It might be time to leave when…

After battling the dreaded tombstone golem, the group begins to investigate doors. The doors lead to one of two destinations. The first is a dust filled room with a trapped sarcophagus and a meager haul of coins and gems. The other is a dust filled room with an untrapped sarcophagus with an even more meager yield. There is one brief break from the monotony of ‘search for traps, pick lock, open door, etc’ – that is when Oryndel plummets 60 feet into a spike filled pit. He dies on impact and loses several important magic items to the crushing impact. The party sends down a representative to loot the body and take a tissue sample in case of later resurrection opportunity. Beyond the sarcophagi are long tunnels that go from catacomb to catacomb. Scattered apparently randomly throughout the corridors are strange faces in the walls that project long tentacles and haul the victim into a toothy ‘mouth’ where they are masticated by large stones. Barada is masticated to death in one of these encounters. His rings of spell storing are liberated and the remains are teleported off to Waterdeep along with his Lathander chit..
Undaunted, the group presses on, finding looted rooms and more catacombs. One final door resists opening. The group schemes and unleashes all manner of magic influence to force entry – into a room stuffed full of demons of some sort. The demons attack and the group hastily erects a wall of stone and flees the scene as quickly as possible. As they depart the area in some haste, Ti’karu observes a coach, drawn by nightmares and piloted by a nighthag that heads towards the tower the party just vacated.
Counting themselves fortunate to have avoided the coach and its occupants, they return to Waterdeep to take stock of the situation. There Dalliance identifies the take and decides to pass on resurrecting Oryndel. Her newly found neutrality decides that they need a fighter more than they need Oryndel. Recruiting will begin, as will investigation of a new lead that leads to more monetary gain, but for now the EFK plots in Waterdeep.

3 comments to It might be time to leave when…

  • Dalliance  says:

    Well not that we need a fighter alone made the decision. Look at the track record. Join party, absorb major major magic, destroy major magic, discover more traps by triggering them then finding them (admittedly still useful) and finally let’s not forget the beheading of Feaster. A shot like that? You can’t tell me some some part of him didn’t want to do that!

  • CMdaDM  says:

    Oh come on now…it isn’t like you haven’t wanted to behead Feaster…

  • CMdaDM  says:

    Oh – and on that basis you should never resurrect any of Brad’s characters…lol…

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