Monthly Archives March 2008

Secret doors, secret doors… Nyah-ha-haaa!

With the Basilisk destroyed the group moves on to find an old blind human. (presumably the keeper of the basilisk) He claims the lizard was not a Basilisk. In the next room there is signs of a slaughter. A butcher block with giant sized cleaver sits amongst dismembered humans and elves hanging from meat hooks. Perhaps food for the Basilisk…
Down a hall and into another room where there is a giant snake wrapped around a large stone with a sword halfway through. Max conjures a fire elemental and it kills the snake with a mighty 20 of a blow. Da’Nog pulls the sword from the stone and a secret door is detected by Greenleaf Longbranch.
Through the secret door and into a room where there are four Cyclopses sitting at a table arguing. Da’Nog and Thud attack...

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Bickering to Basilisk

The party bickers over the wisdom of running from the Mage of the middle tower. Reminders of the stone statues enforces the notion to stay away from the wizards lair and it is decided, since the party has come this far, to explore the area they are in. The druid Greenleaf Longbranch voices his disdain for the party exclaiming that all they do is run away from every challenge that comes along. The rest of the party does its best to ignore his constant badgering.

A large cavern is discovered and scrabbling noises are heard within. The party throws in a light coin but naught is revealed. As the intrepid explorers enter the cavern a small troll child crawls into the edges of the light from their coins but is quickly picked up by a large troll arm that melts into the darkness...

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