While Greenleaf lies recovering amidst the verdant greenery and Max is off scouring the College for an Airy Water spell, the rest of the party posts watches and maintains a nervous eye on the lake below. Max returns, borrows Dalliance’s spellbook and returns to the college. Spells are exchanged and Max returns.
While Greenleaf sprouts small fungi, some Polymorph Self spells allow for the fishwizards to scout the large underground cavern and establish that the dragon resides on a small island in the middle of the lake.
Once Greenleaf has roused himself from a near-death slumber, the group sets out to wreak havoc on the acid-y tormentor. With Airy Water, Water Breathing established, the group splits in two – with the mages wandering to the far side of the island while the fighters prepare to assault from the rear. Using the Rods of Fury, the mages double and triple their magic missile spells. Managing to overcome the dragon’s magic resistance – the dragon is machine-gunned to death and the battle is over.
Plundering the dragon’s hoard leaves the group with a fine battleaxe – but no swords. Further investigation leads to unfinished tombs. The dwarven occupants are soon divested of whatever goods they may have. Troglodytes are smelled, but avoided. Climbing a long and winding stair leads to a chamber with an orc shaman and her wizened crone companions. Death follows swiftly.
Oh yeah – one of the rooms explored was a musty old library wherein was imprisoned a fair maiden , captured by an evil wizard she said. SHe was grateful for her rescue and wanted to demonstrate her affection with Ashen the Good Looking. She drained a level then disappeared. Succubussed!
Now what?
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