‘No plotting for you!’ declares the 13 year old wizard and thus it is that the group finds itself face to face with the sphinx*. The first encounter is worked out with precision. Attackers are buffed out, elementals are summoned for reinforcements, elaborate mechanisms are deployed for protection from various and sundry magics…and the first roar of the sphinx sends them all scurrying for cover.
The next day, the elaborate precautions also include a personal silence coin for 5/6 of the party. The previous day’s plan is carried out again. The results are much different. Ron’j! leads the attack and strikes a mighty series of blows, injuring the beast and gaining it’s focus. Over the course of the next 30-40 seconds the magic and blows fly – with opportunistically timed attacks disrupting most of the sphinx’s spell casting, and Ron’j!’s ring of spell turning aiding in the partial nullification of the rest – but in the end there are two deaths – Ron’j! and the sphinx. One is restored and the other is not.
The group enters the lair of the sphinx queen and bypasses the first deadly trap – battles a host of undead sphinxes that nearly rend the party in twin – were it not for Dalliance’s ‘undeath to death’ capabilities and copious fireballs, Mummies hate fireballs.
The group presses onwards and finds a large room with sphinx statues pointed at various doors…
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