The group arrives outside of the city of Silverymoon. Then moves on toward the Frosty Mountains. Several days into the journey the party spots a group of ice trolls attacking three frost giants in a cave. The giants gain the upper hand and the trolls begin to retreat. As the trolls make their retreat, Catfish John and Max cast fireball spells on the cave ice cave. Three of the frost giants are killed and two retreat from the cave. The party finds 3,000 gp worth of small statues. The group then moves on further into the frosty mountains. The next day the party encounters a giant ice worm. Half of the adventurers are surprised. Navarro attacks with magic missiles while max tries a charm monster spell. The charm spell has no effect. Max follows up with a polymorph other from his wand and turns the ice worm in a catfish. Thanks for the idea John! Catfish John then casts Lemunds Secure Shelter and the group has a good catfish dinner and sleeps comfortably.
The next day a main entrance to a large cave complex is discovered. There are battlements on either side of the entrance. Navarro and Ralek enter the cave and find an entry hallway leading to an archway. Through the archway. Many frost giants are present. Max and CJ try Polymorph Other spells but they do not work. Ralek charges one of the giants and hits with a 20! Thud also attacks with a roll of 20 and crushes a giants skull. Two more frost giants enter the hall. Ralek is struck and falls lifeless to the ground. The group retreats with Ronj and Ralek back to the frosty mountainside. Catfish John casts Spectral Force and creates the illusion of a large snow drift. After resting for a few hours the group resumes the assault.
Did Ronj die or did he just have the wind knocked out of him?