With fragment of godsoul in hand, the group does some more investigating with sources extra-planar. It is revealed that travel to the positive material plane is fraught with peril. The life force is so strong that eventually one will swell up and explode.
More investigating reveals that there are spells that may exist, but they would probabky be used by demonicy sort of folks. This bit of information is imparted by the plane hopping sumo frog, who appears to Dalliance and strikes a bargain. He will aid the group against the demons, but he seeks the head of the creature. Luckily, the group has a bone to pick with the creature revealed to be in posession of the arcane script. Said critter is in undermountain.
Amidst groans of grudgery it comes to light that teleporting in is impossible, but perhaps one might try to plane shift in, but inthe end it is decided that doors are good too.
They enter and run across a pair of powerful demons that are dispatched swiftly. A short time later they run into the six armed horror. While Dalliance does her best to dispatch it swiftly, it still manages to wreak terrible damage on the party, though it is unable to flee and so expires. At the last, the frog strikes, though to no real effect, and the group is incensed at his cowardice…or ineptitude, at least.
Some time passes for research and preparation by way of constructing self-torture devices in order to avoid explosions of life. Then, they are off to the positive. The fortress is spotted and the landing strip is crowded with demons…
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