With the Basilisk destroyed the group moves on to find an old blind human. (presumably the keeper of the basilisk) He claims the lizard was not a Basilisk. In the next room there is signs of a slaughter. A butcher block with giant sized cleaver sits amongst dismembered humans and elves hanging from meat hooks. Perhaps food for the Basilisk…
Down a hall and into another room where there is a giant snake wrapped around a large stone with a sword halfway through. Max conjures a fire elemental and it kills the snake with a mighty 20 of a blow. Da’Nog pulls the sword from the stone and a secret door is detected by Greenleaf Longbranch.
Through the secret door and into a room where there are four Cyclopses sitting at a table arguing. Da’Nog and Thud attack. With a little help from the fire elemental the one eyed beasts are slain. In the next chamber there is a pedestal with a statue of a Cyclops standing upon it with a large shiny green gem for an eye. Greenleaf has his eye on the eye and climbs up the statue to try and pry it out. As he reaches for the eye the statue animates. Battle ensues but fighting stone requires blunt weapons. From outside the room Max slings a +4 bullet striking the statue with a 20. With a few more blows from Da’Nog and Thud the statue is destroyed and the large green gem is taken.
Greenleaf finds another secret door that detects as magic. He then casts protection from fire on Thud. Thud reaches to open the door and fire rains down from above. Making his save and benefiting from the protection from fire spell, Thud takes minor damage and opens the door.
In the room is a large chest made of chain. Zappa plays and sings a song to dispel the magic on the chest. Thud opens the chest to find 1,000 platinum pieces, 3,000 gold pieces, 300 small gems, a magical long sword and a platinum scroll tube that is no longer magical. Engraved on the outside are the words: Enchanted by Bigby for the Elvish Prince Elebriel.
Moving down another passage, Greenleaf discovers yet another secret door. (handy the elves are) Through the door and down a stairway brings the group to a tunnel filled with bones and decaying bodies. Ronj detects a trap that is a falling portcullis. Greenleaf is able to stone-shape the openings closed and disarm the trap. Further down the tunnel another portcullis falls. Ronj uses the gauntlets of rust to quickly corrode away the bars.
The group travels further down the tunnel to find stairs that lead up to dead end the Greenleaf detects as another secret door. On the other side of the door is an entrance with a suit of armor on either side. Above the entrance is a banner that reads: Nya ha ha
Max steps in and a magic mouth begins screaming: Nyah-ha-haaa… Nyah-ha-haaa…
Max steps out and the mouth falls silent. Within the adjacent room there are bottles of brandy and a human woman who appears to be cleaning. Da’Nog, deciding he hasn’t had enough evil in his life lately, jumps on the woman and rapes her on the spot. Greenleaf decides to try some of the brandy…
When Da’Nog is finished the group moves on to the next room. Inside there are two, very muscular, minotaurs. Thud and Da’Nog attack. Max casts magic missiles. Ronj removes the bicep from one minotaur with a 20! The group surrounds the second and soon both are dead on the floor. A magic chest is in the room. Greenleaf casts protection from fire on Thud. Thud opens the chest and fire rains down upon him again. He is protected fro the burns and the chest is successfully opened. Within there is a magical long sword , a spear, a trident and a small wooden box.
From down a hallway comes a firball. Followed by the familiar: Nyah-ha-haaa! Most of the group “save” the attack. Max responds with a lightning bolt doubled by his staff. Zagig yells with rage and Ralek the cleric falls dead in the electrical storm. Zagig falls and appears to be dead. Many trolls arrive and Max uses gem from helm to put up a wall of fire for protection.
Zagig then springs to life with another Nya ha ha. Da’Nog attacks and kills the pointy mustached magician. Upon inspection Zagig has a spell book, a key for the book around his neck, two magic rings, a large ruby and a tattoo of a kraken from his neck to his feet with one tentacle being his schlong.(johnson, genitalia, lizard… dick) All but the tattoo are taken.
Max brings down the wall of fire and Da’Nog, Thud and Ronj get the drop and kill them all. The group falls back to the brandy room. Greenleaf produces a scroll of raise dead and brings Ralek back to life.
After resting the group backtracks to the revers gravity room and into anther room where they find a head on a platter with a large ruby in the mouth. Thud retrieves the ruby and the party moves to another unexplored tunnel. They find a room with bones and rust flakes all over the floor. Three rust monsters attack. Max casts lightning bolt and kills two. Da’Nog jumps in to kill the third.
Moving through the room and down another tunnel, the group finds a barricade with orcs guarding the passage. Max casts rock to mud and the orcs sink down into the liquefied passage. Max then dispels the spell and the orcs are all killed when the mud returns to stone.
Lol! Lots of adventure in this DnD session, not to mention swashbuckling, killing, looting and nyahh nyahh nyahh!
Da’Nog no evil! Da’Nog barbarian. When we need woman we take. Besides she like it. Real man not some limp wristed mage!
She no sad. Those tears of joy!
We continue on. Mo money, Mo money.
Da’Nog be pimpin now bruddah!