

Passing through the stone door, they encounter some undead in a snake-carved pillar filled room. There is also a spell casting, tentacled brain flying around trying to destroy the party, It dispels much of the party’s magic before blasting them with a lightning bolt. Although Jaco is rendered unconscious by the electrical discharge, the creature is slain by Goldpiece and the magic missiles of the mages, and the cleric is subsequently revived by the druid. The area is explored and it is interesting to note that one avenue of exit is blocked by a wall of apparent crystal. Strange.

They move on to encounter some sort of temple of death – complete with jarred skeletons and an ominous black pool...

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Plootin and scootin to parts more southerly

…and on and on and on. Demons are summoned and promptly imprisoned. The lich? is desperately sought and ideas and suggestions are shouted from party member to member. The druid deploys an obscuring mist and beats feet in retreat, followed by Iko and Elulyn.
At one point the image vanishes and then the actual? lich? appears on the other side of the group’s passwall spell as he webs it shut. An ice bridge is laid and a burning hands spell clears the webs. Goldpiece advances and sees the mage and the yakuza yeti behind prison bars, relaxing in a holding cell. . Thye mage turns out to be an illusion and the yeti is burned to death by a wall of fire placed within the cell by a thoroughly pissed-off Elulyn. The crafty mage reappears and blasts Goldpiece but does not disintegrate him...

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Hostages? Never heard of ’em.

Entering the chasm of winds they discover a rift to the elemental plane of air overseen by a curiously veiny old man, windblown and weathered. A djinn is summoned and the party battles furiously. The elven whirlwind called Goldpiece wreaks havoc on the djinn while the malformed mage blasts the veiny old man into the afterlife. The rest of the party aids as they are able but seem content to hold the rear.
With the old man and the djinn slain whatever eldritch magic that keeps the rift open starts to fade and within minutes there are no more howling winds. Gee…I wonder if anyone will notice? Looting is undertaken and the missing holy weapon is recovered. Right...

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Sphere in the side pocket – or- Daddy issues

The wyverns are vanquished but the troubles are not over. The sounds of battle have attracted a mob of cultists who rush the party along a narrow corridor – which earns them a lightning bolt for their troubles. Hot on their heels – and apparently unphased by huge amounts of electricity – are a pack of stick thin humanoids covered in acidic slime. They begin battling the party by casting dispel magic on the flying party members, managing to bring down a few. While they battle, these demons summon allies and soon the chamber is thick with the evil creatures. The cleric of Meilikki is brought down and gored by spears, but his noble death allows the rest to retreat a bit.
Some rest and repair in the extra-dimensional hidey-hole and they re-emerge to seek the object of their quest...

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A jarring experience!

After a suitably uneventful bit of overland travel, the group arrives at one of the northernmost outposts of the Thyr sect. Their journey being uneventful so far (except for the at one sighting of a red dragon – or was that just a cloud at sunset), the group is escorted into a narrow tunnel lined with murder holes, then allowed to ascend a steep and curving trail that deposits them in the iddle of a large courtyard.
Barracks, mess tents, training grounds, a massive obelisk with weapons piled high around the base? Seems like your standard military order of a church. Indeed it is, but it is not long until the group is summoned to speak with the commander.
He makes a long story short and sets the group on the path of the knights that he sent to find his daughter and the holy relic that she st...

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