The group ransacks the tiger-man’s lair then puzzles over the lack of options. Oh well – back down the stairs and into an unexplored room. This one is an assembly/storage area for the steel lions currently prowling around the outside of the tower. Onward through some doors and a hallway is revealed. It is guarded by two immense machetegolems.
Cue Demming and his metal repulsion spell. He pushes the golems into a corner so Dalliance can eliminate them. She then eliminates the scary glyphs on the doors, which lets Barada determine that they are quite uncomfortably warm to the touch. Fire up the scroll of fore resistance and off they go, up the stairs.
Upon reaching the top, it is clear that the end is near. A vast army of partially incorporeal figures works in a frenzy – smelting and forging and scurrying and stoking and so forth. A trio of overseers roams the crowd, exhorting the spirits to greater efforts. Dalliance slams a wall of force in front of a large metallic dragonne, then triple-bolts the overseers into a fine dust with a massive surprise attack. A second dragonne is disintegrated and the group charges for the forge.
There they find a trio of immense fire elementals engaged in the heating of a massive and clearly impressively magical blade. The elementals are being directed by another overseer of sorts, so the group does its best to disrupt the goings-on. Multiple cold-based spells are unleashed, and Nils is battered into a smoking heap, but the group rallies him and presses the attack. They manage to defeat the elementals and the overseer and then pour a lot of cold-based magical energy at the now-cooling blade. Dalliance hoses it down with the cold from her staff of power until the metal begins to emit some pinging sounds,
Fairly confident that they have at least eliminated whatever threat this would represent, the group absents themselves in rapid fashion, wind-walking out of the tower at top speed, then plane shifting back to Shadowdale. There, they relax momentarily.
Wind Walk is my favorite spell. It gives me relevance.