The party tries to find another way around to attack the dwarves and trogs.
Into another room where there are two doors. behind one of the doors are five of the large orcs. Thud and Ronj kill two outright with 20’s. The drow move in and kill the other three.
162 gold, 5 platinum and a key are found in the bodies.
The group comes across a room with several trogs and some orcs. The trogledites are turning a giant spit with bison and setting tables. The group takes the initiative and moves in to kill the orcs. After killing the orcs the trogledites begin serving the group portions of bison.
The group leaves with two human slaves armed with orc axes and shields. A secret door is found and leads to a room with hundreds of gold plated items. Thud insists on taking some for the Thudheim stores. Greenleaf discovers another secret door leading to a 30′ shaft. The group lowers themselves down with the winch to a room full of gold, several trogladite slaves and other items. The slaves begin shoveling gold plated coins onto the winch.
The party lowers Ronj to the lowest level to investigate. A tunnel is found that leads to a huge hall with two giant orc statues holding up the ceiling. A voice wispers from behind Ronj. “Nasty outsiders” Ronj turns and runs back to the group. The group travels in another direction. into another room where old bedrolls are found. Nothing of value is found and the group moves on to a food storage hall.
On to another room that has four bared cells. All of the cells have orcs.
The group finds a room with serving tables and bottles of brandy. There are four gray skinned dwarves in the room.
Thud moves into the room and they attack. Ronj and Da’Nog move in and battle begins. The dwarves are killed in 5 rounds of combat.
From the opposite hall comes a group of sixteen soldiers. Max casts lightning bolt and uses his staff to double the effect. The soldiers are wiped out and the group advances killing the few survivors.
A door is found and forced open. Webs fill the room beyond. Da’Nog and Greenleaf use their flaming weapons to destroy the webs and spiders. More gold plated items are found.
On to the next door where a tunnel leads back to another hallway.
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