Upon awakening the group begins to search the tunnels under the temple. In the previous room they find a brown pudding devouring some dead creature. Greenleaf casts a wall of fire and fry’s the pudding. (Now what’s up!)
The room is now empty except for a stone table and chair. Orthan detects traps on the table and finds both a pit trap and a poison gas trap. The group decides to leave the trap alone for now and go and investigate another hallway. They find a secret door that leads to another hallway. In that hallway another secret door is detected. As orthan and Greenleaf are creeping down the next hallway the entire area erupts in flame. They receive minor burns. Greenleaf attempts dispel magic but it doesn’t work. Max then tries and is able to dispel the magic in the hallway. As Greenleaf peers around the next corner, a block of stone drops and glances him for minor damage. Moving down the next hallway Orthan finds another secret door. Orthan goes through the door and vanishes. Orthan ends up in a room with several dead bodies. He searches them to find some coins and loot. Looking for a way out he finds a trap door.
Back at the main group the party members are looking for Orthan. Greenleaf enters the door and disappears as well. He ends up in the same room with Orthan. It appears as though the room is above the previous hallway. Greenleaf stone shapes the door area and Orthan uses his magic carpet to lower them down and back to the group.
Moving on the group finds yet another secret door. Unfortunately they find out that when you stand in front of it you are teleported back to the room with the dead bodies. After gathering everyone back again, Raineer stands on the magic carpet and casts the knock spell on the door.
The door leads to a room of worship. At the other end is a 15 foot statue of a beautiful women with claws. There are also pews and a sacrifice alter in the room. There is also a wooden door that is a carved screaming face. The group decides to rest here for a while. After resting Skilver casts find traps on the doorway. The group is able to avoid the trap and proceed through the screaming face doorway.
After traveling through several passages the group finds a room with a stone table and 3 chairs. The chairs are carved in the shapes of dragon’s heads. At a glance the setup appears as a three headed dragon. Stairs leading up a re found and Thud moves up the stairway. There is a door at the top. Thud hears some strange noises on the other side. He peers in and sees a demon looking creatures rifling through books and tomes. He closes the door luckily undetected. The group decides to wait for them to leave.
Hours later the group enters the library room. Even though the room is in major disarray from looting, the group is able to salvage 25 books with magical properties and 50 tomes.
In the downstairs room many traps are found. Mount spells are used to trigger the traps. The entire scene is loud and hideous. The group moves on but the next hallway comes to a dead end. As orthan is checking for secret doors a block of stone falls on his head. He takes substantial damage and must be healed. The group then travels all the way back to the room with the sliding table top that detected both a pit and poison gas trap. Orthan is able to deactivate the pit trap but fails when trying to dismantle the poison trap. Luckily Orthan had slow poison cast upon him before he began. With another neutralize poison Orthan is up and about.
After dismantling another magic trap in the table the group finds a magic sword, 2000 platinum pieces, magic darts and stand. The group then decides to leave the complex with their find. Trying to leave the group finds the original magic statue that broke out of the temple. Greenleaf uses a rock to mud spell to bring down the wall next to the statue. The party makes their escape but the statue summons earth elementals to chase Raineer. Most likely because he is carrying the sword. He casts fly and puts some major distance between himself and the elementals. The group travels back to the desert city to find Crusty and divide up the loot.
Man,I mean elf,I mean half-ogre,
stop fucking with me
these floors
dozing off
getting alittle sleep
secret doors
secret doors
the flames
the horror
“elf, did you see all that loot”
” yeah ”
“I’m gonna rock to mud the wall and
then everyone escapes, right”
I’m gone
the wall fallS
cast d-door
SHIT, he’s looking right at me
sword, sword
He’s still looking at me
Shit, are those elementals
fly higher
increase my arc
glide down
We gather up
+he crew
rejoice in our good fortune
and head back
Crusty is very pleased
and we
are treated like royalty
I guess when we bring in a 500,000gp HAUL
it brings us alittle attention
gaurd thy purses
be Aware
trust no one but the EFK
“Hey, can you pour me another cup of the ale ?”
Raineer eyes the patrons.
Well at last the EFK hits paydirt! EFK … Eat Fuck Kill … whose idea was it to let an ogre name the group. Oh well as a late comer I guess it is not for me to complain.
I was begining to wonder if this group, though powerful, had nothing but bad luck and dead ends. At last though our efforts have brought rewards.
This Crusty fellow seems to be a person of some good knowledge. I am sure that word of mouth of our great success shall bring us more adventures worthy of our attention.
To me the wizard willing to pay for a map from Skullport to waterdeep seems to be a good play for us. A hefty 250,000 gp reward just for making the trip and who knows what we might find during the journey. I have heard of great magic that lies beneath the Undermountian. Besides the assasin has been moaning for many months that he wishes to travel to skullport so we could kill one bird and close the mouth of another with one journey. Besides we know of at least one way to journey to SP. That is unless the whole under ground area was destroyed by the uruption of the mountain.
For now it is good to bask in the glory of a job well done at last.
Quite a profitable trip for once. This may actually work out. I think it would be a good idea to pay the guild for info on queries regarding our group. Safety from the exposure sounds like a good idea. Here’s to a little insurance.
The skullport thing sounds like a good idea at this point. Finally Orthan will get his way.(even though he never expresses himself in our little forum.(No beer for you ; )
Time for another update! The tales of the triple dippin dragon killers deserveth its own post!