Golem golem golem, keep them golems rollin….

Departing Thudheim, the group decides a new path is in order, in order to dodge the Beholdertoll. Venturing along the shining river, the group meanders northward, skirting the edge of Monkey Mountain and the southernmost tip of Lord Stumpy’s domain. Along the way they spot a group of praries skulkers that skulk away when they see the group. A few days later, the party encounters a posse of disgruntled townsfolk who appear to be tracking the skulkers. Information is shared and the posse proceeds in a southerly direction while the group continues north.

Eventually reaching a river ford, signs of the passage of heavily laden wagons is noted by Naima, the nut-brown native from the distant south. What is not seen by Naima, or anyone else until Barada points
them out, is a set of large footprints heading into the badlands. Following the trail, they arrive at a cairn, similar in aspect to the last necromancer lair they had been in, but probably stuffed with golems. Or, so opines Dalliance anyway.

Entering the ‘tomb’ brings the party into contact with a sleeping spice merchant who claims to have been kidnapped by wizards for some nefarious scheme. The group shoves him to the rear of the party and continues adventuring until they come into contact with an iron golem. The golem is lightning bolted, then charged by the melee specialists. It breathes poisonous gas and drops Naima and Reiza. They are eventually restored and the golem is beaten down, but not without inflicting terrible damage on the group. The battered group pauses for a moment to try and heal some damage, when the second golem assaults. The sequence of events is much the same, though this time Lubboch and Reiza succumb to the poison fumes. Barada is beaten near to death, but the danger is finally vanquished.

Then, there is a grinding noise and the shaft of sunlight from outside is suddenly cut off as a large stone plug is used to seal the entrance from above. Dalliance is certain that another iron monstrosity lurks above. The group ponders the next move carefully and with an ear out for the footsteps of an approaching golem….

4 comments to Golem golem golem, keep them golems rollin….

  • CMdaDM  says:


  • Barada  says:

    Head ’em up, move ’em out, Move ’em on, head ’em out
    Head em on… Golemhide..

  • CMdaDM  says:

    Maybe that last line should read…Golem? Hide!

  • Dalliance  says:

    Trapped in the hole like a batch of cooked tubers.

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