With Raylek dead and the fireball barrage only partially effective, the group’s resolve began to waver. Finally, after a short debate it was decided to press on with the attack. The group, plus two fire elementals charged towards the already burned frost giant guards. After a short and fierce battle, four frost giants lay dead on the ground. Heals are cast, after which the group hears a menacing hissing/growling farther down the passageway.
The Druids send in their fire elementals followed by the group, Thud and Ronj in the front. They discover the hissing sound is coming from a 7 headed frost hydra chained to the wall. The elementals attack while the group attacks from a distance. Ronj fires his crossbow sending a bolt into the hide of the hideous creature. Magic missiles, sling bullets and elemental attacks finish off the monster, which managed to slay one of the elementals. Thud removes the heads.
Suddenly Ronj sees an incoming boulder! “Heads up!” he warns the rest of the group while dodging the deadly missile. The group looks up to see two angry frost giant guards charging at them! And to make matters worse, following them is a commanding figure, an even larger giant with a huge blue ice axe. He charges into the fray, issuing orders (presumably in frost giant) to his guards to slay the invaders.
The trio of giants charge into the group, knocking Thud to the ground. The giant leader in a fit of rage swings his huge axe at Max seriously wounding him. A desperate battle follows as Thud, Ronj, Navarro and Catfish John’s illusionary fighter press the attack. During the fight, Navarro casts seething eyebane on the frost giant leader, his eyes explode in acid, blinding him. While this happens, a key falls on the floor from the frost giant leader’s neck. Taking advantage of the giant’s blindness, Ronj critically punches the massive creature in the chest, followed up by Navarro critically stabbing the blinded giant in the wrist. Thud and Catfish John’s illusionary fighter follow up with significant blows to the blinded wounded giant, slaying him.
Meanwhile, the wounded Max takes out his wand of polymorphing and turns the remaining 2 guards into rainbow trout. Before the group has a chance to examine the throne room they are again under attack by 3 more frost giant guards, who were alerted by the cries of anguish from their dying leader. The 3 guards charge in and are met by Thud, Ronj, Navarro and Catfish John’s illusionary fighter. Max waves his polymorph wand again, but this time it doesn’t work. Ronj punches a frost giant guard. A frost giant guard strikes at Thud with all of his strength, slaying him with a devastating blow! Wounded Ronj critically strikes back at the guard punching him, while Max turns another into a trout. Navarro, Ronj, Greenleaf and Catfish John’s illusionary fighter finish off the remaining 2 guards.
An angry cry is heard from an adjacent room, the surviving members of the group see a very angry and formidable looking female frost giantess wearing plate mail charging towards them. She is followed by 4 polar bears. Acting quickly, Greenleaf casts a wall of fire between the frost giantess and the group. Max suggests a retreat in order to regroup. Navarro holds his ground, “I am not going anywhere!” he exclaims.
The frost giant queen then leaps though the wall of fire towards the group. Max’s polymorph wand flashes again and the frost giant queen is transformed into a trout. Greenleaf lowers the wall of fire and talks to the queen’s polar bears. “You are free” he explains to them, but before they leave, a cleverly cast knock spell causes a valuable collar to fall off one of them.
The group finds and loots a trophy room and the frost giant leader’s private bedchamber. Another room is discovered. Using the key from the slain frost giant leader, they open up the door and find a large monster, part dragon, and part giant. The monster seizing the opportunity bolts to the door with astonishing speed, smashing past Navarro, wounding him. The rest of the group begins to retreat at the sight of this formidable opponent, Greenleaf drinks a potion of gaseous form, Max druid shifts into a leopard. Navarro casts haste on himself and “Nimble” Dick Fingers.
Fortunately, the dragon giant doesn’t seem interested in battle, only escape, as he extends his huge wings and flies off into the frigid evening sky. The rest of the fortress is looted, list of swag to follow…….
*whispers* It was only a pair of polar bears…
LOL…Iwas too busy cleaning the Frost Giant entrails off of my robe to notice the Polar Bears.