Door. More? More door!

Deciding after all that plundering that the bloodlust was not quite slaked, the party presses onwards. Seeking and finding more doors, the party opens the first to reveal a ‘mad scientist’ laboratory, now partially destroyed and decrepit. Items of interest? A couple of portions. Threat level? Yawn.

The next door reveals a converted chapel, now some sort of op-center for (it is assumed) the Emerald Cobra (mayherestinpieces). Strategy, organizational charts, names, etc all neatly chalked up. Items of interest? Nada. Threat level? Yawn. Biggest threat so far is death by boredom.

The final door in the series is barred from the party’s side. Once unbarred, it opens onto a large room filled with stagnant water and a submerged and glowing star-shape. Distracted by the strange light, most of the group is taken unawares at the approach of something…hideous. However, Barada retains enough of a grip on his wits to hustle the members out and has Reza bar the door in the nick of time as something slams against it. The door shudders, but the bar holds. No body seems eager to enter the room and tussle with the unknown, so Dalliance is once again called into action. Using Glassee, she fashions a portal into the room. A Projected Image allows her to begins casting spells targeting the beast. The beast is a strange amalgam of octopus, arachnid and amphibian, topped by a wicked recurving Narwhale horn. It attacks the image mercilessly. Zot! Boom!

Pewpewpewpewpew! says Dalliance. Pewpewpewpewpew! The beast slumps into the water. Emboldened, the party rushes into the room and begins wading towards the beast. The beast apparently regenerates rapidly and soon the party is forced to begin pummeling it into submission while they hack the horn off of its head. Horn is removed and the beast is ended. Item of interest? Weird frog thingy. Threat level?
Off the charts. Death by boredom is looking really good right about now.

Backtracking to the pyramid entrance, the party regains the jungle air. ‘Tis nighttime and soon the surviving lizardfolk are treated to the sight of adventurers flying through the treetops. A few hapless guards are dispatched by Dalliance on the wing – Pewpewpewpewpew!


Backtracking through the maze of rooms and using the secret monkey workaround, the party is soon in the jungles and headed back towards the village that served as base camp. Upon arrival the villagers seem surprised at the group’s living state. Sheepish villagers confess that the lead they gave may not have been the ‘real’ Emerald Cobra. The group is intrigued, but needs to train several party members,

Using Dalliance’s Teleport without Error spells, the group is reassembled in Thudheim. Thad helps train Lubboch and Reza while Barada and Dalliance visit Waterdeep to seek out goods. Much is purchased and the ‘Frog Horn’ is donated to the Temple of Lathander in exchange for assistance in obtaining a Rod of Resurrection for the group.

Rested, recovered and recuperated, the group now ponders the next course of action, Desert or jungles?

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