And now for something completely different

As the group prepares for the aforementioned dungeon foray of prisoner rescue and goodness, an aide -de-camp seeks an urgent audience with Lord Baradagrym and his hat of disguises. Attackers are apparently attacking from the skies above the twisted tower. The Lord and his new generals are sorely needed in order to repel the assault!

Sorely vexed at this alteration of plans, the Baradagrym and ‘generals’ move out to the newly extinguished and still burnt-smelling command center. There they espy what appears to be a swarthy woman clad in plate mail, riding a Nightmare and swinging a wicked bastard sword at anyone unlucky enough to be in her path. Accompanying her are a quartet of devilishly beautiful ‘angels’ with eye sockets of flame and wicked recurved bows that shoots bolts of fire into hapless villagers and castle guards alike. While the generals plot for a moment, the ‘angels’ start wrapping up folks with ropes, haul them 40 to 60 feet into the air then drop them on their comrades. Meanwhile, the nightmare lady seems to have landed on the top floor of the tower.

Sensing that unfurling the ‘Mission Accomplished’ banner over the smoldering remnants of the castle may have been a wee bit premature, the group springs into action. Lord Baradagrym turns invisible and starts climbing up the outside of the tower while the rest of the group charges up the interior stairs, Barada earns the bowshots of the angels – but his vest of missile repulsion taken from Mr.Slippers comes in handy and turns the arrows back upon the attackers. Enraged, they come closer and begin to hack at him with swords. Barada hauls himself over the lip of the platform and finds himself face to muzzle with the Nightmare.He hauls himself over the edge and in a move born of desperation, dives into the open trapdoor.

Meanwhile, the group has climbed to the final ladder, just in time to meet Barada as he tumbles through the opening. When Reza tries to climb the ladder, he takes a wicked blow from the invisible woman on the landing. Seeing that the ladder is a short trip to a beheading, the group backtracks, unfurls the carpet and starts the arial battle.
Reza drinks a preemptory potion of flying (just in case the carpet goes down), Dalliance fires up the globe of invulnerability and they’re off. It is a few minutes of frantic maneuvering on the part of the party to try and get Dalliance within range, while the attackers teleport about at will, wreaking havoc and summoning hordes of Lemures to slay and devour as many hapless dalesfolk as possible. As they manuever, the group shoots arrows and slings and hurls darts at any attacker they can find that is within range.

Eventually, Dalliance manages to uncork a good lightning bolt and Barada manages to feather the wounded angel to death with +3 arrows.
The lady on the bad horse attacks unexpectedly and almost finishes off Lubbitch with a single blow with her constitution draining sword. Reza drops the Justicar into the courtyard and nearly spits a villager.
Dalliance tries to feeblemind, disintegrate and magic missile her – all to no avail. The battle continues on for a few more moments and the outcome is looking dicey when Dalliance’s last limited wish apparently succeeds and the lady falls victim to a feeblemind spell.
Within moments she is bore away on the back of her dimension-hopping steed. Sensing that the battle tides have turned, the angels make haste to leave the premises. Huzzah! Lord Baradagrym has done much to restore faith in his rule through his fearless acts of leadership in the skies above the castle as hundreds can attest to having witnessed.

A day later, the group prepares for the aforementioned dungeon foray of prisoner rescue and goodness. This time they manage to descend and proceed towards the cells. there Barada starts unlocking cells and releasing prisoners. Reza, Lubbitch and Humbar move past him along the line of cells. There they encounter the flaming-eyed, armor-clad skeletons – who teleport past them and start charging Barada and Dalliance…who vaporizes the attackers with her undeath to death spell. Another trio pops up and it takes several rounds of concentrated effort on the part of the trio of fighters to dismantle the attackers. Beyond them lie even ore cells – containing the lord’s parents, the ranger in question as well as nobility loyal to the lord of shadowdale. Just as things look rosy, the cry rings out from the hall…”Ambush!”

3 comments to And now for something completely different

  • Dalliance  says:

    Ahh a true cliff hanger for next time. Still have the big slithery thing and then that might be all unless we want to go back under to the Lich’s lair. He might be easier to kill this time now that he has been relieved of most of his magic … on the other hand there is wisdom in live and let be undead. Too bad I am smart instead of wise.

  • CMdaDM  says:

    Oooh and the Drow! Don’t forget the Drow!

  • Dalliance  says:

    How could I forget the Drow? Always there when you don’t need them.

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