*poke poke* – ZOT!

After some brief restocking and the addition of an islander illusionist named Ti’karu, the group returns to Shadowdale. The lands are producing well and revenues are up. Still there is much rebuilding to be done, many social institutions to reinforce – so the party doubles down and reinvests in the area. They tour the countryside, dropping in to the village where they lit the first fires of rebellion (and donated large sums of gold – always good for building up local goodwill – and obtains some sketchy information about the recent arrival of the black dragon to the skies of the north.

With much of the party in bird form, the eyes in the skies allow them to avoid many of the more mundane and ultimately unrewarding encounters that could be had in the area. One item of note is the apparent increase in the numbers of the manscorpions roaming the edges of the desert. It seems the Rary’s breeding program has gone awry and sooner or later the bugs may need to be squashed. However, for now the party chooses not to venture along that path and continues along the ridges of the mountains bordering the desert lands.

Eventually they spy a large cleft in the rock much like a sinkhole, and some wagon tracks leading down into the defile. More investigation reveals a large tower (creepily organic and death-motif’d) that rises from the bottom of the ravine. It is in shadow and darkness most of the day, but the patient bird watchers eventually get some direct sunlight to pick out details. One important detail is the dead and partially eaten black dragon that is lying on top of a pile of treasure, surrounded by swarms of unkempt and raggedy-looking humanoids. The birds return to camp.

The next day, the assault is planned and executed. The broom comes in for a closer look…and as it approaches, dark clouds start to build up in the area. Thunderheads begin to form. Undaunted, the party continues with the plan. As Dalliance and Ti’karu fly by, Dalliance spots an odd-looking creature clinging to the inside of the partially ruined tower. SHe lets fly with a fireball, and it fires back a bolt from the dark clouds above, channeling it through a pair of spiky appendages. Alarmed, Dalliance fires back a second fireball from a wand. As the rest of the group converges on the tower by various means, Dalliance disintegrates the offending creature. They land and enter amidst pools of ex-coins now hardening into a shiny crust and drop down into the interior of the tower. It seems the dragon has been here, bashing down interior walls and melting the doors off of a treasure vault,

While the group investigates, they are attacked by a trio of vampire spawn. Ron’j! is hit and loses two life levels, but the rest are driven back by a hastily erected Wall of Fire. An undeath to death discourages lurkers, and catches a couple of sneaky vampires coming in from the rear. IN the next few minutes the group fights and defeats seven more of the vampire spawn before there is a momentary break in the action. To stay or to go is the question now. Stay while the element of surprise is on their side, or flee and return, hoping that a chance to regain magics and heal party members is more important than allowing the occupants to flee or reinforce.

Stay tuned.

One comment to *poke poke* – ZOT!

  • Dalliance  says:

    Hooray for undeath to death.Sending undead to their final resting dust since 10th level.

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