Treachery and soup

After defeating the crazed minotaurs, the bodies quickly crumble to dust. Some quick, looting and one of the party members looks out the window to see a large army of translucent figures surrounding the tower, staring upwards. Creepy. On to the next door – more crazed individuals. These are humans, clad in rotting cloth, with foam-flecked lips and wild eyes. They assault the paladin while babbling insane phrases about time standing still and a curse laid upon them. The fight is brutal. The paladin has each leg removed once and it is only the swift action of the cleric keeps her from dying twice.
As the party cuts the attackers down one by one, a howl comes from the spirits outside with each death. The cleric casts a spell to immobilize the the last one and the party ties him up...

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Oh my aching back!

After conversing with the floating eye – totally not a beholder, by the way – for a time, and after apparently providing the correct answer to the scenario posed by the non-beholder, the group ventures through the only available doorway. They find themselves in a room filled about waist high with bones and withered corpses. On the opposite side, a door seems like the only exit.
Snowplowing through the grisly remains, they gain access to the door and the Galadin opens it. Paladin and cleric find themselves face to face with a dragon, shrouded in tendrils of wispy darkness. It gives a quick hello, and the paladin deploys the gem of true seeing. The dragon breathes and the inky breath sucks most of the vitality out of the cleric, paladin and mage.
Startled (understatement) the group commences...

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Farewell Ofelia, hello adventure!

Following discussion with the War Wizards, the cleric of Torm marches to the morgue and uses his powers to return Ofelia from the dead. This causes some amount of consternation among the mages and word leaks about the relative power of the strange foreigner in the city. Ofelia reveals little save that one of the attackers was familiar to the group – the old man who they saw ‘slain’ in the streets before they set out to eh lair of Adzerak.
It is revealed that the man in question was the master of operations for an adventuring group known as The Puppetmasters – who apparently are in league with whomever wants the books the party took – and used? Hmm. That could be problematic.
Ofelia lets it be known that she wishes to part ways with the group – it being a bit too dangerous to travel with th...

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Drain the Swamp!

Investigations of the subterranean area – extremely damp and musty – reveals a lot of undead (swiftly vanquished), an imprisoned spirit naga (also dispatched and the head preserved) a roving demon that attacks by surprise and lightning bolts the party a few times for good measure (killed as well) a few umber hulks (also dispatched with extreme prejudice).

After a few days up the rope, the group decides to try and see if the black dragon they spotted earlier is still hanging about and in need of killing. They emerge and go to investigate the central ‘building’ when they are beset by a swarm of tormented creatures that squirm out from the ruins and attack in waves. The creatures soon die in waves.

Throwing caution to the wind, the group airlifts to the tower using the cleric’s rainbow eleva...

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Swamp Rats? I thought you said Womp rats!

Upon entering the swamp, the oppressive swampiness starts to assert itself. Bugs, bug and more bugs bug the heck out of the party members, who slog from one semi-dry hummock to the next. The mists are thick and swirling and visibility is limited to a dozen feet or so. It is difficult to hear anything other than the drone of the blood-sucking flies and the splash of the character’s booted feet.
Suddenly a beholder looms out of the mist and demands tribute! The party is to place shiny object of value in this hollowed out dragon skull post-haste. While the res tof the group stammers and stutters to buy some time, the mage unleashes a spell of disintegration and vaporizes most of the beholder – which turns out to have been a hollowed out husk, kept aloft by unknown means. Curious...

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