Greenleaf returns with remove curse and takes care of Ronj.
Group travels on into room where there is a body freshly killed. Blood splattered across tapestries. Arm on the floor. DaNog enters hallway and four 4′ black hounds bound through the door. One of the hell hounds bites DaNog in the shoulder. The hounds breath fire on DaNog and Zapa. Two are killed but then another bites DaNog in the head and chews off his ear. Then breathes fire on him. Magic missiles and swords bring the final two down.
Back into the hallway. Down to Ogre smelling passageway. Another fountain is found but this one doesn’t make noise. Thud looks in the fountain and sees scene after scene going by. He throws a rock into the fountain and the water disappears and reveals an old dusty cracked water fountain. Moving into the room the group finds a magicked doorway. Dispel magic is used to no avail. Max and Greenleaf use stone shape to carve a passage around the doorway. Moving on the group encounters a wight. It is unable to attack due to max’s helm. Thud uses his magic ring to destroy the undead wight. Into room that appears to be a lady’s bed chamber. Most likely the home of the wight. The group camps. Members eat, drink, sleep study and pray.
The party heads back into the large hallway. Moving on.. they encounter another door. Max uses ring to see two wights on the other side. Thud crashes through door with max on his heals. The undead monsters flee the helm and the group pursues. Max corners the wights and Thud moves in. Thud is hit twice but because of his ring he loses no life levels. Thud battles eight of the life draining creatures but must retreat after taking significant damage. The druids lay on the healing and Thud moves off for a round or two. At one point a wight hits Thud in the groin with a 20. He’ll have a -5 th for a bit. Bullets are slung and arrows shot and the last undead is cornered by Max and the helm. Zapa the bard proclaims “Ghost Busters!” and begins to sing a song.
White Bane (a.k.a. cheap experience)
Thud! Thud! Bane of Wights
Lop and kill them through the night
Glorious indeed was the fight
As 8, count ’em EIGHT fall to Thud’s might!
Moving on another six wights are encountered and destroyed with the helm of might. Undead beware.
In a back chamber a black bag with silver embroidery. Zapa uses his ring of lore to aid in his try to legend lore the item. His own spell seems to confuse him and he has no knowledge of the sac. Thud reaches in the bag and feels several items. The largest sized bag of holding is quite a find indeed.
The group goes back to the room with the tapestries and they are placed in the bag. Thud is decorating.
Back to the great hall and on to another door.
Standard door procedure is used. Detect traps is used and a trap is found. Ronj is unable to disarm so Thud bashes door in. No trap is triggered and a dead body lies within.
On to another door in the large hallway. In the room beyond is a group of four ogres that try and attack the party. DaNog uses his spear to kill two and the others are killed with in a group effort.
On to another room where there is an armored skeleton standing in a column of light holding a two handed sword.
Whatta Knight for a Wight!
Helm of Brilliance?? Should have been Helm of Undead Protection or Helm of Undead Undoing. Partnered with the Ring of No Life Draining we be the undead smashers. Plus Thud do all the work. Me likey.
Somehow me think skeleton wit big sword not care so much about Helm of Undead Screwing. Time for a good ole fashion beat down.
However my ear still tingling from being ripped off then burned. Plus it still seems somewhat off. Not sure about these plastic surgeons .. oops I mean Druids.
I like Thud! He kills the tough ones and lets me sing and joke about the fight as he takes care of the business. The one time I got into the thick of the action I nearly had my leg and groin bitten off by a demonic hell hound! Ouch! And the Barbarian got it even worse!
Once again I was dissapointed with my summoned bugbear stormtroopers. They were disspelled instantly, another ineffective summoning. Maybe I should use the magic mandolin for dispelling magic and healing instead of summoning useless creatures.
The cubes were cool – and they hung around – while you slalomed between them on the way to the fray.
Plastic surgeons… Perhaps some surgery will be necessary. Undead smashers seems appropriate. But it seems that the helm has limits as the armored skeleton does not seem affected. Good ole fashioned beat down seems appropriate. Or some big magic…
I enjoyed the Bard song… I hope he sings more often.