Post-rope, the party returns to investigating the dormitory of the departed. They check to see if any of the corpses resemble Conrad the Righteous, but no. No Conrad. The elf gives the walls the elven once-over and finds nothing. Firmly convinced that the absence of secret doors can only mean there must be secret doors that are really well hidden, the group invests several hours in pursuit of these nonexistent doors. The elven x-ray vision does reveal that there are spaces beyond these walls, but in the end it is decided that other avenues should be sought before walls are passed by magical means.
More exploration reveals little except a door that opens to the garden – and the dental hygiene ghost – until they meet another trio of were-spiders and slay them...
With the elf’s charmed pudding in tow, the group resumes exploration and uses a secret door to gain entrance ot a chamber occupied by a number of orcs. The orcs attempt to brain the elf with a number of hurled missiles, including an overflowing chamberpot.
Understandably annoyed, the elf begins slaying all within sight until he is tackled by a quartet of desperate orcs. The pudding engulfs them as the elf rolls away and the rest of the party is alarmed by the homicidal ooze. The party slays on and leaves on ly a few orcs who surrender in despair.
The elf questions them and learns little of value, save that there are other orcs who have come to this place. The orc’s fate is discussed, but in the end they are put to the sword in the name of evil reduction...
Retreating from the martini ghoul, the group decides to passwall into a different direction. The find a large dog, saddled and ready for travel, though very hungry. The dog was the steed of the halfling found dead elsewhere in the monastery.. A stone carving room is found, full of partially completed grave markers. Three especially large ones are covered by sheets and when the cleric whisks the sheets away, the central tombstone had his name etched upon it, with a date of death that seems awfully close to now.
With that, the stone animates and beats the cleric to death before being slain by the rest of the group. Talk about your prophecy! The camp follower – er – foreign ambassador Ophelia is distraught by the failure of the cleric to cheat death. Little else of interest is found...
After overnighting and overnighting in the hayloft, a gently spinning pitchfork troubles the group’s grip on reality. After a strategy session they decide to passwall through one of the hose stalls and see what lies beyond.
Beyond consists of a rat room with a half-chewed door, followed by the maggot-ridden corpse pile that the paladin sifts through to find Bela Lugosi’s cloak. Beyond that lies a triangular room, empty save for the smell of the rotting corpses next door.
A secret door is found and this leads to the discovery of Ophelia – a buxom lass – the last surviving member of a party that entered the Monastery in a place that sounds vaguely familiar to the elf…but who trusts elves?
She is smitten by the cleric and fawns all over him while acknowledging the elf as the obvious leader of...
Climbing the stairs, the group investigates a landing that leads to a room from which strange moaning can be heard. After the wizard lobs a large fireball through the door, the ensuing conflagration wipes out the contents of the room, and the mummies lurking therein. More investigation reveals a hall of trophies (severed limbs, mummified heads, suits of armor and battle standards) and another staircase. This one leads to a wizard’s study, complete with magical music box and an armchair of mental relaxation. A door leads to a long unused bedroom and some more plunder is extracted. From here, a final set of stairs leads upward. The last few steps are soot covered and show signs of having been subjected to extreme heat.
Suitably alarmed, the group climbs the narrow stairs…Paladin in front, fo...