Who needs doors when you have a belt of x-ray vision and a staff of passwall?

Post-rope, the party returns to investigating the dormitory of the departed. They check to see if any of the corpses resemble Conrad the Righteous, but no. No Conrad. The elf gives the walls the elven once-over and finds nothing. Firmly convinced that the absence of secret doors can only mean there must be secret doors that are really well hidden, the group invests several hours in pursuit of these nonexistent doors. The elven x-ray vision does reveal that there are spaces beyond these walls, but in the end it is decided that other avenues should be sought before walls are passed by magical means.
More exploration reveals little except a door that opens to the garden – and the dental hygiene ghost – until they meet another trio of were-spiders and slay them. Thus revealing another downward sloping tunnel that the group is loath to travel, despite their insistence that there are areas below the ground level that demand exploration. Perhaps it is the idea of encountering more spiderfolk in a cramped tunnel that deters them.
Tracking back, they find a bowl that begs for alms for the poor. The bowl gets some alms and rewards the travelers with improved lighting, revealing a tunnel that leads back to an area adjacent to the stables and next to an opening from the outside world. More searching is undertaken and the head-scratching turns vigorous.
Well, when you don’t know where you’re going, anywhere is better than where you are and so the discussion begins about which wall to breach next.

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