Emboldened by the hefty profit marvins to be had in plundermountain, the group decides to return in another impromptu bout of looting.
Wandering the corridors leads them to new areas of the Mad Wizard’s playground.
These areas are less full of lootable monsters, and rather more full of strangeness. The wind-walking group discovers a dragon roulette room. Each time the party enters there is a different type of terrain and a different sort of dragon. They discover this festure only after they spend a day peparing for battle witha giant green dragon, only to encounter a copper dragon is the current occupant.
After by passing that area, they find themselves near a group of rooms that display adventuers in some sort of magical plexiglass cubes. Debate ensues about the wisdom of fooling with trophies, and the group presses on.
Eventually, they decide to exit and rejoin the world above. Upon doing so it beclmes clear that the flow of time above and below is not the same, for it seems that a decade has passed since tne group ventured under the mountain.
Becoming unstuck in time is not nearly as distressing as might have been thought…and not nearly as distresing as the news that the Rod Of Law has been assembled and is loose in the lands. Of course, the more lawful party members are less distressed than Lemming…
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