Stinky Tubes of Mean People

The intrepid party continues its tour of the sewers, investigating main branches as well as quaint little cesspools along the sides of the main line. They find and slay several more guards, then put one of the survivors to the question and learn what they can about the thieve’s guild’s involvement in the kidnapping and murder of the town’s children.
They surprise some sort of mage by entering through a secret passage and the disturbance allows the guildmaster to flee. Papers and ledger books are seized which include lists of thieves, their contributions and the names of several fences in the area. The city watch will be very intrigued by these memos.
They find and slay a few more guards, including a particularly interesting duo: A bugbear and a doppelganger. That gives them pause for a few moments, but – the dead are dead and there is looting and scooting to undertake.
Further investigations lead to a brief skirmish with an unlikely pair of star-crossed lovers – an elf and her drow paramour. After questioning them and finding a few more tidbits of information, the cleric extracts promises to flee in return for their lives. The duo packs up swiftly and departs post-haste.
There is a moment of discussion – whether to pursue one of the less-used (according to those questioned) branches of the sewer system – or should the group go straight to the city watch with the information that it has. Could that tip their hand, or will it allow the guards to enter and start dismantling the underground network that flourishes in the city?
There is some discussion and a decision is made…

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