Monthly Archives March 2009

Damn Sneaky Airy Water

While the group licks it’s wounds from the ferocious attack of the Black Dragon, Max Highfoot (Druid 11/MU 6) transmutes via plant to the college of the wizards to put into effect the plan hatched by the EFK to seek revenge on yon Winged Black Beast. He buys an Airy Water spell so that the group may fight the beast beneath the water where it loves to hide, while it waits to yet again unleash its acidic blast of horrid breath. Plus the group figures acid breath will not be a viable weapon underwater. Dalliance (MU 10) opines that the beast could stick its head inside the bubble created by the Airy Water but is quickly ignored. Scouting reveals the Dragon is comfortably snoring on an island in the middle of the same lake where the party last met the beast when it rose up near the shoreline.

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Synopsis from CMDeDM

While Greenleaf lies recovering amidst the verdant greenery and Max is off scouring the College for an Airy Water spell, the rest of the party posts watches and maintains a nervous eye on the lake below. Max returns, borrows Dalliance’s spellbook and returns to the college. Spells are exchanged and Max returns.

While Greenleaf sprouts small fungi, some Polymorph Self spells allow for the fishwizards to scout the large underground cavern and establish that the dragon resides on a small island in the middle of the lake.

Once Greenleaf has roused himself from a near-death slumber, the group sets out to wreak havoc on the acid-y tormentor...

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Pop goes the Dragon

The newly assembled group departs Thudheim with Thud, Greenleaf, Max and some new adventurers. Ashen, an imposing fighter, Dalliance, a female Magic User, Lucitor the Monk and Clifford the Elvish Thief/Magic User. These 7 set out at the request of Stumpy, the Lord of the Shining Falls, to obtain 3 legendary swords reported lost in the renowned Dwarven Run.
After some uneventful travel, the group spies some orcs making their way into a large mountain, possibly a part of the Dwarven Run. After some Druid/Bird scouting, the group sneaks up to and enters into possible backdoor, a crude tunnel. The tunnel empties into a large cavern where they encounter some Troglodytes and a bear. The Trogs are quickly slain and the bear is set free up the passageway...

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