Stake and Bake

The group sweeps into the ruins of the lower floor of the tower and descends into the depths of the pit to investigate the downed dragon heart and the mysterious hatch that appears in the wall at the bottom of the pit. The heart is investigated by a wraithformed Ti’karu and subsequently by Bud the Feaster. The plucky hobbit discovers a body busily reforming in one of the heart’s inner chambers. A few blows from a stake and hammer and the threat is neutralized. Not satisfied with neutralization the group carves a hole in the side of the heart and extracts the vampire-lord’s body and hauls him into the sunlight on the back of Ti’karu’s broom.
Once the fangy threat is fully baked, the group reassembles and investigates what lies beyond the hatch. Passages mostly, but opening the hatch is difficult. Once finally opened, the group investigates the catacombs a bit and finds a dark pit full of whispery rustlings, a deep pit full of spikes (and Ron’j!), a quartet of four armed yeti janitors and a golem made of tombstones,
The latter proves to be very troublesome and resists most attempts to destroy it until the vulnerability seeking skills of Barada reveal the answer to the party. They withdraw to rest and relearn spells, returning on the morrow to slay the golem with a well-placed flesh to stone spell. The question arises…’now what?’. Stay and plunder that which might still be plunderable or seek other plunderables elsewhere?

One comment to Stake and Bake

  • Dalliance  says:

    The answer remains the same. We are here now, let us plunder that which is close at hand.

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