The group pauses in their infiltration into the drow complex and shares a moment of reflection. The debate is more rhetorical, and after deciding that involvement in politics of the underworld is to be avoided, the group returns along the path they entered.
When they bypass the location of their contacts, who are understandably perturbed by the mass defection. Alas, Dalliance’s magics are stronger than drow dispel magic spells and the group escapes into the maze.
Rope trick into Find the path into multiple destructive spells to collapse as much of the path twixt Shadowdale and drow as possible and the group casts about wildly for a money making opportunity. Idle chat leads to interesting places and within hours the group has teleported to a fishing village on the coast of the sea. It takes another three or so days to finalize the strategy.
Deploying the recon bird then using the submarine to navigate about allows the group to find a rock spire not too distant froma channel. There they spend a few weeks constructing a submarine base. The Table of feasting is retrieved and deployed to the benefit of morale. Once the base is complete, sea lion and birds are deployed to scout and spy. Eventually a target is chosen and a plan developed.
The sub is anchored nearby, and the group swims in. Invisible and silenced, they rush the walls and bypass the gates. Once inside they seek out one of the larger warehouses. Dalliance negates the magical protections and passwalls the group into the area. Working swiftly, the group assembles piles of loot and teleports about 7000 pounds of goods to specially constructed warehouses built by Dalliance in the villages of Shadowdale.
Once the raid is complete, the group high-tails it away by various means and regroups by the sub. The trip concludes with a triumphant celebration in the sub base. make changes
Renegingotiation – the name of my new favorite beer!
Nice! I should be absent more often. Sounds like a lot was accomplished.