When the log rolls over we’ll all be dead!


Dropping into the sewers is accomplished and the group travels towards the metal door. They find it locked and trapped, but Fingers the Second bypasses both obstacles and the group gains access to the large room in which they encountered the rat lords on previous visit. The gnome’s illusionary magic is deployed to screen the party’s advance and Zaal’s rope bypasses the illusionary concealment. Once the group is ready, the wizardly knock opens the door and they burst into the room beyond, surprising some of the occupants.

The quartet of foes is seasoned and recovers quickly from the momentary setback. The battle is pitched and in the end Digin is slain before the defenders are vanquished. The loss of the front line poses a problem for the remaining party members and there is a bit of discussion about when to flee. Now, or after one more door is opened. In the end, ’tis not one more but several doors that are opened. Luckily they reveal only living quarters and not more dangerous occupants. There is a brief discussion from the rear of the party about pressing on, but the front of the party says ‘fuck that noise’ and they retreat. They get creative about dealing with Digin’s corpse – buying a wagon and horses out from under a teamster. They load the doa dwarf on board and make their way across the Rivergate Bridge, hoping that whoever is watching them is not inclined to make a move at this time. The return to the new dwelling is accomplished without apparent mishap and the wagon and horses are abandoned near a tent city that has sprung up outside the southern entrance to the market district. They are bound to be redistributed within hours.

The next few days sees some travel and negotiation with the church, but in the end the battered dwarf is returned to life. The loot and booty is redistributed and they prepare for a return visit to the apartments and the sewers below.

Although there is talk of finding alternate entrances, the group enters the ruins of the apartment building again. The sewers are once again accessed and the metal door is located. It is closed and locked and opening it triggers a magical alarm. The group hastens to the stairs, but pauses once they encounter a smokescreen. They fully expect to see a room full of defenders once the smoke has cleared, but this is not the case. Alarmed, they speed towards the illusionary wall and open the door to the area beyond…

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