Hooray for the Golemsword!

The morning brings with it a blizzard of epic proportions, but by the afternoon, the temperature has spiked well into the 90s. The group takes the time to analyze, propose, repropose, reanalyze and finally abandon all manner of plan. Eventually they cobble together a workable solution and set off on a 18 mile row to the next island. This one is ringed with mountains and statuary appears everywhere. Fearing basilisks or medusae the group proceeds with caution to the main structure on the island, the ruins of the merchant prince’s mansion.
There, they spend hours searching through the ruins.

As a category 5 hurricane starts to make landfall and some of the statuary becomes airborne, they discover a trapdoor that leads below ground. They follow and encounter traps, statuary, undead, and golems, The last encounter is the deadliest, claiming Reza’s life and sorely testing the party. The sword of golem slaying helps to turn the tide as it is passed from hand to bloodied hand buy various battered party fighters. They pause to regain breath and focus…and then they are off again.

One comment to Hooray for the Golemsword!

  • Dalliance  says:

    Dang golems makes Dalliance feel like a zero level character.

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