

SV• negates SR• none C• V

Spell rips apart all magical effects within a 25 foot cube. Spells and spell-like abilities are ended with a successful Intelligence check, as with Dispel Magic. For permanent magic items, the caster must make a Constitution check to turn them into non-magical versions. There is a 1% per caster level of affecting even artifacts or Anti-Magic /dead magic area. Only if an Anti Magic / dead magic area is destroyed are items within it affected.

If the caster succeeds in affecting an artifact, they must make a Charisma save or permanently and irrevocably lose all spell casting and spell-like abilities. The destruction of an artifact is 95% likely to attract the attention of a powerful being that has some interest in the device and will likely be displeased by its destruction.

Save: Charisma negates ill effects (caster).


Cleric – 4th, Wizard – 5th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, F/DF

The spell forces an extra-planar being back to the plane of its origin if it fails a saving throw. Save: Charisma save negates spell effects.

Focus: Item distasteful to the creature.

Dispel Good / Evil / Law / Chaos

Cleric – 5th

CT• 3 R• touch D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• none C• V, S, DF

Energy shield surrounds caster. Prevents physical contact by a creature of chaos (blue), law (red), good (black), or evil (white). Spell gives a +4AC and can dispel magic or spell-like effects from such creatures by touch once per round. Caster can make a touch attack against an extra-planar being of the appropriate type and force it back to its home plane. The creature receives no saving throw, but using the spell this way immediately ends it.

Dispel Illusion

Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

The spell ends illusions in a cube 30 feet on a side, or can be used to counteract another caster’s illusion. The caster must make a successful Intelligence check against each illusion in order to dispel it. No check is required if attempting to dispel the caster’s own illusions.

Dispel Magic

Cleric, Wizard –3rd, Druid, Illusionist – 4th

CT• 3

R• 150 ft.

D• instantaneous

SV• none

SR• yes

C• V, S

The spell ends ongoing spells and spell-like effects, and suppresses magical abilities of items within a 30 foot cube. The caster must make a successful Intelligence check against each magical ability in order to negate it. If successful: Temporary magic items (scrolls or potions) are rendered non-magical. The functioning of permanent magic items is suppressed for d4 rounds. Conjured or summoned creatures are immediately dismissed. Artifacts are unaffected. If an ongoing spell’s area of effect overlaps the area of the Dispel Magic, only the overlapping area is temporarily affected.

Displaced Image

Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 3

R• 50 ft.

D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, S

The caster is able to create an illusion of a being he is observing. The illusion will behave aggressively towards creatures in the area and attract attacks by those creatures if they fail to save. It does not do any damage, and it will never successfully hit. The illusion reacts appropriately to being struck and will keep engaging.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.

Distort Reality

Illusionist – 8th

CT• 1 R• n/a D• special SV• special SR• special C• V

This spell is similar to the effects of a Limited Wish spell, and similar care must be taken in preparing its effects. Typically, this spell may be used to duplicate the effects of any illusionist spell of 7th level or lower, any wizard spell of 5th level or lower or any cleric spell of 4th level or lower. The only difference will be that any saving throws required will be against Intelligence.


Cleric – 4th

CT• 10 min R• n/a D• special

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, M, DF

The spell allows the caster to gather useful advice about a course of action to be taken within a week’s time. The advice might come as a short phrase, or as a cryptic riddle. Inaction on the part of the party might change the truth of the information. If the attempt fails, the caster will know that it failed unless specific misleading magic is in place. The chance for a correct divination is 70+1% per caster level.

Multiple divinations on the same topic always use the same die roll as the initial attempt and always return the same information.

Components: A sacrifice of valuable items or rare creatures and fine incense (500gp).

Doubled Treasure

Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 3

R• touch

D• 1 day/lvl

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, S

The spell is cast upon identical coins or similar gems having a value of 2000gp or more. It makes the amount of treasure appear to double to any that fail a save.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.

Dragon Armor

Illusionist – 1st

CT• 3

R• touch

D• 1 min/lvl

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, S

The caster places the illusion of plate mail armor upon the recipient. The effect gives a +1AC bonus. The recipient moves and sounds like they are wearing plate mail, but are not encumbered.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.

Dragon Bite

Illusionist – 2nd

CT• 1 R• touch D• n/a

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The caster appears to transform into a small dragon, biting and lunging to attack. The image disappears immediately after making one attack. If the victim fails a save, he takes 2d6HP.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.

Dragon Breath

Illusionist – 5th

CT• 5 R• 150 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

The caster seems to transform into a dragon and breathers a blast of fire at the targets as if a red dragon. The image disappears immediately after making one attack. If the victims fail a save, they takes 5d6HP. Save: Intelligence save negates effects.

Dragon Image

Illusionist – 1st

CT• 3

R• 25 ft.

D• n/a

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, S

The caster appears to transform into a small dragon that breathes on the victims. The image disappears immediately after making one attack. If the victim fails a save, they take 2d6HP.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.

Dragon Mount

Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 3 R• touch D• 1 min/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, F

Spell creates an illusion of a medium sized young adult dragon that can walk, swim or fly at a rate of 60 feet per round. The illusion can be used as a transport by up to four human-sized creatures, regardless of weight.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects. Focus: A small dragon scale of any type. Dragon Scales

Illusionist – 4th

CT• 1

R• special

D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none

SR• yes

C• V, S, F

Spell causes image of medium sized young adult dragon to surround the caster and any companions within 15 feet. This grants a +4AC bonus but the effect is not cumulative with other spells.

Focus: A small dragon scale of any type.

Dragon Shadow

Illusionist – 5th

CT• 3 R• personal D• special

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, F

The illusion of a shadowy dragon head floats above the illusionist, granting a +2AC bonus. Any attacker within 100 feet that attempts to harm the illusionist is subject to an attack by the head. If the attacker fails a save, the bite deals 3d6 damage. The image is dispelled once it deals damage.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects. Focus: A small dragon scale of any type. Dread Word•

Cleric, Wizard – 3rd

CT• 1 R• 25 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• negates SR• yes C• V

Uttering a single word of pure malevolence in the speech of the nine hells, the caster permanently drains d3 points of charisma from a listener’s score. Any attempt to speak the word without casting the spell results in death for the speaker.

Save: Constitution save negates effects.


Illusionist – 5th

CT• 10 minutesR• special D• special SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

The spell caster or another touched by the caster acts as a beacon and sends messages to others in their dreams. As the spell is cast, those to be contacted must be properly named and described in some detail. The messenger then enters the dreams of those to be contacted and delivers a message. The message will be perfectly remembered by the recipient upon awakening. The communication is one-way only.

Once the message is delivered, the mind of the messenger returns to its body. If the intended recipient is awake when the spell is cast, the messenger can elect to remain in a dream state until such time as the message can be delivered. If the messenger is disturbed at any time, the spell ends immediately. The messenger is completely defenseless when in a dream trance and will always fail all saves, etc.


Illusionist – 9th

CT• 5 R• touch D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• special SR• yes C• V, S, M

The caster places the victim into a comatose dream state and can then enter into these dreams to attack or seek out hidden knowledge. To deliver the spell, the caster must make a successful touch attack. The victim is not allowed a saving throw. The successful touch attack immediately plunges the victim into this comatose state. The victim still believes they are awake and are unaware of the transformation. They believe their dreams are reality. With a second successful touch attack, the illusionist can continue to touch the victim. If the caster continues contact with the victim, then the victim cannot be awakened as long as this contact is maintained.

While in this state, the illusionist can attack the victim’s mind with verbal and somatic spells, or attempt to trick the victim into delivering hidden information. The victim suffers a –6 to all saves.

If contact is broken, the victim will remain in a comatose state until either the dream ends or another awakens him. They can only be awakened prior to the end of the spell by having damage dealt to them and failing an Intelligence save.

Components: A paste made of mushrooms and sheep’s fat applied to the victim.


Druid – 6th

CT• 1 R• 25 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The druid creates water in the lungs of an air-breathing subject, which immediately drops to 0HP and begins to drown. 1 round later, it is at –1HP. It reaches –5 by the end of 3 rounds and it expires at the end of the 4th round. The victim cannot save itself, but any assistance from another creature can help it expel the water and halt the drowning process.

Save: Constitution save negates effects.

Drug Resistance

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 1st

CT• 1 R• touch D• 1 hr/lvl

SV• yes SR• yes C• V, M

The subject gains resistance to the addictive properties of substances. This does not mitigate or reduce the physical effects. If the spell ends before the drug effects have run their course, normal chances for addiction apply. This spell does not break an addiction already in place.

Components: 3 drops of pure water.



Cleric – 8th, Druid – 9th

CT• 10 min R• 450 ft. D• 10 sec

SV• special SR• no C• V, S, M, DF

The spell creates a highly localized and intense tremor within a 100-foot diameter circle. The ground ripples and standing creatures are knocked prone if they fail a Dexterity check.

If they succeed, all actions incur a –10 penalty, movement is reduced to 25% of minimum and all spellcasting attempts fail. Structures collapse, dealing 8d6 to occupants that fail a Dexterity check, half damage to those that succeed. Survivors are trapped within the rubble and must dig themselves out.

Creatures out in the open have a 25% chance of a fissure opening beneath them. A Dexterity check is needed to avoid falling into it. Failure brings d6 damage and the creature must escape within 10 seconds or die as the fissure slams shut.

The earthquake brings additional effects: Caves or tunnels will collapse dealing 8d6 damage to creatures that fail a Dexterity check, half damage if it succeeds. Cliffs will crumble causing a landslide at the base that extends horizontally from the base as far as the initial height of the cliff. This deals dealing 8d6 damage to creatures that fail a Dexterity check, half damage if it succeeds.

Save: Dexterity save reduces effects.

Ectoplasmic Enhancement•

Cleric – 7th, Wizard – 6th

CT• 1 min R• 25 ft. D• 1 day

SV• none SR• no C• V, S

The spell targets a single corporeal undead that gains a +1AC bonus, d8 additional HP and a +2 resistance to being turned. For every three caster levels, resistance and AC gain a +1 and HP increases by 1 as well.


Illusionist – 4th

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• special

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The caster induces a powerful emotion in the hearts and minds of those within a 25 foot cube. The choice of emotion is made at the time of casting.

Despair: Loss of hope crushes morale and victims suffer a –2 penalty to all rolls. Despair offsets Hate.

Fear: Fear of the caster grips the affected creatures. They flee as though under the effects of a Fear spell. Fear offsets Rage.

Hate: Affected creatures are filled with antagonism and hostility. This surge of temper gives a +2 bonus to all rolls. Hate offsets Despair.

Rage: Blind fury and wrath fill the creature and they are compelled to fight – regardless of danger. This gives a +2 bonus to Strength and Constitution scores, a +1 save vs. Fear effects, but suffer a –1 AC penalty. Rage offsets Fear.

Save: Charisma save negates spell effects.

Enchant an Item

Cleric – 9th, Wizard – 6th

CT• special R• touch D• special

SV• special SR• n/a C• V, S, M

The caster can manufacture magic items. Items should be made of the finest materials and prepared using the greatest craftsmanship in order to be ‘enchantable’. In the case of rods, staves and wands, additional requirements regarding materials will exist.

There is a base casting time of 16 hours, during which the caster must be in continuous contact with the item to be enchanted. The casting time continues for another 8d8 hours. Each 8 hour increment of enchantment requires a full day of the caster’s time where they can do nothing other than eat, sleep and enchant the item. During periods of rest, the item cannot be more than 1 foot distant from the caster. No other spell casting can be performed during this extended period. Now the item is ‘ready’ and the caster must succeed on an Intelligence (mage) or Wisdom check (cleric) to complete the process. If this roll fails, there is some inherent flaw in the item and it can never be successfully enchanted.

If successful, then the item is ready to be enchanted. Additional spells or properties may be ‘programmed’ at this time. Each spell level of ability requires an additional d4+4 hours of time. The caster must save

each time a new ability is added, failure indicating the programming process must begin again. If the abilities are to be permanent, then a Permanency spell must be successfully cast upon the item.

Items that contain ‘charges’ are prepared in much the same manner with each separate instance of a spell appearing as a single ‘charge’ in the item. The number of charges an item can store is determined in part by the materials and craftsmanship involved.

Endure Elements

Cleric – 1st, Druid – 0th, Wizard – 1st

CT• 3

R• personal

D• 1 day

SV• none

SR• yes

C• V, S, F/DF

Protective energies merge with the caster to prevent ill effects from exposure to naturally occurring weather effects. Extreme heat and cold within normal ranges (approximately 0 – 120 degrees F) will not adversely affect the caster. Moisture will still make the caster wet, but hypothermia would not set in.

Focus: Fur (cold), linen (heat).

Energy Drain

Cleric – 9th

CT• 1

R• 50 ft.

D• special

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, S, DF

The caster opens a conduit between the victim and a deity causing the loss of 2d4 levels of experience. Save: Constitution negates spell effects.

Enhance Attribute / Reduce Attribute

Wizard – 2nd

CT• 5

R• touch

D• 1 hr/lvl

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, S, M

The caster can raise one attribute score for one creature. If the attribute is a prime, the gain is d4+1 points otherwise the gain is d2+1 points. This spell cannot be made permanent and cannot be combined with other attribute enhancing spells. The reverse: Reduce Attribute – lowers an attribute score by the same amounts.

Save: Constitution save negates reversed spell effects.

Components: A strip of dried meat: Bull(Str), Raven(Int), Owl(Wis), Cat(Dex), Donkey(Con), Swan (Cha)


Druid – 1st

CT• 3 R• 450 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

SV• special SR• no C• V, S, DF

The spell animates plants in a 50-foot diameter circle. The plants attempt to entwine and hold fast any creatures in the area that fails a Dexterity check. Entangled creatures suffer a –2 to attack rolls and a –4 Dexterity modifier and cannot cast spells with somatic components. A successful Strength check is required to break free. Every round the plants attempt to entangle any creature that is not yet entangled.

Save: Dexterity save to avoid entanglement, Strength save to break free.

Entice Gift•

Wizard – 2nd

CT• 3 R• 25 ft. D• 10 sec

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The caster compels the target to give whatever it is holding to the caster. The creature will move close to the caster and offer the item. Once the effect ends the creature is free to act however it wishes.

Save: Wisdom save negates spell effects.


Wizard, Illusionist – 1st

CT• 3

R• 50 ft.

D• special

SV• n/a

SR• none

C• V, S

The spell removes mundane and/or magical writings. Each casting of the spell will remove the equivalent of a scroll or two parchment pages. It will remove explosive runes, glyphs and arcane marks, but not symbols or illusory script. Removal of runes and the like require the caster to physically touch the rune and succeed in an Intelligence check. Failure means the rune is triggered as it is erased.

Save: Intelligence save avoids triggering runes, etc. while erasing.

Eternity of Torture•

Cleric – 9th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• permanent

SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S, DF

The subject is wracked with unending pain if it fails a Constitution save. The subject is completely helpless, but no longer requires food, drink, air or rest. The subject ceases to age.

Each day, the subject loses 1 point from each ability score until all are reduced to zero, except Constitution, which remains at 1. If the save succeeds, the subject still takes 5d6HP of damage and suffers a –4 to all rolls for 1 round per caster level.

Save: Constitution save reduces spell effects.

Ethereal Jaunt

Cleric – 5th

CT• 3 R• special D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S

The spell allows the caster to enter the ethereal plane, allowing them to pass through all material objects without impediment. To the caster, the material world appears as a hazy, insubstantial place. If the caster ends the spell becoming solid inside a material object, they are immediately shunted off to the nearest empty space. The caster suffers d6HP damage per 5 feet of movement in this case. While on the ethereal plane, the caster is subject to being encountered by ethereal travelers.

Evard’s Black Tentacles

Wizard – 4th

CT• 5 R• 25 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none SR• none C• V, S, M

The spell generates rubbery, black tentacles that spring out of whatever surface is underfoot. There is one tentacle per experience level of the caster, and the tentacles occupy a 20 square foot area. Each tentacle is 10 feet long, had AC 16 and HP equal to the caster’s level of experience. The tentacles will attack/entwine whatever is within their range. Any creature struck must make an Intelligence save. If successful the creature takes d4HP and the tentacle is destroyed. If unsuccessful, it will take 2d4HP on the first round and 3d4HP on succeeding rounds. This constriction will continue until the victim is dead or the tentacle is destroyed.

Save: Intelligence save reduces spell effects.

Components: A 3-inch piece of tentacle from a giant octopus or squid.

Evil Eye•

Wizard – 3rd

CT• 1 R• 25 ft. D• special

SV• negates SR• yes C• S

The caster focuses malevolence through his gaze and curses someone with bad luck. If the target fails a Wisdom save, it suffers a –4 penalty to all rolls. The spell ends at the next sunrise, when dismissed by the caster, when a successful Remove Curse is cast, or when the caster takes at least 1HP of damage.

Save: Wisdom save negates spell effects.


Cleric – 7th

CT• 10 min R• 25 ft. D• special

SV• special SR• yes C• V, S, M, DF

The caster uses the spell to confront a powerful extra-planar creature and require of it a service or quest. The creature must share the cleric’s alignment and some sort of reason must be offered to motivate the creature. The cleric must know something about the creature in order to compel it, or he can offer a fair payment for the service rendered.

When agreement is reached, the spell acts as a Quest spell. Once the creature fulfills its portion of he bargain it is instantly transported to the cleric’s location. Then the cleric must immediately fulfill the bargain or be subject to Exaction on the part of the creature. If the bargain is not upheld, the creature is immune to all of the cleric’s abilities and spells and is free to seek whatever redress it feels appropriate.

Components: Some matter from the plane of origin of the creature, knowledge of the creature or the bargain’s conditions – written on fine parchment and burned to seal the bargain.


Cleric – 4th

CT• special R• touch D• permanent

SV• none SR• none C• V, S, M, F

A successful Exorcism will negate the possession of a creature or object by supernatural forces. This includes Magic Jar, curses, and charm effects. Once begun, the spell cannot be interrupted or it will fail. The chance for success is a random number between 1-100%, modified upward or downwards by 1% for each level or HD of difference between the cleric and the possessing entity.

After each 10 minutes casting, a success roll is made. This is repeated every ten minutes until it succeeds, the spell is interrupted or 100 minutes have passed.

Components: Incense(250gp).

Focus: Vestments, (un)holy water. A religious artifact adds 5d10% to the chances of success.

Explosive Runes

Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 1 min R• touch D• special

SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S

Innocuous looking runes are inscribed upon an object. When read, the runes detonate and deal 6d6HP to the reader, who receives no save. Creatures and objects within 10 feet may save to take half damage. The runes will destroy whatever they are inscribed upon, unless the item can resist magical fire.

The caster and those he designates at the time of casting may safely read the runes without triggering them. The caster can also remove the runes at any time. Otherwise, they are permanent until triggered or dispelled.

Save: Dexterity save for half damage.

Extension I

Wizard – 4th

CT• 1

R• personal

D• special

SV• n/a

SR• n/a

C• V

The spell extends the duration of a previously cast 1st, through 3rd level spell by 50%.

Extension II

Wizard – 5th

CT• 1 R• personal D• special SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V

The spell extends the duration of a previously cast 1st through 4th level spell by 50%.

Extension III

Wizard – 6th

CT• 1 R• personal D• special SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V

The spell extends the duration of a previously cast 4th or 5th level spell by 50%. It doubles the duration of a previously cast 1st through 3rd level spell.

Eye of the Beholder•

Wizard, Illusionist – 7th

CT• 3 R• personal D• 10 sec/lvl SV• special SR• yes C• V, S

One of the caster’s eyes grows out of his head on an eye stalk. Due to the eye’s mobility the caster gains a

+2 bonus to spot hidden objects. The eye has a single power with 150 foot range and the effect is as if it were cast by a 13th level caster. Determine randomly from the table:

d10 Effect

1Charm Person (as spell) Wis, negates. 2Charm Monster (as spell) Wis. negates. 3Sleep one creature of any HD. Con. negates. 4Flesh to Stone (as spell) Con. negates.

5Disintegrate (as spell) Con. negates

6Fear one creature of any HD. Wis. negates 7Slow one creature. Con negates.

82d8+10HP. Wis save for half damage. 9Finger of Death. Con save for 3d6+13HP 10Telekinesis 325 pounds. Wis save negates.


Wizard, Illusionist – 6th

CT• 3 R• 25 ft. D• special

SV• special SR• yes C• V, S

The caster meets the gaze of a creature and speaks a single word to activate the enchantment. The type is chosen when cast.

Charm: The creature is absolutely docile and subservient to the caster, even to the point of personal danger. An Intelligence save negates this effect.

Fear: The creature is afflicted with fear, as per the spell. A Charisma save negates the effect.

Sicken: The subject is afflicted with a wasting illness. All ability scores and movements are reduced by 50%. The creature must rest 1 of every 5 minutes or collapse. The creature loses 1 point of Constitution

per day until death results. This point loss may be halted by Dispel Magic or Heal, Alter Reality, Limited Wish or Wish spells, but not Cure Disease. A Constitution save negates the effect.

Sleep: The affected creature falls into a comatose slumber unless a successful Wisdom save is made. Creatures can be shaken or shocked into wakefulness, but will not respond to sounds.

Eyes of Fire

Illusionist – 2nd

CT• 3 R• personal D• 10 sec/lvl SV• none SR• no C• V, S

The illusionist’s eyes glow bright red and illuminate an area 10 feet wide and 20 feet long in front of the caster. Creatures of 2 or fewer HD in the area will attack other targets before attacking the caster.



Wizard – 5th

CT• special R• 25 ft. D• permanent

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

The caster is able to convert raw material into a worked version. Thus, a wooden bridge could be fabricated from a clump of trees, linen clothes from a stand of flax, etc. One cubic yard of material may be fabricated per caster level. If attempting mineral items, the amount is reduced to one cubic foot per caster level. The quality of the fabricated item depends on the quality of raw materials used. Finely crafted items (swords, armor, jewelry, etc.) cannot be created with this spell.

Faerie Fire

Druid – 1st

CT• 1 R• 150 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

SV• no SR• yes C• V

The spell outlines all creatures and objects with a harmless, pale-colored fire in a 10 foot cube. The fire is about as bright as a candle, making the item outlined highly visible in darkness, but not having much effect in bright light. It also outlines invisible creatures and creatures under the effect of a Blur spell.

Attackers gain a +1 to hit outlined objects and creatures.

Faerie’s Glamour

Illusionist – 1st

CT• 3 R• touch D• 20 sec/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The spell places the image of the caster upon the body of another. The magic imitates whatever the caster is doing, no matter what the other body is actually doing. Thus, a fighter could appear as an unarmored illusionist casting a spell, when he is actually readying a weapon.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.

Faith Healing

Cleric – 2nd

CT• 3 R• touch D• instantaneous

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The spell enables a cleric to heal another creature with the same deity. The amount of damage healed is d8HP+1HP per caster level (up to +5). A target with a different deity than the caster’s is unaffected by the spell effect.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Faithful Hound

Wizard, Illusionist – 5th

CT• 1 min R• 50 ft. D• 1 hr/lvl*

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, M

The spell forms into a phantom hound dedicated to guarding an area or the caster. This may be changed as desired after the spell has been cast. All creatures within a 30-foot radius when the spell is first cast are regarded as allies unless the caster instructs the hound otherwise. If a medium size or larger creature approaches within 50 feet (of caster or designated area) the hound lets out a frightful and eerie howl.

Everyone (allies, neutrals and foes alike) within hearing must save against Fear or suffer a –2 to attacks and morale. The hound then begins to bark as loudly as a normal hound.

If the intruder comes within 10 feet, the hound ceases barking and attacks with a bite. This attack is considered to originate from a +2 magic weapon. The hound attacks once per round and gains a ‘to hit’ bonus equal to the caster’s level and deals 2d6+3HP. The attacks will cease if the intruder retreats 25 feet away or further.

The hound can be dispelled or physically damaged. The hound has AC18 and as many HP as the caster at the time the spell was cast. The spell lasts 1 hour per caster level, or until the caster and hound are separated by more than 150 feet, or until the hound begins barking – in which case the spell will last an additional 10 seconds per caster level.

Components: Studded leather dog collar.

False Trap

Illusionist – 2nd

CT• 5 R• 50 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

SV• special SR• special C• V, S, M

The spell cloaks a 25 foot cube with magic, making it seem to be trapped to any using non-magical means to detect traps. If the searcher is of higher level than the caster of the spell an Intelligence save may be attempted to detect the illusion. Any manipulation of the affected area will reveal the glamour. Magical means of detecting traps will reveal no traps in the area.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.

Components: Splinters of glass from deliberately warped mirror, wooden bowl with one ounce of pure water, 50gp of powdered moonstone.

False Vision

Illusionist – 5th

CT• 2 R• 50 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

SV• special SR• special C• V, S, M

The spell cloaks a 25 foot cube with magic and makes it impervious to scrying effects. If the caster is aware of an attempt to scry the area, they may create an audio-visual illusion that will appear to be a real creature to the observer.

Components: Wooden bowl with one ounce of pure water, 150gp of powdered moonstone, small carved figurine.

Fangs of the Vampire King

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 2nd

CT• 1 R• personal D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• S, Strength

The caster grows fangs that allow them to make bite attacks. The caster gains +10 attack bonus plus any strength modifier. Each bite deals d6HP damage and 1 point of Constitution damage.

Components: d6 Strength damage.


Illusionist – 2nd

CT• 3 R• 25 ft. D• special

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The spell generates a magic aura such that the target views the spellcaster as a trusted and desired companion. The target must be of at least low intelligence and able to communicate with the illusionist. Creatures remain Fascinated for d4 days

The subject follows the caster willingly and obeys requests as long as they are mundane. Less mundane requests will be followed if the caster’s Comliness score is greater than the result of rolling 3d6 Requests which are against the creature’s self interests or hazardous add +1 to +6 to the roll result.

If the roll exceeds the Comliness score, the creature is filled with hate and rage as the spell is negated. Creatures may leave or attack and the response of the creature once the spell wears off is dependent upon the care the illusionist has provided. If the creature was exceptionally well cared for, there is a 2% per point of Comliness that the creature will choose to continue its association with the caster.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Favor of the Deity

Cleric – 4th

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• special

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

The spell has two possible effects, chosen at the time of casting: The target is immune to subdual damage, charm effects, compulsions and attacks that cause pain. The target is also immune to effects that daze, exhaust, fatigue, nauseate, stagger, or stun. The target remains conscious at –1 to –9 HP and can take

actions. The spell will negate such effects already acting upon the target, causing unconscious creatures to awake, etc. This version lasts 1 minute per caster level.

Alternatively the caster and the target exchange HP totals. This may only be done if the caster has more HP than the target at the time of casting. The spell does not transfer temporary HP, and the caster assumes the same state of consciousness as the target.


Wizard, Illusionist – 4th

CT• 1

R• 50 ft.

D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, S

The spell covers a 25 foot cube. All living creatures in the area must save or panic and terror cloud their minds. Those creatures will flee from the caster by the most direct route at maximum movement. If cornered or prevented from escaping, creatures will cower in horror. If forced to confront the caster, affected creatures suffer a –2 to all rolls.

Save: Charisma save negates effects.

Feather Fall

Wizard – 1st

CT• 1 R• 150 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• no SR• yes C• V

By utterance of a single word, the speed of any freely falling object is reduced to 5 feet per second. The spell affects everything within a 10-foot radius sphere, but must be cast upon a single object or creature.


Druid – 6th, Wizard – 5th, Illusionist – 8th

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• special

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The spell reduces the target to an Intelligence score of 2. The target still recognizes friends and can act as a pet, following and protecting in some primitive manner. The spell is permanent until the victim receives a Heal, Greater Restoration, Wish or equivalent spell.

Save: Charisma save negates effects.


Wizard – 6th

CT• 3 R• personal D• 1 min/lvl SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, M

A Polymorph Self spell, but the forms that may be taken are limited to a demon or devil type that could be summoned via a Greater Monster Summoning. Only one form may be assumed, but the caster gains all extraordinary, spell-like and supernatural abilities of the creature. The caster is treated as an extra-planar being for the duration of the spell for purposes of spells or magical abilities. Any spell or effect that would banish such a creature immediately ends this spell and leaves the caster stunned for 30 seconds.

Components: A 1-inch section of bone from a demon or devil.

Fiendish Clarity•

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 7th

CT• 3 R• personal D• 10 min/lvl SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S

The caster develops the senses of a devil. They gain darkvision to a 60-foot range and can see in magical darkness as if it were normal darkness. They can see invisible creatures and objects as if the recipient of Detect Invisibility spell and can Detect Good at will.

Find the Path / Obscure the Path

Cleric – 6th, Illusionist – 8th

CT• 3

R• touch

D• 10 min/lvl

SV• none

SR• yes

C• V, S, F

The spell enables the caster to seek out the shortest, most direct physical route to a specified location (not object or creature). The spell gives intuitive understanding of actions to take to follow this route, allowing the escape from mazes, labyrinths, etc. whether magical or mundane. The spell also instantly counters the effects of a Maze spell.

The reverse: Obscure the Path – results in the subject being unable to find their way to a specific location unless led by another.

Components: A Y-shaped stick made of ash.

Finger of Death

Druid – 8th, Wizard –7th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• permanent

SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S

The caster points at a creature and utters a deadly curse, instantly slaying the creature unless a save is made. If the save is made the creature takes 3d6HP+1HP per caster level.

Save: Charisma save reduces effects.

Fire Seeds

Druid – 6th

CT• special R• touch D• special

SV• partial SR• no C• V, S, M

Spell creates missiles or timed incendiary devices that burn with extreme heat. The seeds may be hurled up to 30 feet (acorns) or placed and commanded to ignite with a word (holly berries). The spell can prepare up to 4 acorns or up to 8 holly berries. The decision is made at the time of casting. Each seed requires 10 seconds to prepare and last for 10 minutes per caster level.

Acorns that strike their target burst and cause 2d8HP to the target, no save permitted. Those that miss still explode on impact. The burst extends 10 feet from the impact point and creatures within must save or take half damage. Combustible items within will ignite.

Holly berries can be placed or tossed 5 feet. They can be commanded to ignite, dealing d8HP to all creatures within a 5-foot radius and igniting combustible material. The maximum distance between druid and berry is 40 feet or they lose all magical properties.

Save: Dexterity save for half-damage. Components: Acorns or Holly berries, as needed. Fire Shield

Wizard – 4th

CT• 5 R• personal D• special

SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S, M

The spell surrounds the caster with pale, wispy flames that shed dim light in a 15-foot radius. The spell lasts 20 seconds plus 10 seconds per caster level. The color of the flames determines the effects of the spell, chosen at the time of casting. Both versions have the effect of dealing damage to any attacker equal to twice what the attacker dealt to the caster, so long as the damage was the result of a melee attack.

Red or Green Flames: Flames are hot and saves against cold are made at +2. Half cold damage if a save is failed but no damage results from a save. Saves against fire based attacks are made normally, but a failed save indicates the caster has taken double damage from the effect.

Blue or Violet Flames: Flames are cold and saves against fire are made at +2. Half fire damage is sustained if a save is failed but no damage results from a save. Saves against cold based attacks are made normally, but a failed save indicates the caster has taken double damage from the effect.

Components: For Red/Green – a pea sized pellet of phosphorous. For Blue/Violet – the tails of 4 dead glowworms, or 1 live glowworm.

Fire Spiders

Wizard – 6th

CT• 5 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell summons a swarm of 240 fire elementals the size of common spiders. Each has 1HP, move at 10 feet per round and have AC18. When summoned, there are 6 spiders per 5 foot square. Thereafter they swarm to attack creatures and objects, dealing damage equal to the number of spiders that swarm a target. As spiders are slain, the swarm condenses to maintain the 6 spiders per 5-foot square density.

The spiders do not die upon dealing damage, but remain until slain, banished or the spell expires. If a spider remains upon a flammable object for 2 rounds it will ignite. The spiders are immune to fire damage and are affected by any spell that affects extra-planar beings. Water is effective in slaying them; each flask of water destroys 2d4 spiders in a particular 5-foot square and one spider in each adjacent square.

Save: Dexterity save for half-damage. Components: Ruby dust(500gp).

Fire Storm

Cleric – 8th, Druid – 7th

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S

Sheets of roaring fire fill an area of 10 cubic feet per caster level, dealing d6HP per caster level to those within. Unless the caster specifies to the contrary, vegetation and the like are not affected by the flames. Save: Dexterity save for half-damage.

Fire Trap

Druid – 2nd, Wizard – 4th

CT• 10 min R• touch D• permanent

SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S, M

Set upon any closeable item, the spell triggers when anyone other than the caster, or creatures named by the caster and present at the time of casting, opens it. The spell creates a 10-foot diameter sphere of fire that deals d4HP+1HP per caster level. The trapped item is unharmed by the spell.

Save: Dexterity save for half-damage

Components: Flint and charcoal, scattered over the item.


Wizard – 3rd

CT• 5 R• 450 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S, M

A small ball of fire is created and sent hurtling towards the target. It detonates with a roar, generating intense heat and flame within a 40-foot diameter sphere. This deals d6HP per caster level, ignites combustible materials and melts soft metals such as gold, silver and lead.

If the spell has to pass through a narrow opening between caster and target area, a ranged attack must succeed. Otherwise, the spell detonates at the point of impact.

Save: Dexterity save for half-damage. Components: A golf-ball sized lump of coal. Firebrand

Wizard – 5th

CT• 5 R• 150 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell generates 1 mass of fire per caster level. Each mass explodes as a 5 foot radius burst and deals d6HP per caster level (max 15d6) to all creatures within the area. The bursts may be distributed as the caster sees fit. Bursts that overlap do not deal additional damage, but each burst requires a separate save.

Save: Dexterity save for half-damage Components: 1 flask of Oil of Fiery Burning

First Aid

Cleric, Druid, Illusionist – 0th

CT• 3 R• touch D• permanent

SV• special SR• yes C• V, S

The spell magically bandages wounds, prevents the loss of further HP due to bleeding and generally helps stabilize the recipient. It prevents infection, but cures no damage.

Save: Illusionist spell requires recipient to fail an Intelligence save for the spell to work.

Flame Blade

Druid – 2nd

CT• 5

R• personal

D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none

SR• yes

C• V, S, M

The spell creates a 3-foot beam of red-hot fire that springs from the caster’s hand. The caster wields it as a normal scimitar, but since the blade is immaterial there is no strength bonus applied. The caster must only succeed with a touch attack and the blade deals d4+4HP. The blade will ignite readily combustible materials, deals an additional 2HP to undead creatures but cannot harm fiery creatures.

Components: Leaf of sumac.

Flame Dagger

Wizard – 2nd

CT• 5 R• personal D• 1 min/lvl SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell creates a 1-foot beam of red-hot fire that springs from the caster’s hand. The caster wields it as a normal dagger, but since the blade is immaterial there is no strength bonus applied. The caster must only succeed with a touch attack and the dagger deals d4+1HP per caster level (max +10). The blade will ignite readily combustible materials.

Components: A 3-inch candle stub.

Flame Strike

Cleric – 5th

CT• 3

R• 150 ft.

D• instantaneous

SV• partial

SR• yes

C• V, S, DF

The caster call down a column of fire occupying an area 10 feet in diameter and 40 feet tall. It deals d6HP per caster level to all within the area. Half the damage is fire based and the rest is divine in origin and not subject to protections from fire, though protections from alignment based effects may apply.

Save: Dexterity save for half-damage.

Flaming Sphere

Wizard – 2nd

CT• 5 R• 10 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• negates SR• no C• V, S, M

Spell creates a 2-foot diameter globe of fire. The sphere rolls in the direction indicated by the caster, up or downhill and over barricades of less than 4-foot height. The sphere keeps a steady speed of 20 feet per round. If the caster ceases to point, the sphere stops moving.

All flammable substances will be set ablaze by contact. Creatures struck by the sphere (normal attack) take 2d4HP and any within 5 feet of the sphere must save or suffer the same effect. The sphere may be extinguished as would a medium sized campfire.

Save: Dexterity save negates area damage.

Components: 1 inch stub of tallow candle, 1 ounce powdered iron, 1 pea-sized ball of sulfur.

Floating Disc

Wizard – 1st

CT• 5 R• 10 ft. D• 1 hr/lvl

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, M

Spell creates ‘dish’ of force that floats 3 feet above the ground. It remains level and moves as fast as the caster can walk. If the caster is more than 50 feet from the disc, the spell ends. The disc is 3 feet in diameter and can carry up to 1000 pounds of weight but two gallons of fluid as it is only slightly concave.

Components: Miniature disc of glass or silver(5gp)


Wizard – 3rd

CT• 5 R• touch D• 10 min/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell enables the caster to fly at up to 90 feet per round (about 6 miles per hour) relative to the ground. The spell allows climbing at 45 feet per round and diving at 180 feet per round. The caster can hover if so desired. The motion is as natural as walking, allowing spellcasting or the use of magic items. The caster cannot carry more weight than would normally leave him heavily encumbered, and the spell will fail if the load is too great.

Components: A single feather from an avian capable of flight.

Fog Cloud

Wizard, Illusionist – 2nd

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• 10 min/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S

A dense bank of fog billows outward from a point chosen by the caster. It obscures all normal and enhanced vision beyond 5 feet. It offers partial concealment to creatures within 5 feet of the cloud edge, total concealment to those further within. It covers an area 50 by 30 feet and 20 feet tall. The fog will be somewhat affected by prevailing winds, though it will not be blown back upon the caster. A medium

breeze will disperse it in ~4 minutes and a great wind in ~1 minute. The vapors will seek out the lowest local elevation.


Cleric – 6th

CT• 5 min R• 30 ft. D• permanent

SV• special SR• no C• V, S, M, DF

The spell is used on an area that has been consecrated to prevent the entrance of those opposed to the caster’s view. Beings who share the caster’s ethics (law/chaos) and morals (good/evil) cannot enter without a password. Beings with different ethics must succeed in a Wisdom save or suffer 2d6 damage. Those of different morals must succeed in a Wisdom save or suffer 4d6 damage. These effects are cumulative.

If a save is failed, entrance to the area is permanently forbidden. Even if a save succeeds, intruders will feel ill at ease and cannot rest comfortably.

Save: Wisdom save negates spell effects.

Components: (un)Holy symbol, (un)Holy water, silver/dung, iron/sulfur as applicable.

Forbidden Speech•

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 5th

CT• 1 minuteR• touch D• permanent

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, Strength

The spell makes it impossible for the affected creature to discuss a single topic. The topic must be as narrowly defined as possible in order for the spell to succeed. Verbal spell components are not eligible, nor are a creature’s life history or any similarly broad topic. Examples of disallowed topics might be command words, locations of secret treasure, passwords and the like.

The affected creature cannot communicate in any way regarding the topic. Speech becomes gibberish, written words are undecipherable, drawings are unintelligible and even thoughts are scrambled. The creature in no way loses memory of the information, but cannot in any way communicate it nor allow others to glean information about it from them.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects. Components: d6 points of Strength. Force Ladder

Wizard – 2nd

CT• 3 R• 25 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, F

The spell generates a transparent ladder of force. The ladder is 2 feet wide and from 10 to 60 feet long, as dsired. It has a weight of 1 pound and can support 100 pounds of weight per caster level. The ladder is affected by a Disintegrate spell, Rod of Cancellation, Sphere of Annihilation or a Disjunction spell, but nothing else.

Focus: 1-inch miniature silver ladder.


Wizard – 7th

CT• 5 R• 50 ft. D• 60+10 min/lvl.

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell creates a cage of force in the shape of a cube 20 feet on a side, with bars spaced 6 inches apart. Creatures unable to pass between the bars are trapped. Creatures with magic resistance can make a single attempt to escape. A successful Dispel Magic will bring down the cage. Weapons and spells can pass through the openings.

Components: 1000gp diamond, powdered and used to trace the outlines of the cage at the time of the spell memorization.


Cleric – 3rd

CT• 3 R• personal D• 10 sec/lvl SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, DF

The spell creates an immobile, transparent 10 foot radius sphere of force, centered upon the caster. Everything inside the sphere and within 5 feet of the edge is illuminated as by torchlight. All beings attempting to enter the sphere must make a Wisdom save. Any creature within may leave freely. The sphere does not prevent spells or objects from entering the area.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.


Wizard – 1st

CT• 5 R• 150 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell creates rushing wave of force that impacts a single creature, dealing d4HP+1HP and forcing the target to succeed in a DC 6 Strength check or be knocked prone.

Save: Constitution save reduces damage to 1HP and no knockdown effects. Components: A drop of water and a 1-inch piece of string.


Wizard – 2nd

CT• 3 R• 25 ft. D• permanent

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The spell caster causes up to 4 creatures within a 20-foot square area to forget the events of the preceding minute. For every three caster levels, the spell affects an additional minute of time. Loss of memory in no way negates any spells or enchantments placed upon the individuals. There is no ‘blank’ space in the creature’s memories – there simply are no memories for the affected times. These time does not exist.

Save: If one creature is targeted, the Wisdom save is made at –2. If the spell targets 2 creatures, each saves at –1. Beyond that, the saves are made at normal chances.

Fortunate Fate

Cleric – 7th

CT• 3 R• touch D• 10 min/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, DF

The spell surrounds the target with an aura that intervenes in the event that the target would fall to –10 or fewer HP. In this instance, the recipient is affected as if by a Heal spell. If the cause of death is not direct damage or poison based the Fortunate Fate spell cannot successfully intervene.

Freedom of Movement

Cleric, Druid – 4th

CT• 3 R• touch D• 10 min/lvl

SV• n/a SR• yes C• V, S, DF

Whether underwater or in some other liquid, targeted by spells such as Web or Hold Person, the affected creature may move and act normally for the spell’s duration. This will not negate motion-affecting magic (slow, haste, potion of speed, etc.) already in effect upon the creature, nor will it unchain or unbind a creature.


Wizard, Illusionist – 1st

CT• 5 R• personal D• 1 min/lvl. SV• special SR• yes C• V, S, M

The caster gains 2d4 points of Charisma, or a loses d4 points – depending on whether a creature makes or fails a save. Those that fail are impressed with the caster and will be friendly and helpful. Those that succeed view the caster as irritating and feel uneasy. This spell does not function upon animals.

Save: Wisdom save negates spell effects.

Components: Flour, lampblack and vermilion applied to the face (clown style).


Wizard – 4th

CT• 5 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl.

SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell causes the target to become clumsy if they fail a save. If they attempt to run they will trip and fall. If they try to employ an item they will drop it. It will take 10 seconds to recover such items. If the target succeeds in saving, they function as if affected by a Slow spell.

Save: Intelligence save reduces effects. Components: A pat of butter.


Gaseous Form

Wizard – 3rd

CT• 1 R• touch D• 1 min/lvl.

SV• none SR• yes C• S

The spell causes a creature and their carried equipment to become a misty, fog-like form. The fog moves at 1 foot per second and can pass through the smallest cracks and openings. The creature is immune to attacks from physical weapons, but may be the target of spell effects and supernatural abilities. Strong winds may blow the creature about and liquids prevent a creature’s passage.


Cleric, Wizard – 9th

CT• 3

R• 50 ft.

D• special

SV• none

SR• no

C• V, S

The spell forms a portal between the caster’s plane and another plane of existence. The caster must have some limited knowledge of the other plane in order to open the portal. The portal may be used as a means of travel. It is a circular opening 5 feet in diameter, plus 1 foot per caster level if desired. The caster may maintain the opening for 1 minute per level and must concentrate in order to do so. The portal may be opened near a particular creature (or type of creature) but the Gate does not force the creature to pass through and does not bind or coerce the creature in any way. If used in this way, the caster cannot pass through the opening and the opening will close immediately after the creature passes through. Note that the creature may return to its home plane at any time.

Gaze Reflection

Illusionist – 1st

CT• 3

R• personal

D• 1 min.

SV• none

SR• no

C• V, S

The spell creates a mirror-like areato appear in front of the caster. The caster’s vision is not obscured, but gaze attacks that face the ‘shield’ are reflected to the originator, who may save as normal.


Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 6th

CT• 1

R• 10 ft.

D• special

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V

The spell allows the caster to demand a service from the target or to force the target to refrain from some course of action. If the individual fails to comply they will sicken and may die. The request must be carefully and narrowly worded, or the spell will fail. The request may be for almost anything with a few exceptions. The target cannot be commanded to commit suicide. The creature must understand the request, or the spell will fail. The target must be able to complete the request by its own actions, or the spell will end after one day.

If the creature is prevented from carrying out its task or willfully ignores the request, then for each day that the quest is not undertaken it loses one point of strength and suffers a –1 penalty to all rolls. ,The penalties disappears soon as the quest is resumed.

If 5 consecutive days pass with no progress made on the quest the target must make a Constitution save or sicken. Sickened characters move at half-speed, suffer a –4 penalty to Constitution and Dexterity in addition to the Strength loss, heal no damage naturally, and cannot be the recipient of magical healing. After a number of days equal to the creature’s original Constitution score a second save must be made. If it is failed, the creature is disabled and cannot move or act beyond a crawl. These effects end 24 hours after the quest is resumed.

A Geas spell may be removed by a Remove Curse from a caster at least 2 levels higher than the one who cast the Geas. The caster of the Remove Curse must make a Charisma save. A wish may also be used to remove a Geas. Dispel Magic has no effect. The caster may release the target of the spell at any time. The target need not be present in this case.

Save: Charisma save negates the spell’s effects.

Gedlee’s Electric Loop

Wizard – 2nd

CT• 5 R• 25 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell creates a small stroke of lightning that cycles through all creatures within 5 feet of the designated location. The spell deals d6HP per two caster levels (maximum 5d6).

Save: Dexterity save reduces damage to half. If Dexterity save is failed, Constitution save or target is stunned for 10 seconds.

Components: A 1-inch radius loop of copper wire and a pea-sized piece of lodestone or magnetic rock.


Wizard – 7th

CT• 3 R• n/a D• special

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, F

The spell allows the caster to teleport objects and creatures (50 pounds per caster level) to the location of a specially prepared gem. The teleportation is accomplished without error. Unwilling creatures gain a saving throw to resist the effects upon themselves or their possessions. The Gemjump spell remains in effect until triggered.

Save: Wisdom save negates spell effects. Focus: Flawless gem(7500gp).

General of Undeath•

Cleric – 8th

CT• 1min R• personal D• 1 day/lvl SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S, DF

The spell allows the caster to control up to 10 times the caster’s level worth of undead. When the spell expires, it is as if the caster had voluntarily relinquished control of the undead that were controlled in excess of the caster’s normal abilities.

Ghorus’ Metal Melt

Druid – 6th, Wizard – 4th

CT• 5 R• 25 ft. D• 10 sec

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell alters the physical properties of a metal object no larger than 1 cubic foot per caster level. The metal takes on the consistency of water and flows as a liquid for one round before solidifying in a new form. Magic items require a Wisdom check by the caster with a DC equal to the item’s bonus (or relative power). If successful, the item is transformed and rendered rendered non-magical.

Focus: A pea-sized drop of mercury.

Ghost Sound

Wizard, Illusionist – 0th

CT• 5 R• 150 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl.

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell creates sound with a maximum volume equal to the noise produced by 4 humans. Any sort of noise imaginable may be produced within this restriction and the sound can appear to originate from anywhere within range. The volume can rise or fall as desired.

Save: Intelligence save negates spell effects. Components: A pea-sized ball of earwax.


Wizard – 6th

CT• 1 minuteR• touch D• 1 min/lvl.

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell allows the caster to make a section of wood, stone, or metal as transparent as glass. Up to 4 inches of metal, 6 inches of stone or up to 20 inches of wood can be affected in this way. Lead, gold and platinum are not affected by the spell. The caster can decide to have the transparency apply only to his gaze, or that of all creatures. The transparent section can remain fixed in place, or the caster can decide to apply the effect to a different section of material each round. Either application produces a ‘window’ 3 feet wide and 2 feet high.

Components: A 1 inch square piece of fine crystal(5 sp).


Wizard – 8th

CT• 5 R• touch D• permanent

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell turns a transparent substance such as glass or crystal into a material with the strength of steel. A maximum weight of 10 pounds of material per caster level can be affected, and must be one continuous piece.

Components: A 2-inch square piece of fine crystal(10sp) and a 2-inch square section of fine steel(2gp)

Glimpse of Truth•

Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 1 hour R• personal D• special SV• none SR• no C• V, S, Drug

The caster sees through the veil of reality to pose a single question to nameless malevolent entities that exist beyond normal consciousness, The question must be posed such that the answer is a simple yes or no. The answer is correct 75% of the time. Very obscure questions may not be answered.

Components: Three hallucinogenic fungi.

Globe of Invulnerability

Wizard – 6th

CT• 5 R• personal D• 10 sec/lvl. SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell creates a mobile 10-foot diameter globe of shimmering energy centered on the caster. The spell acts as an impenetrable field against all 1st through 4th level spells, spell-like effects or abilities. This includes area of effect spells, which wash harmlessly over the globe. A successful Dispel Magic may bring down the globe. Anyone inside the globe may cast spells inside, or out of the globe. Spells and abilities of 5th level or higher are unaffected by the globe.

Components: A glass marble (1sp) and a tiny crystal sphere (1gp).

Glyph of Warding

Cleric – 3rd

CT• 10 min. R• touch D• special

SV• special SR• yes C• V, S, M

The caster inscribes an invisible rune that protects an area or object from intrusion or passage. Areas up to 25 feet by 25 feet may be protected. The glyph may be set to permit or ward against specific individuals, groups, species or groups of species. They can be set to allow or prevent the passage of certain faiths or alignments, those carrying certain items, wearing colors, garments, signs or those uttering certain words or phrases. Any creature(s) that satisfy the casting conditions will trigger the effect. This includes invisible creatures. Polymorphed creatures may avoid triggering the glyph unless it is alignment based. Creatures shielded by non-detection magics cannot trigger the glyph.

Only a single glyph may be placed upon a single object, though multiple protected objects may be placed together. Read Magic allows a glyph to be seen, and a successful Intelligence check allows the glyph to be identified. A successful Dispel Magic may be used to remove a single glyph.

When activated, a glyph either blasts the intruders or triggers a spell. The blast version deals d4 per caster level to all creatures within 5 feet of the triggered glyph. The damage is divine in origin, but may take the form of electricity, fire, cold, acid or sonic effects.

The spell version of the glyph triggers a spell of up to 3rd level, which is cast at the time the glyph is inscribed. The spell functions as if it had been normally cast, with appropriate saving throws.

Save: Wisdom save reduces blast damage by half.

Components: 1 ounce of oil (5sp), mixed with incense (5gp) and a powdered gemstone (200gp) of a color appropriate to the caster’s deity.


Cleric – 5th

CT• 1 min R• 10 ft. D• special

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

The cleric must first construct the form of the golem and then cast a Prayer spell on the construct. The golem created must be approximately humanoid shaped and between 3 and 7 feet tall. Collectively, these are called lesser golems as opposed to the Flesh, Clay, Stone and Iron golems. The particular golem types are dependent upon the level of the caster:

9th level: Straw golem. Built time: 1 hour. Duration: 1 hour/level. AC 10, MV 12”, HD 2+4, HP 20, AT 2, D 1- 2x2. SD: immune to piercing weapons, half-damage from blunt weapons. Carrying capacity 30 pounds.

SW: Suffers double damage from fire effects.

11th level: Rope golem. Build time: 3 hours. Duration: 3 hours/level. AC 12, MV 9”, HD 3+6, HP 30, AT 1, D 1-6 + strangulation (6 point/round until destroyed or forced to release grip). SD: immune to blunt weapons, half-damage from piercing weapons. Carrying capacity 50 pounds.

13th level: Leather golem. Build time: 9 hours. Duration: 9 hours/level. AC 14, MV 6”, HD 4+8, HP 40, AT 2, D 1-6x2. SD +1 or better weapon to hit, half-damage from blunt weapons. Carrying capacity 50 pounds.

15th level: Wood golem. Build time: 27 hours. Duration: 12 hours/level. /AC 18, MV 3”, HD 5+10, HP 50, AT 1, D 3d4. SD +1 or better weapon to hit, immune to blunt and piercing weapons. Carrying capacity 60 pounds.

These golems are mindless and cannot be charmed or controlled. They save as their creator, cannot speak, but can follow instructions of about a dozen words.


Druid – 1st

CT• 3 R• touch D• 1 day/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, DF

The caster enchants 2d4 freshly picked berries, each of which nourishes a creature as if it had eaten a full meal. Each berry also heals 1 point of damage. A maximum of 8 berries may be eaten in a 24-hour period. Goodberries may be preserved or they must be eaten within 48 hours.

Grazzt’s Long Grasp•

Wizard – 2nd

CT• 3 R• personal D• 10 min/lvl. SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S

The caster detaches one of their hands from their arm. Upon casting the spell, the caster takes 2d4 damage as the hand detaches. The hand is AC22, suffers half damage on a failed save and no damage on a successful save. The hand gains an armor class bonus equal to the caster’s Intelligence bonus. The hand has as many HP as the caster lost when it detached.

The hand is controlled by thought, and it flies at a speed of 20 feet per round. When the hand returns the damage is healed. If the hand is destroyed or prevented from returning to the caster, the damage will heal normally. While the spell lasts, the flying hand can deliver any spell delivered by touch, striking as the caster, with an additional +2 to hit. It can also make unarmed attacks, striking with the caster’s strength and an additional +2 bonus. If the hand goes beyond 50 feet from the caster, is not visible by the caster, or the caster ceases to direct it – the hand attempts to return to the caster and reattach. If prevented from doing so, the caster will permanently lose the hand when the spell expires.


Wizard – 1st

CT• 5 R• 25 ft. D• permanent

SV• special SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell covers an area of up to 1 square foot per caster level with a slippery, greasy substance. Any creature crossing an affected area or attempting to manipulate a Greased object must succeed in a Dexterity save or slip and fall/drop the object. If the spell is cast on an object being held by another creature, the spell fails unless the creature fails a Dexterity save.

Save: Dexterity save negates spell effects. Components: A pat of butter or a chunk of pork fat. Great Thunderclap

Wizard – 7th

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• negates SR• no C• V, S, F

Creatures within a 5-foot sphere are subjected to a great thunderclap and wave of force. Creatures must succeed in a Wisdom save or be stunned for 10 seconds and are unable to take actions. Creatures must succeed in a Constitution save or be deafened for 1 minute. A successful Dexterity save is required to avoid being knocked prone.

Save: Various saves negate various effects. Components: Focus – 3-inch tall iron bell.

Greater Ironguard

Druid – 9th, Wizard – 7th

CT• 5 R• touch D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M, F

The spell grants immunity to metal of less than +3 enchantment. The recipient passes through metal objects and vice versa. If the spell expires while metal is inside the recipient (or vice versa), the recipient (or metal – whichever is smaller) is shunted away to the nearest open space. This deals 2d6 damage. The spell allows the recipient to ignore metal armors when making unarmed or touch attacks.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Components: A 1-inch miniature shield of wood. Focus: A Lima bean sized bit of adamantine (100gp).

Greater Mage Hand

Wizard – 3rd

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• concentration

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

By pointing with a finger and concentrating, the caster can manipulate objects weighing less than 10 pounds per caster level. The item can be moved up to 20 feet per round. Items possessed by a creature are subject to a Wisdom save. If successful, the spell is negated.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Greater Restoration

Cleric –7th

CT• 1 hour R• touch D• permanent

SV• special SR• yes C• V, S, DF

The spell negates the level draining touch of undead, any effects that reduce ability scores, removes all types of insanity, confusion, feeblemind or similar mental effects. It restores lost levels, hit points and abilities drained by undead as long as the spell is cast within 1 week per caster level after the drain. It does not restore losses that are the result of death.

Greater Scrying

Cleric, Wizard – 7th

CT• 1 min R• special D• 1 min/lvl.

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

By focusing on a mental image of a person, the caster is able to watch and listen to them over great distances. This process requires a successful Intelligence check by the caster, modified as follows:

Familiarity Modifier

Caster knows character well +5 Caster has only met the character -5 Caster has only heard of the character -10

Caster has no knowledge of the character -15 Caster has a likeness of the character +5

Caster has a possession of the character+5 Caster has hair/nail/piece of character +5 Character is on another plane -15

With a successful scrying, the caster may cast Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, Detect Good/Evil/Law/Chaos, Message, Read Magic or Tongues. Observed characters with Intelligence greater than 13 may detect the observation with a successful Intelligence check.

Components: A finely cut gem(1000gp).

Greater Shadow Conjuration

Illusionist – 5th

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl.

SV• partial SR• no C• V, S

The caster shapes illusions resembling monsters that can attack. The caster creates one or more illusionary creatures whose total hit dice are equal to the caster’s level. They must be of small or medium size and will have 40% of the normal creature’s hit points.

Anyone seeing the illusions must make an Intelligence save. If the save fails, the ‘creatures’ deal normal damage and have all their normal abilities. If the save succeeds, the ‘creatures’ appear as semi-solid images. They will function at 40% of normal with respect to abilities, damage and the like.

Save: Intelligence save reduces effects to 40%

Greater Shadow Evocation

Illusionist – 6th

CT• 3 R• special D• special

SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S

The spell creates a semi-real effect that mimics one of the following: Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Fireball, Ice Storm, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Stinking Cloud, Wall of Fire/Ice/Iron/Stone or Web.

The mimicked spell has full range and effects unless the targeted creatures succeed in an Intelligence save, in which case the effects are at 40% of normal.

Save: Intelligence save reduces effects to 40%

Grim Revenge•

Wizard – 5th

CT• 5 R• 150 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

The victim’s hand tears loose from the end of its arm, dealing 6d6HP damage. The hand animates and flies about, attacking as a wight with a +4 bonus, and having the victim’s AC with a +4 bonus. The hand has d6HP. The hand can be turned. If the hand is defeated, only a regenerate spell will restore the victim’s hand.

Save: Constitution save negates effects. Components: A dried wight hand.

Guards and Wards

Wizard – 6th, Illusionist – 5th

CT• 30 min R• special D• 1 hr/lvl.

SV• special SR• special C• V, S, M

The caster must be within the area to be protected by the spell. The spell radiates outward from the caster’s location in a sphere with a radius of 10 feet per caster level. The following effects occur when the spell is cast:

Any creature facing a choice in direction (intersections, side passages, multiple doors) is subject to a minor confusion effect that makes it 50% likely that they will believe they are headed in the opposite direction from that actually chosen. SR: yes.

All corridors within the area of effect fill with an eerie fog that reduces all vision to 5 feet. Creatures within 5 feet have half concealment, those beyond 5 feet are fully concealed. SR: no

All doors are subjected to a Lock spell. SR: no

One door per caster level is concealed by an illusion that makes it appear as a blank wall. SR: no, but a successful Intelligence save reveals the illusion.

Webs fill all stairways from top to bottom. These are identical to a Web spell, except they reform within 10 minutes if burned or removed. SR: yes

The caster may also select from one of the following effects:

Gust of Wind in one corridor or room. SR: no Magic Mouth in two place. SR: no

Stinking Cloud in two places. If dispersed, the vapors return within 10 minutes. SR: yes

Suggestion spell in a single 10 foot by 10-foot or smaller area. Any creature in the area is affected. SR: yes Dancing Lights in 4 corridors. The lights may move in a simple pattern determined by the caster when the sp3ll is cast. SR: no

The warded area radiates very strong magic. Dispel Magic may be used to remove a specific effect, but the rest of the spell continues to function. A successful Disjunction spell neutralizes the entire spell.

Components: Strand of Giant Spider Silk (20gp), 1 ounce of fine wine (2gp), decorated silver key (5gp), page of fine parchment (1gp).

Gust of Wind

Wizard – 3rd

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• 10 sec.

SV• negates SR• no C• V, S

A powerful blast of air (10 feet high and wide) originates from the caster in the direction they specify. The wind extinguishes candles, torches and small fires. Protected flames (lanterns) are 50% likely to be extinguished It fans medium and large blazes and scatters small, light items..

Small-sized flying creatures must make a Strength check or be blown out of control. Small and medium sized land borne creatures as well as medium sized flying creatures must make a Strength check to move.

Save: Strength check negates effects.


Wizard – 4th

CT• 3 R• personal D• 10 sec/level SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, F

The caster’s stomach sprouts a 15-foot long tentacle that ends in a set of jaws. The tentacle does not interfere with spell casting, and may be attacked without harming the caster. The tentacle may attack a target within range as a constrictor snake. If successful, the target is constricted and cannot attack or move. Unless the caster is stronger and/or more massive than the target, movement beyond 5 feet is impossible.

Focus: A fang from a constricting snake.


Wizard – 8th

CT• 5 R• 50 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S, M

The target’s innards boil. If a save fails, they burst forth and it dies. The intestines fly and coat the caster, giving 4d6 temporary HP and a +4 Strength bonus lasting 10 rounds. If the creature saves, it takes 10d6. Save: Constitution save reduces effects.

Components: A 6-inch section of wight intestine, stuffed with maggots, sewn closed and dried.


Hallow / Unhallow

Cleric – 4th

CT• 1 day R• touch D• 1 year

SV• none SR• special C• V, S, M, F, DF

The spell sanctifies an area with 150-foot radius. This area has 4 specific effects:

It acts as a magic circle against an attribute chosen by the caster (evil/good/ law/chaos). Creatures within the area gain a +2 on AC and save against attacks by warded creatures. The circle prevents contact by a summoned or conjured creature as well as mental or domination effects. This protection ends for all creatures if any warded creature attempts an attack. All attempts to turn undead gain a +3 bonus.

Attempts to command undead suffer a –3 penalty. Any creature buried in hallowed ground cannot be raised as undead.

A single spell effect may be affixed to the site. This companion spell is cast at the same time as the Hallow. This spell lasts for a full year and provide effects throughout that time. The caster may specify whether any restrictions apply to the spell effects with regard to faith and/or alignment. At the end of the year, the spell lapses, but may be renewed or replaced by another casting of Hallow.

Companion spells: Aid, Bless, Cause Fear, Detect (good/evil/law/chaos/magic), Dispel Magic, Endure Elements, Freedom of Movement, Protection from Elements, Remove Fear, Resist Elements, Silence and Tongues.

The reverse of the spell – Unhallow – provides all the same effects against good creatures. Dead creatures buried in Unhallowed ground will rise in 24 hours as a zombie.

Components: Incense, unguents, oils (1000gp) Focus – Religious vestments.

Hallucinatory Terrain

Druid – 4th, Wizard – 4th, Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 10 min R• 150 ft. D• permanent

SV• none SR• no C• V, S

The spell creates an image of natural terrain in an area measuring up to 10 feet per level on each side. It appears completely natural to all but druids and magical forest dwelling creatures, who will react accordingly when passing through it.

It will remain until dispelled by Dispel Magic, or a creature successfully disbelieves the effect. The nearest edge of the terrain appears up to 150 feet from the caster. Structures, equipment and creatures are not modified or obscured.

Hand of the Deity

Cleric – 4th

CT• 1 min R• 10 ft. D• 1 hour/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, DF

The spell creates an immobile zone of warding with a 10-foot radius centered upon the caster. It is only permeable to those of the same religion, or those carrying a holy symbol of that religion. Any other creature attempting to enter the area must save or be stunned for 10 seconds.

Save: Constitution save negates effects.


Cleric – 2nd

CT• 3 R• personal D• special SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

Caster’s hand is surrounded by cluster of sparkling lights. These can be of any color, shed light as a candle, but emit no heat. The caster may make one touch attack each round, and the spell lasts for as many attacks as the caster has levels, allowing it to be cast and ‘stored’ until it is used. Only one Handfire spell may be in effect at any time. Attempting to cast a second spell causes the second spell to fail.

Against living creatures, the spell deals d4+1HP per level (max +5). Against undead, the spell deals d6+1HP per level (max +5). It has no effect upon targets neither living nor dead – such as golems.

Haste / Slow

Wizard – 3rd

CT• 5 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl.

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell doubles the base movement rate of and number of physical attacks made by a single target creature. Spellcasting is not affected. A Hasted creature ages one full year and must succeed in a Constitution save or permanently lose 1 HP.

The reverse: Slow – reduces movement and attacks by half. Slow offsets Haste and vice versa. Save: Constitution save negates HP loss.

Components: A dried rabbit’s foot, or a dried turtle foot, as appropriate.

Head Fog

Illusionist – 1st

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• (d4+1) x 10 sec

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

A thick fog forms around the target’s head. They cannot see and suffer a –4 to hit. The fog moves with the victim. The victim may attempt a new save every round.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.

Heal / Harm

Cleric – 6th, Druid, Illusionist – 9th

CT• 3

R• touch

D• permanent

SV• none

SR• yes

C• V, S, DF

This spell wipes away disease and injury. It cures all HP damage, diseases, blindness, deafness and temporary ability damage. It neutralizes poisons and nullifies Feeblemind spells. It cures mental disorders caused by nature, physical trauma or spell effects.

This spell does not remove negative levels, restore drained levels or permanently drained ability scores. If used against undead, Heal acts like the reverse: Harm. Harm drains all but 4 HP from the target and infects it with a terminal disease. Used against undead, Harm acts like Heal.

The illusionist version does not affect undead. If a target fails an Intelligence save, the spell functions as normal. If the target saves, the spell fails.

Healing Circle / Harming Circle

Cleric – 4th

CT• 3

R• special

D• permanent

SV• special

SR• yes

C• V, S

The spell releases waves of energy in a 20-foot radius sphere. The energy heals 2d8HP to all living creatures in the area. This curative energy deals 2d8HP to undead. The reverse: Harming Circle – deals 2d8HP to all living creatures (half damage if a Wisdom save succeeds) and cures 2d8HP to undead.

Save: Wisdom save reduces harmful effects.

Healing Sting

Druid – 3rd

CT• 5 R• touch D• instantaneous

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

With a touch attack, the caster deals d6HP+1HP per level to a living creature. The caster gains that many hit points. The caster cannot gain more hit points than the target has at the time of the touch.

Save: Constitution save negates effects. Components: 5 dried wasp bodies.

Healing Touch

Wizard – 3rd

CT• 3 R• touch D• instantaneous

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The caster transfers some of his life essence to another creature. Up to d6HP per 2 caster levels can be healed. The caster suffers damage equal to the amount healed. The caster cannot heal more than his current HP total +10, and this will result in the caster’s death.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.


Cleric – 1st

CT• 3 R• 25 ft. D• 10 sec

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, DF

The caster fills the subject with heart-wrenching sorrow that leaves it incapacitated, unable to move or take actions for 10 seconds.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.


Cleric – 5th

CT• 3

R• 25 ft.

D• instantaneous

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, S

The caster hold out his empty hand and the victim’s still beating heart appears within. The target dies in 10 seconds. Only a Wish, Heal or Regenerate spell cast during this time will save it. If the target succeeds in making a save, it sustains 3d6HP+1HP per caster level from general damage.

Save: Constitution save negates effects.

Heat Metal / Chill Metal

Druid – 2nd

CT• 3

R• 50 ft.

D• 70 sec.

SV• none

SR• no

C• V, S

The spell raises the temperature of non-magical metal items. The spell affects all equipment of one creature for every two caster levels. The creatures cannot be more than 25 feet apart. Alternatively, the

spell can affect an item of no more than 25 pounds per level. On the 1st and 7th rounds, the metal is uncomfortable to touch. One the 2nd and 6th rounds pain deals d4 damage. On the 3rd, 4th and 5th rounds disabling pain deals 2d4 damage. The pain renders the creature disabled for a number of days equal to one-quarter of the creature’s Constitution score. Underwater, the metal will boil the water and deal half damage.

The reverse: Chill Metal – damages the target like Heat Metal. Underwater it will deal no damage, but the metal will become buoyant as ice forms around it.

Hero’s Feast

Cleric – 6th

CT• 10 min. R• 1 ft. D• 1 hour

SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S, M, DF

The caster brings forth a great feast, serving one creature per level of experience. The spell creates a magnificent table, chairs, utensils and all the necessary food and drink.

Those eating from the feast are cured of any diseases, are immune to poisons for 12 hours following the feast and are healed d4HP+1HP when the meal is complete.

The meal imparts the effects of a Bless spell lasting for 12 hours. During this 12-hour period, all who have eaten the meal are immune to fear, hopelessness and panic – by spell, effect or ability. The meal-eating lasts a full hour, and no beneficial effects accrue until the end of that hour. Any interruption terminates the spell immediately.

Components: 1 oz fermented honey taken from cells of queen bee larvae.

Hold Animal

Druid – 2nd

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl.

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, DF

The spell holds a single animal rigidly in place. It is aware and can breathe normally, but cannot undertake any physical action. Mental activities may be undertaken.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Hold Monster

Wizard, Illusionist – 5th

CT• 5 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl.

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell holds a single monster rigidly in place. It is aware and can breathe normally, but cannot undertake any physical action. Mental activities may be undertaken.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects. Components: A pea sized ball of tree sap.

Hold Person

Cleric – 2nd, Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl.

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, F(DF)

The spell holds a single medium sized or smaller humanoid rigidly in place. It is aware and can breathe normally, but cannot undertake any physical action. Mental activities may be undertaken.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects. Focus: A ‘tootsie roll’ of amber.

Hold Plant

Druid – 4th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl.

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, DF

The spell affects all types of plant matter: It halts all ambulatory plants; it prevents plants from entwining, grasping, or overgrowing; it prevents plants from producing any sort of noise. This includes all sorts of fungal creatures and plants animated by magical or supernatural means.

The spell affects 1-4 individual plants or 4-16 square yards of terrain. If the maximum effects are selected, all plants save as normal. If the effect is 75% of maximum all saves are made at –1. If the effect is 50% of maximum, saves are made at –2, and for a single target (or 1 square yard), all saves are at –4.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Hold Portal

Wizard - 1st

CT• 3

R• 50 ft.

D• 10 sec/lvl.

SV• n/a

SR• n/a

C• V, S

The spell magically bars a door, gate, window, or shutter of wood metal or stone. The magical bar holds the portal fast, just as if it were securely closed and normally locked. Physically demolishing the object, a Knock spell or a successful Dispel Magic negates the effect.

Holy Aura

Cleric – 8th

CT• 3 R• special D• 10 sec/lvl.

SV• special SR• yes C• V, S, DF

Divine radiance surrounds one (good/evil/chaotic or lawful) creature per caster level within a 25-foot radius of the caster. This protects the recipient from attacks, spells and effects from creatures with the diametrically opposite attribute.

Warded creatures get +4 on AC and saves and are immune to possession and mental domination effects. In the event of a successful attack, the attacker must make an Intelligence save or be blinded.

Save: Intelligence save negates blindness.

Holy Star

Cleric – 7th

CT• 3 R• personal D• 1 min/lvl SV• none SR• no C• V, S

The spell creates a golf ball-sized globe of energy that hovers near the caster’s shoulder. It provides light equal to a candle, and has three functions. By mental command, one function may be used per round.

Spell Turning: d4+3 spell levels may be turned, as the Volley Spell. Once limit has been reached, this function cannot be used again. Cover: +10 AC bonus. Fire Bolt: The star projects a beam of fiery energy. A successful ranged touch attack up to 90 feet away deals d4+(1HP per 2 caster levels) (max +10).

Holy Symbol

Cleric – 2nd

CT• 10 min R• touch D• permanent

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, F

The spell allows the caster to create a holy symbol. The created symbol has a faint aura corresponding to the morals and ethics of the character’s deity.

Focus: Appropriately fashioned symbol.

Holy Word

Cleric – 7th

CT• 1 R• special D• permanent

SV• none SR• yes C• V

The cleric speaks a single word in the voice of their deity. Whether or not any creature actually hears the word, certain effects follow. This banishes extra planar beings within a 25-foot radius back to their plane of origin. They cannot return for 25 hours. Creatures with a different alignment suffer additional effects:

Creature HD Effect

> 12 Deafened d4 rounds

9 – 12 Blinded & deafened for 2d4 rounds

5 – 8 Blinded, deafened & paralyzed for d10 min 0 – 4 Killed

Humanoid Finding

Illusionist – 5th

CT• 5 R• special D• 1 min/lvl.

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell creates an image of the creature as if viewed from 50 to 300 feet above. The view ignores structures and other obstacles. The direction and the approximate distance to the humanoid are revealed, if the distance is less than or equal to 1000 miles.

Focus: An item possessed by the humanoid.

Hypnotic Pattern

Illusionist – 2nd

CT• 1 R• 50 ft. D• concentration

SV• negates SR• yes C• S

The caster creates a pattern of shifting and weaving colors in a 25 foot cube. The scintillating forms fascinate creatures that view them. Affected creatures gaze at the lights and do nothing else.

The caster can affect no more than 2d4+1 HD per level worth of creatures. Sightless creatures cannot be affected. Creatures with the fewest HD are affected first. The caster must continue to gesture and concentrate so long as the effects are to be continued. Each creature can avoid the spell’s effects with an Intelligence save.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.


Illusionist – 1st

CT• 3 R• 25 ft. D• special

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The caster gestures and utters a droning incantation that affects 2d4 HD of creatures in a 25 foot cube. Creatures with the fewest HD are affected first. This can affect creatures that do not understand the caster. The spell lasts 2 rounds plus 1 round per caster level. Hypnotized creatures cannot move or act, though they will ‘snap out of it’ if disturbed or attacked. They will not remember being entranced.

While the subject is hypnotized, the caster can make a brief and reasonable suggestion or request. Each request takes 10 seconds to communicate. If the suggestion is reasonable it may influence the creature’s actions in a manner similar to a charm spell.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.


Ice Dagger

Wizard – 1st, Illusionist – 2nd

CT• 5 R• 25 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell creates a dagger-shaped piece of ice that launches itself at a target. The dagger deals d4HP per caster level (max 5d4). The target may save to avoid full damage. All within 5 feet of the impact point take 1 point of cold damage.

Save: Dexterity save for half-damage. Components: Drop of water from melted ice.

Ice Storm

Druid – 5th, Wizard – 4th

CT• 5 R• 150 ft. D• special

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, M

Snow and hailstones pound a cylindrical area with a 50-foot diameter base and 50 feet tall. The storm inflicts 5d6HP damage (3d6 bludgeoning, 2d6 cold) and reduces movement in the area by half for 10 seconds per caster level.

Components: Drop of water from melted ice.


Wizard – 1st

CT• 10 min R• 5 ft. D• 1 min/lvl.

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell reveals a single aspect of a magic item each minute the spell is in effect. Basic functions – how to activate, number of charges remaining, etc. – are revealed first. In the case of weapons, to hit and damage bonuses are revealed first. After casting the spell, the caster loses d4 Constitution. These points will be naturally regained only if one hour of complete rest follows the casting of the spell.

Components: Materials worth at least 100gp.

Identify Transgressor•

Cleric – 4th

CT• 30 min R• personal D• instantaneous SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, M

The caster is able to have a single ‘who’ question answered. There is a base 70% + 1% per caster level that the answer will be correct. Only a name will be provided. The spell will either work as intended, or it will not function at all. In the case of no answer, repeated questions on the same topic will yield no new information.

Components: Hallucinogenic fungi. The spell must be cast in an area under the effect of an Unhallow spell.

Idol of Death

Illusionist – 4th

CT• 5 R• touch D• 1 min/lvl.

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

The caster creates an exact duplicate of the caster out of clay. The figurine absorbs the first 5HP of damage from each attack that affects the caster in the course of a single battle. This protection ends if the idol and caster are more than 10 feet apart. Only one idol can function at any given time.

Components: Fist-sized ball of clay.

Igedrazaar’s Miasma

Wizard – 2nd

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• special

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, F

The spell generates a 15-foot radius cloud of gray fog. The fog deals d4HP of subdual damage per level (max 5d4). The mist does not need to be inhaled in order to have an effect.

Save: Constitution save negates effects. Focus: 3 polished gray river stones.

Illusionary Help

Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 1 R• 200 ft. D• 1 min/lvl.

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

A humanoid figure appears carrying whatever mundane item is needed to help the caster. If the caster is in a pit – the figure has a rope. If the caster is injured, the figure has bandages that heal 2HP. If the caster is engaged in combat, the figure has a shield and will distract attackers.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.

Illusionary Hounds

Illusionist – 1st

CT• 3 R• 25 ft. D• 1 min/lvl.

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The caster whistles and two illusionary hounds come running. They sound and smell like large war dogs. If a viewer fails a save, they believe the hounds to be real. The hounds will always miss when attacking.

They have AC 12 and will fall to the ground bloody and dying if struck in combat. Save: Intelligence save negates effects.

Illusionary Lions

Illusionist – 6th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 1 minute

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The caster calls out and two illusionary lions come running. They sound and smell like lions. If a viewer fails a save, they believe the lions to be real. The lions attack as the illusionist, and deal 3d6HP. They have AC 18 and will fall to the ground bloody and dying if struck in combat.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.

Illusionary Script

Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 1 minute or more R• touch D• permanent

SV• special SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell creates writing or diagrams on any suitable material. It appears to be a foreign language or magical writing. Only persons named by the caster at the time of casting can read it, though another illusionist will recognize it as illusory script. The hidden message can be read by a combination of True Seeing and Read Magic or Comprehend Languages. Unauthorized readers trigger an illusory effect and must make a save. If the save fails, the script implants a suggestion – chosen at the time of casting - that lasts 30 minutes.

If successfully affected by Dispel Magic, the script and the secret message will disappear. The casting time requires at least 1 minute, but may take longer.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects. Components: Special ink valued at 100gp. Illusionary Wolves

Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 2 R• 25 ft. D• 1 minute SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The caster howls and two illusionary wolves come running. They sound and smell like wolves. If a viewer fails a save, they believe the wolves to be real. The wolves attack as the illusionist and deal d3HP. They have AC 12 and will fall to the ground bloody and dying if struck in combat.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.

Illusory Wall

Illusionist – 4th

CT• 1 min R• 50 ft. D• permanent

SV• negates SR• no C• V, S

The spell creates the illusion of a wall, floor, ceiling or similar surface. It appears absolutely real when viewed, but physical objects will pass through it without difficulty. When the spell is used to hide pits, traps or normal doors it does not affect all detection methods. Touching the surface reveals the illusion, but does not dispel it. It affects an area 10 feet by 10 feet by 1 foot.

Save: Intelligence save reveals spell.

Impotent Possessor•

Wizard – 6th

CT• 1 R• 25 ft. D• permanent

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The caster makes one creature that can possess other creature’s bodies, powerless in its current host, whether the possession ability is innate or magical. The possessing entity can only leave the body.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Imprison Possessor•

Wizard – 5th

CT• 3

R• 25 ft.

D• permanent

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, S

The caster traps one creature that can possess or inhabit other creature’s bodies, within in the host it currently inhabits. This is true whether the possession ability is innate or magical. The possessing entity cannot leave the body by any means.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Imprison Soul•

Cleric – 7th

CT• 5 R• 150 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• negates SR• no C• V, S, M, F

The caster places the target’s soul in a receptacle such as a gem, ring or other small object. The target’s body is rendered lifeless. Every 24 hours, the target suffers d4 Constitution loss. Preparing the receptacle takes three uninterrupted days. Casting the spell requires that the receptacle be present, and the target must be truly named during the spell casting process.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Components: A portion of the target (hair, nail, etc.) Focus: The receptacle.

Imprisonment /


Wizard – 9th

CT• 3

R• touch

D• permanent

SV• none

SR• yes

C• V, S

To cast the Imprisonment spell, the target must be truly named and no less than three true facts be spoken about its life. With a successful touch attack, the target is entombed in a small sphere far beneath the ground. Time stops and the target requires no sustenance. Divination spells do not function, with the exception of Discern Location. A Wish spell will not free the creature, but will reveal its location.

The subject remains entombed unless the reverse of the spell – Freedom – is cast at the location where the Imprisonment took place.

Improved Invisibility

Illusionist – 4th

CT• 3 R• touch D• special

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

The spell causes the recipient and gear to vanish from sight. Any part of an item that extends more that 10 feet from the bearer is visible. Although a source of light may be invisible, the light is not. The spell lasts for 1 minute plus 10 seconds per caster level. The recipient of Improved Invisibility can attack, cast spells act freely without negating the invisibility.

Incendiary Cloud

Wizard – 8th

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• 5 sec/lvl

SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S

The spell creates a 30-foot by 30 foot by 20 feet tall cloud of smoke filled with burning embers. The smoke obscures all sight including enhanced vision beyond 5 feet. The embers deal 4d6HP of fire damage each round to creatures that fail a Dexterity check. If successful, half-damage results. A moderate (~11 mph) wind will disperse the cloud in 4 rounds. A strong (~21 mph) wind will disperse it in 1 round. This spell does not function underwater.

Save: Dexterity save results in half-damage.


Druid – 5th

CT• 5 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

Caster causes one creature to burst into flames. The fire deals 2d6HP per round until extinguished. The fire consumes all flammable, non magical items. Starting on the second round, the target may attempt to extinguish the flames. This requires a Dexterity save (DC 15). Rolling on the ground adds a +2 bonus.

Save: Constitution save negates spell effects. Dexterity save ends effects. Components: A plum-sized ball of beeswax.

Infestation of Maggots

Druid – 3rd

CT• 5

R• touch

D• 10 sec/2 lvl

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, S, M

With a successful touch attack, the caster infests the target with maggots. The maggots deal d4 Constitution damage each round until the creature saves or dies. The spell can be ended with a successful Cure Disease or Heal spell.

Save: Constitution save negates effects. Components: 11 dead, dried flies.


Illusionist – 0th

CT• 3 R• 25 ft. D• 30 sec

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

If communication is possible, the spell causes one humanoid creature to regard the caster as a trusted friend and ally. If the target is currently threatened or attacked, it gains a +5 bonus to its save. The creature will act upon suggestions made by the caster. These suggestions require the caster to succeed in a Charisma check if the creature is being asked to do something contrary to its normal behavior. Any threat or intimidation immediately ends the spell effect.

Save: Charisma save negates effects.


Illusionist – 7th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• permanent

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The spell causes a creature to lose control of its mind. Creature affected by the spell will generally behave in an apparently random fashion, and these altered states can last for years. Remove Curse has no effect. Insanity may be counteracted by Heal, Limited Wish, Distort Reality and Wish.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.

Insect Plague

Cleric, Druid – 5th

CT• 3 R• 450 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

SV• special SR• no C• V, S, DF

A horde of insects swarms forth from the point of origin in an 180 foot diameter cloud. The insects limit vision to 10 feet and spell casting is impossible. All creatures within the cloud suffer 1 HP of damage each round that they remain within. All creatures of 2 or fewer HD flee at top speed in a random direction to escape the cloud and continue to run until at least 100 feet from the edge of the cloud. Creatures with 3 to 5 HD flee unless they succeed at a Charisma check.

The horde does not move beyond the original point of origin. Fire or heavy smoke disperses the insects, as does a strong (~21 mph) wind that encompasses the entire area. Lightning, cold and ice are ineffective.

Instant Summons

Wizard – 7th

CT• 1 min

R• n/a

D• n/a

SV• none

SR• yes

C• V, S, M

The spell allows the caster to summon prepared items from virtually any location to the caster’s hand. The items cannot weigh more than 10 pounds, nor be in excess of 6 feet in length. Items can be summoned across planes.

To prepare the items, the caster engraves a personal mark upon them, them engraves the same mark upon a gem (minimum value 2500gp) and sets a command word. To activate the summons spell – the command word is spoken and the gem is crushed. The item desired instantly appears in the caster’s hand. If the item is in the possession of another creature the summons fails but the caster is aware of who possesses the item and roughly where they are located.


Wizard, Illusionist – 2nd

CT• 5

R• touch

D• special

SV• none

SR• yes

C• V, S, M

The spell causes the recipient and gear to vanish from sight. Any part of an item that extends more that 10 feet from the bearer is visible. Although a source of light may be invisible, the light is not.

The spell ends if the recipient attacks any creature. This includes any spell with the potential to harm or negatively impact a creature. Note that spells that specifically affect allies do not negate the spell, even if opponents fall within the area of effect.

Components: A glass eye(10 sp) wrapped in clay.

Invisibility Sphere

Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 5 R• special D• special

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell causes all creatures and gear within 10 feet of the caster vanish from sight. All normal forms of vision are ineffective in locating the targets of the spell. Although a source of light may be invisible, the light is not. Any part of an item that extends more that 10 feet from the bearer is visible. None of the affected creatures can see themselves or the others.

Any creature that attacks will negate the spell upon themselves, but not the others. Any creature moving more than 10 feet from the caster will likewise negate the spell for themselves only.

Components: A glass eye(10 sp) wrapped in clay.

Invisibility to Animals

Druid – 1st

CT• 1

R• touch

D• 10 min/lvl.

SV• none

SR• yes

C• S, DF

The effect of the spell is to make mundane animals unable to sense the warded creature. Any contact, attack or spell casting on an animal negates the spell.

Invisibility to Undead

Cleric – 1st

CT• 1

R• touch

D• 10 min/lvl

SV• none

SR• yes

C• S, DF

The spell shields the recipient from the perceptions of undead creatures. Intelligent undead are permitted an Intelligence save to become aware of the warded person. If unable to detect the warded individual, intelligent undead may still attack blindly. Any interaction with undead ends the spell effects.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.

Iron Guts

Wizard – 1st

CT• 5 R• touch D• 10 min/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

Spell allows a creature to resist the effects of poisons. Creature gains +4 on Constitution saves against all manner of poisons.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Components: A 1-ounce vial containing the diluted poisons of 4 different creatures.


Druid – 6th

CT• special R• touch D• permanent

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

The caster turns wood into a steel-like substance. Spells affecting metals are ineffective against ironwood. It does not burn, but it can be warped. Items must be shaped before the spell is cast. Five pounds of wood per caster level may be affected. The casting time is 10 minutes, plus an additional minute per pound.


Wizard – 3rd

CT• 5 R• touch D• 1 hour/lvl

SV• special SR• n/a C• V, S, M

A mundane item may be shrunk to one-twelfth size. Optionally, the items may be transformed to a cloth- like substance. Items save normally against fire, etc. Transformed objects may be returned to normal by a command word. Living things are entitled to a Constitution save at +4.

Save: Constitution save negates effects.


Jaws of the Wolf*

Druid – 4th

CT• 3 R• 25 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, F

The spell allows the caster to turn one wooden carving for every two caster levels into a live wolf. The wolves act independently, but obey the caster’s mental commands. At spell’s end, they return to carved form, but if a wolf is killed, the carving is destroyed.

Focus: A 1-inch wooden carving of a wolf for each wolf to be created.


Wizard – 1st

CT• 5 R• touch D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell recipient may make astounding leaps and bounds, launching up to 25 feet forward, or 10 feet vertically or backwards. Safe landing depends on a successful Dexterity save.

Components: The hind leg of a cricket or grasshopper.


Knock / Lock

Wizard – 2nd

CT• 1 R• 50 ft. D• permanent

SV• none SR• no C• V

The spell opens stuck or locked locks, latches, catches and the like. It opens secret doors, trick locks and sliding catches. It loosens shackles and chains that have been fastened shut. Each instance of the spell counters up to two such devices. It cannot undo or untangle knots. If used to open a magically locked enclosure, it merely prevents the spell from functioning for 10 minutes.

The reverse is called Lock. It magically locks a single portal, chest or box. This prevents it from being opened by any mundane means short of physical destruction. A successful Dispel Magic or Knock will remove the effects of a Lock spell. The spell’s caster may always open an enclosure they have Locked.

Know Direction

Druid – 0th

CT• 1 R• n/a D• special

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V

The spell allows the caster to determine true north. The information lats for 24 hours, longer if a visible landmark can be established while the spell is cast.

Know Protections

Wizard – 1st

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The spell reveals unusual defenses, magic resistance or immunity to attack types of a single creature. Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Know Vulnerabilities

Cleric – 4th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

Caster learns any special vulnerabilities that a single creature possesses, whether natural or magical. Save: Wisdom save negates effects.


Laerl’s Cutting Hand

Wizard – 1st

CT• 3 R• personal D• 10 sec/lvl SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

The spell alters the structure of the caster’s hand so that it becomes as hard and sharp as an iron blade. This gives a +2 bonus on attacks and damage. The caster is considered armed and cannot cast spells, but can otherwise use the hand normally.

Laerl’s Finger Darts•

Wizard, Illusionist – 2nd

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, Strength

The caster’s fingers become projectiles that unerringly strike their target. For every three caster levels, the caster may opt to lose an additional finger. Each finger dart may target a separate creature, and this must be decided at the time of spell casting.

Each dart strike deals d4 points of Dexterity damage. Fingers grow back as the lost Strength is regained. Components: 1 point of Strength lost per finger.

Land Womb

Druid – 4th

CT• 3 R• touch D• 10 min/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

This spell will only function on tillable soil. The spell creates a protective bubble around the caster and up to one other creature per level that is touching the caster or a creature that is touching the caster. These creatures sink into the earth as though swallowed by it. The sphere sinks until the top is 10 feet below the surface. The sphere and its occupants are shielded from divination spells of less than 5th level.

Occupants can breathe and speak inside the land womb, but the close confines prevent casting spells with somatic components. The caster may end the spell at will, and when the spell ends all within the bubble reappear where the spell was cast.

Save: Wisdom save negates spell effects.

Launch Item

Wizard – 1st

CT• 1 R• 450 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• none SR• no C• S

The spell allows the caster to launch an object weighing10 pounds or less from rest to a location up to 450 feet distant. The object travels along a straight-line path. No matter how fragile the object, it is not harmed by the launch. The landing is not protected.

Legend Lore

Wizard – 6th

CT• special R• special D• special

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, M

The caster draws upon the ‘collective unconscious’ surrounding legendary persons, places and items. In general characters of 10th level or greater are considered legendary. If the person or thing is close at hand, casting time is d4 x10 minutes. If only detailed information is known, then the casting time is d10 days, but complete and specific information will result. If little is known save vague rumor, the casting time is 2d6 weeks and the resulting lore is somewhat incomplete.

While casting the spell only routine activities such as eating and sleeping may be undertaken. When completed, the spell brings legends and information to the caster’s mind. They reveal themselves as snippets of information, long-forgotten memories, snatches of song and partial rhymes.

Components: 250gp of incense, a magic item, 250gp of powdered gems, parchment, ink and silver pens (200gp).

Lesser Restoration

Cleric – 2nd

CT• 10 min R• touch D• permanent

SV• n/a SR• yes C• V, S, DF

This spell counters effects that temporarily drain ability scores, including magical effects and poisons affecting ability scores. It cannot remedy permanent losses.


Wizard – 2nd

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 10 min/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, F

The spell allows the caster to move vertically through the air at a steady pace of 2 feet per second, whether ascending or descending. The caster may instead attempt to levitate another creature weighing no more than 100 pounds per caster level. Unwilling targets may attempt to resist the spell. No horizontal movement is afforded by the spell.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects. Focus: 3-inch segment of braided gold wire. Life Bolt

Wizard – 2nd

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

The spell allows the caster to convert some of their life force into a ray of positive energy that can harm undead. The ray deals 2d4HP to the undead with a successful ranged touch attack. For every 2 levels beyond the first the caster can create an additional ray (max 5 rays) that can target another creature within 50 feet of the first. Creating a bolt deals 1HP damage.


Cleric, Druid, Wizard, Illusionist – 0th

CT• 1 R• 150 ft. D• 10 min/lvl SV• none SR• no C• V, S, F

The spell causes an object to shed light like a torch, except the bright clear light is unwavering. Light spells taken into areas of magical darkness are suppressed, but not dispelled.

Focus: A 2-inch sphere of polished quartz.

Lightning Bolt

Wizard – 3rd

CT• 5 R• special D• instantaneous

SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S, M

The caster unleashes a bolt of electricity that deals d6HP per caster level. The caster channels the energy through a small iron rod. The bolt is either 10 feet wide by 50 feet long, or 5 feet wide by 100 feet long.

The energy delivered will affect creatures and objects within 2 feet on either side of the bolt. Combustibles will ignite, soft metals will melt and wooden surfaces less than 8 inches thick will be breached. If the bolt strikes a barrier it cannot breach, it will rebound and continue until is has reached full length or struck another barrier.

Save: Dexterity save results in half-damage.

Components: 2-inch long, quarter-inch iron rod that has been left outside during a thunderstorm.

Limited Wish

Wizard – 7th

CT• 5 R• n/a D• special SV• special SR• special C• V

In general, the spell may duplicate the effects of any wizard spell of less than 7th level, any illusionist spell of less than 6th level, or any cleric/druid spell of less than 5th level. It can be used for other effects of commensurate power, limited only by the imagination of the caster. Great caution must be used in phrasing the desired effect and the more avaricious the desired goal, the greater the chance of a mishap.

Liquid Pain•

Wizard, Illusionist – 4th

CT• 1 day R• touch D• permanent

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, F

Over the course of the day, the caster takes a subject already in pain and captures its pain in liquid form in a hollow gem. The physical manifestation of agony can be used for a variety of magical purposes.

Save: Constitution save negates effects. Focus – A hollowed gemstone (250gp).


Druid – 6th

CT• 10 min R• touch D• 1 day/lvl

SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S, DF

The caster to selects a healthy oak tree and enchants it to serve as a protector. The tree must be within 10 feet of the place that is to be guarded. The caster selects a ‘trigger phrase’ that that starts the transformation. The phrase consists of 1 word per level. The tree becomes as a treant with a 30-foot movement rate. A successful Dispel Magic returns the tree to its natural state.

Locate Animals

Druid – 1st

CT• 1 min R• personal D• 1 min/lvl SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S, DF

The caster is able to locate the direction and distance to any sort of animal that lies along a path that is 2 feet wide and has a length of 60 feet per level. The druid must maintain concentration in order to do so.

Locate Creature

Wizard – 4th

CT• 3 R• 450 ft. D• 10 min/lvl

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, F

The caster may locate the nearest creature of a known type that has been encountered before. The path along which the spell functions is 2 feet wide and 40 feet long per caster level and concentration must be maintained. The caster must possess a portion of the type of creature that is being sought. The closest creature of a given type is found. Running water blocks the spell as do Mislead, Non-Detection and Polymorph spells.

Focus: A piece of the appropriate creature type.

Locate Object / Obscure Object

Cleric – 3rd, Wizard – 2nd

CT• 3 R• 450 ft. D• 10 min/lvl

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, F/DF

The caster can locate a well-known or clearly visualized object. Specific items must be well known in order to be located. The spell can be also be used to search for a general item. In this case the closest item of will be located. The spell can be blocked by lead and non-detection spells.

The reverse: Obscure Object prevents an object from being located by divination or scrying. Focus: A small glass lens(2gp).

Locate Plants

Druid – 2nd

CT• 1 min R• personal D• 10 min/lvl SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S, DF

The caster knows the direction and distance to any sort of plant that lies along a path that is 2 feet wide and has a length of 100 feet per level. Concentration must be maintained for the spell to function.

Love’s Pain•

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 1 R• 150 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, Intelligence

The caster’s bolt of greenish-black energy strikes a single foe with a successful ranged touch attack. The energy causes the target’s closest friend or dearest love to suffer d6HP per two caster levels (max 10d6) regardless of the distance separating the two. If the loved one is within an Anti Magic Field then this spell has no effect. In the case that there is no dearest associate, the target itself suffers the effect.

Components: d6 points of Intelligence damage.

Low-Light Vision

Wizard – 1st

CT• 1 R• touch D• 1 hour/lvl SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

The subject gains the ability to see twice as far as a human would under twilight, starlight, moonlight, torchlight or similar conditions of poor illumination.


Mace of Odo

Cleric – 3rd

CT• 3 R• personal D• 1 min/lvl SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, DF

The spell creates a mace of force. If used to attack creatures it deals d6HP per caster level (max 10d6). Undead take an additional HP per caster level (max +10). Creatures struck by the mace must make a Constitution save or be paralyzed for 1 round. While holding the mace, the caster may absorb any targeted spell cast at the wielder.

If the mace is used to successfully strike a creature, absorbs a spell, or is removed from the caster’s grasp it disappears and leaves behind the effect of a light spell for the remainder of the duration.

Save: Constitution save negates effects.

Magic Aura

Illusionist – 0th

CT• 3 R• touch D• n/a

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, F

Caster imbues object weighing no more than 5 pounds per caster level with a magical aura. Detect magic and similar divination will trigger upon the object. Identify spells and the like will reveal the deception. The aura lasts until removed.

Focus: Square of brightly colored cloth.

Magic Circle vs. Good/Evil/Law/Chaos

Cleric, Wizard – 3rd

CT• 5 R• touch D• 30 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M/DF

The spell creates a mobile magical barrier with a 10 foot radius surrounding the creature touched. The spell protects against one aspect chosen at the time of spell casting. Only one spell of this type can be in effect at any time. The barrier grants +2 bonus to AC and saving throws against attacks and effects from creatures of the chosen aspect.

The spell prevents bodily contact by summoned or conjured creatures of any alignment. Melee attacks made by these creatures fail and they are bodily repelled. The spell fails if the warded creature attacks or tries to force the barrier against these creatures. The spell also gives protection from all sorts of possession or mental control. This does not prevent charm spells and the like, but no instructions may be issued to those affected. The circle will not negate such spells or possessions already in effect.

The spell may be cast in a special manner whereby the protective barrier is inverted. This traps a summoned or conjured creature of any size in an immobile force bubble. If the creature has spell resistance it may attempt to overcome the imprisonment.

Components: Wizard version – 1-inch diameter clear glass ring.

Magic Jar

Wizard – 5th

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, F

The caster places their life force into a fine carved gem or crystal, leaving the caster’s body lifeless. While within the ‘jar’, the caster can sense creatures within 10 feet per caster level. The caster can sense differences of ~4HD and whether a life force is positive or negative. The caster may attempt to take bodily control of a creature that is within range and imprison its life force within the receptacle. If the target fails a Charisma save the possession attempt succeeds and the caster controls the creature’s body. The target’s life force is now helplessly imprisoned within the jar. If unsuccessful the caster’s life force remains within the jar and the creature is immune from further possession attempts.

With a successful possession the caster retains his Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, level, class, attack bonus, prime attributes, alignment and mental abilities. The host body retains Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, HP, and continuous abilities such as water breathing or regeneration. If the possessed form

has additional limbs, this does not allow extra attacks. The possessor may not use activated supernatural or extraordinary abilities such as spells.

The caster may return his life force to the jar at any time and from there attempt to possess another creature. The previously imprisoned life force is returned to the host body. The spell ends when it expires, or when the caster returns his life force to his body. If the host body is slain and the receptacle is within range, the caster returns to the receptacle and the previously imprisoned life force is ejected and dies.

If the spell ends or the host body is slain and the receptacle is not within range, both host and caster die. Destroying the receptacle ends the spell as does a successful Dispel Magic on either the receptacle or the possessed host.

Save: Charisma save negates effects.

Focus: Carved gem/crystal (minimum 5000 gp)

Magic Missile

Wizard – 1st

CT• 3

R• 150 ft.

D• instantaneous

SV• none

SR• yes

C• V, S

A missile of magical force flies from the caster’s hand and unerringly strikes a target visible to the caster. Each missile deals d4+1HP of damage. For every 2 caster levels beyond the first, an additional missile is gained. Each missile may be directed at a new target so long as each target is within 25 feet of the first target. Targets are chosen when the spell is cast.

Magic Mouth

Wizard, Illusionist – 2nd

CT• 3

R• touch

D• permanent

SV• none

SR• yes

C• V, S

The spell imbues an object with an enchanted mouth that speaks when a specific event occurs. The message can be in any language known by the caster, but must be 25 words or less. The mouth cannot cast spells. The mouth activates whenever the specific set of conditions (set at the time of casting) are met. The triggers must be visual or auditory, but can be as general or specific as desired. Silence defeats/fools audio triggers, disguises and illusions will defeat/fool visual triggers. Normal darkness does not impede the visual triggers, but magical darkness does. Audible triggers can be keyed to sounds or specific sequences of spoken words.

The triggering range is a maximum of 5 feet per level of the caster at the time of casting.

Magic Stones

Druid – 1st

CT• 3

R• touch

D• n/a

SV• n/a

SR• n/a

C• S, M

The caster enchants 3 pebbles or small rocks – no larger than sling bullets – to strike with great force when thrown or slung. The creature using the stones gains a +1 to hit and they deal d6+1HP. Against undead creatures the damage is doubled.

Components: 3 rocks.

Major Creation

Illusionist – 5th

CT• 10 min R• 10 ft. D• special

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S

The spell creates a non magical item of vegetable, stone, crystal, metal or gem matter The volume of the item created cannot exceed 1 cubic foot per caster level. Simple items are easily manufactured, but the caster must succeed in an Intelligence save to manufacture a complex item.

The item’s duration (per caster level) depends on relative hardness and rarity: plants = 2 hours; stone, crystal and base metals = 1 hour; precious metals = 20 minutes, gems = 10 minutes, mithril = 2 rounds; adamantine = 1 round.

Major Dark Chaos

Illusionist – 4th

CT• 3 R• 15 ft. D• 20 sec

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

A pair of dark smoky tendrils spring from the caster’s hands, who can wield them like whips with a 15- foot range. Each tendril strikes automatically for 10HP damage unless the creature succeeds in an Intelligence save. Each attack requires a save, even if the same target is struck multiple times.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.

Major Image

Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 3 R• 450 ft. D• special

SV• negates SR• no C• V, S

The spell creates the illusion of an object, creature or force as visualized by the caster. Sound, smell and thermal components may be evoked. Creatures that view the illusion believe it and can suffer damage from it. Damage is suffered by the mind/psyche of the targets and is subdual damage.

While concentrating, the caster can move the image/effect within the 450-foot range. The image will persist for 30 seconds after the caster ceases to concentrate. The image disappears (for the viewer) if they succeed in an Intelligence save. They can then alert companions – which allows them to save at +4. The spell affects a cube up to 40 feet on a side plus 10 feet per caster level.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.


Cleric – 3rd, Wizard – 2nd

CT• 5 R• personal D• 1 min/lvl SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, M

For every 10HP damage taken in a given round, the caster gains a +1 to all rolls made in the following round, as long as the spell is still in effect.

Components: 6-inch strap made from the caster’s skin that has been cut from them while they could feel it, dried and soaked in the caster’s blood.

Mass Camouflage

Druid – 4th

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• 10 min/lvl

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S

The spell affects any number of creatures in a natural setting, no two of which can be more than 60 feet apart. It provides a +10 bonus on concealment and is mobile with the group. If any group member moves more than 60 feet from another group member, the effects end for that creature. If the movement is mutual – i.e. the group members scatter – the effects end for all creatures once the 60-foot separation is exceeded.

Mass Charm

Wizard, Illusionist – 8th

CT• 3

R• 50 ft.

D• 1 day/lvl

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, S

This affects a number of creatures whose combined HD do not exceed twice the caster’s level. All creatures must be within a 50 foot cube. In the case of multiple targets, the caster decides in what order to affect creatures.

If the targets are threatened or under duress by the caster or obvious associates, they gain a +5 on a saving throw. Those that fail view the caster’s words and actions in a most favorable way, regarding the caster as a trusted friend and ally. If communication is possible the caster can issue orders, but must succeed in a Charisma check in order to convince the creatures to do something they would not ordinarily do. Any threatening actions by the caster or obvious associates break the spell’s effects at once.

Save: Charisma save negates effects.

Mass Heal / Mass Harm

Cleric – 8th

CT• 3 R• 25 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, DF

This wipes away disease and injury in all creatures within a 25 foot cube. It completely cures all damage, blindness, deafness, and temporarily ability score damage. It neutralizes all poisons, reverses Feeblemind spells and the like including mental disorders, whether natural or induced. It does not restore permanent losses of HP, level or ability scores. If used against undead creatures, Mass Heal acts as the reverse: Mass Harm.

Mass Harm drains all but 4 HP and infects all targets with a random disease. There is no save against the reversed effect.

Mass Invisibility

Wizard, Illusionist – 7th

CT• 1 R• 50 ft. D• special

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell affects any number of creatures, no two of which can be more than 50 feet apart. While under the influence of this spell, the recipient and all his gear vanished from sight. Although a source of light may be invisible, the light is not. Any part of an item that extends more that 10 feet from the bearer is visible. If any group member strays more than 180 feet from another group member the effects vanish for the departing creature. If the movement is mutual - i.e the group scatters - the effects end for all creatures once the 180-foot separation is exceeded.

The spell ends for a creature if that creature attacks any other creature. This includes any spell with the potential to harm or negatively impact a creature. Note that spells that specifically affect allies do not negate the spell, even if opponents fall within the area of effect.

Mass Suggestion

Wizard – 6th, Illusionist – 5th

CT• 3

R• 50 ft.

D• 1 hr/lvl

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, M

The caster can influence the actions of several creatures by suggesting a course of activity. One creature per caster level may be affected and all must be within a 25 foot cube. The instructions are limited to a short sentence or two. The suggestion must be worded in such a way as to make the action sound reasonable. The creatures must be able to understand the suggestion for it to have any effect.

Attempts to suggest actions that would be obviously harmful to the individuals or which are severely at odds with their morals and ethics will immediately negate the enchantment.

The spell lasts until the duration has expired or the suggested action has been completed, whichever happens first. The caster can structure the suggestion such that the action is undertaken when a specific set of conditions has been met, subject to the maximum duration of the spell.

Save: Charisma save negates effects. Components: A golf-ball sized piece of wool. Mass Teleport

Wizard – 7th

CT• 1 min R• touch D• instantaneous

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

This spell functions as a Teleport spell, except that it affects touched objects or creatures with a weight of no more than 100 pounds per caster level. The selected items/creatures are instantaneously transported to another location on the same plane. The caster must have some relatively clear idea of the layout of the final destination. The teleportation takes place by shifting into and out of the Astral plane, so any effects blocking astral travel will prevent teleportation. Success or failure is determined below:


On Target

Off Target

Similar Area


Very Familiar





Studied Carefully





Seen Casually





Viewed Once










False Destination





For‘False Destination’ entry roll d20 and add 80.

Off Target: Arrive safely at random location that is d10 x d10% of the distance traveled removed from the desired location.

Similar Area: The caster ends up in a location that is thematically or geographically similar to the desired location.

Mishap: Roll d6 and consult the following table:

1-3: Characters are scrambled, suffering d10 damage and re-roll. Repeat the process. 4-5: Characters appear 6d10 feet above the target and suffer appropriate effects.

6: Characters appear 10d6 feet below the intended destination. If this is solid ground, immediate death.


Wizard, Illusionist – 4th

CT• 10 min R• 150 ft. D• special

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, M

The caster causes up to 10 willing creatures per experience level to transform into normal trees of any sort. Other creatures passing through or interacting with the trees will not become aware of the spell unless a blow is struck against one of the transformed creatures. The spell lasts until the caster orders it to cease or a successful Dispel Magic spell is cast.

Components: A handful of bark chips from the tree type to be impersonated.

Master Air

Druid – 2nd

CT• 3

R• personal

D• 1 min/lvl

SV• n/a

SR• n/a

C• V, S, F

The caster sprouts either a pair of insubstantial feathered or leathery bat-like wings. If lightly encumbered these allow flight at 90 feet per round, medium or heavy encumbrance limits the flight speed to 60 feet per round. Climbing is done at half-speed and diving is possible at up to twice-normal speed.

The act of flying requires only minimal concentration, so spells may be cast and attacks carried out.

If the spell expires or is dispelled while the caster is still in the air, they will safely descend at 60 feet per round for d6 rounds. If the caster is still above the ground after this period, normal falling rules apply.

Focus: A feather or dried bat wing, as applicable.

Master Earth

Druid – 7th

CT• 3 R• personal D• instantaneous SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, F

The caster travels through earth, emerging at the desired location. If there is no exact location selected, the spell deposits the caster at the stated landmark or as close as possible to the desired location. This spell functions only on the prime material plane.

Focus: Fossilized animal bone.


Wizard – 3rd

CT• 1 minute R• 15 ft. D• permanent

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S

The spell allows the caster to create certain common materials in the amount of 1 cubic foot per level. Stone, earth, wood, straw, water, etc. may easily be created in their raw form. If simple plants are to be conjured, the chance for success is a percentage chance equal to the level of the caster. Animal life may not be created, and no form of worked material, precious metals or gems may be created by the spell.

Maw of Chaos

Wizard – 9th, Illusionist – 8th

CT• 5 R• 150 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell creates a 15-foot radius cloud of energy resembling a mouth. The cloud affects anything except the caster. All non-chaotic creatures lose 1HP per caster level each round. A Constitution save reduces this by half. A new save must be made each round. All creatures find it difficult to concentrate. Using spells, spell-like activities or activating magic items requires a successful Intelligence save in order to proceed.

Save: Constitution save for half-damage, Intelligence save for concentration.


Wizard – 8th, Illusionist – 5th

CT• 3

R• 50 ft.

D• special

SV• none

SR• yes

C• V, S

The spell creates an extra-dimensional space and the target wanders in this maze for a time.

Intelligence Time in Maze

0 – 2 2d4x100 seconds

3 – 5 1d4x100 seconds

6 – 8 5d4x10 seconds

9 – 11 4d4x10 seconds

12 – 14 3d4x10 seconds

15 – 17 2d4x10 seconds 18 and above 1d4x10 seconds

If the trapped creature does nothing, it will be expelled from the maze in 10 minutes. It will reappear in the same location where it was when the spell took effect. Minotaurs are immune to this spell.

Meld Into Stone

Druid – 3rd

CT• 3 R• n/a D• 10 min/lvl

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, DF

The caster’s body and possessions meld into any stone large enough to accommodate them. The caster remains in contact with the surface of the stone, is aware of the passage of time and can cast personal spells while hiding. Nothing that transpires outside the stone can be seen but the caster can hear as normal. At any time before the spell ends, the caster can exit through the same surface as originally entered. When the spell ends, the caster is expelled. Minor damage to the stone has no effect, but any effect that reduces the stone to a size smaller than the caster deals 5d6HP and expels the caster. If the stone is destroyed, the caster is expelled and must succeed in a Constitution save at +3 or die.

If Stone to Flesh is cast upon the stone in which the caster is lodged, it deals 5d6HP and expels the druid. Stone Shape deals 3d6HP, but does not expel the druid. Transmute Rock to Mud expels the druid and forces a Constitution save at +3 or he dies immediately. A Passwall spell expels the druid without harm.

Memory Rot

Druid – 5th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The spell creates a cloud of spores that infest the brain of the subject creature and gradually destroy its mind. The spores immediately and permanently drain d6 points of Intelligence. Every round, another point of Intelligence is lost permanently lost. Every round the creature may attempt a new saving throw to halt the spell’s effects.

Save: Constitution save negates effects.


Wizard, Illusionist – 0th

CT• 3

R• 25 ft.

D• n/a

SV• n/a

SR• n/a

C• V, S

The spell makes minor repairs on small objects no more than 5 pounds in weight. In metallic objects, a single break may be mended. In ceramic or wooden objects multiple breaks may be completed to restore the object. Holes may be patched in this manner – and the patch is as good as the original material, so a water skin could be repaired by the spell or a raincoat mended.


Wizard, Illusionist – 0th

CT• 3 R• 450 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S

The caster can whisper a message and receive a reply with little chance of being overheard. The caster points a finger and mouths the message (allowing for the chance of lip-reading). Magical silence will negate the spell. The message recipient can whisper a reply, which the caster will hear. The spell does not transcend language barriers.

Mestil’s Acid Breath

Wizard – 3rd

CT• 1 R• 25 ft. D• instantaneous SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S, M

The caster exhales a cone of acid droplets that has a terminal diameter of 15 feet. The acid deals d6HP per caster level (max 15d6).

Save: Dexterity save for half-damage. Components: 5 dried fire ants.

Mestil’s Acid Sheath

Wizard – 5th

CT• 5 R• personal D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M, F

The caster is encased in a sheath of acid that does not harm the caster, nor impede movement or spell casting. Creatures engaging the caster in melee suffer d6HP+(2HP per caster level) of acid damage.

Weapons such as spears or pole arms do not endanger the wielder. The caster may make touch attacks in melee to deal the same amount of acid damage.

Components: 5 dried fire ants.

Focus: 2-inch glass statue of a humanoid.

Meteor Swarm

Wizard – 9th

CT• 3 R• 450 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• special SR• yes C• V, S

Meteors travel in a straight line, leaving a trail of fiery sparks, from the caster’s finger to a chosen spot. The caster may choose 4 large (2 foot diameter) spheres or 8 smaller (1 foot diameter) spheres. The large spheres leave a trail 10 feet wide and the smaller spheres leave a trail 5 feet wide. All creatures along the path take 9d6HP of fire damage with no save. Upon reaching their destination each sphere explodes creating overlapping burst areas. Creatures in overlap areas must save separately for each sphere that affects them.

The large spheres explode with each sphere center making a box (or diamond) pattern about the central area designated by the caster. Each large sphere creates a 30-foot diameter blast. The center of each blast is 20 feet apart. The center is exposed to all 4 overlapping blasts. Each large sphere deals 10d4HP.

The small spheres explode with each sphere center making a box within a diamond, or a diamond within a box. Each small sphere creates a 15-foot diameter blast. The center of each blast is 10 feet apart. The center is exposed to 4 overlapping blasts. Each small sphere deals 5d4HP.

Save: Dexterity save for half burst damage.

Mind Blank

Cleric – 9th, Wizard – 8th, Illusionist – 9th

CT• 3 R• 25 ft. D• 1 day

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The spell protects a subject from all devices and spells that detect, influence or read emotions and thoughts. The subject is immune to all mind-affecting and divination spells, including Wish and Limited Wish and the like, when appropriate. Scrying spells that do not target the individual directly will function normally but will not reveal the subject. Scrying spells that target the subject directly will fail.

Save: Charisma save negates effects.


Wizard, Illusionist – 9th

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The caster enters the mind of another creature. learning everything that it knows. The caster can then erase or add memories as desired. Opinions, emotions and even alignment can be altered. When the caster has finished, the creature can be left insane or seemingly unaffected. These changes can only be undone with spells such as Miracle, Wish, Alter Reality and so forth.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Minor Creation

Illusionist – 4th

CT• 1 min R• 15 ft. D• 1 hr/lvl

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, M

The spell creates a non-magical item of nonliving vegetable matter. The volume of the item created cannot exceed 1 cubic foot per level. To create a complex item the caster must succeed in an Intelligence save.

Components: A small (pea-sized) piece of the material to be created.

Minor Dark Chaos

Illusionist – 1st

CT• 3 R• 5 ft. D• 20 sec

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

A pair of dark smoky tendrils spring from the caster’s hands, who can wield them like whips with a 5-foot range. Each tendril strikes automatically for 3HP damage unless the creature succeeds in an Intelligence save. Each attack requires a save, even if the same target is struck.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.

Minor Globe of Invulnerability

Wizard – 4th

CT• 5 R• personal D• 10 sec/lvl SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell creates a shimmering 10-foot diameter sphere centered on and moving with the caster. The globe acts as an impenetrable field against any spell or spell-like effect of less than 4th level. This protection extends to area of effect and non-targeted spells, but only to spells originating outside the globe. All within the sphere may use spells and devices to target the outside. Spells and abilities of 4th level or greater ignore the sphere. A successful Dispel Magic will remove the sphere.

Components: A small clear glass bead(1 sp).

Minor Image

Illusionist – 2nd

CT• 3 R• 450 ft. D• special

SV• negates SR• no C• V, S

The spell creates the illusion of an object, creature or force as visualized by the caster. Minor sounds may be included – but not speech or music. Smell and thermal components are not included. The spell affects a 40 foot cube, plus 10 feet per caster level. While concentrating, the caster can move the image/effect within the 450-foot range. The image will persist for 20 seconds after the caster ceases to concentrate.

Creatures that view the illusion believe it and can suffer damage from it. Hit point damage is suffered by the mind/psyche of the targets and is subdual damage. The image disappears (for the viewer) if they succeed in an Intelligence save. They can then alert companions, allowing them to save at +4.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.

Minute Meteors

Wizard – 3rd

CT• 5 R• 50 ft. D• special

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M, F

The spell allows the caster to cast small globes of fire that expand into 1-foot diameter spheres. One sphere per caster level may be created. These spheres ignite combustible materials and deal d4HP to creatures. The spell lasts until all spheres are thrown, a successful Dispel Magic affects the caster or the

caster decides to terminate the spell. The caster must choose one of two modes to employ when casting the spell.

The first allows the caster to hurl one globe every 3 seconds. The second limits the caster to 1 globe per round, but allows him to cast additional spells provided that no concentration is required. Movement is also possible, but combat will negate the rest of the spell.

Components: Focus: A miniature ‘roman candle’ made of gold(1000gp) and filled with pea-sized beads(1 sp) of sulfur, pine-tar and urea which are consumed. One pea per level is placed within the tube.

Mirage Arcana

Illusionist – 4th

CT• 5 min R• 150 ft. D• special

SV• negates SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell creates an image of natural terrain up to 10 feet per level on each side. It can create or mask structures within the area. It appears completely natural. It will remain until dispelled by Dispel Magic, or a creature successfully disbelieves the effect. The nearest edge of the terrain appears up to 150 feet from the caster. Equipment and creatures are not obscured unless they are hidden within one of the structures.

Components: A small piece of terrain to be mimicked.

Mirror Image

Wizard, Illusionist – 2nd

CT• 3 R• special D• 30 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

The spell creates d4+1 identical illusory duplicates of the caster that mimic all actions. The images can form either a cluster or a line, though no image can be more than 5 feet from either the caster or another image. Targeted attacks upon the caster must roll randomly to see if they affect the caster or a figment. If a figment is struck or is dealt damage it immediately disappears.

Mirror Wall

Illusionist – 5th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 20 sec/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The spell creates the illusion of a perfect mirror that fills a space between the caster and any enemies. The wall may be 5 feet per caster level in both width and height. It is 1 inch thick. All who view it must make an Intelligence save or believe it to be an impenetrable wall affected only by Disintegrate, Rod of Cancellation, or Sphere of Annihilation. All attacks will be reflected back upon the attacker unless they succeed in a second Intelligence save.

Save: Intelligence save negates attack reflection, Intelligence save negates effect.


Illusionist – 2nd

CT• 1 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• negates SR• no C• S

The spell misdirects other spells that reveal auras and information. When the spell is cast, the caster chooses a target and a decoy. Unless the caster of a divination spell succeeds in a Wisdom save, any information revealed will be about the decoy instead of the intended target.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.


Illusionist – 6th

CT• 1 R• 25 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• negates SR• no C• S

An illusory double of the caster appears, and an Invisibility spell affects the caster. The double must appear within the spell’s range, but thereafter will move according to a script prepared at the time of casting. The double looks, sounds, and even smells like the caster. It ‘feels’ solid. It cannot attack or cast spells, but can pretend to do so.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.

Mnemonic Enhancer

Wizard – 4th

CT• 10 min

R• n/a

D• special

SV• n/a

SR• n/a

C• V, S, M, F

The caster prepares or retains additional spells. The prepared spells fade after 24 hours if not cast. The spell has two modes:

Prepare: The caster can study and retain 3 additional spell levels. 0 level spells count as one-half spell level. The spells are cast normally, including all component costs.

Retain: The caster ‘relearns’ any spell of up to 3rd level that was cast in the 24 hours preceding the casting of the enhancer.

Components: A 50gp mirror, 50gp of ink.

Monstrous Regeneration

Cleric – 5th

CT• 3 R• touch D• 5 sec/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The spell enables the recipient to regenerate as a troll does. Only acid and fire damage may not be healed. All other forms of damage are subdual damage. During the spell, 1HP is regenerated every 5 seconds.

When the spell ends, all subdual damage becomes normal damage. If the spell persists long enough, severed limbs may be reattached.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.


Druid – 5th

CT• 5 R• 150 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S, M

The spell causes a 10 foot diameter ‘spotlight’ of moonlight to appear and illuminate any location that can be pointed to within range. The illumination maximizes all forms of low-level vision.

Components: A dime-sized piece of moonstone and 3 seeds of a moonstone plant.

Morality Undone•

Cleric – 5th

CT• 5

R• 50 ft.

D• 10 min/lvl

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, S, M

The caster turns a single creature evil. This affects only the morality (good/neutral) and not the ethics(law/chaos). All relationships will be reevaluated in this new view. Evil is not stupid, so the creature will not unduly endanger itself. This spell has no effect upon evil creatures.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Components: A pea sized mass of a powdered holy symbol taken from a good-aligned religion.

Mordekainen’s Mansion

Wizard – 7th

CT• 10 min R• 10 ft. D• 1 hr/lvl

SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S, M

The spell creates an extra-dimensional space accessible through a magical portal. So long as the caster remains ‘outside’ this appears as a shimmering area measuring 4 feet wide by 8 feet tall. Only the caster of the spell may open and close this portal, which becomes invisible once the caster is ‘inside’.

The space inside is a luxurious dwelling. The exact layout is subject to the wishes of the caster. There is a staff of near-transparent servants attired in livery who will attempt to fulfill all spoken commands. The air inside is clean, fresh and at a comfortable temperature.

There are spaces, furnishings and food to house and feed a 9-course banquet to a dozen humanoid creatures per caster level. While the rest and relaxation afforded by the mansion is real, the food within is not. Upon exiting the mansion, one meal of real food must be eaten immediately for each ‘mansion meal’ consumed. Failure to do so results in the permanent loss of 1 point of Strength for each missed meal.

Components: A 3-inch carved ivory door(150gp), 1-inch polished marble cube, 1-inch silver spoon(1 sp).

Mordekainen’s Sword

Wizard – 7th

CT• 5

R• 25 ft.

D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• n/a

SR• n/a

C• V, S, M

The caster manifests a sword-like force. By remaining motionless and concentrating, the caster can mentally wield the blade as though they are a fighter of half their wizard level. The blade has no bonus to hit, but can affect astral, ethereal, out of phase or those requiring a +3 weapon to be struck. It will strike

any armor class on a natural 19 or 20. It deals 5d4HP to medium or smaller creatures and 5d6HP to large creatures. The effect ends when the spell expires or when the caster ceases to concentrate or when a successful Dispel Magic is cast upon the sword.

Components: A 4-inch sword: platinum blade and copper hilt(500gp).


Wizard – 1st

CT• 1 min R• 15 ft. D• 2hr + 1hr/lvl

SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S, M

The spell summons a normal animal to serve as a mount. When the spell expires, the animal is returned to its original place. The type of mount varies:

Caster Level Mount Type

1 – 3 mule or light riding horse

4 – 7 draft horse or light warhorse 8 – 12 camel

> 12 elephant (houda – 18th)

Mounts appear with no tack or harness. A caster may elect to summon a mount of a type available to a lower level caster in which case it will appear with appropriate tack.

Components: 1 ounce of dried dung or a 2-inch twist of hair from the type of mount to be summoned.

Move Earth

Wizard – 6th

CT• special R• 450 ft. D• permanent

SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S, M

The spell moves dirt in a slow and fluid manner until the affected area conforms to the desires of the caster. These changes are too slow to trap most creatures, and tunnels or hollows may not be created by the spell. The area to be affected sets the amount of time required. Every 10 foot by 10 foot area (to a maximum depth of 10 feet) requires 3 minutes to reshape. The maximum area that can be affected is 800 feet by 800 feet. This requires 4 hours to reshape.

Components: Oak staff and handful of earth.\

Murderous Mist

Druid – 4th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S

The spell creates a cylinder of scalding hot steam that is 20 feet tall and has a 30-foot radius. The cloud moves in a straight line at a rate of 10 feet per round. All creatures entering the cloud must save or suffer 2d6HP of damage and be permanently blinded. Creatures that remain within the cloud suffer d6HP every 10 seconds. Creatures within the cloud gain a +2AC bonus from concealment. A moderate (~11 mph) wind will disperse the cloud in 4 rounds and a strong (~21 mph) one will do so in 1 round.

Save: Dexterity save for half damage and no blindness.

Mystic Lash

Cleric – 3rd

CT• 3 R• personal D• 10 sec/lvl SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, DF

The spell creates a long whip of transparent red energy that emanates from the caster’s hand. There is no attack bonus for Strength. The lash deals d8HP of electrical energy + 1HP/2 caster levels (max +5). A creature struck by the lash must succeed in a Constitution save or be stunned for 10 seconds. If the lash hits a creature, the caster may release the lash and it will continue to attack the same target as if the caster were wielding it. The caster is free to take additional actions. Once the target dies, falls unconscious or is destroyed, the whip returns to the caster. If the caster does not grasp it within 5 seconds it dissipates, ending the spell.

Save: Constitution save negates effects.


Negative Plane Protection

Cleric – 3rd

CT• 3 R• touch D• 10 min/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, DF

The spell provides some protection against the life-draining effects of undead. If successfully attacked, the victim must make a Constitution save. If successful, the victim does not suffer loss of levels and the undead creature suffers 2d6HP of damage instead. If unsuccessful, the victim suffers double normal damage and still loses energy levels. In any event the spell is only good against one attack.

Neutralize Poison

Cleric – 4th, Druid – 3rd, Illusionist – 5th

CT• 3 R• touch D• permanent

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, DF

The caster detoxifies all poison and venom in one object or creature touched. It thus halts all ongoing effects, but it does not reverse effects that have already taken place. It can be used to neutralize the venom produced by a creature – but this is temporary and the creature will continue to produce venom normally.

The illusionist version of the spell requires the recipient fail an Intelligence check for the spell to function as intended.

Save: Constitution save negates effects.


Illusionist – 5th

CT• 10 minR• unlimited D• special SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The caster sends a hideously unsettling phantasmal vision to a particular creature named or described by the caster. This nightmare prevents restful sleep and actually deals d10HP, leaving the creature fatigued, confused and unable to regain spells for the next 24 hours.

If the intended target is awake when the spell is cast, the caster may choose to end the spell, or go into a trance state and wait for the target to go to sleep. Once the target is asleep, the caster emerges from his trance and completes the casting. While in a trance the caster is mentally and physically defenseless and completely unaware of his surroundings or the passage of time.

Save: Charisma save negates effects.


Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 1 minute R• 25 ft. D• 1 hr/lvl

SV• special SR• yes C• V, S, M

The warded creature or item becomes difficult to detect by divination magic. If divination is attempted the caster of the divination spell must succeed in a Wisdom check with a challenge level equal to the level of the caster of the Nondetection spell. If cast upon a creature both the creature and his gear are warded. Each Nondetection spell may only affect a single creature or object.

Components: A silver mirror (50gp).

Nybor’s Gentle Reminder

Wizard – 1st

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 20 sec

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, F

The subject receives a sharp pain. This leaves the subject dazed for one round; capable only of defensive actions. This gives the subject a –1 to all rolls, but awards a +2 Strength bonus for the spell’s duration.

Save: Constitution save negates spell effects. Focus: A 1-foot sharp stick.

Nybor’s Mild Admonishment

Wizard – 3rd

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, F

The subject receives an intense pain. This leaves the subject dazed for d4 rounds; capable only of defensive actions. This gives the subject a –2 to all rolls, but awards a +2 Strength bonus for the spells duration.

Save: Constitution save negates effects. Focus: A 1-foot sharp stick.

Nybor’s Stern Reproof

Wizard – 7th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• special SR• yes C• V, S, F

The subject receives an intense, stabbing pain. If the subject fails a Constitution save it will die instantly. If it succeeds in this save, it must also succeed in a Wisdom save. If it fails, it leaves the subject dazed for d4 rounds; capable only of defensive actions. This gives the subject a –2 to all rolls, but awards a +2 Strength bonus for the spell’s duration.

Save: Constitution save negates death. Wisdom save negates dazing. Focus: A 1-foot sharp metal rod.

Nybor’s Wrathful Castigation

Wizard – 8th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• special SR• yes C• V, S, F

The subject receives an intense, wracking pain and suffers violent convulsions. If the subject fails a Constitution save it will die instantly. If it succeeds in this save, it must also succeed in a Wisdom save. If the Wisdom save fails, it leaves the subject disabled for the spell’s duration, with a –4 to all rolls.

Save: Constitution save negates death. Wisdom save negates disabling. Focus: A metal-braided riding crop.


Obscuring Mist

Druid, Illusionist – 1st

CT• 3 R• n/a D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S

A misty vapor rises up from the caster’s location. The vapors are 25 feet wide, 20 feet deep and 10 feet high. They prevent vision beyond 5 feet, and those within 5 feet receive +2AC. A moderate wind (~11 mph) will disperse it in 4 rounds, while a strong (~21 mph) one will do so in 1 round. A large heat source will instantly remove mist within its area of effect.

Open or Close

Wizard – 0th

CT• 3 R• 25 ft. D• n/a

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, F

The caster can open any unlocked latch, unstuck door, unlatched chest, untied pouch, unsealed bottle and so forth. It cannot overcome resistance and can only affect items with a maximum weight of 30 pounds.

Focus: A brass key.

Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere

Wizard – 6th

CT• 5 R• special D• special

SV• special SR• yes C• V, S, M

There are several version of the spell, determined by the caster at the time of casting.

Globe: A sphere of ‘absolute zero’ temperature is formed. The caster may grasp this sphere safely and drop/toss/place it into a body of water or water based liquid. This will freeze 100 square feet per caster level to a depth of 6 inches. The ice formed lasts for a minimum of 1 minute per caster level, longer if atmospheric conditions permit.

Ray: A ray of intense cold extends from the caster’s hand to a distance of 10 feet per caster level. The closest creature must succeed in a Dexterity save. If it succeeds, the next creature along the ray’s path must save and so on. If the saving throw fails, the affected creature suffers 4HP per caster level.

Stone: The spell can be used to create a sling stone sized globe that is cool to the touch. It can be used as a normal sling missile. Upon impact with a creature or the ground it will shatter and deal 4d6HP to all creatures within a 10-foot radius sphere. Affected creatures may attempt a Dexterity save for one-half damage.

Save: Dexterity save reduces effects.

Components: Globe: 1-inch cube of white marble(10gp); Ray: white sapphire(1000gp); Stone: white diamond(1000gp)

Otiluke’s Telekinetic Sphere

Wizard – 8th

CT• 5

R• 25 ft.

D• 1 min/lvl

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, S, M, F

The spell creates a globe of shimmering force that encapsulates a target creature, provided it will fit and it fails a Wisdom save. The globe has a diameter of up to 1 foot per caster level. The sphere will remain intact unless subjected to a Rod of Cancellation, Wand of Negation or a Disintegrate spell.

Although nothing can pass through the sphere, the creature will not suffocate. The creature within has an effective weight of 5% of actual. So long as the creature within has a (pre-imprisonment) weight of less than 5000 pounds, the caster can lift and maneuver the sphere telekinetically. If the trapped creature exceeds this weight, the sphere may still be rolled with sufficient effort.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Components: 1-inch hemisphere of quartz(15gp) and a 1-inch hemisphere of amber(5gp), joined into sphere.

Focus: A pair of bar magnets.

Otto’s Dance

Wizard – 8th

CT• 1

R• touch

D• special

SV• none

SR• no

C• V

With a successful touch attack the target breaks into a lumbering, shuffling dance then rapidly begins to cavort with complete abandon. This prevents all spell casting, negates the use of a shield, lowers the armor class by 4 places and prevents all successful Dexterity saves. The dance lasts for d4+1 rounds.

Owl’s Insight

Druid – 7th

CT• 3 R• touch D• 1 hour

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The spell imbues the target with wisdom, gaining a Wisdom bonus equal to half the caster’s level. Save: Constitution save negates effects.



Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• special

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The spell allows the caster to cause paralysis in creatures who’s total HD do not exceed twice the caster’s level. Creatures that fail their saves are unable to move, but continue to breathe. The spell lasts for 30 minutes, though the caster may choose to end it early.

Save: Constitution save negates effects.

Pass Plant

Druid – 5th

CT• 3 R• touch D• special

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, DF

The caster can enter a tree and then move from tree to tree. The tree moved to must be of the same type as the one entered and must be of sufficient girth to contain the druid. Each movement from tree to tree requires 5 seconds. Upon arrival in a particular tree, the druid may opt to remain within for a number of minutes equal to his level. After this time has expired, the druid is expelled from that tree and the spell ends.

Type of Tree Distance to Next Tree Oak 60 feet

Ash 54 feet

Yew 48 feet

Elm 42 feet

Linden 36 feet

Deciduous 30 feet

Coniferous 24 feet

Other 18 feet

Pass Without Trace

Druid – 1st

CT• 5 R• touch D• 10 min/lvl

SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S, M

The spell allows a creature to pass through any type of terrain, leaving no trace of its passing. The area masked by the spell radiates magic for d6 hours after the recipient passes.

Components: A sprig of mistletoe and a sprig of pine, burned and the ashes scattered over the creature.


Wizard – 5th

CT• 5 R• 50 ft. D• special

SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S, M

The spell enables the caster to open a passage through wooden, plaster, stone or similar walls. The spell creates a passage 5 feet wide, 8 feet tall and 10 feet deep. If the spell ends while creatures are within, they are harmlessly ejected into the closest open space. The spell lasts 1 hour + 10 minutes per caster level.

Components: 10 sesame seeds.


Wizard – 5th

CT• 3 R• n/a D• permanent

SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S

This spell allows the caster to make another spell they can cast permanent. This results in the temporary loss of a point of Constitution for 30 days, after which the caster must succeed in a Constitution save or the loss becomes permanent. Spells that can be made permanent for the caster: Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Endure Elements, Protection from Arrows, Read Magic, See Invisibility, Tongues and Water Breathing.

The following spells can be also cast on an area, object, the caster, or another creature and made permanent: Alarm, Confusion, Dancing Lights, Enlarge, Ghost Sound, Gust of Wind, Invisibility, Magic Mouth, Phase Door, Prismatic Sphere, Scare, Stinking Cloud, Symbol, Teleportation Circle, Wall of Fire, Wall of Force. Spells not acting upon the caster are subject to removal by a successful Dispel Magic.

Other spells may be made permanent, if they follow the general trend set forth. The caster will need to research the process.

Permanent Image

Illusionist – 6th

CT• 5 R• 150 ft. D• permanent

SV• negates SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell creates a permanent illusion of an object, creature or force as visualized by the caster. Sound, smell and thermal components are included. The illusion covers 20 cubic feet plus 10 cubic feet per caster level. Creatures that view the illusion believe it, are affected by it and can suffer damage from it. The damage is subdual damage. The illusion follows a script laid out by the caster when the spell is cast, so it

requires no concentration to maintain. The illusion can produce speech if desired. If the viewer has a reason for suspicion and makes an Intelligence save, the illusion will vanish for that viewer only.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects. Components: Finely cut crystal lens(100gp). Persistent Image

Illusionist – 5th

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

SV• negates SR• no C• V, S

The spell creates a permanent illusion of an object, creature or force as visualized by the caster. Sound, smell and thermal components are included in the illusion. The illusion covers 20 cubic feet plus 10 cubic feet per caster level. Creatures that view the illusion believe it and are affected by it and can suffer damage from it. The damage is subdual damage. The illusion follows a script laid out by the caster when the spell is cast, so it requires no concentration to maintain. The illusion can produce speech if desired. If the viewer has a reason for suspicion and makes an Intelligence save, the illusion will vanish for that viewer only.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.


Cleric – 8th

CT• 3 R• touch D• instantaneous

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, Disease

To use this spell, the caster must be suffering from any virulent disease. When the caster touches a single creature, that creature contracts a particularly virulent and terribly contagious disease that strikes immediately, without an incubation period. The sickness will deal d4 points of Constitution damage each day until the subject succeeds in two successive Constitution saves or dies. The affected creature is also a carrier – spreading the same disease to all that come into contact with the creature. All who contact the creature are affected as if the spell had been cast upon them. They in turn become carriers, and so on.

Save: Constitution save(s) negates effects.

Phantasmal Killer

Illusionist – 4th

CT• 1 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• special SR• yes C• V, S

The caster creates a manifestation of the most horrible creature imaginable by the target. Only the caster and the target can ‘see’ the manifestation. The ‘killer’ makes an attack upon the subject and will always hit. If the subject succeeds in an Intelligence save they suffer 4d6HP. If they fail, they die immediately.

The killer’s progress can only be blocked by magical protections such as a Globe of Invulnerability. Slaying the caster before the killer makes his attack negates the spell. If the target is wearing a helm of telepathy, the killer can be controlled and turned back upon the spell caster.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.

Phantasmal Thief•

Wizard – 8th

CT• 5 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell creates an invisible force akin to an Unseen Servant at the location desired by the caster. The force may steal objects from nearby creatures as mentally directed by the caster. The force cannot pick locks or force open chests. There are two versions of the spell:

If undetected, the phantasmal thief can be used to steal any item not worn or held. Items in boxes or bags or chests may be taken. Even objects within a Bag of Holding may be stolen. The phantasmal thief will then bring the item to the caster. Only one object may be stolen at a time. If sufficient time remains, the spell can be used to steal additional items. The force moves at a rate of 30 feet per round.

The thief can be also used to take an object being held or used by a creature, taking the item from their grasp. In this use, the spell acts with a Strength of 20. If used in this way once the item is brought to the caster, the spell is over.

Components: A bobbin of green thread(1 sp).

Phantom Steed

Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 1minute R• touch D• 1 hr/lvl

SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S, M

The spell creates a quasi-real horse like creature. The creature has a gray coat and a black mane and tail. The hooves are smoky and insubstantial, making no sounds. The mount may only be ridden by the caster, or a specific rider named at the time of casting.

Normal animals will shun the mount. The mounts do not fight and vanish after sustaining 12 or more HP damage. They cannot carry more than the rider and their gear. The mount moves at a rate of 40 feet per round, per level of the caster. The mount gains abilities according to the caster level:

Caster Level Mount Abilities

8th Can pass over any terrain 10th Can pass over water

12th Can tread on air, but not fly 14th Acts as Pegasus

Components: A 6-inch twist of horsehair.

Phase Door

Wizard – 7th

CT• 1 R• touch D• 1 use/2 lvl

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V

The spell creates an ethereal passage through a wall that only the caster can see and use. It measures 5 by 8 by 10 feet. The caster disappears upon entering the space and reappears upon exiting. The passage exists until the caster has entered it once for every two caster levels. Additional creatures may accompany the caster, but each additional creature counts as one ‘use’ of the passage. The passage is completely cut

off from the rest of the world and no information may pass through the door. True Seeing reveals the presence of a Phase Door, but do not allow its use. Dispel Magic can be used against a Phase Door spell and if successful slays all within.

Plague of Nightmares•

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 8th

CT• 3

R• touch

D• instantaneous

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, S, F, Str.

The caster gives the subject demon-haunted dreams so vivid and frightening that sleep provides no rest and eventually the creature turns to suicide. To cast the spell, the caster must succeed in a touch attack. If the target fails a save the spell begins to take effect. Thereafter, the caster must chant 12 hours per week and lose d6 Strength points at the end of that week. This must continue for as long as the spell is to affect the creature. When the creature attempts to sleep he is instead plagued by nightmares. Each night the subject loses d4 points of Charisma and cannot heal naturally. On the eve that the subject reaches 0 Charisma they enters a trance and offers their soul to a demon to be devoured. This death cannot be undone by any form of Resurrection spell.

Each night the target may attempt a Constitution save to end the spell’s effects. If the spell ultimately slays the subject, the focus disappears thus alerting the caster that the subject has died.

Save: Constitution save negates effects.

Focus:1-inch strip of still-bloody flesh (fresh or preserved).

Plane Shift

Cleric – 5th

CT• 3

R• touch

D• n/a

SV• special

SR• yes

C• V, S, DF

The caster and up to 8 other creatures are transported to another plane of existence. The destination is specified when the spell is cast. Up to 8 willing creatures, linked in a circle by their hands, may be affected by this spell. The spell only affords one-way travel.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Plant Door

Druid – 4th

CT• 3

R• touch

D• 10 min/lvl

SV• none

SR• no

C• V, S, DF

The spell opens a magical path through any type of vegetation, even that of a magical nature. The path may only be entered by the caster, a higher level druid or a dryad. The caster may even enter into the trunk of a living tree and remain hidden within. If hiding within an oak tree the spell duration is increased ninefold. If the tree is slain while the druid is within, the druid dies instantly. The path created by the spell through vegetation is 4 feet wide, 8 feet tall and 12 feet long per level of experience of the caster.

Plant Growth

Druid – 3rd

CT• 3 R• 450 ft. D• n/a

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, DF

The spell causes normal vegetation within the area of effect to become thick and overgrown. The new growth is permanent unless removed. Creatures must force or hack a way through the plants. Large creatures are limited to 40 feet of motion per minute and small creatures are limited to 20 feet per minute. Very small and very large creatures are unaffected by the spell.

The area of effect can be a 100-foot radius circle, a 150-foot radius semicircle, or a 200-foot radius quarter-circle. Alternately, the spell may be used to cause a 50% improvement in the vitality and production of all crops within a 2 mile radius of the caster. This use is limited to a yearly basis and must be separately memorized.

Poison Vines

Druid – 7th

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• 10 min/lvl

SV• special SR• yes C• V, S, F

The spell allows the creation and rapid growth of vines in an area with a radius of 10 feet per caster level. When casting the spell, the following effects may be chosen:

Entangle – as the spell

Climbing Aid – like knotted ropes

Bind Helpless targets – CL 25 to escape Hamper Movement – as Plant Growth Camouflage – Bonus +10 to hide check

In addition, the vines poison those they contact. Any who fail a Constitution save upon entering the vines lose 2d6 points of Dexterity and 1d6 points if they succeed. The save must be repeated once each minute that the creatures are within the affected area. The caster and a number of creatures equal to the caster’s level may be made immune to the poison.

Save: Constitution save negates poison. Focus: A wreath of fresh ivy leaves.


Wizard – 4th, Illusionist – 8th

Polymorph Other

CT• 5 R• 50 ft. D• permanent

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

The subject to assumes the form and characteristics of another creature. For every 12 hours spent in the new form, the creature must succeed in a Wisdom save or it will lose all connection to its original life. The new form may not exceed twice the height and weight of the ‘original’ creature. If the magic is dispelled,

the creature regains d4HP, and the creature will resume its normal form as if nothing had happened. If the creature is slain while polymorphed, it will return to its original form, but will still be dead.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects. Components: Pair of matching butterfly wings. Polymorph Self

CT• 1 R• personal D• 10 min/lvl SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V

The caster gains the ability to change form, from as small as a hummingbird to twice the caster’s original height and weight. The caster may change forms as often as is desired. Each change takes 1 round.

Incorporeal and gaseous forms cannot be assumed.

The caster retains all of his mental attributes while acquiring the physical and natural abilities of the new form. Natural abilities include the AC, physical attack types and damage, movement capabilities (flight and swimming) and vision types. No supernatural, spell-like, mental or other non-physical abilities are imparted. The caster is still limited to the number of attacks that he could normally make, but he can choose from any of the physical attacks the current form possesses.

Minor cosmetic details (skin hair, eyes, height, weight – within normal species ranges) are under the caster’s control, so it is possible to assume the likeness of another creature. Success is in no way guaranteed. If the new form possesses Strength, Dexterity or Constitution modifiers, these are gained by the caster as well. The caster retains Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, class, language, level, HP, alignment, spell casting, class based and extraordinary abilities to the extent that the current form can use them.

Personal equipment transforms to match the new form. If the new form does not (or can not) use a particular item it is absorbed into the new form and becomes inert. When the spell ends, the caster regains d4 HP. If the caster is slain while transformed, he reverts to his normal form.

Polymorph Any Object

Wizard – 8th, Illusionist – 9th

CT• 5 R• 50 ft. D• special

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

This allows the transformation of objects as well as creatures. For example: A needle can become a sword, a beetle can become a dragon, a kobold can become a chair and a horseshoe can become a dwarf. Living creatures transformed into inanimate objects do not experience the passage of time.

If a living creature is transformed into another living creature, the transformation is permanent so long as the new form is not more than twice the original creature’s size. If the new form is more than twice the original size of the creature, the spell lasts 12 hours. For every 12 hours spent in the new form, the creature must succeed in a Wisdom save or it will lose all connection to its original life.

If an object is transformed into another object, the change is permanent so long as the new form is not more than twice the original volume. If the new form is more than twice the original volume, the spell lasts 12 hours. Transforming objects into creatures (and vice versa) lasts d4 hours if the size and volume are compatible. If the new form is larger than the original, the change last d4x10 minutes.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Components: Matching butterfly wings, ball of clay.

Power Leech•

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 5th

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• 10 min/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, Wisdom

Spell opens conduit between caster and target creature. This transfers ability scores from the target to the caster. Ability scores may be drained at the rate of 1 point per round.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects. Components: 1 point of Wisdom damage. Power Word, Blind

Wizard, Illusionist – 8th

CT• 1

R• 50 ft.

D• special

SV• none

SR• yes

C• V

Uttering a single word blinds up to 100HD of creatures in a 25 foot cube. Weakest creatures are affected first, creatures with up to 50HP are blinded for d4 minutes. Those with more than 50HP but less than 100HP are blinded for d4+1 rounds. and creatures with more than 100HP are unaffected.

Power Word, Kill

Wizard, Illusionist – 9th

CT• 1 R• 50 ft. D• n/a

SV• none SR• yes C• V

The spell can target a single creature or a group within a 25 foot cube, decided at the time of casting. If a single creature is targeted and it has less than 70HP at the time of casting, it is instantly slain. If a group of creatures is selected, all creatures with less than 15HP at the time of casting – up to 140HP total – are instantly slain.

Power Word, Stun

Wizard, Illusionist – 7th

CT• 1 R• 50 ft. D• special SV• none SR• yes C• V

The spell targets a single creature. The creature is stunned and unable to act for the duration of the spell. Creatures with up to 40HP are stunned for 4d4 rounds, 41 to 80HP for 2d4 rounds, 81 to 120HP for d4 rounds and those with more than 121HP are unaffected.


Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 6th

CT• 3

R• 50 ft.

D• instantaneous

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, S

One living creature per caster level may be affected. No creature can be more than 10 feet from another. Each permanently loses d4 points of Constitution, breaks out in lesions and turns a sickly yellowish color.

Save: Constitution save negates effects.


Cleric – 3rd

CT• 3 R• special D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, DF

All creatures within a 50 foot radius of the cleric at the time the spell is cast are affected. The caster and his allies gain a +1 on attacks, damage and saving throws. All those opposed to the caster suffer a –1 penalty on the same rolls.


Wizard – 2nd

CT• 2 min R• touch D• permanent

SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S, M

The spell keeps an item fresh and whole until it is needed at a later time. This spell can not preserve bodies for resurrection. To preserve hard, relatively dry material, the caster must be between 2nd and 4th level. Soft, relatively wet materials require a caster of 5th to 7th level, and a caster of 8th level or more is needed to preserve semi-liquid and liquid materials. A container is only required for materials that are relatively moist.

Components: Pinch of dust, pea-sized ball of amber (2sp), and a drop of brandy.

Preserve Organ•

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 0th

CT• 3 R• touch D• 24 hours

SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S

The caster preserves a single severed organ from a living creature and maintains it in the state (beating, bleeding, etc.) it was in when it was removed.


Wizard, Illusionist – 0th

CT• 3 R• 10 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

SV• n/a SR• yes C• V, S

The spell can clean, soil or alter the color of items within a 1-foot cube. It can chill, warm or flavor one pound of non-living matter. It can move one pound of matter. It can create effects like a puff of smoke, very minor illusions, sound effects or temporary aspect changes. This cannot be used to inflict damage or to disrupt spell casting. It cannot duplicate other spells. All changes beyond moving, cleaning or soiling an object only last one hour.

Prismatic Eye

Wizard, Illusionist – 6th

CT• 1 R• 450 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• special SR• yes C• V, S, F

The spell creates a floating magical eye (6-inch diameter sphere) that is mentally controlled by the caster. It has an 18AC and 9HP. It saves as the caster. It can move as quickly as the caster and can fire a ray once per 10 seconds, starting when it first appears. The ray is a narrow beam that extends 50 feet from the eye. The caster must succeed in a ranged attack made with a +6 attack bonus. If the attack misses, other targets along the beam may be struck, though the second such creature is attacked with a +4 bonus, the third with +2, and so on. Each beam is of a different color and has a different effect. Determine randomly.

Color Effect

  1. Red Deals 10HP

  2. Yellow Deals 20HP

  3. Orange Deals 40HP

  4. Green Con. save or die (poison)

  5. Blue Wis. save or turned to stone

  6. Indigo Wis. save or go insane

  7. Violet Int. save or sent to another plane

  8. Octarine Reroll

    Components: 6-inch disc of polished abalone.

    Prismatic Sphere

    Wizard, Illusionist – 9th

    CT• 1 R• n/a D• 10 min/lvl SV• special SR• special C• V

    Spell creates immobile opaque globe of rainbow hues with a 20 foot radius. The caster can pass in and out of the sphere without harm, but all other beings that attempt to pass through suffer the effects of the colors. The sphere completely blocks anything from passing through, whether physical or magical in nature. Any creature of 8HD or less that is within 20 feet of the sphere and looks at it is blinded for 2d4 minutes. The sphere can be destroyed in the manner noted in the table, or by a Rod of Cancellation or a Disjunction spell. Spell resistance may protect a creature attempting to pass through, but a separate check must be made for each color.



    Negated By

    If Crossed

    1. Red

    Stops nonmagic missiles

    Cone of Cold

    Deals 10HP

    2. Yellow

    Stops magical missiles

    Gust of Wind

    Deals 20HP

    3. Orange Stops poisons, gases and petrification Disintegrate Deals 40HP

    4. Green

    Stops breath weapons


    Con. save or die (poison)

    5. Blue

    Stops divination/mental

    Magic Missil

    Wis. save or turned to stone

    6. Indigo

    Stops all spells

    Cont. Flame

    Wis. save or go insane

    7. Violet

    Prevents energies

    Dispel Magic

    Int. save or sent to another plane

    Prismatic Spray

    Illusionist – 7th

    CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• instantaneous

    SV• special SR• yes C• V, S

    The spell caster emits a cone of shimmering colors from their hand. The cone is 15 feet wide at the end. All creatures within the area of effect are struck by one or more colorful rays. Creatures within the area of less than 8HD are also blinded for 2d4 rounds. For each creature, roll d8:

    Color Effect

    1. Red Deals 10HP

    2. Yellow Deals 20HP

    3. Orange Deals 40HP

    4. Green Con. save or die (poison)

    5. Blue Wis. save or turned to stone

    6. Indigo Wis. save or go insane

    7. Violet Int. save or sent to another plane

    8. Octarine Roll twice, ignoring any 8.

      Prismatic Wall

      Druid – 9th, Illusionist – 8th

      CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 10 min/lvl

      SV• special SR• special C• V, S

      This spell creates a prismatic wall – 4 feet tall and 2 feet wide per caster level. The wall cannot materialize in an area occupied by a creature. Any creature of 8HD or less that is within 20 feet of the wall and looks at it is blinded for 2d4 minutes. The wall can be destroyed in the manner noted in the table, or by a Rod of Cancellation or a Disjunction spell. Spell resistance may protect a creature attempting to pass through, but a separate check must be made for each color.



      Negated By

      If Crossed

      1. Red

      Stops nonmagic missiles

      Cone of Cold

      Deals 10HP

      2. Yellow

      Stops magical missiles

      Gust of Wind

      Deals 20HP

      1. Orange Stops poisons, gases and petrification Disintegrate Deals 40HP

      2. Green Stops breath weapons Passwall Con. save or die (poison)

      3. Blue Stops divination/mental Magic Missil Wis. save or turned to stone

      4. Indigo Stops all spells Cont. Flame Wis. save or go insane

      5. Violet Prevents energies Dispel Magic Int. save or sent to another plane

Produce Fire / Quench Fire

Druid – 4th

CT• 3 R• 40 ft. D• 10 sec

SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S, DF

A fire measuring 12 feet on a side may be produced up to 40 feet distant from the caster. The fire deals d4HP to creatures and ignites combustible materials.

The reverse: Quench Fire – extinguishes all normal fires within the area of effect. Fire dwelling creatures suffer d4HP of damage. Magical fires and fire-based spells may be extinguished if the caster succeeds in an Intelligence check with the level of the caster of the fire spell added to the challenge level.

Quench Fire can also be used to nullify the magical effects of a single fire creating or controlling object. Artifacts are unaffected, minor magic items are suppressed for 1 hour, major items for 10 minutes.

Produce Flame

Druid – 2nd

CT• 3 R• n/a D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

The spell causes a torch-sized flame to spring forth from the caster’s hand. The flame does not harm the caster, but it does shed heat and ignite combustible materials. The flame may be used to make a touch attack which deals d4+1HP per 2 caster levels. The flames can be thrown 50 feet and deals damage as a successful touch attack. Making an attack ends the spell.

Programmed Image

Illusionist – 6th

CT• 5 R• 150 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• negates SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell creates an illusion of an object, creature or force as visualized by the caster. Sound, smell and thermal components are included. The illusion follows a script laid out by the caster when the spell is cast, so it requires no concentration to maintain. The illusion can produce speech if desired. The spell may be triggered by the specific actions of a creature – opening a door, pulling on a lever, moving to or crossing over a location. The illusion covers 20 cubic feet plus 10 cubic feet per caster level.

Creatures that view the illusion believe it and can suffer subdual damage from it. If the viewer has some reason for suspicion and makes an Intelligence save the illusion will vanish for that creature.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects. Components: Finely cut crystal lens(100gp). Project Image

Wizard – 6th, Illusionist – 5th

CT• 1 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl SV• n/a SR• no C• V, S, F

The spell creates a duplicate of the caster’s form. The image is intangible, but looks, sounds and smells like the caster. The duplicate will mimic the caster unless the caster specifically concentrates on making its speech and actions differ. The caster can use the duplicate’s senses or his own, making the switch during the caster’s initiative. Any spells cast seem to originate from the duplicate, and the caster must maintain a line of sight during the spell or the spell ends.

Focus: 6-inch carved wooden doll of the caster.

Protection from Arrows

Wizard – 2nd

CT• 3 R• touch D• 10 min/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, F

The spell shields the recipient from all successful attacks by normal missiles and ranged weapons for the spell’s duration, or from a single successful attack from a siege weapon.

Focus: A 2-inch silver shield(5 sp) hung on a 6-inch silver chain(10 sp).

Protection from Good/Evil/Law/Chaos

Cleric, Wizard – 1st

CT• 3

R• touch

D• 30 sec/lvl

SV• none

SR• yes

C• V, S, F/DF

The spell creates a mobile barrier at a distance from 1 foot from the recipient. The spell protects against one aspect, which is chosen at the time of casting. Only one spell of this type can be in effect at any time. The barrier grants +2 bonus to AC and saving throws against creatures of the chosen aspect.

The spell prevents bodily contact by summoned or conjured creatures of any alignment. Melee attacks made by these creatures fail and they are bodily repelled. The spell fails if the warded creature attacks or tries to force the barrier against summoned or conjured creatures.

The spell further gives protection from all sorts of possession or mental control. This does not prevent charm spells and the like from being effective, but no further instructions may be issued. The spell does not negate such spells or possessions already in effect.

Focus: A quartz crystal.

Protection from Elements

Druid – 3rd

CT• 3

R• touch

D• 10 min/lvl

SV• none

SR• yes

C• V, S

The spell surrounds the target with protective magical energies that provide partial protection to the recipient and personal gear against a particular type of element: Acid, cold/ice, heat/fire, electricity/lightning or sonic/air. The energies absorb 12HP per caster level of elemental damage. Once the damage or time limit is reached, the spell ends.

Purify Food and Drink

Cleric, Druid – 0th

CT• 3

R• 10 ft.

D• permanent

SV• none

SR• no

C• V, S

The spell makes rotten food and tainted water, including poisoned materials, suitable for consumption. This does not prevent subsequent spoilage. The spell has no effect on potions. The spell affects 1 cubic foot per caster level. 1 cubic foot of water is ~8 gallons and weighs ~60 pounds.


Druid – 3rd, Wizard, Illusionist – 2nd

CT• 5 R• 150 ft. D• special

SV• special SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell transforms a normal fire (larger than torch size) into a burst of blinding fireworks or a thick cloud of choking smoke. This consumes and extinguishes the fire source. Magical fires are not affected. The fireworks are a flashing fiery burst of glowing aerial lights. Creatures within 100 feet of the fireworks

that can see the effect are blinded for d4 rounds unless a Dexterity save is made. The smoke billows out

20 feet in all directions from the flame source and lasts 10 seconds per caster level. The cloud blocks all forms of sight.

Save: Dexterity save avoids blinding



Druid – 3rd

CT• 3 R• personal D• 10 sec SV• partial SR• n/a C• V, S

The caster’s hand sprouts poisonous quills that can be used to make one melee or ranged attack. The quills deal d8HP +1HP per two caster levels (max +5). They can be thrown to a maximum range of 30 feet. The quills are poisonous and unless the target makes a Constitution save, they suffer 2d6 points of Strength loss. A successful save loses d6 points of strength.

Save: Constitution save reduces effects.



Cleric – 5th

CT• 5 R• 150 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S, M, DF

This spell has four applications, chosen at the time of casting:

Bow: The spell creates a shimmering multi-hued bow made of light. It can be drawn by any creature with a Strength of 6 or greater and may be used by any class that can use a bow. The bow will fire 7 missiles before disappearing. Each missile is treated as if it were + 3. Each missile is of a particular color and no color can be repeated. The bow produces whichever color the wielder desires. If no color is specified, it starts with red and progresses as indicated. Each missile deals normal arrow damage, or double damage to a special type of creature.

Red – Fire elementals / Fire dwellers Orange – Earth elementals

Yellow – Plants (Treant, Fungi, etc)

Green – Water elementals / Aquatic creatures Blue – Air Elementals / Aerial creatures Indigo – Acid using or Poison using creatures Violet – Metallic or Regenerating creatures

Bridge: The rainbow forms a 7-colored bridge. It is as wide in feet as the caster has cleric levels. It can be between 20 and 120 feet long. It can carry the caster’s cleric level x 100 pounds of weight. If the weight limit is exceeded the bridge vanishes. Otherwise, it lasts until the time limit or the caster ends the spell.

Elevator: The rainbow lifts the caster and all creatures within a 10-foot radius into the sky. This creates an arcing path that may be traveled at a rate of 50 feet per round. The path forms under the feet of the caster and vanishes 120 feet behind them.

Flagon: The rainbow swirls into a 7-colored vessel that contains 7 measures of pure water. Each measure may be poured into a container and drunk. Each measure takes 1 round to pour out and consume. As each measure is poured it takes on a color and provides an effect to the drinker. Each color may be poured once. Each measure’s effect is at 12th level cleric. Any measures not consumed when the spell ends will vanish. Specific colors can be poured, or they appear in the following order:

Red – Cure Light Wounds Orange – Endure Elements: Fire Yellow – Remove Blindness Green – Slow Poison

Blue – Remove Disease

Indigo – Endure Elements: Ice Violet – Remove Paralysis

Components: Vial of (Un)Holy Water, A naturally occurring rainbow or prepared diamond (1500gp, enchanted with Bless and Prayer spells in presence of naturally occurring rainbow)

Rainbow Pattern

Illusionist – 4th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• S, M

A glowing web of colors captures the attention of all within a 25-foot diameter sphere. The spell holds the attention of a maximum of 24HD, affecting weaker creatures first, then those closest to the spell’s center. All that fail a save are captivated and unable to do anything except defend themselves. If attacked, a creature is immediately released from the spell’s effects. With a gesture, the caster can make the sphere move at a speed of 30 feet per round. Captivated creatures will follow as best they can, trying to stay within the sphere. If this leads them into a dangerous area or situation, creatures are permitted a second saving throw.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects. Components: 6-inch stick of lit incense.

Raise Dead

Cleric – 5th

CT• 1 min R• touch D• permanent

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, DF

The spell restores life to a deceased humanoid or partial humanoid. This includes orcs, giants and ogres, even centaurs or sphinxes. The creature cannot have been dead for more than one day per caster level. Raised creatures are weakened by the ordeal and require a minimum of 12 hours of complete rest per day

of death. They also receive a -4 to all rolls. For each day of total rest beyond the minimum required, this

penalty is reduced by 1. Normal diseases and poisons are nullified by the Raise Dead spell, but magical diseases and curses are still in effect. Lost or missing appendages are not replaced by this spell. This spell will not restore a creature that has died of old age.

Rapture of Rupture•

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 7th

CT• 3

R• touch

D• instantaneous

SV• partial

SR• yes

C• V, S, Strength

The caster can touch one creature per caster level. The same creature cannot be touched more than once. A successful touch attack causes the target’s skin to burst open in multiple places, causing 6d6HP of damage and stunning the victim for 1 round. A successful save reduces the damage by half and negates the stunning.

If a creature fails its initial save, every 10 seconds thereafter each target suffers an additional d6HP. A creature taking 6HP in this way is stunned for 1 round. This process will continue until the subject is magically healed or dies.

Save: Constitution save reduces effects.

Components: 1 point of Strength per creature touched.

Ray of Enfeeblement

Wizard – 2nd

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

A hideous brown undulating ray unerringly strikes its target. If they fail a save, all prime attributes are treated as non-prime during the spell’s duration. For every 4 caster levels, the target suffers a –1 to hit and damage rolls.

Save: Constitution save negates effects.

Read Magic

Wizard, Illusionist – 1st

CT• 3 R• personal D• 10 min/lvl SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S

The spell allows the caster to read and understand magical inscriptions. This may trigger magical effects contained within the script. Once the script has been read by use of the spell, the caster is able to read the script after the spell has ended.

Reality Blind•

Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 5

R• 50 ft.

D• special

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, S, M

The spell overwhelms the subject’s mind with hallucinations, leaving them blinded and stunned for as long as the caster concentrates, or until a save is made. A new save may be attempted each round.

Even after the first successful save, the spell continues – plaguing the subject with nightmares whenever they sleep. These prevent the restoration of all spells or any natural healing. The nightmares continue until the caster dies or the subject succeeds in a second save, attempted nightly. The spell effect may be treated with a successful Remove Curse.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Components: 2-inch diameter disc of colored ribbons.

Red Fester•

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 3

R• touch

D• instantaneous

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, S, Strength

The spell allows the caster to touch a subject and make its skin red and blistered. The blisters become oozing wounds within a few seconds. The effect is to deal d6 points of Strength damage and d4 points of Charisma damage to the target.

Save: Constitution save negates effects. Components: d6 points of Strength damage. Refuge

Cleric – 7th, Wizard – 9th

CT• 5 R• touch D• special

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell imbues an object worth no less than 1000gp with the power of teleportation. To enable the magic, the possessor breaks the item and speaks a word chosen by the caster at the time of casting. The creature, and up to 50 pounds per caster level of its possessions, instantaneously teleport without error to the caster’s residence so long as it is on the same plane. The spell affects only the creature breaking the item and speaking the word. No other living creatures – except a mage’s familiar – will be teleported.

Components: 1000gp object, finely made.


Cleric – 7th, Druid – 8th

CT• 3 R• touch D• permanent

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, DF

The spell returns a creature to a whole and undamaged state by reattaching severed limbs, mending broken bones, repairing burst organs, etc. If all pieces are present, the spell functions in 1 round. If pieces must be regrown, the process requires 2d10 rounds. The spell also cures d8HP + 1 HP per caster level.


Druid – 4th

CT• 15 minutesR• touch D• permanent SV• none SR• no C• V, S, DF

The spell allows the caster to return a dead creature to life inside a new body. The creature must have been dead less than one week, but the spell works even with only a portion of the dead creature.

The spell creates a new adult body for the creature’s essence to inhabit in 1 hour. The reincarnated subject recalls most of their life and retains their Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma and Hit Points. Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores are set by the new host body. The character retains their class but the new body may prevent use of abilities. Speech is not guaranteed. The reincarnated character loses a level and if first level, loses a point of Constitution.














Black Bear






Brown Bear























Note: A subsequent Wish spell can return a character to their original form.

Remedy Moderate Wounds

Druid – 2nd

CT• 3

R• touch

D• special

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, S

The spell boosts the life energy of the touched creature, allowing it heal 1HP every 5 seconds for the spell duration. It will stabilize a dying creature. The spell lasts 10 rounds plus 1 round per 2 caster levels. Only one spell can be in effect at any time.

Remove Blindness/Deafness / Cause Blindness/Deafness

Cleric – 3rd, Illusionist – 2nd

CT• 1 R• touch D• permanent

SV• negates SR• yes C• V

The spell does not regrow missing eyes or ears. It repairs damage to them. It heals afflictions affecting the eyes and ears. It will heal either blindness or deafness, chosen at the time the spell is cast.

The reverse: Cause Blindness/Deafness causes a single creature to become blinded or deafened, chosen at the time of casting. Blinded creatures suffer –2AC, lose any Dexterity bonus, suffer a –10 to hit, move at half speed and suffer a –4 to Strength and Dexterity checks. A deafened character suffers a –4 penalty to surprise and initiative rolls and have a 25% to miscast any spell with a verbal component.

Save: Constitution save negates effects.

Remove Curse / Bestow Curse

Cleric – 3rd, Wizard – 4th

CT• 1 R• touch D• permanent SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The caster can attempt to remove a curse placed upon the subject, or it allows a subject to dispose of a cursed item. Certain curses may not be affected unless the caster is of equal or higher level than the curse originator.

The reverse: Bestow Curse allows the caster to curse a creature. Typical curses give a –6 penalty to a statistic (minimum 1), or a –4 on attack rolls, saving throws and checks, or a -2 to all rolls, etc.

Save: Charisma save negates effects.

Remove Disease / Bestow Disease

Cleric, Druid – 3rd

CT• 1 R• touch D• permanent

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, DF

The spell cures all diseases that affect the creature, whether magical or natural in origin. It does not heal or repair damage that has already been suffered, but it stops further progression.

The reverse: Bestow Disease induces a random disease to manifest in the subject. The severity of the disease is related to the caster’s level.

Save: Constitution save negates effects.

Remove Fear / Cause Fear Cleric – 1st

CT• 3 R• touch D• special

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, DF

The caster instills courage in a single creature, granting a +4 save bonus against Fear effects for 10 minutes. If the subject is already suffering from a Fear effect, the spell allows another saving throw with a

+1 bonus per caster level.

The reverse: Cause Fear frightens a single creature, giving it a –2 on attacks, weapon damage and saving throws. It retreats from the caster as quickly as possible. Creatures with 6 or more HD or levels are unaffected by this spell.

Remove Paralysis

Cleric – 2nd

CT• 1

R• touch

D• permanent

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, DF

The spell negates any temporary paralysis or related magic, including a ghoul’s touch, hold spell, slow spell or the like.

Save: Constitution save negates effects.

Repel Metal or Stone

Druid – 8th

CT• 3 R• special D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S

The spell creates a path of energy emanating from the caster’s body. The path is 150 feet long by 120 feet wide and 10 feet high. The spell pushes away all metal or stone to the limits of the spell’s range. The caster chooses which will be repelled at the time of casting. Fixed metal or stone objects larger than 3 inches in diameter or smaller will bend or break and the energy will move the fragments. The pieces move at a rate of 40 feet per round. Objects held by creatures will drag either their owners or break free as they are repelled. The path is set when the spell is cast, and the caster can then engage in other activities. The spell’s effects are blocked by an Anti Magic Shell.

Repel Vermin

Druid – 4th

CT• 3

R• special

D• 10 min/lvl

SV• special

SR• no

C• V, S, DF

The spell creates an immobile, invisible sphere with a 20 foot diameter surrounding the caster. The field repels all types of vermin including insects, arachnids and rodents. Vermin with HD less that one-third the caster’s level cannot penetrate the barrier. Creatures with HD greater than this limit may penetrate the barrier with a successful Wisdom save. Those that cross the barrier suffer d6 points of damage.

Save: Wisdom save allows attack.

Repel Wood

Druid – 6th

CT• 3 R• special D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S

The spell creates a path of energy emanating from the caster’s body. The path is 150 feet long by 120 feet wide and 10 feet high. The spell pushes away all unattached wood to the limits of the spell’s range. Fixed wooden objects larger than 3 inches in diameter will not be affected. Objects held by creatures will either

break free or drag their owners as they are repelled. The path is set when the spell is cast, and the caster can then engage in other activities. The spell’s effects are blocked by an Anti Magic Shell.


Cleric – 7th

CT• 3 R• special D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, DF

The spell creates an invisible, mobile sphere that is centered on the caster, with a diameter of 10 feet per caster level. Creatures within or at the edge of the sphere that try to move towards the caster must succeed in a Strength save each round in order to do so. If the caster approaches a creature, the creature is not repelled. Only creature initiated motion is relevant.

Save: Strength save negates effects.

Restoration / Life Drain

Cleric – 4th, Illusionist – 7th

CT• 3 R• touch D• permanent

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The caster repairs the life energy of a single creature. It dispels effects that temporarily affect ability scores. Permanent score loss is not affected. The spell will also restore a level lost due to energy drain so long as the Restoration is cast within 1 day per level of the caster.

The reverse: Life Drain – causes a creature to lose an energy level if it fails a saving throw. Save: Constitution save negates effects.


Cleric – 7th

CT• 1 hr R• touch D• permanent

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, M, F, DF

The spell restores life to a creature that has been dead less than a decade per caster level. So long as some small portion of the creature is present, the spell will function.

Upon the spell taking effect, the creature is healed of all damage, any missing organs or appendages are replaced, any diseases are cured, all poisons are neutralized, any insanity is cured and all curses are removed. Any memorized spells are lost. Resurrected creatures are weakened by the ordeal and receive a

-4 to all rolls. For each day of total rest this penalty is reduced by 1. This spell will not function on a creature that has died of old age.

Components: Powdered diamond(1000gp) Focus: A golden urn(1000gp) filled with the powdered diamond.

Reverse Arrows

Wizard – 3rd

CT• 3 R• personal D• 10 min/lvl SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, F

The spell shields the recipient from all successful attacks by normal missiles and ranged weapons for the spell’s duration, or from a single successful attack from a siege weapon. Furthermore, the missiles are turned back upon the attacker, and the attacker’s initial roll is used to determine if the missile strikes them. A 6th level caster will also affect +1 missiles, 9th level casters affect up to +2 missiles and at 12th level and above even +3 missiles are turned back.

Components: A 1-inch ball of tree sap, a 1-inch disc of polished tortoise shell.

Reverse Gravity

Wizard – 7th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 1 second

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, F

For one second, gravity is reversed in a 25 foot by 25 foot area. All objects within ‘fall upward’ a minimum distance of 16’ before gravity returns to normal. At that point they have an upward speed of 32 feet per second and will continue rising for one more second, reaching a distance of 32 feet above the initial position. They fall towards the ground from this height, landing about 3.5 seconds after departure.

Components: A pair of lodestones, like poles placed together and bound by a strip of leather.

Rope Trick

Wizard – 2nd, Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 3

R• touch

D• 1 hr/lvl

SV• none

SR• no

C• V, S, F

The spell attaches a section of normal rope at least 5 feet long, to an extra-dimensional space large enough to hold up to 8 medium creatures. The rope may be pulled into the space, but this counts as a creature. Creatures and objects inside the space cannot gather information about their surroundings. No spells or spell effects can pass from outside to inside or vice versa. If the rope is left dangling outside the space any creature may attempt to pull the rope free, ending the spell.

Focus: 5 foot section of rope.

Rotting Curse of Urfestra•

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 3

R• touch

D• instantaneous

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, S, Strength

The subject’s flesh and bones immediately begin to rot. This deals an immediate d6 points of Constitution damage, and unless a successful save is made ,the subject loses an additional d6 points of Constitution every hour until death results. The spell can be countered with Remove Curse, Wish, Miracle or the like.

Save: Constitution save negates effects. Components: d6 points of Strength damage.


Sacrificial Skill•

Cleric, Wizard – 1st

CT• 1 minuteR• personal D• 1 min/lvl SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, M

Caster gains a +5 bonus on checks having to do with sacrifices to infernal beings or evil deities. Components: Lock of hair from unwilling humanoid.


Cleric – 3rd, Wizard – 2nd

CT• 5 R• personal D• 10 sec/lvl SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, M

While this spell is in effect, for every 10 points of damage that the caster deals to creatures in a round, the caster gains a +1 bonus to all rolls made in the following round. Only one Sadism spell may be in effect upon the caster at one time.

Components: 6-inch strip of humanoid flesh, soaked in blood and cured.


Cleric – 1st

CT• 1 R• touch D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• negates SR• no C• V, DF

The spell prevents creatures from directly attacking/targeting the spell’s recipient unless they succeed in a Charisma save. If the warded creature makes any sort of offensive action that would affect an Invisibility spell, it immediately loses the protection of the Sanctuary spell.

Save: Charisma save negates effects.

Sap Strength•

Cleric, Wizard – 2nd

CT• 5 R• touch D• instantaneous

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

The caster reduces the strength of a creature to 3, and makes it exhausted. After 1 hour of complete rest, the creature is fatigued and requires a further 8 hours of full rest to regain lost strength.

Save: Constitution save negates effects. Components: 1-inch glass vial, 3-inch bone needle.


Wizard – 2nd, Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 5 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

Spell causes a creature with 6HD or fewer to make a Charisma save or flee in terror. If a creature fails but cannot escape, it will fight with a –1 to all rolls. Undead, clerics, elves or creatures with more than 6 HD are unaffected.

Save: Charisma save negates effects

Components: 1-inch scrap of flesh or bone from undead creature.

Scintillating Sphere

Wizard – 3rd

CT• 5

R• 150 ft.

D• instantaneous

SV• partial

SR• yes

C• V, S, M

The spell creates a pea-sized sphere of electrical energy that is projected towards the target. It generates an intense electrical discharge within a 20-foot diameter sphere. This deals d6HP per caster level. If the ‘pea’ is to pass through a narrow opening between caster and target area, a ranged attack must succeed or the spell detonates at the point of impact.

Save: Dexterity save for half-damage, but targets wearing or carrying a significant amount of metal suffer a -4 to their saving throws.

Components: Glass marble, 1 ounce of iron dust.


Illusionist – 8th

CT• 1 minute R• 50 ft. D• 1 day

SV• none SR• no C• V, S

The spell hides an area of 25 cubic feet per level from scrying and normal vision. The caster creates an illusion of what will be observed in the spell’s area. This image is set at the time of casting and remains static. Creatures may enter the area and will not realize that they are in an illusory area, provided the objects and creatures in the Screened area remain undetected.


Cleric – 5th, Druid, Wizard – 4th

CT• 10 min R• special D• 1 min/lvl.

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

By focusing on a mental image of a person, the caster is able to watch and listen to the character over great distances. This process is difficult and requires an Intelligence check be made by the caster:



Caster knows character well


Caster has only met the character


Caster has only heard of the character


Caster has no knowledge of the character


Caster has a likeness of the character


Caster has possession of the character


Caster has hair/nail/piece of character


Character is on another plane


With a successful scrying, the caster may cast Comprehend Languages, Read Magic or Tongues. The following spells have a 5% chance per caster level of being successful: Detect Magic, Detect Good/Evil/Law/Chaos, Message.

Observed characters with Intelligence greater than 13 may detect the observation with a successful Intelligence check.

Components: A finely cut gem(100gp).

Secret Chest

Wizard, Illusionist – 5th

CT• 1 hr R• special D• 60 days

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, F

The spell links a chest and a miniature replica. The chest must be constructed of rare materials and be of the finest craftsmanship(5000gp). The miniature must be a perfect replica with regard to materials and the like(500gp).

The caster uses the small chest to access the large chest until the 60-day time limit is reached. After that, there is a cumulative 5% chance per day beyond 60 that the large chest and all its contents are forever lost. If the small chest is lost or destroyed, the large chest is irretrievable, short of a Wish spell.

The larger chest can store 1 cubic foot of material per caster level, regardless of actual size. The large chest and the miniature are placed together while the spell is cast. The wizard spell hides the chest on the ethereal plane, the illusionist cloaks the chest in illusions. The caster may have only one such spell in effect at any time.

Secret Page

Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 10 min R• touch D• special

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell masks any information on a page or scroll making the page appear blank, or covered with other information. This spell can disguise Explosive Runes, concealing their nature while allowing their effect. The caster utters a command word to enact the disguise and another to reveal the information. A third command removes the spell completely. Only Comprehend Languages in conjunction with True Seeing reveals hidden information. Erase will remove all information on the page, but not reveal any.

Secure Shelter

Illusionist – 4th

CT• 10 min R• 50 ft. D• 2 hrs/lvl

SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S, F, M

The caster conjures a sturdy cottage or small lodge made of material common to the area. The interior is clean, level and dry. The area enclosed measures 25 feet by 25 feet and has a sturdy door, two shuttered windows, a small fireplace and simple furniture: 8 bunk beds, a trestle table, 8 stools, a writing desk and simple cooking/eating implements.

The door and shutters are protected by a Lock spell, and the chimney flue is barred with an iron grate. Each of these areas is protected by an Alarm spell. An Unseen Servant tends to the caster’s needs.

Components: 1 ounce crushed lime, iron nail, wooden twig, 1 ounce of water. Focus: Small silver brick(10 sp) and silver bell(2 sp).

See Invisibility

Wizard – 2nd, Illusionist – 1st

CT• 5 R• personal D• 10 min/lvl SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S, M

The spell allows the caster to see invisible, ethereal or astral beings. This does not reveal illusions or items hidden by means other than invisibility.

Components: A pinch of flour or dust.


Illusionist – 4th

CT• 3

R• 50 ft.

D• 12 hrs

SV• negates

SR• no

C• V, S

The caster can change the appearance, garb and equipment of one creature for each 2 caster levels. The change can be anything desired by the caster with the restriction that the basic form remains the same. Affected creatures can be made to appear 1 foot taller or shorter and up to 50% lighter or heavier than actual. The changes are visual only so physical inspection will reveal the deception. The changes remain until the spell expires, an affected creature is slain, or an observing creature succeeds in an Intelligence save. There must be some basis for disbelief before this save can be attempted.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.

Seething Eyebane•

Cleric, Wizard – 1st

CT• 3 R• touch D• instantaneous

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, Con.

The spell makes the subject’s eyes burst, spraying acid. The subject is blinded and suffers d6HP acid damage as do all within 5 feet in an 180 degree arc in front of the victim.

Save: Constitution save negates effects. Components: d6 points of Constitution damage.


Cleric – 4th

CT• 10 min R• n/a D• special

SV• special SR• n/a C• V, S, M, DF

The spell allows communication of 25 words between the cleric and a creature with which he is familiar. The creature will understand the intent of the message even if it is of animal intelligence and can immediately reply. The message does not create any compulsion to act. If the caster and recipient are on different planes, the caster must succeed in a Charisma save.

Sepia Snake Sigil

Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 5 R• touch D• special

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell causes a brownish force to attack the nearest living creature except the caster. It attacks as a monster of the caster’s level. If the attack is successful the victim is encased in a shimmering amber force field. The creature cannot be affected by any external event, and nothing can be move or affect the force field except a successful Dispel Magic. The victim is immobilized, completely unaware and does not experience the passage of time. If the ‘snake’ misses it dissipates with a loud bang and a puff of brown smoke. The smoke cloud is 1 foot in diameter and remains suspended for 10 seconds before dissipating.

Sigil: The caster traces a glowing symbol in the air, facing the intended target.

Glyph: The caster traces the symbol onto a surface that will be touched or looked upon. Rune: The caster traces a miniature symbol into a written work to protect it.

Components: Powdered amber(100gp), snake scale, mushroom cap.


Wizard, Illusionist – 7th

CT• 5 R• touch D• 1 day/lvl

SV• negates SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell provides complete protection from divination type spells, effects or abilities for one creature or object. This renders it completely invisible to all forms of sight, though it can still be found by touch.

Living creatures under the effects of the spell become comatose and fall into a state of suspended animation for the duration of the spell.

Save: Charisma save negates effects.

Components: Eyeball and optic nerve from medium sized or larger predatory creature.

Serpents of Theggeron•

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 1 R• personal D• 1 min/lvl SV• special SR• n/a C• S, Intelligence

The caster’s arms turn into serpents that can be used as weapons with a 10-foot reach. The snakes have an attack bonus of +10 in addition to any strength modifier. Successful strikes deal d8HP plus any

strength modifier. Each successful strike also injects poison into the victim. If a save fails, the poison deals d6 points of Strength damage immediately. Another save is required one minute later, or another d6 points of strength are lost.

Save: Constitution save negates poison. Components: d6 points of Intelligence damage. Shades

Illusionist – 6th

CT• 3

R• 150 ft.

D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• partial

SR• no

C• V, S

The caster shapes illusions that resemble monsters to attack the caster’s foes. The caster can create creatures with the same HD total as the caster’s level. The monsters can take any form, though they are limited to a height of 1 foot per caster level. These creatures possess 60% of their normal HP.

Creatures that interact with the illusions believe them to be real unless they succeed in an Intelligence save. If the save fails, the illusions attack and deal damage though they were real. The illusions have the AC, attack types and special abilities of the forms they take. If the save succeeds, the creatures still remain semi-solid but damage, AC and special abilities are 20% of normal.

Save: Intelligence save reduces effects.

Shadow Conjuration

Illusionist – 4th

CT• 3

R• 150 ft.

D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• partial

SR• no

C• V, S

The caster shapes illusions within a 20 foot by 20 foot area that resemble monsters that attack the caster’s foes. The caster can create creatures with the same HD total as the caster’s level. The monsters can only be of small or medium size. These creatures possess 20% of their normal HP.

Creatures that interact with the illusions believe them to be real unless they succeed in an Intelligence save. If the save fails, the illusions attack and deal damage though they were real. The illusions have the AC, attack types and special abilities of the forms they take. If the save succeeds, the creatures still remain semi-solid but damage, AC and special abilities are 20% of normal.

Save: Intelligence save reduces effects.

Shadow Door

Illusionist – 5th

CT• 1

R• 15 ft.

D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none

SR• n/a

C• S

Spell generates illusion of a door that the caster opens and steps through. As the door closes, the caster is affected by an invisibility effect that remains for the spell’s duration unless negated. It appears to others that the caster has stepped through the door and entered into another space. If the door is opened by another creature an illusory 10 foot square empty room lies beyond. Only True Seeing or similar divination magic will reveal the invisible caster.

Shadow Evocation

Illusionist – 5th

CT• 3 R• special D• special

SV• special SR• yes C• V, S

The caster creates an illusion that mimics the effects of one of the following: Fireball, Ice Storm, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Stinking Cloud, Wall of Fire, Wall of Ice, or Web. The mimicked spell function exactly as normal unless the affected creatures succeed in an Intelligence Save, in which case the spell effects are 20% of normal.

Save: Intelligence save reduces effects.

Shadow Hand

Illusionist – 5th

CT• 3

R• 50 ft.

D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none

SR• yes

C• V, S

The spell creates a shadowy, opaque gray floating hand about 5 feet in length. The hand is AC18 and has half the caster’s maximum HP. It can be damaged and makes saves as the caster. It is mentally controlled by the caster and can provide a number of effects in addition to pointing or gesturing:

Cover: The hand can interpose between the caster and any foes. This provides a +5AC bonus. Carry: The hand can carry objects as a Floating Disc spell.

Crush: The hand can make an attack each round, attacking as the caster, with a +4 for Strength. A successful attack deals d6+4HP.

Shadow Walk

Illusionist – 7th

CT• 1 R• touch D• 1 hr/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The spell cannot be cast unless deep shadows exist. The caster can touch up to one creature per level and enable them to travel along the edge of the Plane of Shadows. This allows for 7 miles of distance traveled in 10 minutes. The caster is aware of the group’s location on the Material Plane so there is no danger of moving too far. If a creature leaves the caster’s group it may wander the Plane of Shadows or exit into the Material Plane with a 50% chance of either outcome. This spell may be used to gain access to other planes that border on the edge of the Plane of Shadows. Such a journey requires crossing the Plane of Shadows. This dangerous journey takes d4+2 hours.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.

Shadow Well

Illusionist – 4th

CT• 3 R• 50ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The spell causes the target’s shadow to become a temporary gateway to a pocket realm within the Plane of Shadows. If the target fails a save, they are pulled inside and tormented by shadowy phantasms in a

nightmarish duplicate of the real world. They stalk and taunt but do no actual harm. When the spell ends, the victim returns the real world and suffers a fear effect and flees for d4 rounds.

Save: Wisdom save negates spell effects.

Shape Stone or Wood

Druid – 3rd

CT• 5

R• touch

D• special

SV• n/a

SR• n/a

C• V, S, M, DF

The spell allows the caster to shape a piece of wood or stone into any desired form, though fine detail work is not possible. It takes 10 seconds to roughly shape 1 cubic foot of material. 10 cubic feet + 1 cubic foot per caster level may be affected.

Components: Splinter of wood and a fragment of stone wrapped in a 1-inch diameter ball of clay.


Druid, Wizard – 9th

CT• 5

R• personal

D• 10 min/lvl

SV• n/a

SR• n/a

C• V, S, M

The caster may assume the form of any creature known to the caster, and change forms as desired throughout the spell. The forms taken may be as small as a gnat, to as large as 200 feet in length. Amorphous and gaseous states may also be assumed by the caster. Each change requires 1 round and heals d4HP. The caster retains his mind, Intelligence, Wisdom, spells, spell-like abilities and HP. The physical changes are actual, granting all the extraordinary physical abilities of the form taken, but not any supernatural, spell-like or magical effects.

Components: Wand made from arm/leg bone of shape changing creature, engraved with silver-filled runes(2500gp).


Wizard – 2nd

CT• 5

R• 50 ft.

D• 10 min/lvl

SV• n/a

SR• n/a

C• V, S, M

The spell can be cast in one of two ways, chosen at the time of casting. In the first version the spell fractures any crystalline or otherwise brittle substance into hundreds of pieces. Items of up to 1 pound per caster level may be affected. This version of the spell covers an area that measures 25 feet on a side.

Alternatively the spell can be targeted upon a single object of up to 10 pounds per caster level. In this case, the object’s composition is unimportant. In either case, items gain a Constitution save to avoid destruction. Beings of brittle substance (as determined by GM) suffer d6HP per caster level with a successful Constitution save reducing damage by half.

Save: Constitution save reduces spell effects.

Components: 1-inch hollow clay sphere, crushed at time of casting.


Wizard – 1st

CT• 3 R• special D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• n/a SR• no C• V, S

The spell creates a transparent, mobile wall of force that protects the caster from frontal attacks and magic missiles. Against melee attacks, siege engines and giant hurled boulders: AC16. Against ranged missile weapon attacks: AC17. Against muscle powered ranged weapons: AC18. The spell also provides complete immunity from Magic Missile spells and provides a +1 bonus on all saves.

Shield of Faith

Cleric – 1st

CT• 5 R• touch D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, M, DF

An aura of divine energy surrounds the target, providing a +2AC and save bonus. Components: Drop of (un)holy water.


Druid – 1st

CT• 3 R• touch D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, DF

The spell enchants a normal club, making it a magical weapon granting it a +1 to hit and dealing d6+1HP.

Shocking Grasp

Wizard – 1st

CT• 3 R• touch D• special

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

The spell creates an electric charge that the caster stores until delivered by a touch attack. The discharge deals d8HP + 1HP per caster level.


Wizard – 4th

CT• 1 R• special D• instantaneous

SV• partial SR• yes C• V

Caster delivers sonic energy in a 50 foot long cone with a 10 foot terminal diameter. All creatures with auditory capabilities suffer 2d6HP of sonic damage and those that fail a save are deafened 1 round for each point of damage. A deafened creature suffers a –4 penalty to surprise and initiative rolls and has a 25% to miscast any spell with a verbal component. Brittle objects are treated as the targets of a Shatter spell. Shout can be used to neutralize magical silence.

Save: Constitution save prevents deafness.


Cleric – 2nd

CT• 3 R• 450 ft. D• 1min/lvl

SV• special SR• no C• V, S

The spell creates an area of silence in a 15-foot radius around the target. If the spell targets a creature, it is entitled to a save. If successful, the spell has targeted a point immediately next to the creature.

Save: Dexterity save shifts target point.

Silent Image

Illusionist – 1st

CT• 3 R• 450 ft. D• concentration

SV• negates SR• no C• V, S

Spell creates illusion of object, creature or force within a cube with a side length of 40 feet + 10 feet per caster level. Nothing but visual components are included. While concentrating, the caster can make the illusion move.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.


Illusionist – 7th

CT• 12 hrs R• n/a D• n/a

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, M

This spell requires a fully stocked laboratory. The spell allows the creation of an exact duplicate of a creature. Some formative substance (ice, snow or clay) is required as well as 1000gp of powdered gems and 1 cubic inch of the creature that is to be duplicated.

The duplicate will be a perfect physical creation, but the simulacrum will have 50+d10% of the actual creature’s HP, knowledge, skills, speech, information, etc. The simulacrum will radiate magic. The simulacrum remains under the verbal control of the caster at all times.

It can be repaired in the laboratory in a process that requires 1 day and 100gp per HP repaired. If destroyed, the duplicate melts away into nothingness.

Skeletal Deliquescence

Wizard – 8th

CT• 3 R• touch D• 1 day/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The spell turns the bones and rigid tissues of a creature to mush. Equipment is unaffected. The creature immediately collapses into a heap. Dexterity becomes 1. Motion is reduced to an oozing crawl of 10 feet per round. Nothing can be carried or manipulated. The creature cannot speak. Innate spell-like abilities can still be used. The subject is immune to impact damage.

Skeletal Guard

Wizard – 8th

CT• 5 R• touch D• instantaneous

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell creates up to one skeleton per caster level. The skeletons are treated as though they had the caster’s HD for purposes of being turned, but are normal in other respects. The skeletons will attempt to stay within 60 feet of the caster and will become inert if this range is exceeded.

Components: One finger bone and a 50gp onyx per skeleton to be created.

Skull of Secrets

Cleric – 4th

CT• 1 min R• 50 ft. D• special

SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S

The spell creates an intangible image of a floating skull that trails black flames. The skull moves at 40 feet per round, but cannot move more than 20 feet from the spell’s origin. The caster sets two triggering conditions. The first causes the skull to act as a Magic Mouth. The second trigger causes the skull to spit a tongue of flame 5 feet wide and 10 feet long. The flame deals d8HP per 2 caster levels (max 5d8). Once both triggers conditions are met, the skull disappears. The skull will generate each effect but once.

Save: Dexterity save reduces damage by half.


Wizard – 1st

CT• 5 R• 150 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, M

All creatures within a 30-foot diameter circle that are capable of sleep fall into a comatose slumber. Weaker creature are affected first. The spell affects 2d4HD worth of creatures. Creatures with more than 5HD are unaffected. Sleeping creatures require a concerted effort to wake them. Shouting or other loud sounds is not sufficient.

Components: A feather from a feather pillow used for sleeping.

Sleet Storm

Druid – 4th

CT• 3

R• 450 ft.

D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• special

SR• no

C• V, S, DF

The spell creates a driving sleet storm that obscures vision, causing the ground to become slick and icy in an area 50 feet by 50 feet by 20 feet. Any creature that attempts movement must succeed in a Dexterity save or fall down. Success allows for half-speed movement.

Save: Dexterity save allows motion, avoids fall.

Slow Consumption•

Cleric – 1st, Wizard – 2nd

CT• 10 min R• touch D• permanent

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, Location

The spell can only be cast in an area that has been prepared by an Unhallow spell. The caster uses the spell to drain the life force and physical form of a helpless living subject. For each day the spell is in effect the caster does not require food and heals at twice the normal rate. The subject does not heal and loses 1 point of Constitution. If the caster does not touch the subject at least once per 24 hours, the spell ends.

Save: Constitution save negates spell effects. Components: Specially prepared location.


Druid – 3rd

CT• 3 R• personal D• 10 sec/lvl SV• special SR• no C• V, S

One of the caster’s arms becomes a fanged, venomous snake. The bite deals d3HP and requires 2 Constitution saving throws. Each failed save deals d6 points of Constitution damage. If either save is failed then a Wisdom save is required to avoid paralyzation for d4 rounds. The caster may only have one such spell in effect at any time.

Save: Constitution saves negate attribute loss. Wisdom save negates paralyzation.


Druid – 3rd

CT• 5 R• touch D• triggered

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

The caster creates magical snare that is hidden as though placed by a 12th level thief. It will blend with its environment and trigger whenever a creature steps within. The snare can be up to 20 feet long. If a tree is present, the snare will attach to the tree and bend it. When the snare is triggered the tree will whip the victim into the air and deal d6HP. In any event, the snare will tightly bind the creature. This gives a –2 to attacks and a –4 to Dexterity. To break free requires a Strength check against CL5. The snare is AC7 and has 5HP.

Snare Astral Traveler•

Cleric, Wizard – 6th

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The spell allows the caster to snare and trap a nearby astral creature. An affected creature is brought before the caster and is held motionless and visible for the spell duration. If more than one target is possible, the closest one will be affected. If it succeeds in a save, the next closest creature is affected and so on.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Solid Fog

Illusionist – 4th

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S

The spell creates a swirling barrier of fog in a 25-foot diameter sphere that can only be affected by strong (~21 mph) winds. Creatures that attempt to pass through the cloud may only move at one-tenth speed.

Any combat within the cloud suffers a –2 to hit and damage. Any fire effect that deals more than 12HP burns away the cloud.


Cleric – 1st

CT• 5 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

Grief and sadness overwhelms the subject, giving a –3 penalty on attacks, saves, ability and skill checks. Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Components: A tear from the caster.

Soul Bind

Cleric – 9th

CT• 5 R• touch D• permanent

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M, DF

The spell traps the soul of a being dead no longer than 1 round per caster level. The soul is stored in a gem of at least 5000gp value. Until the gem is destroyed, the creature cannot be brought back to life by any means.

Sound Burst

Cleric – 1st

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• special SR• yes C• V, S, DF

The spell generates a thunderclap of sound in a 20 foot diameter sphere. All within lose d8HP and must save or be stunned for 1round.

Save: Wisdom save negates stun effects.

Speak with Animals

Druid – 2nd

CT• 3

R• n/a

D• 1 min/lvl

SV• n/a

SR• n/a

C• V, S

Spell allows caster to converse with animals having Intelligence 1 or greater. Such conversation is typically on friendly terms and may result in the creature performing a small service for the caster. The scope of the conversation will be severely limited and expressed in animal terms.

Speak with Dead

Cleric – 2nd

CT• 10 min R• touch D• 1 min/lvl

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, DF

The spell allows the caster to ask questions of a corpse. The dead will reply in its native tongue, but is under no obligation to speak, nor to be truthful. If the cleric and corpse are of opposing alignments the caster must succeed in a Wisdom check (DC12) in order to obtain any response. This spell may be used but once per week on any particular body.

Speak with Plants

Druid – 3rd

CT• 3 R• n/a D• 1 min/lvl

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S

Spell allows caster to converse with vegetation of all types. The scope of the conversation will be severely limited and expressed in only the most basic terms.

Spectral Stag

Cleric, Druid – 2nd

CT• 3 R• personal D• 10 sec/lvl SV• special SR• yes C• V, S, DF

Spell causes a quasi-real stag-like creature to appear, either immediately beneath the caster or within a 5’ radius. Stag can carry caster + 100 gp of weight per level, or attack others with overbearing attack. Stag is large and has 18 ST for purpose of overbearing attack. Stag moves 150 feet per round, is controlled by thought, and has same initiative as caster. Stag can run on air as though solid ground, but cannot fly. It is AC 14, has 7HP +1HP per caster level, but the Stag cannot be directly attacked.

When spell ends or after successful overbearing attack - whichever occurs first - the stag vanishes. If caster is riding the stag, he lands safely upon the ground.

Spell Matrix

Wizard - 5th

CT• 1 min R• personal D• 10 min/lvl SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, F

The spell prepares a magical matrix that is active for 40 seconds. Within that time, the caster may cast up to 4 spells – each of up to 3rd level – into the matrix. Each spell placed within the matrix deals d6HP to the caster. Any of these spells may be released from the matrix as one of the caster’s actions during a round. A successful Dispel Magic will nullify the matrix and dissipate any stored spells.

Focus: Piece of amber (500gp)

Spell Sequencer

Wizard - 7th

CT• 1 min R• personal D• 10 min/lvl SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, F

The spell prepares a magical matrix that is active for 40 seconds. Within that time, the caster may cast up to 4 spells – each of up to 5th level - into the matrix. Each spell placed within the matrix deals d6HP to the caster. Any of these spells may be cast from the matrix as one of the caster’s actions during a round.

In addition, it is possible to link 2 spells so long as neither is higher than 2nd level so that both are cast from the matrix in a sequence. The linked spells and the sequence in which they are cast is determined when the matrix is formed. A successful Dispel Magic will nullify the matrix and dissipate any stored spells.

Focus: Sapphire(1000gp)

Spell Trigger

Wizard - 9th

CT• 1 min R• personal D• 10 min/lvl SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, F

The spell prepares a magical matrix that is active for 40 seconds. Within that time, the caster may cast up to 4 spells – each of up to 7th level - into the matrix. Each spell placed within the matrix deals d6HP to the caster. Any of these spells may be cast from the matrix as one of the caster’s actions during a round.

In addition, it is possible to link 2 spells so long as neither is higher than 4th level so that both are cast from the matrix in a sequence. The linked spells and the sequence in which they are cast is determined when the matrix is formed.

Finally, the caster can specify a trigger condition that will discharge one spell or spell sequence as long as the stored spells affect only the caster. A successful Dispel Magic will nullify the matrix and dissipate any stored spells.

Focus: Diamond(2500gp)

Spell Mantle

Cleric - 6th

CT• 1 minuteR• touch D• 10 min/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The caster prepares a magical mantle that covers the target creature and shields it from one specified spell for each 4 levels the caster possesses. The spells so specified cannot be delivered by touch, or be higher than 4th level. When the protected creature is the target of or within the area of one of these spells, the Spell Mantle absorbs the spell energy and converts it to one of two purposes:

Healing: The spell energy is converted to healing spells of the appropriate total spell levels in such a way as to maximize healing benefit.

Triggered Spell: At the time of casting a spell currently possessed by the caster may be named. When the spell mantle activates, the caster immediately loses the named spell which functions as if normally cast.

All related component costs must still be paid, however. If the components are not present, or the spell has already been cast prior to the triggering incident, nothing happens.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Spider Climb

Wizard – 1st

CT• 5

R• touch

D• 20 sec/lvl

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, S, M

The spell grants the power of motion along vertical and horizontal surfaces as though the recipient were a spider. The motion along vertical or inverted surfaces is half normal. Hand and feet must be uncovered and in contact with the surface for the spell to function.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects. Components: Small spider - consumed Spider Hand•

Cleric – 1st

CT• 1 R• personal D• 1 min/lvl SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S

The caster detaches his hand, and transforms it into a tarantula controlled by the caster. The caster can see through its eyes and it can travel up to 20 feet per round per caster level. If the spider is slain or cannot return to the caster before the spell ends, the hand is restored but 2d6HP are suffered. The caster can direct the spider to return and reattach to his arm at any time.

Spider Legs•

Cleric – 2nd

CT• 3 R• personal D• 1 min/lvl SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S

The caster sprouts 4 long spider legs from the sides of his torso. So long as not heavily encumbered, these legs allow locomotion at a speed of 40 feet per round and allow half-speed motion along vertical or inverted surfaces. To remove the caster from a surface requires a creature with strength of 20+1 per caster level.

Spike Stones

Druid – 4th

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• 10 min/lvl

SV• special SR• no C• V, S, DF

The spell causes natural stone formations to form long, narrow points. The spell caster can affect an area of 20 feet by 20 feet per level of the caster. These points remain unobtrusive until encountered then they cause damage and impede movement. The stones deal d8HP for each 5 feet of movement. In order to locate the stones a creature must succeed in an Intelligence check with a CL equal to the level of the druid casting the spell. If a creature locates the stones and continues on, damage is reduced to d4HP per 10 feet of motion.

Spirit Worm

Wizard – 1st

CT• 5 R• touch D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S, M

The caster causes a lingering decay to afflict a creature. Each round the spell is in effect, the creature must attempt a Constitution save. If the save is failed, the creature loses 1 point of Constitution (maximum 5 points). If it succeeds, it suffers d2HP of damage (maximum 5d2).

Save: Constitution save alters effects.

Components: 3 inches of fire-blackened ivory carved in shape of segmented worm(10gp).

Spiritual Weapon

Cleric – 2nd

CT• 1

R• 50 ft.

D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none

SR• no

C• V, S, DF

The caster creates a weapon out of divine energy that moves under telepathic command. The weapon strikes as though wielded by the caster (including any strength modifier) and it deals d8HP damage. The weapon can strike creatures that require magical weapons to be hit (+1 per 3 caster levels), though it does not actually gain any magical ‘to hit’ bonuses.


Wizard – 6th

CT• special

R• 50 ft.

D• special

SV• special

SR• yes

C• V, M

The spell is often used to gain cooperation from powerful creatures. Prior to casting the spell, the wizard must obtain the true name of the being to be enchanted. The name is inscribed on an illuminated sheet of vellum, with gold-leaf border(1000gp) and inscribed with ink made from a slain demon and powdered rubies(5000gp). The caster must personally prepare the scroll in a process lasting 4d8 hours. The creature to be compelled must be present in some physical form and not possessing another body.

Once the conditions are met, the wizard begins reading from the vellum sheet. This first portion of the process lasts for 1 round with the creature’s discomfort increasing all the while. The reader becomes immune to attacks from the named creature. The named creature will immediately be rooted to the spot unless it succeeds in a Spell Resistance check. Even if successful, it will be 90% likely to retreat to another plane unless magically held. The next round of reading cause acute pain and the loss of 1HP per HD.

The third portion of the process lasts for 4 rounds and sheathes the creature in wracking pain, causing the loss of 50% of remaining HP. The final portion of the process lasts for 8 rounds, and by the end of the reading of the document the creature will be trapped in a confined space on its own plane where it will be horribly tortured for a number of years equal to the level of the caster.

The caster may pause between steps, but once a reading portion is started it must be finished, or the spell ends.

Components: Prepared vellum sheet and ink.

Spores of the Vrock•

Cleric – 2nd

CT• 5 R• personal D• instantaneous SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M, DF

The caster fills the air with a mass of spores within a 5 foot radius. The spores deal d8HP to all creatures that fail a Constitution save. The caster is immune to these spores. The spores then penetrate the skin and grow, dealing d2HP of damage every round and lasting for 10 rounds. By the end of this time, the creature is covered in a tangle of vine-like growths that act as a slow spell. Delay Poison will suppress the spore’s growth while the spell is in effect. Bless, Neutralize Poison, Remove Disease and holy water kill the spores.

Save: Constitution save negates effects.

Components: Feather of avian creature with Intelligence 3 or greater.

Spread of Savagery•

Cleric – 9th

CT• 1 minuteR• 450 ft. D• 1 hr/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M, DF

All living creatures within the 60 foot by 60 foot area become violently hostile to all creatures not under the spell’s influence. They are not suicidal and will not attack obviously powerful opponents. Affected creatures behave normally until an opportunity arises, then erupt in an orgy of unbridled violence.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Components: 3 drops of brain fluid from a rabid predator.


Druid – 3rd

CT• 5 R• 150 ft. D• 10 min/lvl

SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S, M

The spell illuminates an area 150 feet on a side as though a clear starry night sky was above. This allows clear vision to 30 feet distance and indistinct vision to 60 feet, though there are still shadows present. The spell enhances all forms of low light vision to their maximum.

Components: 3 dried Amaryllis stalks.


Wizard – 3rd

CT• 3 R• touch D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, F

The caster causes two normal daggers in his possession to grow to the size of long swords, which then attack creatures as directed. The blades are 14AC and have 5HP. They fly at 30 feet per round, deal d8 damage and score critical hits on a 19 or 20. When the spell ends, the daggers revert and fall to the floor.

Focus: 2 masterwork steel daggers.

Sticks to Snakes

Druid – 4th

CT• 5 R• 25 ft. D• 20 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell allows the caster to transform one stick per caster level into a snake. Enchanted wood is unaffected by the spell, but any sort of normal torch, arrow, staff, etc can be transformed. There is a 5% per caster level chance that the snakes are poisonous. The type of venom is proportional in strength to the caster level and deals Dexterity damage to the target.

Druid Level Snake Poison 7-9 d6 Dex.

10-12 d6+3 Dex.

13 and over 2d6 Dex.

When the spell ends, the items return to their wooden form. If a snake is killed, the item is broken. Save: Constitution save negates poison effects

Components: 1 piece of bark and 1 snake scale per snake created.

Stinking Cloud

Wizard – 3rd

CT• 5

R• 25 ft.

D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• negates

SR• no

C• V, S, M

The spell creates a 20 foot cube of nauseating gas. The gas blocks all forms of sight, both normal and magical. All caught within the cloud must save or be nauseated and helpless for d4+1rounds – unable to do anything but try to stagger out of the cloud in a random direction. It requires a strong wind (~21 mph) to disperse the cloud and takes 4 rounds to do so. A stronger wind will do so in 1 round.

Save: Constitution save negates effects

Components: 1 ounce of a foul smelling semi-solid item (rotting potato, diarrhea, etc.)

Stone Bones

Cleric, Wizard – 2nd

CT• 3

R• touch

D• 10 min/lvl

SV• negates

SR• no

C• V, S, F

The spell causes the skeleton of a corporeal undead to thicken and harden. This gives a +3AC bonus. Save: Wisdom save negates effects

Focus: 2-inch carved granite skull.

Stone Tell

Druid – 6th

CT• 10 min R• special D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none SR• n/a C• V, S

Spell allows caster to converse with lithic material of all types. The scope of the conversation possible will be severely limited and expressed in the most basic terms.

Stone Walk

Cleric – 6th

CT• special R• touch D• special

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell links two locations so creatures can teleport from one to the other. The locations are square stone areas measuring 5 feet on a side. Each place requires 1 hour of preparation. The stones are attuned to a command word during the casting time. The stones can function once per 4 caster levels and can teleport 50 pounds per caster level. A creature stands upon the stone and speaks the command word to be instantly teleported without error to the other stone. If a creature of excessive weight attempts to use the stones, the trip fails but still counts as one use.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects

Components: Paste of rubies(2000gp), amber (500gp), diamond (2500gp) and fine oils(500gp).


Druid – 6th

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• 1 day/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

The spell causes rocks or stone formations to sprout stone arms that grapple and hold any creature that enters the area. The caster can create one arm per 10 foot by 10 foot area, and can create one arm per caster level. Each arm has 20 strength and has an attack bonus of +1 per caster level. If an arm grapples a target it deals d6+5HP per round, continuing until the spell ends. They do not release a target once grappled. Each arm has 1HP per caster level and 18AC. The arms remain undetectable until they attack.


Wizard – 4th

CT• 5 R• touch D• special

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell grants immunity to any attack by cut, blow, projectile or the like for a single attack sequence from a single creature. The spell lasts until discharged.

Components: Powdered granite(5sp) and powdered diamond(400gp).

Stop Heart•

Cleric – 4th, Wizard – 5th

CT• 1 R• touch D• instantaneous

SV• negates SR• yes C• S, Drug

While under the influence of the drug, the caster channels dark energy to give the target a massive heart attack. This leaves the target at –9HP at the end of the round in which it occurred. They will die at the end of the following round unless stabilized.

Save: Constitution save negates effects.

Components: Under the influence of an amphetamine-like drug.

Storm of Vengeance

Druid – 9th

CT• 3

R• 450 ft.

D• special

SV• special

SR• yes

C• V, S, DF

The caster summons and directs a storm of thunder and lightning. The storm affects a cylinder with a base described by a 750 foot radius circle, 300 feet tall. The storm lasts as long as the caster maintains concentration, with a maximum duration of 10 rounds.

Time (seconds) Effect

1-10 Con. save or deafened for d4x10 sec. 11-20 Acid Rain 2d6HP, no save

31-40 Lighting – 6 bolts@10d6HP, Dex save half 41-50 Hail -5d6HP, no save

From the start of the 6th round until the end of the storm, violent wind gusts and driving rain obscures vision and reduces movement to 25%. Ranged attacks cannot be made and spells are disrupted unless the caster succeeds in an Intelligence check with CL equal to the druid’s level.

Save: Constitution save prevents deafness. Dexterity save for half damage.

Storm Tower

Druid – 7th

CT• 3 R• 450 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

The caster forms a 100 foot tall cylinder with a 40 foot diameter base full of dark, swirling clouds that negate many forms of magic. The Storm Tower absorbs all electrical damage targeting those within. Magic Missiles cannot be cast into, out of, or through the tower. The edge of the tower is composed of howling 90 mph winds. Ranged attacks are impossible none but the largest creatures can pass through. Everyone within the tower is concealed from the outside, and it is extremely difficult to hear any sounds across the wind barrier (CL 10).


Cleric – 8th

CT• 3 R• personal D• 10 sec/lvl SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, DF

The caster harnesses the powers of the wind and elements to gain offensive and defensive abilities. The caster gains the benefit of a Fly spell, and the winds act as a Wall of Wind. The caster is completely unaffected by any winds regardless of the source. Finally, the caster gains the ability to cast lightning bolts that deal a total number of d6 equal to the caster level. The bolts formed may be of any size, up to the maximum. They may be cast all at once, or over the course of the spell. Each bolt has a range of 100 feet and affects only one creature. Striking a creature requires a ranged touch attack roll, and if the target is largely metallic the caster gains a +3 bonus.


Wizard – 2nd

CT• 5

R• touch

D• 1 hour

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, S, M

The spell adds d4+1 points of strength to the character’s score. Only one such spell may affect a creature at any time.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Components: 3 hairs and a dung ball from an ox or other strong creature.


Cleric, Wizard – 1st

CT• 1 minuteR• touch D• 1 hr/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• S, M

The spell can only be cast upon a helpless creature. It places the subject in a clouded, confused state, leaving it unable to resist or take actions. The subject can be forced to walk, but remains unaware.

Save: Constitution save negates effects. Components: Puffball mushroom.


Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 3

R• 50 ft.

D• 1 hr/lvl

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V, M

The caster can influence the behavior of a creature by suggesting a course of activity. The creature must be able to understand the suggestion for it to have any effect. The instructions are limited to a sentence or two. The suggestion must be worded in such a way as to make the action sound reasonable. Attempts to suggest actions that would be obviously harmful to the individual or which are severely at odds with their morals and ethics will immediately negate the enchantment.

The spell lasts until the duration has expired or the suggested action has been completed, whichever happens first. The caster can structure the suggestion such that the action is undertaken when a specific set of conditions has been met, subject to the maximum duration of the spell.

Save: Charisma save negates effects. Components: Tuft of wool.

Summon Animals

Druid – 4th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, DF

The spell causes animals natural to the locale to appear where the caster designates. If communication is possible, the creatures can be ordered to attack, defend, etc. They will do so to the best to their ability, then vanish when the spell ends. The spell conjures one or more animals who have a total HD equal to the caster’s level. The caster can ask for a particular HD distribution as well as specific types of animals, but there is no guarantee that the request can be fulfilled.

Summon Beasts or Plants

Druid – 5th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, DF

The spell causes beasts or plants natural to the locale to appear where the caster designates. If communication is possible, the summoned beings can be ordered to attack, defend, etc. They will do so to the best to their ability, then vanish when the spell ends. The spell conjures one or more beasts or plants who have a total HD equal to the caster’s level. The caster can ask for a specific HD distribution as well as specific types of beasts or plants, but there is no guarantee that the request can be fulfilled.

Summon Elemental

Druid – 6th

CT• 10 min R• 150 ft. D• 10 min/lvl

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, DF

A portal is opened to an elemental plane and an elemental is brought through to serve the caster. The elemental obeys the mental commands of the caster. The elemental will never harm or attack the caster, even if the elemental falls under the control of another creature or object. The summoned elemental will have 12HD and at least 4HP per die. Note that a large quantity of an element is required to sustain the elemental’s presence. The caster can dismiss the elemental at any time.

Summon Elemental Swarm

Druid – 9th

CT• 10 min R• 150 ft. D• 10 min/lvl

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, DF

A portal is opened to an elemental plane and a group of elementals is brought through to serve the caster. The elementals obey the mental commands of the caster. The elementals will never harm or attack the caster, even if later the elementals fall under the control of another creature or object.

When the spell is complete 2d4 8HD elementals appear. 10 minutes later 1d4 12HD elementals appear. 10 minutes after that a single 16HD elemental will appear.

The summoned elementals will have at least 5HP per die. A large quantity of an element is required to sustain the elemental’s presence. The caster can dismiss the elementals singly or in groups at any time.

Summon Familiar

Wizard – 1st

CT• 1 day

R• n/a

D• n/a

SV• no

SR• yes

C• V, S, M

The spell calls a unique companion and connects it to the caster. A wizard may only have one familiar at a time. Familiars serve willingly and are not compelled to serve. If the familiar rejects the caster the caster may try again after a month and a day. The caster can reject a familiar but then cannot summon another for a year and a day. If a familiar is slain or the caster dismisses it before it’s natural demise, he loses one level and permanently loses HP equal to those of the familiar.

Slain or dismissed familiars may not be replaced for a year and a day, but slain familiars may be returned to life as though they were humanoid creatures. Returning a familiar to life returns the lost level and missing hit points to the caster.



Special Abilities



Night vision, move silently, hide, hearing



Enhanced vision, distance vision



Night vision, superior hearing



Enhanced vision, speaks common



Wide angle vision, poison skin, hide



Superior hearing/smell, move silently, hide

19 No response to spell

20 Magical Roll on sub-table

Sub-Table for Magical Familiars

d20 Magical Familiar Special Abilities

1-12 Magical Animal SR equal to HD 13-14 Quasit See notes

15-16 Imp See notes

17-19 Pixie See notes

20 Pseudodragon See notes

Mundane familiars have double normal HD, and add their HP to those of their master so long as they are within 1 mile of each other. Familiars save using the master’s bonuses unless the familiar has a better bonus. They are intelligent. Animals have d4+8 Intelligence and Magical familiars have d4+10 Intelligence. An empathic link exists between master and familiar that allows for telepathic communication and for the master to concentrate and share the familiar’s senses. One sense may be shared at a time, and the master must concentrate fully in order to do so.

This link allows the caster to cast a personal spell upon the familiar as long as the familiar is within one mile. The master can cast a personal spell and choose to have it affect the familiar as well. In either case the spell ends if the distance between master and familiar exceeds one mile.

Normal Familiar Statistics

Cat(N) HD4d2 AC14 ATn/a MV30

Threatens in combat, but no real attack Hawk(N) HD2d6 AC14 AT1 D1/d2 MV5(hop) 80(fly)

Talons for 1HP or Beak for d2HP Owl(N) HD2d6 AC14 AT1 D1/d2 MV5(hop)60(fly)

Talons for 1HP or Beak for d2HP

Raven(N) HD2d2 AC14 ATn/a Dn/a MV5(hop)60(fly) Flee from combat

Toad(N) HD2d4 AC16 ATn/a, MV10(hop)20(leap) Poison skin, camouflage

Weasel(N) HD2d4 AC13 ATn/a, MV30(run)20(climb) Flee from combat

Magical Animals are aligned versions of the above creatures. A magical animal will only serve a master of like alignment. They have Spell Resistance, which is shared with the master when they are within 150 feet of each other.

Magical Familiar Statistics: See the Monster Handbook Components: Incense, gems, oils(500gp).

Summon Greater Monster

Wizard – 7th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S

The spell summons monsters found locally to aid the caster. They appear where the caster designates within range and act on the caster’s initiative thereafter. If communication is possible, then instructions may be issued. Otherwise the monsters attack apparent enemies to the best of their ability. When the spell ends, any surviving monsters disappear.

The spell conjures monsters with total HD equal to the caster’s level, but no monster can have more than 9HD. The caster can ask for a particular HD distribution as well as specific types of monsters, but there is no guarantee that the request can be fulfilled.

Summon Lesser Monster

Wizard – 3rd

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S

The spell summons monsters found locally to aid the caster. They appear where the caster designates within range and act on the caster’s initiative thereafter. If communication is possible, then instructions may be issued. Otherwise the monsters attack apparent enemies to the best of their ability. When the spell ends, any surviving monsters disappear.

The spell conjures monsters with total HD equal to the caster’s level, but no monster can have more than 3HD. The caster can ask for a particular HD distribution as well as specific types of monsters, but there is no guarantee that the request can be fulfilled.

Summon Magical Beasts or Fey

Druid – 7th

CT• 3

R• 50 ft.

D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none

SR• no

C• V, S

The spell summons magical beasts or fey found locally to aid the caster. They appear where the caster designates within range and act on the caster’s initiative thereafter. If communication is possible, then instructions may be issued. Unlike other summon spells fey may be less likely to follow instructions.

Otherwise the monsters attack apparent enemies to the best of their ability. When the spell ends, any surviving monsters disappear. The spell conjures one or more beasts/fey with total HD equal to the caster’s level. The caster can ask for a particular HD distribution as well as specific types of beasts/fey, but there is no guarantee that the request can be fulfilled.

Summon Monster

Wizard – 5th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S

The spell summons monsters found locally to aid the caster. They appear where the caster designates within range and act on the caster’s initiative thereafter. If communication is possible, then instructions may be issued. Otherwise the monsters attack apparent enemies to the best of their ability. When the spell ends, any surviving monsters disappear.

The spell conjures monsters with total HD equal to the caster’s level, but no monster can have more than 6HD. The caster can ask for a particular HD distribution as well as specific types of monsters, but there is no guarantee that the request can be fulfilled.

Summon Planar Ally

Cleric – 8th

CT• 1 min R• 50 ft. D• special

SV• special SR• special C• V, S, DF

The spell allows the caster to petition their deity for direct aid, in the form of extraplanar or supernatural allies. The caster may request a particular being known to serve the deity, but there is no guarantee that the request will be acted upon. The creature (s)summoned will have a maximum of 16HD in total.

The caster may request that the creatures perform one task and the creatures may request the same of the cleric. The alignment and philosophical outlook of caster and creature will be most important in these negotiations. Once the task is completed, the creatures will report back (if possible).

If the cleric breaches the contract, the least course of action taken by the deity will be to strip the cleric of all powers. These may or may not be regained by the use of an Atonement, depending on the breach.

Summon Shadow

Illusionist – 5th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S

This spell opens a portal to the Plane of Shadows and allows 1 shadow to enter for each three caster levels. These shadows are under the mental control of the caster and will attack his enemies as directed until slain, turned, or the spell expires.

Summon Swarm

Druid – 2nd

CT• 3

R• 50 ft.

D• special

SV• n/a

SR• n/a

C• V, S, DF

The caster summons a 5 foot by 5 foot cloud of flying insects that swarm the creatures pointed at. All creatures caught in the swarm suffer d4+1HP per round within the cloud. If they actively fight the swarm to the exclusion of all other activities, the damage is reduced to 1 point per round.

The caster can direct the cloud to move at 30 feet per round. The swarm cannot be dispersed by weapon attacks, but area of effect spells and flames larger than torch sized will help disperse the swarm. The swarm will disband when it has suffered 2HP per caster level. Otherwise it will last as long as the druid maintains concentration, then another 20 seconds before disbanding.

Summon Undead I

Wizard – 1st

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, F

The spell allows the caster to summon one creature from the list, decided at the time of casting:

Skeleton: d12 – 2HP Zombie: 2d8 – 2HP

Focus: Tiny bag made from humanoid skin, unlit 1-inch stub of humanoid tallow candle, carved finger bone of humanoid origin.

Summon Undead II

Wizard – 2nd

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, F

The spell allows the caster to summon d3 creatures from the list, decided at the time of casting. Creatures appear no more than 20 feet from one another:

Skeleton: d12 – 2HP Zombie: 2d8 – 2HP

Or one creature may be chosen from:

Skeleton: d12HP Zombie: 2d8HP

Focus: Tiny bag made from humanoid skin, unlit 1-inch stub of humanoid tallow candle, carved finger bone of humanoid origin.

Summon Undead III

Wizard – 3rd

CT• 3

R• 50 ft.

D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none

SR• no

C• V, S, F

The spell allows the caster to summon d4+1 creatures from the list, decided at the time of casting. Creatures appear no more than 20 feet from one another:

Skeleton: d12 – 2HP Zombie: 2d8 – 2HP

Or d3 creatures from:

Skeleton: d12HP Zombie: 2d8HP

Or one creature may be chosen from:

Zombie: 2d8 + 6HP Ghoul: 2d8HP Skeleton: d12 + 8HP

Focus: Tiny bag made from humanoid skin, unlit 1-inch stub of humanoid tallow candle, carved finger bone of humanoid origin.

Summon Undead IV

Wizard – 4th

CT• 3

R• 50 ft.

D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none

SR• no

C• V, S, F

The spell allows the caster to summon d4+1 creatures from the list, decided at the time of casting. Creatures appear no more than 20 feet from one another:

Skeleton: d12HP Zombie: 2d8HP

Or d3 creatures from:

Zombie: 2d8 + 6HP Ghoul: 2d8HP Skeleton: d12 + 8HP

Or one creature may be chosen from:

Ghast: 4d8HP Allip: 2d8HP

Zombie: 2d8 + 10HP

Focus: Tiny bag made from humanoid skin, unlit 1-inch stub of humanoid tallow candle, carved finger bone of humanoid origin.

Summon Undead V

Wizard – 5th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, F

The spell allows the caster to summon d4+1 creatures from the list, decided at the time of casting. Creatures appear no more than 20 feet from one another:

Zombie: 2d8 + 6HP Ghoul: 2d8HP Skeleton: d12 + 8HP

Or d3 creatures from:

Ghast: 4d8HP Allip: 2d8HP

Zombie: 2d8 + 10HP

Or one creature may be chosen from:

Mummy: 7d12HP Wight: 4d12HP

Vampire Spawn: 4d12HP

Focus: Tiny bag made from humanoid skin, unlit 1-inch stub of humanoid tallow candle, carved finger bone of humanoid origin.


Druid, Illusionist – 8th

CT• 1 R• 50 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• special SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell creates a brilliant burst of light that emanates from a specified point. The light burst makes a sphere with a 20-foot diameter. Creatures within the area that fail a save are blinded for d4+2 rounds and suffer 3d6HP of damage. Those that save are not blinded and take half damage. Creatures sensitive to

sunlight suffer double damage, undead suffer an additional d6HP per caster level, and creatures to whom sunlight is deadly are immediately destroyed.

Save: Dexterity save avoids blindness and allows half damage. Components: 7 dried sunflower seeds, small bit of sunstone (10sp). Suppress Glyph

Cleric – 6th

CT• 3 R• 100 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

By means of the spell, the caster creates a shimmering sphere with a diameter of 100 feet, centered on the caster. The caster gains an enhanced sense of all magical writings within the area: Glyphs, Explosive Runes, Symbols and the like are illuminated with a flickering blue light. This both reveals the magical writing (but not what type) and prevents it from being triggered. These effects last only until the spell ends, then the inscriptions behave normally.

Suspend Disease

Cleric, Wizard – 1st

CT• 5 R• touch D• 24 hours

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell prevents a disease that is infecting a creature from progressing for a period of 24 hours. It does not remove or cure the disease or allow another saving throw, it merely keeps the disease ‘on hold’.

Save: Constitution save negates effects. Components: A drop of bile.


Cleric, Wizard – 8th, Illusionist – 9th

CT• 10 minutesR• touch D• special

SV• special SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell allows the caster to scribe a variety of runes upon a surface. The symbols are inert until the triggering conditions are met. Conditions include looking at the symbol, passing over or beneath the symbol or touching the symbol. Each symbol can be prepared with a command word that will render it inert for a period of one minute. Typical symbols include the following:

Death: One or more creatures whose combined HP do not exceed 100 must succeed in a Constitution save or die. This symbol affects closest creatures first. Once triggered it continues to function until 100HP worth of creatures have been slain.

Discord: All creatures with Intelligence 3 or greater must succeed in an Intelligence save or begin loudly bickering and arguing. Meaningful communication is impossible. If the affected creatures differ in alignment, it is 50% likely that they will begin to fight. Bickering lasts 5d4 rounds. Fighting begins d4 rounds into bickering and lasts 2d4 rounds. Once triggered it functions for 10 minutes per caster level.

Fear: Living creatures must make a Charisma save with a –4 penalty. Those that fail suffer a –2 to all Charisma saves for 10 minutes per caster level, and they flee from the area in panic. A panicked creature

is 50% likely to drop any held items, flees randomly, avoids other dangers and cowers if cornered. Once triggered it functions for 10 minutes per caster level.

Hopelessness: Living creatures must make a Charisma save with a –4 penalty. If it fails, the creature becomes overwhelmed with hopelessness for 3d4x10 minutes and will acquiesce to simple demands made by foes - surrender, flee, etc – without a struggle. If no foes are present, it’s 25% likely that the only thing it can do is to hold its ground. If free to act, it is 25% likely to retreat from the symbol at normal speed. The creature can defend if attacked. Once triggered it functionsn for 10 minutes per caster level.

Insanity: One or more creatures with no more than 150 total HP must make an Intelligence save or become insane. Insane creatures behave randomly.

d4 Effect

  1. Wander away for 1 min.

  2. Do nothing but defend for 10 sec.

  3. Attack closest creature for 10 sec.

  4. Act normally for 10 sec.

After the appropriate time, roll again to determine subsequent actions. These effects last until a Restoration, Heal, Limited Wish, or Wish is cast upon the creature. Once triggered the symbol continues to function until 150HP worth of creatures have been affected. This symbol may be inscribed upon a surface or traced in the air.

Pain: Living creatures must make a Constitution save with a –4 penalty. If they fail, they are gripped by wracking pains that temporarily lower Dexterity scores by 2 and impose a –4 penalty on attacks, dexterity and ability checks. The pain lasts 2d10x10 minutes. Once triggered the symbol functions for 10 minutes per caster level.

Persuasion: Living creatures must make a Charisma save with a –4 penalty. Creatures that fail temporarily have their alignment shifted to match that of the caster for d20x10 minutes. They will become friendly to the caster and will try to comply with any suggestion made. The creature must be able to understand the suggestion for it to have any effect. Attempts to suggest actions that would be obviously harmful to the individual or which are severely at odds with their morals and ethics will negate the enchantment.

Sleep: Living creatures with 8 or fewer HD must make an Intelligence save or fall into a catatonic slumber. They cannot be awakened normally for 3d6 x10 minutes. Once triggered it functions for 10 minutes per caster level.

Stunning: One or more creatures with no more than 200 total HP must succeed in a Constitution save or be stunned for 3d4 rounds. Stunned creatures drop held items, lose dexterity bonuses to AC and are unable to effectively act, though they can react. Attackers gain a +2 bonus to hit stunned creatures. This symbol affects closest creatures first. Once triggered it functions until 200HP worth of creatures have been stunned.

Components: Diamond tipped gold and platinum pen(2000gp) and 1 ounce of ink made from kraken sepia and powdered rubies(3000gp).


Wizard, Illusionist – 7th

CT• 3 R• personal D• special

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

The spell allows the conversion of the next spell cast into healing energy. The spell to be converted must be cast on the caster’s next initiative or the Synostodweomer is wasted. The converted spell energy allows the caster to heal d6HP per converted spell level by touch.



Wizard – 5th

CT• 3 R• 100 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• special SR• yes C• V, S

The caster can move up to 25 pounds per caster level by thought. The object moves at 20 feet per round. The spell lasts up to 1 round per caster level, but will end if the caster loses concentration or if the distance exceeds 100 feet.

A creature can resist the effect by a Charisma save made at –4, and upon a successful Strength check can resist having an object taken from them. Alternatively, the caster can release all the spell energy as a single wave of force – hurling a creature or object. To hit a target with the hurled object requires a ranged attack roll with the caster’s Intelligence bonus added to the result. Hurled weapons deal double damage and hurled objects deal d6HP per 25 pounds of weight. Hurled creatures suffer damage as if having fallen 30 feet. The weight of a hurled creature cannot exceed the spell’s limit.

Telepathic Bond

Wizard – 5th, Illusionist –7th

CT• 3 R• special D• 1 hour

SV• none SR• no C• V, S

The caster forms a telepathic bond between creatures with intelligence greater than 6. One creature per three caster levels can be linked, and all must be within 30 feet of each other when the spell is cast. The bond links all creatures to each other regardless of language and allows communication at any range, but not across planes.


Wizard – 5th

CT• 1 R• touch D• instantaneous

SV• none SR• yes C• V

This spell affects touched objects or willing creatures with a weight of no more than 50 pounds per caster level. The selected items/creatures are instantaneously transported to another location on the same plane. The caster must have a clear idea of the final destination. The teleportation takes place by shifting into and out of the Astral plane, so any effects blocking astral travel will prevent teleportation. Success is determined by a roll on the following table:


On Target

Off Target

Similar Area


Very Familiar





Studied Carefully





Seen Casually





Viewed Once










False Destination





For‘False Destination’ entry roll d20 and add 80.

Off Target: Arrive safely at random location that is d10 x d10% of the distance traveled removed from the desired location.

Similar Area: The caster ends up in a location that is thematically or geographically similar to the desired location.

Mishap: Roll d6 and consult the following table:

1-3: Characters are scrambled, suffering d10 damage and re-roll. Repeat the process. 4-5: Characters appear 6d10 feet above the target and suffer appropriate effects.

6: Characters appear 10d6 feet below the intended destination. If this is solid ground, immediate death.

Teleport Without Error

Wizard – 7th

CT• 1 R• touch D• instantaneous

SV• none SR• yes C• V

This spell affects objects or creatures with a weight of no more than 50 pounds per caster level. The items/creatures transported to another location on the same plane. The teleportation takes place by shifting into and out of the Astral plane, so any effects blocking astral travel will prevent teleportation. There is no chance of a teleportation mishap, but in the case of insufficient information, the spell fails.

Teleportation Circle

Wizard – 8th

CT• 10 R• touch D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, M

The spell creates a circle that teleports any creature that steps within to a set destination chosen at the time of casting. The spell will fail if the chosen locale is unfamiliar to the caster, is inside a solid object, or has no clear description. The teleportation takes place by shifting into and out of the Astral plane, so any effects blocking astral travel will prevent teleportation.

Components: A bobbin of golden thread(100gp).

Temporal Stasis

Wizard – 9th

CT• 5 R• 15 ft. D• permanent

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, M

The caster places the target into a state of suspended animation. It does not experience the passage of time and cannot be harmed by physical or magical effects. Diseases, poisons and mortal wounds are ‘frozen’. The spell remains in effect until a Dispel Magic is successful or the caster speaks a single command word that ends the spell.

Components: Flawless diamond (5000gp).

Tempus Fugit

Illusionist – 5th

CT• 3

R• personal

D• 1 hr/lvl

SV• none

SR• no

C• V, S

The spell affects the minds and bodies of all within a 10 foot radius of the illusionist. Every 10 minutes spent in the area of effect seems like an hour and all processes are affected proportionately. This area of effect is immobile and does affect the caster. At the time of casting, the caster can choose to have time within the area of effect to increase, such that an hour seems like 10 minutes. In this case the effects always last 10 minutes after the caster desires to end the spell due to the time differences.

Tenser’s Transformation

Wizard – 6th

CT• 5 R• personal D• 10 sec/lvl SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell transforms the caster into a berserk fighter. Hit points double and all damage is taken from the phantom HP first. If the phantom HP are exhausted, the caster then suffers double damage from all attacks. The caster gains a +4AC bonus and an attack bonus equal to his level. They can attack twice per round with dagger or staff, and each successful attack does double damage. The caster is berserk and will attack everything that is within range until the spell ends.

Components: Potion of Heroism.

Thousand Needles•

Cleric – 6th

CT• 5 R• 150 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

SV• partial SR• no C• V, S, M

A thousand needles surround the subject and pierce flesh, worming through armor and magical protections. The subject suffers 2d6HP and a –4 penalty on all rolls for the spell’s duration. A successful save reduces the damage by half and negates the roll penalty.

Save: Constitution save reduces effects. Components: 66 bloody silver needles (33sp).

Time Stop

Wizard – 9th

CT• 1 R• special D• d4+1 x 10 sec

SV• none SR• special C• V

The spell stops time for everyone but the caster. The caster can manipulate objects, attack, casts spells, etc. All other creatures and objects are ‘frozen’ in place and are unable to act. Creatures with SR can resist the effects and the caster cannot enter areas protected by Anti Magic fields and Protection circles while the spell is in effect. Spells cast on other creatures, or damage inflicted upon others during the spell do not take effect until the spell ends. Spells and effects that target the caster take effect immediately and run their course normally.

Tiny Hut

Wizard – 3rd

CT• 5 R• n/a D• 1 hr/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

The caster creates an immobile sphere of force centered upon the caster. It can be of any color. It is opaque from the outside and transparent from within. Up to 9 other medium sized creatures can fit inside the sphere and each can enter and leave freely. Missile weapons and physical attacks are also able to pass through the walls of the ‘hut’. If the caster leaves, the spell ends immediately.

If the outside temperature is between 0 -100 F, the interior of the ‘hut’ is 70. Exterior temperatures that fall outside this range affect the interior temperature on a 1 to 1 basis. The occupants are protected from any elemental effects but the hut will vanish in the presence of hurricane-force (>75mph) winds.

Components: 2-inch opaque glass ball of color to match the ‘hut’ color.

Tongue Serpents•

Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 5 R• personal D• special

SV• n/a SR• no C• V, S, M

The caster’s tongue turns into snakes that may be spit up to 30 feet. The snakes make a melee attack as though they were the caster and deal d3 damage. One snake per 4 caster levels may be spit. The spell lasts 1 hour per caster level or until discharged.

Components: Serpent’s tongue.

Tongue Tendrils•

Wizard – 1st

CT• 3 R• personal D• special SV• none SR• no C• V, S

The caster’s tongue becomes several powerful tendrils that can be spit up to 30 feet. A tendril wraps around a target and binds it to a nearby object if possible. The tendril attacks as though it were the caster,

deals no damage but grapples as a creature with a 20 strength. Each tendril is AC14, has 10HP. One tendril per four caster levels may be created. The spell lasts 1 hour per caster level or until discharged.

Tongues / Cipher

Cleric – 4th, Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 1 R• touch D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S

The spell allows the recipient to speak and understand the communication of any creature with a spoken language within a 30 foot diameter sphere that moves with the affected creature. The recipient may speak only one language, though it may understand many. The reverse: Cipher – prevents spoken communication between all creatures in the area of effect.

Touch of Ooze•

Cleric, Wizard, Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 3 R• touch D• instantaneous

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, Strength

The spell transforms the subject into Green Slime over the course of 4 rounds if it fails to save. If Remove Curse, Polymorph Other, Heal, Greater Restoration, Limited Wish, Miracle, or Wish is cast during this time, the transformation is averted, but 3d6HP are suffered in any event.

Save: Constitution save negates effects. Components: d6 Strength damage.

Translocation Trick

Illusionist – 6th

CT• 1 R• 150 ft. D• 10 min/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V

Unless the target succeeds in a save, the caster and the target instantaneously switch places and trade appearances. This functions as if simultaneous Dimension Door and Alter Self spells had been cast on both creatures. This will only function if the caster and target are similar to begin with. True Seeing and similar divination spells will reveal the deception. When the spell ends, both creatures assume their natural appearance in their current locations.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Transmute Flesh and Stone

Wizard – 6th

CT• 5 R• 150 ft. D• permanent

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell instantly transforms a creature and all that it carries into stone. Alternatively, a creature sized mass of stone can be converted into an equal amount of flesh. Any damage suffered by a creature while stone will not be healed unless pieces are joined together prior to the casting of the spell.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects. Components: 1 ounce of blood, 1 ounce of stone.

Transmute Metal to Wood

Druid – 7th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• permanent

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, DF

The spell turns a metal object into wood. Magical metal items have SR16 + their bonus to resist transmutation. Transmuted weapons suffer a –2 to hit and damage and splinter on an attack roll of 5 or lower. Transmuted armor loses 2AC points and an additional AC point each time it is struck with an attack roll 15 or greater. Only a Wish or similar magic can restore the affected object.

Transmute Rock and Mud

Druid, Wizard – 5th

CT• 5 R• 150 ft. D• permanent

SV• special SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell affects two 20-foot cubes per caster level. It can transmute quicksand or mud into soft stone. Creatures within the affected area gain a Dexterity check to avoid being trapped. Alternatively, it turns a volume of natural stone into mud. The mud created cannot exceed 10 feet of depth. If the spell is cast upon the ceiling of a tunnel, the mud falls to the ground and forms a pool 5 feet deep. The falling mud deals 8d6HP to those caught beneath the falling debris, half that amount if a Dexterity save succeeds.

Save: Dexterity save reduces cave-in damage.

Components: Golf ball sized piece of clay, golf-ball sized stone.

Transport Via Plants

Druid – 6th

CT• 3

R• n/a

D• 10 sec

SV• no

SR• yes

C• V, S

By entering a human sized plant the caster can move to another of the same type of plant in any location desired, regardless of distance separating the two plants. The destination plant must be alive, or the spell fails and the caster is ejected from the entry plant. If the caster does not have a specific destination plant in mind, he need only designate direction and distance and the magic of the spell will allow him to move as close as possible to the desired location. All travel must be on the same plane of existence.

Trap the Soul

Cleric – 9th, Wizard, Illusionist – 8th

CT• special R• special D• permanent

SV• special SR• special C• V, S, M

The spell forces a creature’s material body and life essence to enter into an extra-dimensional space created within a gem. The flawless gem must have a value of at least 1000gp per HD of the creature to be trapped. The gem stores the creature until it is shattered – which allows the material body to reform.

Certain powerful extra-planar beings may be bargained with to provide a service upon release. The spell is started with the engraving of the gem and completed in one of the following fashions:

Completion: Speaking the final word of the spell triggers the effect. The caster must be within 10 feet of the subject, which gains the benefit of SR and an Intelligence save to avoid the effect. If the caster speaks the creature’s true name in this process then the SR is ignored and the creature suffers a –2 to the save. If the save is successful, the gems shatters and the spell is ended.

Triggered: The second method is to have the subject accept the gem engraved with the creature’s true name and a trigger word. When the subject touches the gem the spell is completed and the life force is transferred to the gem immediately without the benefit of a save or SR.

Save: Intelligence save negates effect. Components: Flawless gem (1000gp/HD) Treasure Hoard

Illusionist – 4th

CT• 3 R• 450 ft. D• 20 sec/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

A vast treasure is created and appears within the spell range. Those that fail their save will grab as much as they can carry and run away from the area as quickly as possible until the spell ends.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.

True Resurrection

Cleric – 9th

CT• 3 hrs R• touch D• instantaneous

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, M, DF

The spell restores life to a deceased creature. It is potent enough to restore a creature that has been completely destroyed so long as the creature’s true name, place of birth and manner of death are accurately described. The named creature is immediately restored to full health, having all forms of disease, poison, damage and trauma erased. The affected creature has a full complement of spells (if applicable) and does not suffer from any exhaustion. The spell does not restore creatures that have died of old age.

Components: Oils(1000gp), incense(1000gp), crushed gems and powdered platinum(3000gp),

True Seeing

Cleric, Illusionist – 5th

CT• 5 R• touch D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, M

The affected creature gains the power to see things as they actually are, piercing all illusions, seemings, invisibility and so on including astral, ethereal and out of phase creatures. It does not reveal things hidden by mundane means. The range of clear sight is 120 feet. The clerical version of the spell also reveals the alignment of viewed object and creatures.

Components: Paste made from mercury, owl fat and eagle eyes applied to the eyes(250gp).


Undead Torch•

Wizard – 3rd

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The spell causes an undead under the caster’s control to ‘burn’ with blue energy that disrupts living creatures. The affected undead deals an additional 2d4HP with a successful melee attack. If the undead is destroyed, it continues to burn until the spell expires, dealing 2d4HP to all that contact it.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects. Components: A dead glowworm.

Undeath to Death

Cleric, Wizard – 6th

CT• 5 R• 150 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M/DF

The spell snuffs out the negative energy that animates undead. The spell slays d4HD worth of undead per caster level. The creatures with the fewest HD are affected first, and those closest to the center of the 50- foot radius burst are affected first.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Components: Wizard: crushed diamond (500gp).

Undeath’s Eternal Foe

Cleric – 9th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, DF

The spell affects 1 creature per 4 caster levels. Each gains Negative Plane Protection and a +4AC bonus against undead for the spell duration. Additionally, no special attacks made can affect the ability scores or health of the subject creatures. Subjects can also make attacks against incorporeal or ethereal undead as though they were corporeal beings.

Undetectable Aura

Illusionist – 1st

CT• 3 R• touch D• special

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S

This spell masks an item’s magical emanations. If an item is subsequently Identified, the masking aura is revealed and the actual abilities become apparent. The spell can affect 5 pounds of weight per caster level.

Unliving Weapon•

Cleric – 3rd

CT• 5 R• touch D• 1 hr/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell targets an undead creature. When it suffers damage, or when a set time is reached, or when the spell’s duration is reached, the creature explodes and deals d6HP per caster level (max 10d6) to living creatures within 10 feet

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Components: Drop of bile and a pea-sized ball of sulfur.

Unnerving Gaze•

Illusionist – 1st

CT• 1 R• personal D• 10 sec/lvl SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The caster’s face resembles a single opponent’s bitter enemy or a dead loved one. This upsets the creature and it suffers a –1 on morale checks.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.

Unseen Servant

Wizard – 1st

CT• 5 R• 50 ft. D• 1 hr/lvl

SV• n/a SR• n/a C• V, S, M

An invisible, mindless, shapeless force performs tasks at the caster’s request. It can fetch, mend, clean, hold chairs and perform general tasks associated with a butler. It has an effective strength of 2, can move at 20 feet per round and exert 20 pounds of force. It cannot attack in any way and is dispelled if it suffers more than 6HP from area of effect spells, or if the distance between caster and servant exceeds 50 feet.

Components: A 5gp gem of any sort.



Illusionist – 6th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 1 hr/lvl

SV• special SR• special C• V, S

The caster changes the appearance of one creature per 2 caster levels. No two creatures can be more than 30 feet apart. The recipients look, smell and feel like the appearance they project. If the caster seeks to duplicate a specific person or creature the caster must succeed in an intelligence save at –6. Affected creatures can resist the spell effects if they save. Those who interact with Veiled creatures can attempt to disbelieve if there is a valid reason for suspicion.

Save: Wisdom save negates effects.


Illusionist – 1st

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• special

SV• negates SR• no C• V, S

The caster can make his vocalizations appear to emanate from any object or location within range. Listeners that make an Intelligence save recognize the sound as illusory. The spell lasts 3 rounds + 1 round per caster level.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.

Vile Lance•

Cleric, Wizard – 3rd

CT• 5 R• personal D• 10 min/lvl SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell creates a short spear of black energy with a +2 bonus that only the caster can wield. If the spear is thrown, the spell ends when the attack resolves. Damage dealt with the spear can only be healed in a Consecrated of Hallowed area, or with a Heal spell.

Components: A 2-inch bone fragment from a good aligned creature.


Illusionist – 7th

CT• 1 min R• n/a D• special

SV• special SR• no C• V, S

The caster can gain information about a person, place or thing. The caster poses the question to be answered, then goes to sleep. If the person or object is at hand or if the caster is sleeping in the location a vision is received with a successful Intelligence check.

If only detailed knowledge is available, the Intelligence check has a –5 penalty. The information gained will be incomplete. This may provide partial information that results in a better vision next time.

If only rumors are available, the Intelligence check is made at –10 and vague bits of information will result. A successful vision reveals legends and information to the caster’s mind. These are snippets of information, long-forgotten memories, snatches of song and partial rhymes. In general characters of

~10th level are considered legendary.


Wizard – 2nd

CT• 3

R• touch

D• 1 minute

SV• none

SR• no

C• S, M

This allows other spells within the duration of the Vocalize to be cast without any verbal component. Components: Bell without a clapper.


Wall of Chains•

Wizard – 3rd

CT• 5 R• 150 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell creates a flat, vertical wall of woven, spiked chains with a surface area of up to 5 feet by 5 feet per caster level. The wall will attach itself to nearby objects so the spell can be used to seal an area. The wall is 1 inch thick per 4 caster levels, but the caster can choose to double the thickness by halving the surface area. Each 5 foot by 5 foot increment has 20HP per inch of thickness. The wall can be breached without destroying the rest of it. The wall has an effective strength of 20 + 2 per inch of thickness. If creatures use a Strength check to breach the wall they suffer d6HP from the spikes and barbs on the chains.

Components: A single link from an iron chain.

Wall of Deadly Chains•

Wizard – 4th

CT• 5 R• 150 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

SV• partial SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell creates a flat, vertical wall of woven, spiked chains. There are 5-foot lengths of spiked chain that dangle from the front of the wall. The caster can create a surface area of up to 5 feet by 5 feet per caster level. The wall will attach itself to nearby objects so the spell can be used to seal an area. The wall is 1 inch thick per 4 caster levels, but the caster can choose to double the thickness by halving the surface area.

Each 5 foot by 5 foot increment has 20HP per inch of thickness. The wall can be breached without destroying the rest of it. The wall has an effective strength of 20 + 2 per inch of thickness.

The loose chains flail wildly at all creatures that come within 5 feet of the front of the wall, dealing 3d6HP. If creatures use a Strength check to breach the wall they suffer 2d6HP from the spikes and barbs on the chains in addition to the chain attacks.

Components: A single link from an iron chain.

Wall of Eyes•

Wizard – 7th

CT• 5 R• 150 ft. D• special

SV• negates SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell creates a flat, vertical wall of living, glistening eyes of all sizes and types. The caster can create a surface area of up to 5 feet by 5 feet per caster level. The wall will attach itself to nearby objects so the spell can be used to seal an area. The wall is 1 inch thick per 4 caster levels, but the caster can choose to double the thickness by halving the surface area. Each 5 foot by 5 foot increment has 10HP per inch of thickness. The wall can be breached without destroying the rest of it. The wall has an effective strength of 15 + 2 per inch of thickness.

Any creature that touches the wall must succeed in a Wisdom save or be held motionless as if a Hold spell had been cast. The wall will consume the held creatures at the end of 10 rounds, disintegrating everything but the eyes – which are added to the wall. At any time and at any distance, the caster may look through the eyes and obtain information as though he were looking in all directions from the wall’s location. The wall persists for as long as the caster concentrates and an additional minute per caster level afterwards.

Components: A single humanoid eyeball.

Wall of Fire

Druid – 5th, Wizard – 4th

CT• 5 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• special SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell has two forms; an immobile fiery wall or a ring of fire that surrounds and moves with the caster. In either case the wall is 20 feet tall and 1 foot thick. The wall measures 10 feet in length for each caster level and the ring has a diameter of up to 5 feet per caster level.

The ‘hot’ side of the wall deals 2d4HP per round to all within 10 feet and d4HP per round to those between 10 and 20 feet from the wall. The walls deal 2d6HP + 1HP per caster level to any creature passing through the wall. Undead suffer double damage.

If the wall forms where creatures are present, each may make a Dexterity save to end up on the ‘cold’ side of the wall. The wall will persist for as long as concentration is maintained, and 10 seconds per caster level afterwards. For every 20 points of cold damage dealt to a 5 foot wide section, that section vanishes and is not replaced.

Save: Dexterity save to avoid ‘hot’ side. Components: 2-inch wood piece from burnt tree. Wall of Force

Wizard – 5th

CT• 5 R• 50 ft. D• 20 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell creates an invisible, immobile sheet, sphere or hemisphere of force that is immune to physical effects. The wall can only be brought down by a Disintegrate spell, Rod of Cancellation, Sphere of Annihilation or a Disjunction spell. Magical energy cannot pass through the barrier though it can be circumvented by Teleportation spells and the like. Gaze attacks can function across the barrier. The wall can be a flat vertical plane – 10 feet long per caster level, 20 feet tall and 1 inch thick, a sphere: 1 foot diameter per caster level, or a hemisphere: 2 foot diameter per caster level.

Components: 20 small silver mirrors(10sp each) and a gem(100gp).

Wall of Good/Evil/Law/Chaos

Cleric – 4th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 20 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, DF

The spell creates an invisible, immobile sheet (10 square feet per level) or a sphere or hemisphere (radius 5 feet per 2 caster levels) that protects against one aspect that is chosen at the time of spell casting. Only one spell of this type can be in effect at any time. The barrier grants +2 bonus to AC and saving throws against creatures with the chosen aspect. The spell prevents bodily contact by summoned or conjured creatures of any alignment. Melee attacks made by these creatures fail and they are bodily repelled.

Wall of Ice

Wizard – 4th

CT• 1

R• 150 ft.

D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• special

SR• no

C• V, S, M

The spell creates an anchored sheet or hemisphere of ice. The wall cannot be created in an area occupied by creatures or objects. The surface created must be smooth and unbroken. If sudden intense heat is applied, the wall melts into a steaming fog cloud that persists for 10 minutes in the absence of winds.

The sheet created may be vertical, horizontal or at an angle. The sheet must be anchored at two points for a wall at an angle, vertical walls anchor to the floor. The sheet may be 10 feet long, 1 inch thick and 10 feet tall per caster level, or 5 feet long, 1 inch thick and 20 feet tall per caster level. A horizontal wall created in air acts as a Sleet Storm spell, lasting only 5 rounds. The wall has 3HP per inch of thickness. Once breached cold-dwelling creatures pass through without effect, others take d6 + 1HP per caster level and fire-based creatures suffer double damage.

The hemisphere created has a maximum diameter of 2 feet per caster level. Creatures within the hemisphere when it forms can make a Dexterity save to escape imprisonment. The hemisphere can be breached in the same manner as the wall, but creatures passing through an opening suffer no damage.

Save: Dexterity save to escape imprisonment. Components: 3 drops of water from melted ice. Wall of Iron

Wizard – 5th

CT• 1

R• 50 ft.

D• 20 sec/lvl

SV• none

SR• no

C• V, S, M

An anchored, flat vertical wall of iron attaches itself to surrounding objects, if possible so the spell can be used to seal an area. The wall is 1 inch thick per 4 caster levels, and covers an area of 5 feet by 5 feet per caster level. Each 5 foot square section has 30HP per inch of thickness, and the first 10 points of any attack are ignored.

If the edges of the wall are unanchored, the wall is 50% likely to tip over (check every round). Creatures struck by the falling wall suffer10d6HP and can make a Dexterity save to escape damage.

Components: A 1-inch piece of iron taken from the wall of a fortress.

Wall of Ooze•

Cleric, Wizard – 5th

CT• 1 R• 150 ft. D• special

SV• partial SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell creates a flat, vertical wall of festering organic ooze. The caster can create a surface area of 5 feet by 5 feet per caster level. The wall will attach itself to nearby objects so the spell can be used to seal an area. The wall is 1 inch thick per 4 caster levels, but the caster can choose to double the thickness by halving the surface area. Each 5 foot by 5 foot increment has 50HP per inch of thickness. The wall can be breached without destroying the rest of it. The wall has strength of 15 + 2 per inch of thickness.

Any creature that touches the wall suffers 2d6HP per round from acid damage. The creature must succeed in a Constitution save or be paralyzed by the ooze. The wall will consume the held creatures at the end of 6 rounds, disintegrating everything and adding the creature’s HP total to that of the wall. The wall persists for as long as the caster concentrates and an additional 1 minute per caster level afterwards.

Save: Constitution save to avoid paralyzation. Components: A fluid ounce of ochre jelly/gray ooze. Wall of Stone

Druid – 6th, Wizard – 5th

CT• 1

R• 150 ft.

D• permanent

SV• none

SR• no

C• V, S, M

The spell creates a flat wall of stone. The caster can create a surface area of 5 feet by 5 feet per caster level. The wall will attach itself to nearby objects so the spell can be used to seal an area. The wall is 1 inch thick per 4 caster levels, but the caster can choose to double the thickness by halving the surface area.

Each 5 foot by 5 foot increment has 15HP per inch of thickness but the first 8 points of any attack are ignored due to its hardness. The wall can be breached without destroying the rest of it. The wall has an effective strength of 20 + 2 per inch of thickness. The wall can be made into a bridge, though it must be arched and buttressed which reduces the length of the wall by half.

Components: A golf-ball sized piece of stone taken from the wall of a fortress.

Wall of Thorns

Druid – 5th

CT• 5

R• 150 ft.

D• 10 min/lvl

SV• none

SR• no

C• V, S, M

The spell creates a barrier of tough, pliable and tangled brush with needle-sharp thorns about 5 inches long. Creatures forced into, or attempting to pass through the wall, takes 25HP per round of movement. This damage is reduced by 1HP per AC point above 15 that is granted by armor. Dexterity does not affect this damage reduction. Creatures can force their way through the barrier upon a successful Strength check (CL10) at a rate equal to Strength divided by 3 (round down). The barrier can trap creatures when it is cast. The barrier can be chopped through at a rate of 1 foot per 10 minutes of work. Normal fire cannot harm it, but magical fire will burn it away in 10 minutes.

Components: A thorn from a berry bush.

Wall of Wind

Druid – 3rd

CT• 1 R• 150 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl SV• none SR• no C• V, S

A 10 foot wide by 20 foot tall vertical curtain of wind appears. It is anchored to the ground, but can assume any shape along the ground. It is 2 feet thick and of considerable strength. The roaring wind will blow away any avian creature smaller than eagle sized, tears away loose papers and similar materials that are held. Arrows and bolts that pass through the wall are deflected upwards and miss, heavier missile weapons suffer a –6 to hit and a –2 on damage. Massive weapons such as catapult stones and giant hurled boulders are unaffected. Gases, gaseous breath weapons and gaseous creatures cannot pass through the wall. Non-corporeal creatures are unaffected.

Ward’s Extended Invisibility

Illusionist – 5th

CT• 1

R• touch

D• 1 day/lvl

SV• negates

SR• yes

C• V

The spell can only affect immobile, nonliving objects that are no larger than a cube measuring 10 feet on a side. The object is rendered invisible. If the object is moved, the spell is negated.

Ward’s Illusionary Portal

Illusionist – 4th

CT• 3

R• special

D• 1 min

SV• none

SR• no

C• V, S

The spell opens a head-sized dimensional opening that appears in the bedroom of the caster’s last place of residence. Up to seven unique items can be placed through the portal and into the bedroom. Nothing can be retrieved by this spell.

Ward’s Temporary Invisibility

Illusionist – 2nd

CT• 1 R• touch D• 1 min/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V

The spell can only affect immobile, nonliving objects that are no larger than a cube measuring 5 feet on a side. The object is rendered invisible. If the object is moved, the spell is negated.

Ward’s Temporary Strength

Illusionist – 1st

CT• 1 R• touch D• 1 min/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The spell enhances a single creature’s Strength by 1 point. The spell can be cast multiple times. This does not affect the creature’s size.

Warp Wood / Straighten Wood

Druid – 2nd

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• permanent

SV• no SR• no C• V, S, DF

The caster causes wood to warp and bend, permanently destroying its form and strength, One cubic foot of material is affected by the spell. Magically enchanted wooden items are immune to this effect. The reverse: Straighten Wood – returns warped objects to their original shape and strength.

Water Breathing

Druid, Wizard – 3rd

CT• 5 R• touch D• 2 hrs/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

The spell bestows the ability to breath water and liquids composed mostly of water. Any number of creatures may be so affected, but the duration is divided among all recipients.

Save: Constitution save negates effects. Components: A 3-inch section of hollow reed. Wave of Grief•

Cleric, Illusionist – 2nd

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• S, M

A cone of grief with a 15 foot diameter terminus extends from the caster’s hand. All living creatures within the cone suffer a –3 penalty to all rolls unless a save is made from the crushing grief.

Save: Constitution save negates effects. Components: Three of the caster’s tears. Weapon of Impact

Cleric, Wizard – 3rd

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 10 min/lvl

SV• none SR• no C• V, S

The spell affects a single blunt object or 50 blunt projectiles all of which are in contact at the time of casting. The weapons trigger a critical hit on scores of 18-20. Projectiles affected by the spell lose their bonus after one use, regardless of success.


Wizard – 2nd

CT• 1 R• 50 ft. D• permanent SV• special SR• no C• V, S, M

The spell creates a mass of sticky webs that trap objects within. The spell covers an area 20 feet by 20 feet by 10 feet. The webs must be anchored at the corners or they will collapse. All in the area of effect when

the spell is cast must make a Dexterity save or become stuck. Stuck creatures have a –2 penalty to attack and damage, a –4 penalty to Dexterity and are unable to move.

Stuck creatures may attempt a Strength check to break free. A creature succeeds can move at 5 feet per round. Every 5 feet of movement requires a new Strength check. Anyone contacting the Web gets stuck unless a Strength save succeeds.

The webs are flammable and burn at a rate of 5 linear feet per round. Creatures trapped within suffer 2d4HP from the flames, but are freed.


Illusionist – 9th

CT• 1 R• 150 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl SV• special SR• yes C• V, S

The spell affects all living creatures within a 25 foot cube. The caster creates a copy of the Phantasmal Killer spell for each creature in the area. If a subject succeeds in an Intelligence save they suffer 8d6HP and are stunned for 10 seconds. If they fail, they die immediately.

Save: Intelligence save negates effects.


Cleric – 9th

CT• 1 min R• 450 ft. D• 24 hours

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, M

This spell must be cast at night. Lycanthropy infects d4 humanoid creatures in the area, selected randomly. They immediately change into their were-form and begin savagely attacking all in their vicinity.

d% Lycanthrope Type

01-25 Wererat

26-60 Werewolf

61-80 Wereboar

81-00 Weretiger

Save: Constitution save negates effects.

Components: A 1-inch square of lycanthrope skin with fur.


Druid – 8th

CT• 3 R• 450 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• special SR• yes C• V, S, DF

The spell creates a cyclone 10 feet wide at the base, 30 feet tall and 30 feet wide at the top. It moves along the ground or the surface of water at a rate of 60 feet per round. The caster can control the motion of the cyclone by concentrating, or set it upon a path that cannot be altered. If the cyclone is more than 450 feet away from the caster it moves in a random direction for 30 seconds before it dissipates.

All creatures smaller than 40 feet in size must succeed in a Dexterity save or suffer 3d6HP damage. Medium or smaller creatures who fail this save must immediately succeed in a second save or they will be

picked up by the powerful winds and buffeted for d8HP each round. The caster can direct the cyclone to eject trapped creatures on the caster’s initiative. Creatures exit at a random height and in a random direction.

Whirlwind of Teeth•

Wizard – 7th

CT• 5

R• 150 ft.

D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• partial

SR• yes

C• V, S, M

The caster creates an opaque ‘tornado’ of energy in the form of roaring, mouths full of teeth. The tornado is 5 wide and 10 feet tall per caster level. The caster must maintain concentration and moves the tornado with a speed of 50 feet per round. The mouths deal d8HP per 2 caster levels to each creature within the area of effect. This continues each round until the creature exits the area. To evade the storm requires a successful Dexterity roll and inflicts half damage.

Save: Dexterity save reduces damage by half. Components: A dozen bloody teeth.

Wind at Back

Druid – 4th

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• 24 hours

SV• none SR• no C• V, S

The spell affects 2 creatures per caster level, no more than 50 feet apart. It doubles the overland speed of all affected creatures so long as they travel in a group. If one leaves the group, or if the group splits, the portion that includes the caster maintains the spell effect.

Wind Tunnel

Druid – 5th

CT• 3

R• 50 ft.

D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none

SR• no

C• V, S

Caster uses wind to assist his allies’ accuracy with missile weapons. One creature per level of the caster can be affected. The spell doubles the range of such weapons and grants a +10 hit bonus so long as all attacks are made in the same general direction, an arc with a 60-degree spread.

Wind Walk

Cleric – 6th, Druid – 7th, Illusionist – 8th

CT• 5 R• touch D• 1 min/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S, DF/M

The caster becomes a vapor. The spell can affect one additional creature for every three caster levels. The affected creatures appear misty and translucent. While the spell lasts creatures can become solid or vaporous as desired. Each transformation requires 4 rounds. When vaporous, creatures are immune to physical damage, but no spell casting or item use is possible. Affected creatures can move from 5 feet per round to 600 feet per round as desired. Creatures descend at minimum 60 feet per round for the final minute in order to land safely.

Save: Wisdom save negates spell effects. Components: Illusionist: Dandelion seeds. Wish

Wizard – 9th

CT• special R• personal D• instantaneous SV• special SR• no C• V

The spell alters reality in any conceivable manner, but the request must be brief and clearly stated. The caster of the Wish will suffer from the spell. They must succeed in a Constitution save (CL9) or age 3 years. If successful, the caster ages only 1 year.

In general, a Wish spell affects only one creature, but if the same effect is to apply to multiple creatures, 1 creature per 3 caster levels may be affected. A Wish can never be used to offset the Constitution loss from being raised from the dead.

A Wish can typically accomplish any of the following with little chance of unintended effects: Duplicate a spell of 9th level or lower that the caster knows and has cast, or duplicate the effect of any 6th level or lower that the caster has seen; Undo the harmful effects of other magic spells; Create a valuable item, including magic items, of up to 15,000gp value; Permanently raise or lower an attribute by 1; Remove injuries and afflictions; Resurrect a dead creature, or recreate a destroyed body – but never both; Move one creature per caster level anywhere on the same plane (unwilling creatures gain a Charisma save and SR); Undo the recent past and allow a re-roll.

The spells recreated by the use of a Wish do not require material components – unless the value of a component is greater than 10,000gp, in which case it must be provided or the Wish will fail.

Wither Limb•

Cleric, Wizard – 2nd

CT• 3 R• 25 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

Caster chooses to wither either the arms or legs of subject. If legs. then subject falls prone and can only crawl 5 feet per round. If arms then subject cannot hold items or cast spells. When the spell ends the limbs return to normal.

Save: Constitution save negates effects.


Cleric – 3rd, Wizard – 4th

CT• 3 R• 50 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• negates SR• yes C• V, S

The subject becomes wracked with pain, doubles over and collapses. Hands and face blister and drip fluids and their eyes are filmed with blood. For the duration of the spell, the subject is blind and helpless, unable to take coherent action. When the spell ends the physical effects vanish, but the subject suffers a – 2 to all rolls for the next 3d10 minutes.

Save: Constitution save negates effects.


Illusionist – 3rd

CT• 1 R• personal D• 30 sec/lvl SV• none SR• no C• S, M

The caster and all his gear becomes insubstantial, being able to be struck only by enchanted weapons of at least +1 in strength. Most undead will believe the caster to be a wraith. Undead with intelligence are allowed an Intelligence save to penetrate the spell. The caster can pass through the smallest openings as if a wraith. The caster cannot affect creatures except those on the ethereal plane, which can also attack the caster. Dispel Magic can force the illusionist back into their normal form. The caster can also return to normal form at will, thereby ending the spell.

Components: A 2 inch square piece of gauze and a wisp of smoke.

Wretched Blight•

Cleric – 7th

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S

The caster conjures up a mass of fanged darkness that harms all non-evil creatures within a 20-foot radius sphere. The spell deals d8HP per caster level to all good creatures and leaves them stunned for d4 rounds. A successful save results in half damage and no stunning. Creatures neither good nor evil suffer only half damage at worst (quarter damage with a successful save) and are not subject to stunning.

Save: Constitution save reduces effects.






Zajimarn’s Avalanche

Druid – 8th, Wizard – 9th

CT• 3 R• 450 ft. D• instantaneous

SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S

The caster causes a wave of ice, sleet and snow to crash along its path. All within the area of effect suffer d4HP per caster level of cold damage. All objects and creatures on the ground are carried a distance of 5 feet per caster level. Creatures must make a Dexterity save. Those that fail are left prone at the end of the slide and are partially buried, requiring a successful Strength check to dig themselves out.

Save: Dexterity save to avoid falling down.

Zajimarn’s Ice Claw*

Druid – 6th, Wizard – 7th

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• 10 sec/lvl

SV• none SR• yes C• V, S, F

The spell creates a claw made of ice, 5 feet long. The claw can grapple a single opponent on the caster’s initiative. It has an attack bonus equal to the caster’s level plus his Intelligence bonus, plus 6 for the claw’s strength (24). If it strikes a target, the claw deals d3 +6HP, and can maintain contact with the target unless it succeeds in a Strength check to break free.

Every 10 seconds that a creature is held it suffers an additional d8HP of damage. The claw has the caster’s maximum HP when it appears, saves as the caster and is AC20. The claw cannot penetrate a Wall of Force or an Anti Magic Shell and suffers the effects of any Prismatic spell. It may be destroyed by a Disintegrate or a Dispel Magic. It is immune to cold effects and damage but suffers doubled effects from fire attacks.

Focus: White leather glove and piece of quartz 4 inches in length.

Zajimarn’s Icy Razors

Druid – 7th, Wizard – 8th

CT• 3 R• 150 ft. D• 1 min/lvl

SV• partial SR• yes C• V, S, F

Razor sharp ice crystals fill an area of 10 feet by 10 feet per caster level. Creatures in the area at the time the spell takes effect suffer 2d4HP from the shards, plus d6HP + 1HP per caster level of cold damage.

Creatures moving through the area suffer these amounts of damage per 5 feet moved. Taking this damage forces a Dexterity save to avoid suffering injuries that force it to move at half speed. Each instance of damage requires a new save. The movement penalty lasts 48 hours or until the damage is cured.

The shards can be destroyed by dealing 20HP to a 5 foot by 5 foot area, but this does not affect the cold damage – only the piercing damage.

Save: Dexterity save to avoid movement penalty. Focus: Silver snowflake with sharp points(50gp)

Spells By Class & Level

Cleric -0th

Create Water, Detect Chaos/ Law/ Evil/ Good, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, First Aid, Light, Preserve Organ•, Purify Food and Drink

Cleric -1st

Angry Ache•, Command, Cure Light Wounds / Cause Light Wounds, Demonflesh•, Detect Secret Doors, Detect Undead, Endure Elements, Heartache•, Invisibility to Undead, Protection from Good/Evil/Law/Chaos, Remove Fear / Cause Fear, Sacrificial Skill•, Sanctuary, Seething Eyebane•, Shield of Faith, Slow Consumption•, Sorrow•, Sound Burst, Spider Hand•, Stupor•, Suspend Disease

Cleric -2nd

Addiction•, Aid, Augury, Aura Against Flame, Aura of Glory, Body Blades, Chant, Consecrate / Desecrate, Curse of Ill Fortune, Dance of Ruin•, Darkbolt•, Darkness / Daylight, Delay Poison, Demoncall•, Detect Traps, Devil’s Tongue•, Faith Healing, Fangs of the Vampire King, Handfire, Hold Person, Holy Symbol, Lesser Restoration, Remove Paralysis, Sap Strength•, Silence, Speak with Dead, Spectral Stag, Spider Legs•, Spiritual Weapon, Spores of the Vrock•, Stone Bones, Summon Swarm, Wave of Grief•, Wither Limb•

Cleric -3rd

Absorb Mind•, Animate Dead / Preserve Dead, Boneblade•, Circle Dance, Circle of Nausea•, Cloudburst, Clutch of Orcus•, Continual Flame, Create Food and Water / Spoil Food and Water, Cure Serious Wounds / Cause Serious Wounds, Dark Way, Darkfire•, Death’s Door, Demon Wings•, Devil’s Ego•, Devil’s Eye•, Dispel Magic, Dread Word•, Forceward, Glyph of Warding, Locate Object / Obscure Object, Love’s Pain•, Mace of Odo, Magic Circle vs. Good/Evil/Law/Chaos, Masochism•, Mystic Lash, Negative Plane Protection, Prayer, Red Fester•, Remove Blindness/Deafness / Cause Blindness/Deafness, Remove Curse / Bestow Curse, Remove Disease / Bestow Disease, Rotting Curse of Urfestra•, Sadism•, Serpents of Theggeron•, Touch of Ooze•, Unliving Weapon•, Vile Lance•, Weapon of Impact, Wrack•

Cleric -4th

Absorb Strength•, Air or Water Walk, Blindsight, Cloak of Fear / Cloak of Bravery, Damning Darkness•, Discern Lies / Undetectable Lies, Dismissal, Divination, Exorcism, Favor of the Deity, Freedom of Movement, Hallow / Unhallow, Hand of the Deity, Healing Circle / Harming Circle, Identify Transgressor•, Know Vulnerabilities, Neutralize Poison, Restoration / Life Drain, Sending, Skull of Secrets, Stop Heart•, Tongues / Cipher

Cleric -5th

Amanuensis, Atonement, Battletide, Charnel Fire•, Claws of the Bebelith•, Commune, Contact other Plane, Crawling Darkness, Cure Critical Wounds / Cause Critical Wounds, Death Ward, Dispel Good/ Evil/ Law/ Chaos, Ethereal Jaunt, Flame Strike, Forbidden Speech•, Golem, Heartclutch•, Insect Plague, Monstrous Regeneration, Morality Undone•, Plane Shift, Power Leech•, Rainbow, Raise Dead, Scrying, True Seeing, Wall of Ooze•

Cleric -6th

Azuth’s Exalted Triad, Banishment, Blade Barrier, Conjure Animals, Consume Likeness•, Create Undead•, Find the Path / Obscure the Path, Forbiddance, Geas, Heal / Harm, Hero’s Feast, Pox•, Snare Astral Traveler•, Spell Mantle, Stone Walk, Suppress Glyph, Thousand Needles•, Undeath to Death, Wall of Stone, Wind Walk

Cleric -7th

Bestow Greater Curse•, Control Weather, Death Dragon•, Ectoplasmic Enhancement•, Exaction, Fiendish Clarity•, Fortunate Fate, Greater Restoration, Greater Scrying, Holy Star, Holy Word, Imprison Soul•, Rapture of Rupture•, Refuge, Regenerate, Repulsion, Resurrection, Wretched Blight•

Cleric -8th

Befoul•, Bodak Birth•, Create Greater Undead•, Discern Location, Earthquake, Fire Storm, General of Undeath•, Holy Aura, Mass Heal / Mass Harm, Pestilence•, Plague of Nightmares•, Stormrage, Summon Planar Ally, Symbol

Cleric -9th

Antipathy / Sympathy, Apocalypse from the Sky•, Astral Projection, Despoil•, Dimensional Lock, Enchant an Item, Energy Drain, Eternity of Torture•, Gate, Mind Blank, Soul Bind, Spread of Savagery•, Trap the Soul, True Resurrection, Undeath’s Eternal Foe, Were-Doom•

Druid -0th

Create Water, Detect Neutrality, Detect Poison, Endure Elements, First Aid, Know Direction, Light, Purify Food and Drink

Druid -1st

Alarm, Animal Friendship, Aura Against Flame, Calm Animals, Camouflage, Claws of the Beast, Detect Snares and Pits, Entangle, Faerie Fire, Goodberry, Invisibility to Animals, Locate Animals, Magic Stones, Obscuring Mist, Pass Without Trace, Shillelagh

Druid -2nd

Animal Messenger, Barkskin, Charm Person or Animal, Cloudburst, Cure Light Wounds / Cause Light Wounds, Delay Poison, Fire Trap, Flame Blade, Heat Metal / Chill Metal, Hold Animal, Locate Plants, Master Air, Produce Flame, Remedy Moderate Wounds, Speak with Animals, Spectral Stag, Warp Wood / Straighten Wood

Druid -3rd

Blindsight, Call Lightning, Circle Dance, Combust, Healing Sting, Infestation of Maggots, Meld Into Stone, Neutralize Poison, Plant Growth, Protection from Elements, Pyrotechnics, Quillfire, Remove Disease / Bestow Disease, Shape Stone or Wood, Snakebite, Snare, Speak with Plants, Starshine, Wall of Wind, Water Breathing

Druid -4th

Anti-Plant Shell, Control Plants, Control Water, Cure Serious Wounds / Cause Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Hallucinatory Terrain, Hold Plant, Jaws of the Wolf, Land Womb, Mass Camouflage, Murderous Mist, Plant Door, Produce Fire / Quench Fire, Reincarnate, Repel Vermin, Scrying, Sleet Storm, Spike Stones, Sticks to Snakes, Summon Animals, Wind at Back

Druid -5th

Animal Growth, Awaken, Binding Winds, Commune with Nature, Control Winds, Cure Critical Wounds / Cause Critical Wounds, Death Ward, Ice Storm, Inferno, Insect Plague, Memory Rot, Moonbeam, Pass Plant, Passwall, Summon Beasts or Plants, Transmute Rock and Mud, Wall of Fire, Wall of Thorns, Wind Tunnel

Druid -6th

Anti-Life Shell, Crumble, Drown, Feeblemind, Fire Seeds, Ghorus’ Metal Melt, Ironwood, Liveoak, Repel Wood, Stone Tell, Stonehold, Summon Elemental, Transport Via Plants, Zajimarn’s Ice Claw

Druid -7th

Animate Rock, Aura of Vitality, Bombardment, Changestaff, Confusion, Control Weather, Creeping Doom, Fire Storm, Master Earth, Owl’s Insight, Poison Vines, Storm Tower, Summon Magical Beasts or Fey, Transmute Metal to Wood, Wind Walk, Zajimarn’s Icy Razors

Druid -8th

Animal Shapes, Command Plants, Finger of Death, Regenerate, Repel Metal or Stone, Sunburst, Whirlwind, Zajimarn’s Avalanche

Druid -9th

Antipathy / Sympathy, Cast in Stone, Earthquake, Greater Ironguard, Heal / Harm, Prismatic Wall, Shapechange, Storm of Vengeance, Summon Elemental Swarm

Illusionist -0th

Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Detect Illusion, First Aid, Ghost Sound, Influence, Light, Magic Aura, Mending, Message, Preserve Organ•, Prestidigitation,

Illusionist -1st

Bestow Wound•, Change Self, Charm Person, Chromatic Orb, Color Spray, Darkness / Daylight, Daze, Demonflesh•, Dragon Armor, Dragon Image, Erase, Faerie’s Glamour, Friends, Gaze Reflection, Head Fog, Hypnotism, Illusionary Hounds, Minor Dark Chaos, Obscuring Mist, Read Magic, See Invisibility, Silent Image, Undetectable Aura, Unnerving Gaze•, Ventriloquism, Ward’s Temporary Strength

Illusionist -2nd

Addiction•, Alter Self, Angelic Image, Balagarn’s Iron Horn, Bladethirst, Blur, Continual Flame, Cure Light Wounds / Cause Light Wounds, Dark Chaos, Demoncall•, Detect Magic, Detect Thoughts / Obscure

Thoughts, Devil’s Tongue•, Dragon Bite, Eyes of Fire, False Trap, Fangs of the Vampire King, Fascinate, Fog Cloud, Hypnotic Pattern, Ice Dagger, Invisibility, Laerl’s Finger Darts•, Magic Mouth, Minor Image, Mirror Image, Misdirection, Remove Blindness/Deafness / Cause Blindness/Deafness, Ward’s Temporary Invisibility, Wave of Grief•

Illusionist -3rd

Absorb Mind•, Blink, Cruel Disappointment•, Curse of the Putrid Husk•, Delude, Devil’s Eye•, Dispel Illusion, Displaced Image, Doubled Treasure, Dragon Mount, Explosive Runes, Glimpse of Truth•, Hallucinatory Terrain, Hold Person, Illusionary Help, Illusionary Script, Illusionary Wolves, Invisibility Sphere, Love’s Pain•, Major Image, Nondetection, Paralyzation, Phantom Steed, Pyrotechnics, Reality Blind•, Red Fester•, Rope Trick, Rotting Curse of Urfestra•, Scare, Secret Page, Sepia Snake Sigil, Serpents of Theggeron•, Suggestion, Tongue Serpents•, Tongues / Cipher, Touch of Ooze•, Wraithform

Illusionist -4th

Absorb Strength•, Charm Monster, Confusion, Cure Serious Wounds / Cause Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Dragon Scales, Emotion, Fear, Idol of Death, Illusory Wall, Improved Invisibility, Liquid Pain•, Major Dark Chaos, Massmorph, Minor Creation, Mirage Arcana, Phantasmal Killer, Rainbow Pattern, Secure Shelter, Seeming, Shadow Conjuration, Shadow Well, Solid Fog, Treasure Hoard, Ward’s Illusionary Portal

Illusionist -5th

Chaos, Claws of the Bebelith•, Dragon Breath, Dragon Shadow, Dream, Faithful Hound, False Vision, Forbidden Speech•, Greater Shadow Conjuration, Guards and Wards, Hold Monster, Humanoid Finding, Major Creation, Mass Suggestion, Maze, Mirror Wall, Neutralize Poison, Nightmare, Persistent Image, Power Leech•, Project Image, Secret Chest, Shadow Door, Shadow Evocation, Shadow Hand, Summon Shadow, Tempus Fugit, True Seeing, Ward’s Extended Invisibility

Illusionist -6th

Anti-Illusion Shield, Ball Lightning, Cloak of Dark Chaos, Conjure Animals, Consume Likeness•, Cure Critical Wounds / Cause Critical Wounds, Death Fog, Eyebite, Geas, Greater Shadow Evocation, Illusionary Lions, Mislead, Permanent Image, Pox•, Prismatic Eye, Programmed Image, Shades, Translocation Trick, Veil

Illusionist -7th

Awe, Death by Thorns•, Eye of the Beholder•, Fiendish Clarity•, Insanity, Mass Invisibility, Power Word, Stun, Prismatic Spray, Rapture of Rupture•, Restoration / Life Drain, Sequester, Shadow Walk, Simulacrum, Synostodweomer, Telepathic Bond, Vision

Illusionist -8th

Antipathy / Sympathy, Bestow Greater Curse•, Blackstaff, Death Dragon•, Distort Reality, Feeblemind, Find the Path / Obscure the Path, Mass Charm, Maw of Chaos, Plague of Nightmares•, Polymorph, Power Word, Blind, Prismatic Wall, Screen, Skeletal Deliquescence, Skeletal Guard, Sunburst, Trap the Soul, Wind Walk

Illusionist -9th

Astral Projection, Binding, Clone, Dreaming, Heal / Harm, Mind Blank, Mindrape•, Polymorph Any Object, Power Word, Kill, Prismatic Sphere, Symbol, Weird

Wizard -0th

Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Ghost Sound, Light, Mending, Message, Open or Close, Preserve Organ•, Prestidigitation

Wizard -1st

Affect Normal Fires, Alarm, Alter Size, Armor, Bestow Wound•, Black Bag•, Bladethirst, Bless / Bane, Bless Water / Curse Water, Burning Hands, Change Self, Charm Person, Cheat•, Comprehend Languages, Corrosive Grasp, Darklight•, Demonflesh•, Endure Elements, Erase, Feather Fall, Floating Disc, Forcewave, Friends, Grease, Hold Portal, Ice Dagger, Identify, Iron Guts, Jump, Know Protections, Laerl’s Cutting Hand, Launch Item, Low-Light Vision, Magic Missile, Mount, Nybor’s Gentle Reminder, Protection from Good/Evil/Law/Chaos, Read Magic, Sacrificial Skill•, Seething Eyebane•, Shield, Shocking Grasp, Sleep, Spider Climb, Spirit Worm, Stupor•, Summon Familiar, Summon Undead I, Suspend Disease, Tongue Tendrils•, Unseen Servant

Wizard -2nd

Acid Arrow, Addiction•, Balagarn’s Iron Horn, Battering Ram, Bind, Cloud of Bewilderment, Combust, Continual Flame, Darkbolt•, Darkness / Daylight, Death Armor, Demoncall•, Detect Thoughts / Obscure Thoughts, Devil’s Tongue•, Enhance Attribute / Reduce Attribute, Entice Gift•, Fangs of the Vampire King, Flame Dagger, Flaming Sphere, Fog Cloud, Force Ladder, Forget, Gedlee’s Electric Loop, Grazzt’s Long Grasp•, Igedrazaar’s Miasma, Invisibility, Knock / Lock, Laerl’s Finger Darts•, Levitate, Life Bolt, Locate Object / Obscure Object, Magic Mouth, Masochism•, Mirror Image, Preserve, Protection from Arrows, Ray of Enfeeblement, Rope Trick, Sadism•, Sap Strength•, Scare, See Invisibility, Shatter, Slow Consumption•, Stone Bones, Strength, Summon Undead II, Vocalize, Web, Wither Limb•

Wizard -3rd

Absorb Mind•, Amanuensis, Blindsight, Blink, Clairaudience / Clairvoyance, Cloudburst, Cruel Disappointment•, Curse of the Putrid Husk•, Demon Wings•, Devil’s Ego•, Devil’s Eye•, Dispel Magic, Dread Word•, Evil Eye•, Explosive Runes, Fireball, Fly, Gaseous Form, Glimpse of Truth•, Greater Mage Hand, Gust of Wind, Haste / Slow, Healing Touch, Hold Person, Invisibility Sphere, Item, Lightning Bolt, Love’s Pain•, Magic Circle vs. Good/Evil/Law/Chaos, Material, Mestil’s Acid Breath, Minute Meteors, Nondetection, Nybor’s Mild Admonishment, Pyrotechnics, Red Fester•, Reverse Arrows, Rotting Curse of Urfestra•, Scintillating Sphere, Sepia Snake Sigil, Serpents of Theggeron•, Steeldance, Stinking Cloud, Suggestion, Summon Lesser Monster, Summon Undead III, Tiny Hut, Tongue Serpents•, Tongues / Cipher, Touch of Ooze•, Undead Torch•, Vile Lance•, Wall of Chains•, Water Breathing, Weapon of Impact

Wizard -4th

Absorb Strength•, Arcane Eye, Charm Monster, Confusion, Damning Darkness•, Dancing Chains•, Detect Scrying, Dig, Dimension Door, Dismissal, Evard’s Black Tentacles, Extension I, Fear, Fire Shield, Fire Trap, Fumble, Ghorus’ Metal Melt, Gutsnake, Hallucinatory Terrain, Ice Storm, Liquid Pain•, Locate Creature, Massmorph, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Mnemonic Enhancer, Polymorph, Remove Curse / Bestow Curse, Scrying, Shout, Stoneskin, Summon Undead IV, Wall of Deadly Chains•, Wall of Fire, Wrack•

Wizard -5th

Airy Water, Animate Dead / Preserve Dead, Ball Lightning, Bigby’s Interposing Hand, Bind Elemental, Call Dretch Horde•, Call Lemure Horde•, Call Nightmare•, Claws of the Bebelith•, Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Extension II, Fabricate, Faithful Hound, Feeblemind, Firebrand, Forbidden Speech•, Grim Revenge•, Hold Monster, Imprison Possessor•, Magic Jar, Mestil’s Acid Sheath, Permanency, Power Leech•, Secret Chest, Spell Matrix, Stop Heart•, Summon Monster, Summon Undead V, Telekinesis, Telepathic Bond, Teleport, Transmute Rock and Mud, Wall of Force, Wall of Iron, Wall of Ooze•, Wall of Stone

Wizard -6th

Acid Storm, Anti-Magic Shell, Bigby’s Forceful Hand, Cacophonic Shield, Chain Lightning, Consume Likeness•, Contingency, Control Weather, Death Spell, Dhulark’s Glasstrike, Disintegrate, Ectoplasmic Enhancement•, Enchant an Item, Extension III, Eyebite, Fiendform•, Fire Spiders, Geas, Glassee, Globe of Invulnerability, Guards and Wards, Impotent Possessor•, Legend Lore, Mass Suggestion, Move Earth, Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere, Pox•, Prismatic Eye, Project Image, Snare Astral Traveler•, Spiritwrack, Tenser’s Transformation, Transmute Flesh and Stone, Undeath to Death

Wizard -7th

Bigby’s Grasping Hand, Cacodemon, Death by Thorns•, Delayed Blast Fireball, Eye of the Beholder•, Fiendish Clarity•, Finger of Death, Forcecage, Gemjump, Great Thunderclap, Greater Ironguard, Greater Scrying, Instant Summons, Limited Wish, Mass Invisibility, Mass Teleport, Mordekainen’s Mansion, Mordekainen’s Sword, Nybor’s Stern Reproof, Phase Door, Power Word, Stun, Rapture of Rupture•, Reverse Gravity, Sequester, Spell Sequencer, Summon Greater Monster, Synostodweomer, Teleport Without Error, Wall of Eyes•, Whirlwind of Teeth•, Zajimarn’s Ice Claw

Wizard -8th

Antipathy / Sympathy, Befoul•, Bestow Greater Curse•, Bigby’s Clenched Fist, Binding, Blackstaff, Clone, Dimensional Lock, Glassteel, Gutwrench•, Incendiary Cloud, Mass Charm, Maze, Mind Blank, Nybor’s Wrathful Castigation, Otiluke’s Telekinetic Sphere, Otto’s Dance, Phantasmal Thief•, Plague of Nightmares•, Polymorph Any Object, Power Word, Blind, Symbol, Teleportation Circle, Trap the Soul, Zajimarn’s Icy Razors

Wizard -9th

Apocalypse from the Sky•, Astral Projection, Bigby’s Crushing Hand, Blade of Disaster, Crystalbrittle, Disjunction, Gate, Imprisonment / Freedom, Maw of Chaos, Meteor Swarm, Mindrape•, Power Word, Kill, Prismatic Sphere, Refuge, Shapechange, Spell Trigger, Temporal Stasis, Time Stop, Wish, Zajimarn’s Avalanche