Digin charges down the hallway and smashes through the door. As he enters the room beyond a volley of poisoned darts whirr past his head like so many incontinent pigeons. He moves onward towards the only other door in the room and almost falls into a 60 foot deep, spike lined pit. Luckily, his flying spell prevents death.
The rest of the group enters and they quickly determine that every square inch of the room is a trap. The floor is just a mass of pit traps, separated by a few inches of stone floor – just enough to house the trap mechanisms. The demon-devil they were pursuing is nowhere to be found and Digin moves to open the door and move on. Alas, as he touches the door, he is petrified and falls 60 feet to the spikes below and shatters into several large chunks. Oh. This is not good...
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