Out of the water and into the fire!

Exiting the well and water storage area, the group sneaks and peeks around, discovering the odd trap, a storeroom or three and the odd assortment of barracks – most without occupants – but a few rooms hold snoozing guards – who are encouraged to snooze for eternity. The group picks up speed as it moves from area to area. Dalliance summons up a trio of ghasts to take the lead, and they gleefully rend and tear all that venture within range. Stopping only to rescue a badger and a halfling (at the insistence of Mr. Feaster), the group tears around the final corner at high speed. Bursting into a large room filled with Hobgoblins, barbarians and a black plate mail clad individual – Dalliance whips up a Rod of Fury tripled Fireball that roasts all within the room to a fine medium rare. All excepts the plate mail man, but he succumbs to a savage beating from Reiza and the Feaster.

Stopping only to extinguish the fiercest blazes, the party members spring into action, smashing doors and taking stock. They find the missing Thad and are engaged in trying to open a stubborn close door when a woman’s voice begins calling them all manner of vile things from beyond the door…

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