Plootin and scootin to parts more southerly

…and on and on and on. Demons are summoned and promptly imprisoned. The lich? is desperately sought and ideas and suggestions are shouted from party member to member. The druid deploys an obscuring mist and beats feet in retreat, followed by Iko and Elulyn.
At one point the image vanishes and then the actual? lich? appears on the other side of the group’s passwall spell as he webs it shut. An ice bridge is laid and a burning hands spell clears the webs. Goldpiece advances and sees the mage and the yakuza yeti behind prison bars, relaxing in a holding cell. . Thye mage turns out to be an illusion and the yeti is burned to death by a wall of fire placed within the cell by a thoroughly pissed-off Elulyn. The crafty mage reappears and blasts Goldpiece but does not disintegrate him. Woah – that is a serious bummer and with that the lich? breaks contact, steps sideways into a small portal and vanishes.
There are a few seconds of frenzied chatter and the party collects the fallen monk and heads for the hills. Once outside they teleport back to Immersea and beseech the mighty Kormier to raise their fallen comrade. Done and done.

Now what? Hey – remember that island in that sea we saw about 400 years ago? Let’s go there and see if that red dragon is still kicking around, OK! Off they go, teleporting to the shore of the inland sea, then flying to the island. They set up an observation base and suss out the dragon’s feeding schedule. When the beast is gone for a few days they sneak in and plunder all the items they can find worth plundering before teleporting back to the Tormite Mound. Items are divided and Kormier gets some offerings of good faith for his good faith.

Now they look for the next thing to do. Ideas are brought up and rejected. Finally they settle on pursuing a lead about the mysterious bibliophile mage and his adversary Melkerech. But, they need to go across the Sea of Pirates and finding a ship will be tricky. Luckily they have a couple of powerful mages and within days the entire group is holed up outside the city of Cimbar. Malchor and the disguised Goldpiece enter the city and spend several days establishing contacts and trying to get the lay of the land. Some bribery and loose spending gets them what they want – a trip to the pig races, where drug addicted swine careen around a track in pursuit of a giant block of illicit substance.

Eventually they find what they want and head out to the neighboring lands – ruled by human snake hybrids – to follow the trail of their book-loving undead. A mountain range proves no match for the party and soon they are overlooking a jungly region from on high. Scouting trips are undertaken and the remnants of a large city in the jungle is discovered. It is also investigated and after a few days the party finds that there is a large sinkhole with steps carved into its perimeter, so they descend.

As they explore, Goldpiece is attacked by a n octopus brain firing a ‘blaster’ at him as it tries to entangle and subdue him. He rallies and the party slays the beast. Quick exploration puts the party in contact with two more of the creatures – both slain with savage chops and flurries of magic missiles. They pause for a moment, then move towards a closed door to continue the investigation…

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