Monthly Archives June 2012

Huuuuuuuuuuge ….tracts of sand!

The shafty descent proves to be a hot thing in deed as the downward progress made by the party members is accompanied by the intense heating of all things metallic. After repackaging the hot items, the group reconvenes in an area bordered by (apparently) windows into the elemental planes. A secret door or two is found and explored, and the first one is a death trap, as is the second. Luckily, there are no deaths as a result, and the group proceeds on with due caution.
They enter rooms of crypts and plunder them, gaining very little. A secret door is explored and a group of adventurers is found in a cold and gas-filled room. Two are dead and the third is near death, having been placed in a state of suspended animation by the combination of temperature and gas...

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