Skullport to Waterdeep, The Journey Begins…

Upon arrival in Skullport the party finds their way to Orthan’s apartment. The apartment is mostly a small cave along the rock-face of the vast cavern. Raineer and Max lend their druidical hands by using stone shape to make the interior more accommodating, while Raineer and Skilver use material spells to flesh out the rooms with furniture. Dragon slayers to interior decorators…
Orthan begins to wander the city trying to find a passage up to the tunnels above the city. After a long search he discovers nothing other than, his purse has been stolen by someone in the crowd. Skilver casts an augury spell seeking guidance from his deity Belial. He discovers that the Shadow Pass would be the best course of action to take. Moving up and through the pass the group enters a vast maze of caverns and caves. On their first encounter giant bloodsucking weasels attack the party. (yep… weasels) Thud is bitten several times during the melee and losses a bit of blood. With a group effort the weasels are killed and Thud is healed. Searching on the party finds a place to rest and study. After an uneventful twelve hours of resting, the group searches on through the maze of caverns and tunnels. Several hours into the second day the group finds some wraiths blocking the tunnel. Raineer, Skilver & Max unleash spells of lightning and fry the life draining undead. After moving through several more tunnels the group is attacked by carrion crawlers. The beasts are a giant cross between a green cutworm and a cephalopod. Thud attacks with his magic darts and the magicians finish the beasts with magic missiles. The passageway turns to gravel as the part moves onward. After Thud and Orthan pass by a trapped area, Raineer takes the brunt of a falling block of stone. At the same time bells begin to chime in the surrounding area. The party sees light approaching and sees a beholder in the distance. Run!!!! After a bit the group stops and Orthan decides to turn invisible and go back to investigate. He finds a giant gate guarded by Drow. The group retreats back to investigate other tunnels and rest.
The next day the group finds a passageway that is blocked by some sort of beast facing away from the party. Orthan takes out a scarab of death and presses it against the creature’s back. The scarab burrows in and destroys the beast. The druids decompose the giant corpse and the passageway is open. A magic long sword is found in the process. The passage leads to a small shore along an underground river. Across the river is an island with a small battlement. Greenleaf turns into a crow and begins to search the cavern…

4 comments to Skullport to Waterdeep, The Journey Begins…

  • Orthan  says:

    Aaaaah. One scarab stuck in my backpack for over 20 years. Many humans in the party coming and going. Pulling out the scarab and wasting a worthless hunk of flesh monster – priceless. The beauty of being an elf!

    Now, if I could just remember why I hang out with these humans and disgusting half-ogre underground, watching them soil their armor.

  • Raineer  says:

    Skullport…Wild This place is nuts ittakes the cake Ithought that the desertcity was offtheHook Ididn’t think the ante could beUpped But then along comesSkullport Idon’t want to think about what will trump thisPlace Hellawaits

    Information is not forth comingPeople are being tightlipped or seem ignorant of the passage up to Waterdeep It couldbe along wayup Lets see what Skillver’s auguryspell says

    “Lets see if we make your ass a bed and a sink again”
    ungratefull treefucker
    Sometimes elves don’t seem to appreciate comfort
    Next time he cansleep ontheground

    Hope his god knows his shit
    Shit, we’ve been walking around in here for hours
    This place is vast Another caver ” a what?”
    its a weasel No…weasels Man look at the blood poring out of the ogre MagicMissles

    “What’s ahead ?” “”wraithes””
    Fuck that those fuckers fuck with the soul
    IN CORASE: “Lightning Bolts!”

    “”I, don’t see anything””
    undead scare me

    that hurts I’m crushed Fuck!… was that block of stone? How did it miss those fucks? Fuck that hurts “can I get alittle healing please”
    “thank you” “thank you”
    “What, a Beholder?” “RUN”

    “Did you see that dart?” “it splinterd into hundreds of smaller darts” “Now, that could kill a beholder” Insects This place just keeps going

    “What do you mean a scarb of death?”

    “”It will burrow to its heart and die”
    this I’ve got to see…

    …well i’ll be damned
    this almost redeems the elf

    Those druids are usefull motherfuckers
    Watch them melt that shit

    ariver abattlement morecaverns

    “I think the crow idea is good”
    “Lets see where this shit goes”

    Why does Orthan keep staring at the back of Thud’s armor?

  • Greenleaf  says:

    Scarab of death…pretty awesome eating its way to the victims heart! I’ll bet one of those tunnels across the river is the way to go. Being underground with all this stinking evil is a little much, but it’ll be worth it for that 250,000 gold piece payout….if we find the path of course.

  • Skilver Magilacutty  says:

    Hmmm the twist and turns of this cavern are my greatest mapping challenge yet. Must be diligent in my work for this map is more than just a guide for us! It must be good enough to lead those who have never passed this way before. It must be good enough to be worth 250 G’s in fact.

    I must say having three mages in the party has proved to have a devastating impact on those who cross us. Let no undead draw near. At least I think they were undead. If not they are the all dead now for sure!

    We shall see what information the scouting Druid brings back. I have a feeling that the drow and the beholders may be the gate keepers to these passages. If the crow cannot find a way perhaps I shall consult the exalted Belial to see if dealing with the beholder’s clan would be a benefit to us. Good thing we killed all those Dragons. Their bones are what powers my auguries.

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