Moar Dragons!

Acting on a hot tip from Pearsay, the group is teleported a vast distance to the Troll HIlls. The information given is that a red dragon has been attacking caravans along the dragon coast. Pearsay is less interested in the economic costs, but sees an opportunity for the group to tweak the nose of the noble houses of nearby Amn, whose nobles have raised an army and are pursuing the dragon. The plan is to beat the army to the l;air, collect the choicest loot and depart.
Use of clairvoyance and teleport allows for rapid movement, and after a few days of flying, teleporting, hiking and scouting, the intrepid adventurers are high on a ridgeline, looking down into the vastness of the Giant’s Plain. They see the camped army, and make note of a line of pennants that stretch along the mountainside. The druid uses owl shape to investigate further and it looks like a scouting/tracking party was ambushed on the slopes. Bodies are strewn about, badly burned and rent asunder.
A bit more scouting and a likely cave is located. Clearly others have been here before the group, and there are many footprints in and around the entrance. The wizard spends a couple of days trying to scout the interior and discovers a large number of dead soldiers – presumably an advance group from the army – and a number of strange dragon hybrids. There is a dragontroll and a dragonelf, each ensconced in their own area of the twisting tunnel complex.
Time is running short for the plan to take shape, for the army has sent a large detachment along the pennant lined path and it seems clear they are intent on tracking and attacking the dragon soon. Thus it is that the group teleports into the heart of the mountain and immediately attacks the dragontroll. After a brief battle, the Malchor disintegrates the beast and the victory is assured.
They travel through the twisting tunnels heading towards the elfdragon when they discover a secret door. The secret door leads to a corridor and a door with a riddle. The riddle is solved and the dorr admits them to a library full of strange books and an even stranger dragonman. The conversation starts off politely enough, but all too soon, the situation becomes hostile. Luck is on the party’s side, for the beastman becomes catatonic, and is easily slain by Goldpiece’s sword. The wizards salivate over the huge collection of tomes and there is some logistical mumbling about payloads and how much pace is left in the vault. The plan is to hole up here for a bit, return the treasure trove of books to the party’s lair, then resume the hunt for the big baddy.

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