Where there is a will, there is a dead person.

The Tormites want the group to return to Baytown and oversee a will reading of one of the more infamous folk to die at the hands of the assassins in the sewers. The antiquities dealer has long been rumored to have shady associates and have trafficked in less-than-reputable goods. To expedite travel, one of the church mages opens a teleportation circle and off the group goes.
They arrive and make their way to the site of the reading, a large feasthall on the western bank of the river. The cleric, paladin and plucky elf watch from the balcony while Lad, Bababobo and the Malformed One scan the crowd from the rear of the place.
The executor and guards arrive, carrying sealed chests and once everyone is in position the reading begins. The first few items are gems and jewelry, but as the executor hoists a small wooden box out of the chest, chaos erupts.
The box explodes into a ball of flame and where the will-reader stood, now stands a demon of some sort…maybe a devil…but definitely unfriendly! At the same time, a half-dozen flaming corpses clamber out of floor drains to assault the panicking crowd. The group rallies magnificently, with the elf dropping over the side of the balcony to dispatch a flaming creeper with the mace of undead slaying. At the same time, Lad and the ranger sprint the length of the room on the long tables to engage the flaming threat. While the mage unleashes ice storms and magic missiles the rest of the group pushes forward.
They dispatch the demon, devil, thingy and pursue the flaming bodies back into the grates and into the underground. They emerge into a section of sewer and trail the flaming corpses around a corner where they encounter sewer frog demons and a man-eating fly of epic proportions along with a trio of trident wielding demons – devils – whatever.
The group rallies and mounts a fighting retreat along the sewers and exits into the world above. What the heck is going on in Baytown? The apparent immunity of the extra-planar beings to the paladin’s protections indicates that these creatures are here of their own volition – there must be an abyssal portal somewhere nearby that is allowing access to the area. This must be addressed, and quickly, if the region is to remain relatively safe.

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