The group travels north to find meteors destroying Neverwinter and the eruption of the volcano…
27 comments to EFK Travels North
August 3, 2006 at 8:34 pm
CMthaDM says:
A bloody assault leaves the party weakened but full of vim and vigor. Many giuants and their allies fall at the hands of the invaders. Finally, a parley revelas that the item of interest is no longer there – having been transported by a Drow to the volcanic domain of the Neverwinter fire giants.
The group detours to Watedeep, where Orthan is accostd by an unknown (paladin?) and forced to flee. He joins the druids in wilderness isolation and the rest of the group attempts to train and plot a course of action.
August 7, 2006 at 5:08 am
Skilver Magilicutty says:
So at last the virtural Annal begins!
From virtual in the head to virtual on the web. (New catch phrase)
Perhaps a section where each charactor can be introduced?
And what costs the training! The prices at these colleges these days. Aggh might be worth to change my outlook on life to get a training break. Managed to find a mage that understands my ummmm … world view. However it still cost me my Dark Altar stone of soul storing. It’s worth was far beyond what I had thought. Little does it matter now. However I have been trained and promised that my Harrow Rod of Acid spraying will be remajiked in the bargain. Damn amateur boltests.
The incident at the gates was unexpected. Have to do more research on this Orthan fellow. Seems to be a bit of an undesired attention getter. Bellial would be displeased if that sort of attention is often associated with a member of the faith. Most unbecoming! However if he is important enough to warrant such defensive action, it would surly be a boon to my own career if I was able to convert him. Perhaps I shall attempt to instruct him on the importance of keeping a low profile.
Time to call upon the Vampirers and tell them of our progress. As a side mission I am hoping to trade some unfortuante humans in my employ to the Vampires for a much needed spell component. Need the hands cut from a living wight and I sure as hell don’t want to get them the hard way. Perhaps I will even treat them to a cup of my own newly enhanced blood. Perhaps I can convince the Druid to donate a cup. They are into all that blood sacrafice. I am sure such high level blood would be a treat for our nocturnal friends.
August 23, 2006 at 1:24 am
CMthaDM says:
The trip to the vampire’s lair was fraught with peril, and a very perilous peril it was. Paladins! (hsssss, we hates them) and the self-righteous do-gooders of “The Sword of Light”. They tried to befriend the druds, and one told them where to find the demon lair, but in the end you met Gulthia’s crew and gave them all but one of your newly hireed cooks, drovers and camp followers to slake their blood thirst. In return, Skilver got some neat-o ghoul hands to use in his spells.
You all agreed to bring a peaceful negotiating team to the lair of the wizard under the firey mountain, to ally Gulthia’s band with the rune-hammer weilding whampire and is sorcerous copies of the mad wizard. Or maybe he’s the real deal, who knows anymore. To sweeten the pot, a baker’s dozen of human children to serve as appetizers.
The deal is done and the group continues the quest for the heartstone hoping to penetrate the lair of the firey giants. Will they succeed, or will it be time to roll the six-siders?
dum dum dum! Funions or not – here they come…
August 25, 2006 at 12:18 am
S. Magilicutty says:
The vampires were more than willing to trade humans for ghoul hands. I think I could have gotten more than I did but really who wants to drag around more than a dozen smelly undead appendeges?
I find the prospect of fighting Giants of the fire class a bit worrysome as we almost lost two of our members in the last battle with the Hillbilly giants of the forest. Perhaps it was unwise to pay for the information we seeked. I wonder if the fat lead giant would truly have died rather than give up the knowledge that we seeked. I suppose one could hardly blame him for wanting compensation after the massive amount of damage we inflicted upon his stronghold. Oh well it is but money and as such hardly near and dear to my heart. It seemed to be more difficult for the humans in our party to part with the gold. Uggh I cannot imagine the pressure of being human. Such a short time to live it is no wonder they are so intent on making their fortunes in short order.
I also wonder about the cloud giant that we saw within the forest stronghold. Perhaps the fat giant is but a figure head of the collective.
Well I am willing to take a stab at penetrating the Fire giant lair but I do not have high hopes for success. I think this party may be over matched.
August 30, 2006 at 6:20 pm
CMthaDM says:
The Belialian mood seems to have infected the entire group. They risked life, limb and moneys to travel to the lair, only to be frightened away by the scary giants. Then they spent more time andmoney traveling into the demon-war torn countryside to buy food at 10x normal prices.
More andmore dithering produced less and less in the way of results. A new high in lows! Mayhaps some time and money could be better spent in accumulating a group of stalwart fighters that wouldn’t be quite so…reluctant to step in harm’s way.
maybe they just need a break. Where’d those funions go?
September 5, 2006 at 10:32 pm
Stump-a-Lump says:
Stumpy say he need new eyeball!
September 12, 2006 at 2:51 am
Raineer says:
Raineer muses:
I need a break. This shit is going to kill me. I sometimes can’t believe I gave up a steady gig to become a magic user. I don’t need this, “in my face reality”, maybe thats why I have been slipping into fantasy so much lately.I’ve got to snap out of it. Reality is pervasive. It has a way of slipping into my fantasies. Or maybe, its my fantasies slipping into my reality. Either way, I’d better wake up or I’m a dead man, but I digress.
Time to stiffen up and face the gaints or go get some more help.This configuration cannot continue if we want to be successful.FUCK, I need a glass of wine!
The vampires are draining us, the gaints are pounding us, the demons altering our path and the merchants are raping us. Sound familar? Yes, its what we are supposed to be doing. Lets go be EVIL and do some FUCKING of our own.
What was I just thinking?
Fuck it, give me some of those cured meats.
September 13, 2006 at 3:57 pm
CMthaDM says:
Well, sometimes it is best to throw caution to the winds it seems. The literal Blitzkrieg assult on the ‘fire giant’ complex revealed all manner of new information. They aren’t fire giants at all! Just some sort of grubby grey dwarf with shapechange abilities. They’re pissed now, but the group has slipped past the remnants and taken up hiding in a series of caves.
Along the way, a sscrap of parchment has revealed the possibility of an even more heinous future. Some crazy goombah living i the mountain has some sort of extra-planar gate that he wants to open. The comet in the sky could well be the harbringer of doom for the northern lands. Only time will tell…
September 14, 2006 at 5:15 am
Raineer says:
Sweet boar’s meat give me life. Shit, it was good to eat some fresh food.
Water to wine and I’m fine. Now that would be a good con to use to start a religion. The boys managed to ralley and the elves grow some balls. Missles and bolts revealed the truth; we had been decieved, fuck those gutter/mountain gaints. We thankfully remembered our roots. Strike first, ask ? later, i.e., foward direction with a little recklessness. We seemed to have stumbled upon something more then possibly finding the heartstone.
I don’t know if we can stand any more competition, we might have to thwart this one, if we want to gain some true power. Its bad enough we have to compete with demons for our share of the pie. This one maybe too much. Or, we run like hell after we get some booty. Who knows whats on all theses fuckers mind.
“Shit did you here that”
“Be quiet man”
” I mean elf”
September 14, 2006 at 11:10 pm
Stump-a-Lump says:
By the hairy teat of the dearded dwarf mother! Stumpy pissed. Silly elves whine that Stumpy get eaten by wolves. Now Stumpy good and maimed and they get spines? Sheeeet. Stumpy inna foul mood now.
September 18, 2006 at 3:16 am
Emor the EEEEEEvil says:
Mua-ha-ha-ha-haaaaaaa *cough*
You poor fools should have thrown in with me!
September 22, 2006 at 5:06 am
Raineer says:
Its quiet. Too quiet.
Except for that damn halfogre breathing heavily in the front.
Shit, I can also smell him.
Here we are in the dark and most are silent.
This space/time is being under utilized.
Our story not properly being voiced.
No more thinking, time to move.
“What was that”
” it sounds like noise”
“what are going to do”
Bonus Quote- Stumpy,”you guys sure you know what you are doing”
September 27, 2006 at 5:08 am
CMthaDM says:
Weeeeee Doggies!
An narrow escape with the snakey druid and some bathing Druergar beauties of doom leads to a muddy retreat. Dow and down and down they go, where they’ll stop no one will know!
A bargain with the doorman leads to frustrated desires on the part of Orthan, but on the plus side the group got to visit Pirate Town! Super! There they learn of the meteor strike on Neverwiinter and the volcanic hurl session.
A hike and a half brings them back into the earthquake’d Druergar complex. Spiders and giant sized dwarfs – oh my! Well pin my foot to the floor and call me a medic….
September 28, 2006 at 1:53 am
max says:
I hear foot piercing is in these days. Now he’s going to really need that porter. If it gets worse, go see stumpy. I hear he knows a good stump maker.
If we find the heart stone soon then perhaps we should head for Neverwinter. I’m sure we can find profit to equalize, chaos to order and good to balance with evil. Plus seeing the city destroyed sounds like an adventure in itself.
September 28, 2006 at 4:59 am
Raineer says:
Weee bee pirates?
But thats ok
at least we found/saw some interesting shit.
A nice diversion that helped save our skin.
Those damn dwarf/gaint things are like peskey flies.
The heartstone must be near
because they are a buzz’n.
Maybe i’m buzz’n
We continue to wander adrift, but we have hit a patch of excitement! The great comet has hit the Nevrwinterwoods, but we are all still alive! Hopefully, some of the forest is intact….perhaps adventuring with these evils (but only for a brief time of my long elvish lifespan) has thrown too much out of balance. Stopping the extra-planar gate from opening would be just the thing to bring the balance back! Plus ridding the world of these shape-changing dwarf-giants is kinda fun, just as long as I don’t get whackedd by them again. That SOB that surprised me almost did me in! I wonder if the red dragon heartstone is still around here somewhere…..
October 3, 2006 at 6:25 am
Stump-a-Lump says:
Stumpy wonder if he get a job at Piratetown bar.
October 3, 2006 at 6:32 am
CMthaDM says:
Well then..
What awaits the heroic spider slayers? Tons of rubble, or riches? Angry extra-planar magus or draco-lich enabler – or both? Funions or Mountain Dew?
Tune in next time for further adventures in evil! They rape, they loot, they pillage, they plunder! Well…they hire camp followers and trade them to vampires! Just as good – er – EVIL!
October 8, 2006 at 3:37 am
Raineer says:
That was close.
Fuck, why did those stooges shoot at the spiders?
Thank evil for the elfs mind powers.
Listen to them.
Jabbering on.
We got to move and continue to take the fight to them.
“stop arguing you fools”
“lets move down the hall before more of those giantdwarf things show up”
They’re looking at me like they don’t understand.
O K Then!
Let’s move! No more jabbering. Drop the funions & spill the mountain dew. Perhaps we can finish this before us humans are dead.
Press on and be strong.
October 10, 2006 at 6:38 pm
Skilver Magilacutty says:
It seems that the stories of the mountains destruction due to the comet were only partially true. It remains to be seen if these half collapsed halls still contain the petrified dragon heart that we seek. I can only imagine the gratitude of the Dracho lich if we do manage to be instrumental in his rising to power. I only hope the Druids do not become too concerned with their precious “balanceâ€. Gods I tire of their constant pontificating. One day I will have to beat them with the ranseur of Bellials wisdom once and for all. Though that is not his way it is tempting at times. I think soon enough they will grow weary of our company and go along their merry way. Praise my Patron deity for requiring no conscious at all. So freeing. However no need to make enemies of the Druids. But sometimes ….
The last battle was as tight of a fight as I have seen. Thank Bellial for the ability of my brain to crush the minds of my enemies with but a thought. It is a god send when there is not time to draw a blade nor cast a spell.
Rest and recharge is the order of the day. With any luck the mountains shaking has dealt a blow to those little mutant dwarfs and they are no longer looking for us. Blessed be detect invisibility. What finer powers are there then the combination of Clerical power backed by the control of magic.
October 11, 2006 at 1:27 pm
Max says:
The elf of Bellial should hope the druids “go on their merry way” before imposing their supposed “balance” on him.
October 12, 2006 at 5:00 am
CMthaDM says:
Testes, testes…one, two, three?!
Well well well…what the bloody hell? They slice, they dice, they scavage and scour,,,they fight, they bite, they like to pick wildflowers…
Well, maybe not.
Escaping from the giant dwarf lair, the intrepid party leaves behind the caverns of bad vibes, the caverns of awful stench, and the giantdwarf bazarr del mundo. What a happening place that is!
Back into the great outdoors, and a week or two on the road brings our intrepid evildoers in sight of Waterdeep…smoking Waterdeep. What’s that smoke?
That’d be the temple of Tharzidun, burning burning burning. And not in the good way either. Seems that the hordes of demons and meteor strikes have increased the normal levels of paranoia to unparalleled heights. Evil folk have been barred from entering Waterdeep, and the ban is enforced by magical wards that enclose the city.
That’d be a bit of a problem from the point of view of the party members that have their personal goods stored in the college of prestidigitators. Curses, hellfire and damnation! In short, farglegarble!
Somewhat daunted, the group hears tales of a new city that has sprung up in the desert lands…a haven for all sorts of human flotsam and assorted scumbags. With a weary sigh, the party turns inland to seek a more accommodating set of lodgings.
Maybe the Magii of Orlbar will offer a chance for soem down time…..
A Tharzidunian dominated party releases all the demons on the world, and now their temple is burning! The sweet poetry of it! All has come full circle during my time in this party, although few original members are still alive. Shall we go to this new desert city? Does Skilver have the wisdom to maintain control over himself to survive that long? Perhaps he would do better to return to the lava flows and flame of the volcano to search in the rubble for the heartstone, encouraging his delusions of grandeur?
October 14, 2006 at 5:47 am
Raineer says:
Shit that was close.
That was one furious mountain.
I hope those little dwarf fucks drown in that shit.
Waterdeep shut off.
Training is needed.
This is a problem.
Maybe Orlbar?
Maybe the desert?
Evil beheld, Chance casts the die.
I’ve noticed those druidelves been looking at the Bellial dude kind of funny lately.
“watch out for that hole in the road”
“”what hole in the road?””
“there’s always a hole in the road”
like the hole in your head
November 8, 2006 at 11:20 pm
Greenleaf says:
Wow, this desert city is something else! I looks like it was dropped here from somewhere else, and it has everything an evil being could want. Thudmeister is in heaven, at least his version of it. Is the assassin going to seek audience with the demon overlord? Hope he doesn’t get his soul sucked out of him…..
A bloody assault leaves the party weakened but full of vim and vigor. Many giuants and their allies fall at the hands of the invaders. Finally, a parley revelas that the item of interest is no longer there – having been transported by a Drow to the volcanic domain of the Neverwinter fire giants.
The group detours to Watedeep, where Orthan is accostd by an unknown (paladin?) and forced to flee. He joins the druids in wilderness isolation and the rest of the group attempts to train and plot a course of action.
So at last the virtural Annal begins!
From virtual in the head to virtual on the web. (New catch phrase)
Perhaps a section where each charactor can be introduced?
The Annals of “The Werdefacowie”
Skilver’s take:
And what costs the training! The prices at these colleges these days. Aggh might be worth to change my outlook on life to get a training break. Managed to find a mage that understands my ummmm … world view. However it still cost me my Dark Altar stone of soul storing. It’s worth was far beyond what I had thought. Little does it matter now. However I have been trained and promised that my Harrow Rod of Acid spraying will be remajiked in the bargain. Damn amateur boltests.
The incident at the gates was unexpected. Have to do more research on this Orthan fellow. Seems to be a bit of an undesired attention getter. Bellial would be displeased if that sort of attention is often associated with a member of the faith. Most unbecoming! However if he is important enough to warrant such defensive action, it would surly be a boon to my own career if I was able to convert him. Perhaps I shall attempt to instruct him on the importance of keeping a low profile.
Time to call upon the Vampirers and tell them of our progress. As a side mission I am hoping to trade some unfortuante humans in my employ to the Vampires for a much needed spell component. Need the hands cut from a living wight and I sure as hell don’t want to get them the hard way. Perhaps I will even treat them to a cup of my own newly enhanced blood. Perhaps I can convince the Druid to donate a cup. They are into all that blood sacrafice. I am sure such high level blood would be a treat for our nocturnal friends.
The trip to the vampire’s lair was fraught with peril, and a very perilous peril it was. Paladins! (hsssss, we hates them) and the self-righteous do-gooders of “The Sword of Light”. They tried to befriend the druds, and one told them where to find the demon lair, but in the end you met Gulthia’s crew and gave them all but one of your newly hireed cooks, drovers and camp followers to slake their blood thirst. In return, Skilver got some neat-o ghoul hands to use in his spells.
You all agreed to bring a peaceful negotiating team to the lair of the wizard under the firey mountain, to ally Gulthia’s band with the rune-hammer weilding whampire and is sorcerous copies of the mad wizard. Or maybe he’s the real deal, who knows anymore. To sweeten the pot, a baker’s dozen of human children to serve as appetizers.
The deal is done and the group continues the quest for the heartstone hoping to penetrate the lair of the firey giants. Will they succeed, or will it be time to roll the six-siders?
dum dum dum! Funions or not – here they come…
The vampires were more than willing to trade humans for ghoul hands. I think I could have gotten more than I did but really who wants to drag around more than a dozen smelly undead appendeges?
I find the prospect of fighting Giants of the fire class a bit worrysome as we almost lost two of our members in the last battle with the Hillbilly giants of the forest. Perhaps it was unwise to pay for the information we seeked. I wonder if the fat lead giant would truly have died rather than give up the knowledge that we seeked. I suppose one could hardly blame him for wanting compensation after the massive amount of damage we inflicted upon his stronghold. Oh well it is but money and as such hardly near and dear to my heart. It seemed to be more difficult for the humans in our party to part with the gold. Uggh I cannot imagine the pressure of being human. Such a short time to live it is no wonder they are so intent on making their fortunes in short order.
I also wonder about the cloud giant that we saw within the forest stronghold. Perhaps the fat giant is but a figure head of the collective.
Well I am willing to take a stab at penetrating the Fire giant lair but I do not have high hopes for success. I think this party may be over matched.
The Belialian mood seems to have infected the entire group. They risked life, limb and moneys to travel to the lair, only to be frightened away by the scary giants. Then they spent more time andmoney traveling into the demon-war torn countryside to buy food at 10x normal prices.
More andmore dithering produced less and less in the way of results. A new high in lows! Mayhaps some time and money could be better spent in accumulating a group of stalwart fighters that wouldn’t be quite so…reluctant to step in harm’s way.
maybe they just need a break. Where’d those funions go?
Stumpy say he need new eyeball!
Raineer muses:
I need a break. This shit is going to kill me. I sometimes can’t believe I gave up a steady gig to become a magic user. I don’t need this, “in my face reality”, maybe thats why I have been slipping into fantasy so much lately.I’ve got to snap out of it. Reality is pervasive. It has a way of slipping into my fantasies. Or maybe, its my fantasies slipping into my reality. Either way, I’d better wake up or I’m a dead man, but I digress.
Time to stiffen up and face the gaints or go get some more help.This configuration cannot continue if we want to be successful.FUCK, I need a glass of wine!
The vampires are draining us, the gaints are pounding us, the demons altering our path and the merchants are raping us. Sound familar? Yes, its what we are supposed to be doing. Lets go be EVIL and do some FUCKING of our own.
What was I just thinking?
Fuck it, give me some of those cured meats.
Well, sometimes it is best to throw caution to the winds it seems. The literal Blitzkrieg assult on the ‘fire giant’ complex revealed all manner of new information. They aren’t fire giants at all! Just some sort of grubby grey dwarf with shapechange abilities. They’re pissed now, but the group has slipped past the remnants and taken up hiding in a series of caves.
Along the way, a sscrap of parchment has revealed the possibility of an even more heinous future. Some crazy goombah living i the mountain has some sort of extra-planar gate that he wants to open. The comet in the sky could well be the harbringer of doom for the northern lands. Only time will tell…
Sweet boar’s meat give me life. Shit, it was good to eat some fresh food.
Water to wine and I’m fine. Now that would be a good con to use to start a religion. The boys managed to ralley and the elves grow some balls. Missles and bolts revealed the truth; we had been decieved, fuck those gutter/mountain gaints. We thankfully remembered our roots. Strike first, ask ? later, i.e., foward direction with a little recklessness. We seemed to have stumbled upon something more then possibly finding the heartstone.
I don’t know if we can stand any more competition, we might have to thwart this one, if we want to gain some true power. Its bad enough we have to compete with demons for our share of the pie. This one maybe too much. Or, we run like hell after we get some booty. Who knows whats on all theses fuckers mind.
“Shit did you here that”
“Be quiet man”
” I mean elf”
By the hairy teat of the dearded dwarf mother! Stumpy pissed. Silly elves whine that Stumpy get eaten by wolves. Now Stumpy good and maimed and they get spines? Sheeeet. Stumpy inna foul mood now.
Mua-ha-ha-ha-haaaaaaa *cough*
You poor fools should have thrown in with me!
Its quiet. Too quiet.
Except for that damn halfogre breathing heavily in the front.
Shit, I can also smell him.
Here we are in the dark and most are silent.
This space/time is being under utilized.
Our story not properly being voiced.
No more thinking, time to move.
“What was that”
” it sounds like noise”
“what are going to do”
Bonus Quote- Stumpy,”you guys sure you know what you are doing”
Weeeeee Doggies!
An narrow escape with the snakey druid and some bathing Druergar beauties of doom leads to a muddy retreat. Dow and down and down they go, where they’ll stop no one will know!
A bargain with the doorman leads to frustrated desires on the part of Orthan, but on the plus side the group got to visit Pirate Town! Super! There they learn of the meteor strike on Neverwiinter and the volcanic hurl session.
A hike and a half brings them back into the earthquake’d Druergar complex. Spiders and giant sized dwarfs – oh my! Well pin my foot to the floor and call me a medic….
I hear foot piercing is in these days. Now he’s going to really need that porter. If it gets worse, go see stumpy. I hear he knows a good stump maker.
If we find the heart stone soon then perhaps we should head for Neverwinter. I’m sure we can find profit to equalize, chaos to order and good to balance with evil. Plus seeing the city destroyed sounds like an adventure in itself.
Weee bee pirates?
But thats ok
at least we found/saw some interesting shit.
A nice diversion that helped save our skin.
Those damn dwarf/gaint things are like peskey flies.
The heartstone must be near
because they are a buzz’n.
Maybe i’m buzz’n
“right behind me?”
“oh, shit!”
“damn flies”
“magic missles for you”
We continue to wander adrift, but we have hit a patch of excitement! The great comet has hit the Nevrwinterwoods, but we are all still alive! Hopefully, some of the forest is intact….perhaps adventuring with these evils (but only for a brief time of my long elvish lifespan) has thrown too much out of balance. Stopping the extra-planar gate from opening would be just the thing to bring the balance back! Plus ridding the world of these shape-changing dwarf-giants is kinda fun, just as long as I don’t get whackedd by them again. That SOB that surprised me almost did me in! I wonder if the red dragon heartstone is still around here somewhere…..
Stumpy wonder if he get a job at Piratetown bar.
Well then..
What awaits the heroic spider slayers? Tons of rubble, or riches? Angry extra-planar magus or draco-lich enabler – or both? Funions or Mountain Dew?
Tune in next time for further adventures in evil! They rape, they loot, they pillage, they plunder! Well…they hire camp followers and trade them to vampires! Just as good – er – EVIL!
That was close.
Fuck, why did those stooges shoot at the spiders?
Thank evil for the elfs mind powers.
Listen to them.
Jabbering on.
We got to move and continue to take the fight to them.
“stop arguing you fools”
“lets move down the hall before more of those giantdwarf things show up”
They’re looking at me like they don’t understand.
“move damn it!”
O K Then!
Let’s move! No more jabbering. Drop the funions & spill the mountain dew. Perhaps we can finish this before us humans are dead.
Press on and be strong.
It seems that the stories of the mountains destruction due to the comet were only partially true. It remains to be seen if these half collapsed halls still contain the petrified dragon heart that we seek. I can only imagine the gratitude of the Dracho lich if we do manage to be instrumental in his rising to power. I only hope the Druids do not become too concerned with their precious “balanceâ€. Gods I tire of their constant pontificating. One day I will have to beat them with the ranseur of Bellials wisdom once and for all. Though that is not his way it is tempting at times. I think soon enough they will grow weary of our company and go along their merry way. Praise my Patron deity for requiring no conscious at all. So freeing. However no need to make enemies of the Druids. But sometimes ….
The last battle was as tight of a fight as I have seen. Thank Bellial for the ability of my brain to crush the minds of my enemies with but a thought. It is a god send when there is not time to draw a blade nor cast a spell.
Rest and recharge is the order of the day. With any luck the mountains shaking has dealt a blow to those little mutant dwarfs and they are no longer looking for us. Blessed be detect invisibility. What finer powers are there then the combination of Clerical power backed by the control of magic.
The elf of Bellial should hope the druids “go on their merry way” before imposing their supposed “balance” on him.
Testes, testes…one, two, three?!
Well well well…what the bloody hell? They slice, they dice, they scavage and scour,,,they fight, they bite, they like to pick wildflowers…
Well, maybe not.
Escaping from the giant dwarf lair, the intrepid party leaves behind the caverns of bad vibes, the caverns of awful stench, and the giantdwarf bazarr del mundo. What a happening place that is!
Back into the great outdoors, and a week or two on the road brings our intrepid evildoers in sight of Waterdeep…smoking Waterdeep. What’s that smoke?
That’d be the temple of Tharzidun, burning burning burning. And not in the good way either. Seems that the hordes of demons and meteor strikes have increased the normal levels of paranoia to unparalleled heights. Evil folk have been barred from entering Waterdeep, and the ban is enforced by magical wards that enclose the city.
That’d be a bit of a problem from the point of view of the party members that have their personal goods stored in the college of prestidigitators. Curses, hellfire and damnation! In short, farglegarble!
Somewhat daunted, the group hears tales of a new city that has sprung up in the desert lands…a haven for all sorts of human flotsam and assorted scumbags. With a weary sigh, the party turns inland to seek a more accommodating set of lodgings.
Maybe the Magii of Orlbar will offer a chance for soem down time…..
Damnit. Stumpy lose eye. Stumpy lose ears. Now Stumpy lose freedom.
Stumpy pissed now!
A Tharzidunian dominated party releases all the demons on the world, and now their temple is burning! The sweet poetry of it! All has come full circle during my time in this party, although few original members are still alive. Shall we go to this new desert city? Does Skilver have the wisdom to maintain control over himself to survive that long? Perhaps he would do better to return to the lava flows and flame of the volcano to search in the rubble for the heartstone, encouraging his delusions of grandeur?
Shit that was close.
That was one furious mountain.
I hope those little dwarf fucks drown in that shit.
Waterdeep shut off.
Training is needed.
This is a problem.
Maybe Orlbar?
Maybe the desert?
Evil beheld, Chance casts the die.
I’ve noticed those druidelves been looking at the Bellial dude kind of funny lately.
“watch out for that hole in the road”
“”what hole in the road?””
“there’s always a hole in the road”
like the hole in your head
Wow, this desert city is something else! I looks like it was dropped here from somewhere else, and it has everything an evil being could want. Thudmeister is in heaven, at least his version of it. Is the assassin going to seek audience with the demon overlord? Hope he doesn’t get his soul sucked out of him…..