The diving dragon unleashes a fireball of epic proportions and follows it up with a massive bolt of electricity that melts the surface of the iron cube where it strikes.
Where it strikes is the trio of Dalliance, Abe and Nils. The trio dies – though Dalliance has her ring of nine lives and she pops back up – hale and hearty. She blasts away at the draconic monstrosity while the rest of the group scurries about and ends up disintegrating it. Zot!
The group scrapes up the remnants of the fallen and departs via a scroll-enabled gate. They return the dead to life and invest a tenday or so bouncing about while seeking magic items to replenish those consumed by the dragon’s attack. Finally they return to the cube and now must choose between vengeance on the dragons that might be left, or an outright assault on the tower straightaway. Greed wins and the dragons are targeted for removal.
The group scouts the crevasse and spots the two remaining dragons in close proximity. Dalliance lets fly with a tripled fireball and Demming hurls a globe from his necklace of missiles. Despite the surprise and the massive amounts of damage – the dragons are not slain and seem inclined to attack. Disintegrate removes the larger of the two and good ole fashioned damage does in the offspring. Huzzah! and Looting! and Huzzah some more!
But now the tower looms – and the group approaches the only opening – it is flanked by two large steel cats, and a machete-armed iron golem stands just within the entrance. Dalliance erects a wall of force across the opening to separate the cats from the golem, then casts chain lightning and reduces the cats to slag. Meanwhile, Ron’j! dons is gloves of rusting and leaps into battle with the golem just as soon as the wall comes down. The battle is short, sharp and brutal – in the end the party prevails and stands ready to enter the tower.
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