The group spends little time wondering about the final fate of the Baron of Bloodstone and with ear to ground, picks up some interesting leads n possible places to go and risk life and limb. Dalliance’s ‘pal’ Rary sends them back to Shadowdale. there they hear of a disturbance in an outlying region of the lands they claim. Determined to show that they are committed to the ongoing restoration of the region. the group packs up and takes off. Demming travels ahead via pine tree, and once he arrives at a reasonably close location the rest of the group joins him via mass teleport. They deploy a Rope Trick and camp out – their dreams are intense and culminate in the grisly death of the entire party. When they die, they awaken, shaken but unharmed. They journey onward to seek the village that is the source of the tales regarding the ‘strangeness’ happening in the area. There they find that madness and cannibalism has overtaken what was left of the village. Dalliance dispatches most of them with a fireball – burning down a large portion of the village, and Barada mops up with bow and arrow. They take care not to contact the villagers in case the disease is contagious.
Onward they press, to the Sabre River and the Island of the Sage. the entrance is masked by illusion and the party is ready for the worst when they descend. In a twist of unexpected good luck, the greeting party is a comely lass – but it doesn’t take long before she revels herself to be a Medusa and Nil has to slay her. They pause a moment to explore options…door number one…door number two…or a secret portal hidden behind an old woolen blanket.
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