Category DND Blog: EFK Saga

Regards, Mel K. Erech


While Malchor spies with his little eye, Elulyn erects a ring of fire around the group. That keeps the snakes at bay and gives the party ample time to listen to the scouting report. The report details a set of descending stairs and a large chamber containing a sarcophagus carved in the form of a snake-monk. This chamber gets a long, hard investigation. Eventually, the arcane eye passes close enough to a small hole in the wall that it is noticed. The hole leads to a tube that passes through the stone wall. Exactly the type of thing a gassy person might use to get around. More investigation reveals little else of interest.

When the eye returns to the top of the stairs, Malchor realizes there is a bolt under the throne that locks it in place...

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Erick with a ck.


Traversing the upstairs reveals it to be the realm of the gatehouse guards – most of which were just slain in the pitched battle just minutes earlier. There is some light looting and a bit of partial pillaging…but the talk keeps coming back to the book that slew Kiko. What is it if not a decoy? Could this actually be the thing they sought? Hmm. Well, for now it is time to go up rope for a few days, until the druid regains his full measure of health.

When they resume moving about, it doesn’t look like there has been any action in their absence. Bodies and bits of bodies still litter the courtyard, so they resume exploring and eventually descend a set of stairs that leads to an armory/barracks and a locked door leads to a row of prison cells beyond.
The cells are filled with rust monsters ...

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Ophidian or treefiddyian?


The lead they follow has them teleport to the far side of the continent, in the warm southern deserts of Calimshan…well, not exactly. A bit of homework reveals that while Calimshan is a wealthy place, it is also decidedly less good aligned than Cormyr. So, they journey to Tethyr instead. Border controls mean little to teleporting wizards. They mingle with the crowds in a port city and do some more research on their destination…a lonely group of standing stones in the middle of the western desert is where the portal is to be accessed. The portal is supposed to take them to a pocket plane where the Ophidian Monastery may be found. It is said that within the monastery there is a book of a powerful githyanki mage – lich?. How exactly it is accessed turns out to be quite interesting.

The par...

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Alas poor Pearsay, we barely knew thee.


After leaving the desert behind, the group vacations on the shores of the Moonsea while plotting their next moves. The druid and company take time to help the vineyards flourish and a fair amount of terraforming and construction is undertaken. It really cuts down on costs when the wizards can make huge piles of raw materials.
A month or so of domestic bliss ensues, along with a visit from a local vintner, who offers fermentation and casking services for a cut of the proceeds. Haggling ensues and a deal is struck. The first crop of grapes is still years away, but the lushness of the grain fields and the grass is noticeable. Having a druid on staff can be useful it seems.

After a while, the group decides that hunting liches is fine and all, but every time they disintegrate a mortal foe, th...

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Advanced Dithering and Divvying


Although the airship lich is interesting, it is KIkko the Druid that gives the group their next direction to follow. It seems that the lich-filled desert to the north of Cormyr is being terraformed and is becoming choked with poisonous brambles and shambling plant monsters.
Off they go into the wilderness. Before too long, the creepers are spotted, and the group flies into the depths of the desert. As they travel, the long lived elves recall some smattering of the history of the transformation of lush greenery into arid desert as the result of some strife in the past, involving a demigod (or perhaps great hero) and the evil forces that opposed him…though it is difficult to determine which side had the hero and which side were the terrible oppressors.

They eventually sight a massive limest...

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